• Published 25th May 2012
  • 27,122 Views, 2,387 Comments

Of Challenges and Kisses - RavensDagger

Featherweight tries to kiss Scootaloo, stuff happens.

  • ...

Birds, Bees and Surprises

Clouds of pain and confusion swirled around Featherweight’s vision as muffled, distant sounds popped and hissed around his head.

“Featherweight, are you okay?” asked a pure and angelic voice from above. He managed a feeble grunt in response, earning him a stab of pain along his left side.

“Ah, he’ll be fine,” said another voice, this one gruffer and older. “Took tumbles ten times worse than that in my hayday.” A hoof stabbed at his shoulder. “Get up kid!”

For the span of a few seconds everypony was quiet. Only the wind spoke as it caressed the grass softly, whispering between the blades with the mounting wind before spreading a cold blanket over them all.

“Maybe we should get him to the hospital?” asked the first voice, a small tremble of worry running beneath her sweet words. “C’mon, Feathers, get up!” she practically begged.

Cracking an eye open, he endured the pain of the sun’s bright rays to stare into an orangey-red face. “Scootaloo?” he asked in a dry croak.

“Nnope.” That was definitely not Scootaloo.

“Hey, Big Mac,“ said the brasher of the two voices. “Maybe you should perform CPR or something?”

Featherweight’s eyes popped open as he swung himself into a seated position. “I’m good! I’m alright!” Wide-eyed, he looked around him. His side was pressed against the great oak where bark had been recently torn off and fresh, strong-smelling sap was oozing out.

Scootaloo was sitting a few hoofsteps away, looking a little worse for wear, while Rainbow Dash sat beside her, casting furtive glances towards both Featherwright and the pegasus filly. “You sure you’re okay, kid?” asked the rainbow-maned mare, as she ruffled her feathers lightly, splaying them out above her as they caught the warm, midday sun.

Featherweight squirmed around on the spot, aches and pains burning through his sore sides. Gingerly, he touched his ribs, wincing under his breath as a searing-hot pain spiked into his chest. Oh, Celestia, everything hurts, he thought to himself, before he turned and caught Scootaloo’s worried stare. “Yeah, I think I’ll be fine.”

“That’s right!” said Rainbow Dash, thumping him on the shoulder, sending another wave of excruciating pain through him. “Suck it up!”

With gritted teeth Featherweight glared at the mare. “Right, suck it up...” He shook his head, slowly feeling the pain leave his body. “So, what happened?” he asked, looking around him. The four of them were protected under the shade of the great oak, long thin shadows moving as the wind played amongst the leaves.

Scootaloo broke eye contact, looking away as her face reddened. “We-we sorta lost control. Sorry... I shouldn’t have made us go faster... Are you okay?” Tears hung on the edges of her eyes as she looked at him, face torn into a half-pout.

Featherweight stood upright, rearing up as he flexed his limbs in every direction. “I’m fine! Fine, you see?! No pain and everything’s nice!” he yelled through the cramps and stabbing pain.

“See, kid, he’s fine, now stop worrying... sheesh.” Rainbow Dash nudged Scootaloo’s shoulder in a friendly matter, earning herself a small smile from the her admirer. Rainbow Dash smiled back as she stretched, yawning loudly while her joints popped. “You two woke me up,” she whined, eyes alighting on a pillow that hung on a branch overhead. “Oh well, guess that was enough sleeping for today.”

“You were sleeping here?” blurted out Featherweight.

“Yeah, then I fell on you. Thanks for breaking the fall, kid. So... you two were trying to fly?” One of her eyebrows rose inquisitively.

Immediately Scootaloo’s blush deepened. “Well, sorta. I mean, Feathers was teaching me how and, well, things got out of hoof.”

The older pegasus laughed, clutching at the side of her chest as she tumbled back, rolling on the grass while kicking out with her hind legs. “And, and you crashed into a tree!” she squealed, wiping a tear from her eye. “Ahhh, don’t sweat it, kid. Happened to me too!” She righted herself, still snorting uncontrollably under the less-than-impressed glares of the other three ponies. “Hey, how about I show you how to fly?”

Scootaloo’s eyes became as wide as saucers, any thoughts of humiliation immediately banished from her mind as her hero smiled down at her. She began hopping on the spot, her entire face stretched into a massive grin. “Really!?

Featherweight strained to maintain his false smile. Dang it, I wanted to teach her!

Rainbow Dash looked up, her red eyes reflecting the deep blue sky. “No clouds, no work, plenty of time,” she said as a warm smile crossed her lips. “Sure, I’ll show you a thing or two.”

Scootaloo giggled gleefully as she pranced on the spot, earning her a few odd stares. “You okay, kid?” Rainbow Dash leaned forward, placing a hoof on the filly’s forehead. “Whoa, you’re hot!”

Yeah, she is, thought Featherweight as he watched the filly bounce up and down with a huge grin. “I’m fine. Can we go now? Can we?”

Rainbow Dash waved her concerns away. “Sure thing. You coming too, Feathers?”

One of the colt’s hooves absently strayed to his aching sides. “Hmm? No, I think I’ll sit this one out. You two have fun!”

“Oh, we will!” said Scootaloo as her wings beat nervously.

Rainbow Dash waved goodbye as she took off. Her downdraft battered him violently as she streaked upwards, a spectrum of light following her until she arced around in a tight loop, swooping by Scootaloo’s side. “C’mon!”

“Alright!” the filly cried back. “See you tomorrow. Featherweight!”

The colt watched, heart falling as the pegasus of his dreams galloped after her soaring hero. Scootaloo flapped her wings giddily as she looked up to the skillful flyer that was her idol while a single cloud passed overhead, obscuring her in its shadow. The moment they were out of hearing range, he gasped, clutching at his burning sides as tears welled up, some dripping down onto a tree root with a quiet splash, breaking up on impact to arc into the air.

“Y’alright?” