• Published 9th Jul 2015
  • 1,954 Views, 106 Comments

Their Variables - Meta Four

A collection of short one-shots about alternate universes and "What if?" scenarios.

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I Am the Night ... Glider [Original Flavor]

“So how do you feel, Starlight?”

“Completely drained,” Starlight Glimmer replied. “Like I can barely manage even a simple telekinesis spell.”

Twilight Sparkle beamed back at her. “Great! That’s how you know you got a good workout.”

“If you say so …”

“Just be sure to get plenty of rest tonight.” Twilight yawned. “So, same time tomorrow?”

“Sounds great.”

The front door of Princess Twilight’s castle closed as Starlight Glimmer trotted away, into Ponyville.

Night had fallen, and patches of clouds sailed overhead. Every few minutes, one of these patches would obscure the moon, leaving only the street lamps and occasional porch light to push back the darkness in Ponyville. Deep in thought, Starlight trotted on.

As the moon disappeared behind a cloud, Starlight contemplated the mare whose silhouette had graced that great white circle until last year. Allegedly, the Mare in the Moon was one and the same as that new princess, Luna. It seemed too fantastic to be true, but everyone in Ponyville, even Twilight Sparkle, vouched for it. If even Nightmare Moon, the most frightening monster of ponykind’s subconscious, could find redemption, then perhaps—

A piece of the night sky fell and landed in the street.

“Aaah!” Starlight leaped back a few feet, then the object grew. No. Rather, it stood up. This was a pegasus mare, her coat a midnight blue, her mane cloudy-white. She rose to her full height, and her eyes met Starlight Glimmer’s.

Starlight sighed, relief written across her face. “Oh, Night Glider. You startled me.”

Night Glider’s glare did not soften one bit. “Good.

The pegasus darted to the side. Starlight had enough time for fear to jab its icy claws into her stomach—but not enough time to react—before Night Glider rammed into her torso. For a brief moment, Starlight felt herself flying sideways, then the ground knocked her breath away. She was lying in a dark alley, gasping for air.

Night Glider landed a few feet away. “Did you really think it would be that simple, Starlight?” she said. “That you could just turn around and say you’re sorry—and that would make everything alright?”

Starlight scrambled to her hooves; she wobbled slightly, but remained upright. “Night Glider? What are you going on about?”

Forgiveness.” Night Glider snorted. “It’s a beautiful idea, really. But just a dream. Some ponies don’t deserve to be forgiven.”

“Get back!” Starlight lowered her head, pointing her horn directly at the pegasus. “I don’t know what’s gotten into you, Night Glider, but I’ll blast you if you come any closer!”

“No, you won’t. You’re exhausted.” Night Glider darted past Starlight, clipping a hoof against the tip of Starlight’s horn as she went. The unicorn cringed, and Night Glider added, “You can barely manage a simple telekinesis spell, remember?”

Starlight spun away from her accuser and ran for the end of the alley. Night Glider flew past her again, her motion nearly imperceptible in the shadows, and stuck one hoof out. Starlight tripped, skidding about a foot in the dirt. When she regained her hooves, Night Glider was standing between her and the alley’s end.

“You browbeat us,” she said. “Brainwashed us for years.”

Starlight turned and ran the other way. There was another dark blur, then Night Glider was blocking that exit.

“You cut us off from our special talents, while you filled our heads with lies.”

Starlight spun again, but this time she tripped on her own hooves. When she hit the ground, she made no effort to rise, instead curling into the fetal position.

Slowly, Night Glider walked towards her, each step grinding the dirt of the alley. For the first time, she raised her voice as she said, “And now you think you can live a normal, happy life? Without paying for your crimes?

What do you want from me?” Starlight shook, her tears staining the dirt below her head.

“I want those five years of my life back!” Night Glider leaped as she shouted, and then hung in the air, flying towards Starlight. “But that’s impossible, isn’t it? So I’ll just have to take something from you instead.”

Night Glider hovered directly over Starlight and pointed one foreleg straight down. “This is for me, and Double Diamond and Sugar Belle and Party Favor …” She sank in the air, inching closer and closer to the terrified unicorn. Starlight could only stare up, transfixed on her doom. “… and everypony else in our town!”

Night Glider’s hoof touched Starlight Glimmer’s nose. Then it pressed hard enough to smoosh Starlight’s muzzle a bit—a mildly uncomfortable sensation, but by no means painful.

“Boop! Hahaha!” Night Glider withdrew her hoof, then waved it at Starlight, as if she held something. “Haha, I stole your nose!”

Starlight could only gape at her tormentor.

“Hahahahaha, revenge is mine!” Night Glider flew up and away, disappearing into the dark sky above. Her maniacal laughter echoed in Starlight’s ears.

As the moon emerged from behind the cloud, illuminating the alley, Starlight stared, cross-eyed, at her own snout. She gingerly placed a hoof on the tip of her nose.


Author's Note:

Big thanks to KuroiTsubasaTenshi for pre-reading.