• Member Since 28th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen May 19th


Writer, Editor, and Shipper of Good Ships. Your typical cotton candy haired lesbian. Yes, I have pronouns. No, you can't have them.


Roseluck takes the disasters that occur in Ponyville like her friends, Daisy and Lily: with loud, unnecessary dramatics, and there's fainting every so often. As long as they're all together, she's content with her life.

Then they go missing, and loneliness is quick to follow. How could she possibly know where they are, and if they're alright?

The answer isn't in the Elements of Harmony, but rather a sweet mare and her mysterious friend. And despite her awkward and panicked demeanor, Roseluck will go to great lengths to save those who mean the world to her.

A Doctor Who crossover. Needed knowledge on the show is minimal besides the basics and some details for a decent read.

Proofread by: Lucky Seven. Can't thank you enough for your help!

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 41 )

Well, after she made her bed, brushed her hair and teeth, watered her tulips on the window sill, organized her pantry, cleaned her bookshelf, and brushed her hair again.

I'm still convinced that she's Rapunzel :P

Interesting beginning, I'm hooked. One must wonder, where have the other two Flower Trio gone...? Have they been taken? "Oh, the horror!":pinkiegasp:

It would be helpful for potential readers to know exactly what crossover is happening in this story by telling them in the description. :trixieshiftleft:

7131307 Oh, you.

7131315 Thank you. Hopefully it will continue to interest you.

7132344 I hope I don't come across as rude, but I've seen plenty of stories that don't put the exact crossover in the description. Because I feel like people can figure it out just fine. To be frank, with the Doctor Hooves tag, as well as it now being in the Doctor Hooves group, I feel like those speak for themselves.

EDIT: After others bringing it up, it's now in the description.

7132459 If this chapter is any indication of it's quality then yeah it will.

Alright, I was waiting for this! Another great chapter. I really felt for Roseluck here and glad to see Derpy/Muffins in this part.

Looking good! I hope to read more of this soon!

7149583 Great to hear! Next chapter's coming tomorrow, so I hope you enjoy.

Finally! I was waiting for him to appear. And now he has! Keep it up! Also, did you know the new companion for Series 10 has been revealed to be Pearl Mackie playing the character of Bill?

7153128 I will say upfront that I do not watch the newer seasons as much. It was a little after season five I lost interest. I'm not a huge fan of them (I won't get into why here, because I'm afraid I'll go into a long-ass rant that no one wants). I checked out the sneak peak, though, and I actually do like the first impression Bill gives.

7153604 Haven't gotten around to seeing it yet, but I will as I always love to see a new companion or preview for a upcoming series. I think it's safe to say she'll be with the next Doctor as well if Peter leaves. On that note, what are your thoughts on who'd you like to play the 13th Doctor?

7153614 Hmm, I don't really have any ideas as to who would be a good one. I know people have some options, but I myself just sort of watch it happen rather than make up headcanons for the next one.

7153655 Okay, I understand. Personally, I'd like to see Idris Elba but if the rumors about him are true about him being the next Bond he might have his hands full for a while. Of course, we could get a female Doctor as we now know Time Lords can change gender thanks to Missy/The Master. Who's to say? We'll just have to wait and see.

Dunno why you haven't got good ratings on this story, it's brilliant and you have lots of followers.:rainbowhuh: Oh well, I suppose not every story can be famous as some. (Shrugs) Still, you got some people reading so that's good right?:pinkiesmile:

Alright, another chapter! So Derpy/Muffins has been captured and the Doctor's fury's been unleashed. Oh boy, whoever did this probably should just save themselves the trouble and run for it... Not that would help them for very long. Just ask the Daleks what a angry Doctor is like.

7176831 Not even that, ask the Family of Blood, for god's sake.


He's staring right through my soul, ahh!

7176841 Oh yeah, forgot about them. On a unrelated note, I still am embarressed to say that although this has gotten less views your chapters are often higher quality then my story.:twilightsheepish:

Poor Roseluck... Something tells me though as she's the main character she'll be more useful then she thinks she is. Great part, and also loved the Pied Piper reference. Very apprioate for this.

Great chapter, and loved the bonding between the Doctor and Roseluck.

Yep, for the Doctor magic can really suck. Glad we finally get to meet the villain here.

A Doctor Who crossover.

So... This does not have anything to do with Alice in Wonderland?

7210761 No mad hatters or madder queens here, I'm afraid. :)

Roseluck thought about it for a moment then added, “

what did she add?

7228426 Aww poo! I always do that and I'm gonna scream cause I don't have my computer to edit it in (editing on phones? The thought is aggrivating alone!). Thanks for noting it, however, and when I can, i'll fix that right up.

Wow, what a conclusion! I was surprised to see Lily and Daisy show up to help take down Soothing Tunes. Why do I have the feeling Muffins and Whooves are about to invite Roseluck as a companion?

7306799 About time, right?! Probably worth it, cause this chapter was a bit of a mess before Seven got to it.

7306946 Is that bad surprise? Just checking, cause I figured they'd be quick to find and protect Roseluck as soon as the curse was lifted. And keep that feeling in your pocket for a while. :ajsmug:

7308297 No, it's actually a good surprise!:twilightsmile: Hey, a bit off topic here but did you know I finished up on writing my Doctor Who crossover at the end of May and am now working on a mini-sequel?:rainbowdetermined2:

7308325 Awesome! After this story, I'd like to work on a sequel for this, as well. If I ever get to it. :rainbowlaugh:

7308330 Go for it!:rainbowdetermined2: Go big, go bold, make the stakes higher! That's what sequels are often like, right?:twilightsmile: My sequel, isn't quite like that but it's meant to be self contained anyway...:twilightsheepish:

I can finally put complete on this! Ohh, bless! It feels so good to have something completed! And I do apologize for the lack of updates recently. My computer was out of commission for about three weeks (not going back to the shitty service who tried to fix it ever again!), then work and real life got in the way and distracted me from finishing it. Eventually, I simply lost my patience and decided to go into this without having Seventh edit this for me. I'm sure he won't mind, and I don't either, as long as there's no glaring errors.

Now that it's over, please let me know what you think overall! It's my first published story that isn't a one-shot in quite a while, and I'm really happy with the turnout, but do love comments. Also, I feel like the ending was difficult to write, because I wasn't sure of the very last words, so if there's any problems with that, let me know! Or just anything!

Have a wonderful remaining summer! I do have plans for more of these stories, but not sure when I'll get to them. I can't promise anything.

Say it ain't so!

I will not go.
Turn the lights off.
Carry me home.


7369134 But I can't carry you home. I have noodle arms! :raritydespair: Oh, this just won't work!

7369136 But how shall I ever return home then? *cries deeply*

7369139 You have no choice but to use... Uber!


And so the adventures continue for the Doctor and Miss Luck. There's a quote from Tennant's Doctor that works herea longside this musical piece:

Think you've seen it all? Think again. Outside those doors, we might see anything. We could find new worlds, terrifying monsters, impossible things. And if you come with me... nothing will ever be the same again!"

Anyways, nice story Missy! This had to be one of the better Doctor Who crossovers I've read that is a stand alone fic instead of a series, unlike most.:twilightsmile: For the record, if it's okay with you can I do a review of this story sometime in a blog post? (On a unrelated note, I myself am about to finish my current Doctor Who crossover!):yay:

7369143 At what level do you unlock that? I'm currently a lvl 10 faggotron class.

7369145 By all means, go ahead with the review. But be sure to let me know when it's up and grab a link for me. I'd love to read it!

7369149 You're heading there. You need to reach a level 20 tumblrbitch class. I'll be praying for you by then, Mr. Words!

7369167 It might be a bit, as there's another fic I have to get around to reviewing as well so just want to warn you ahead of time.

Congratulations on finally finishing this! It's always good to have something all done with, especially the way you wanted.

Overall I found the story good. Rose was consistent throughout except when she had to face her fears. The action was well told and the villian suitably menacing. Weakest part was the initial conceit, that that many ponies could go missing without more panic or fear. After all Ponyville is a small town so everyone knows everyone.

Overall I liked this story and am glad I read it. It's also criminally underrated and should have far, far more likes than it does now.

Anyway, best of luck with your next creative endeavour!

7369786 Thank you for your thoughts, and even the criticism. :pinkiehappy: You're totally right on the lack of ponies freaking out. Not only because it's a small town, but because it's Ponyville, the town filled with ponies known to overreact. If I write something like that again, I'll keep that in mind!

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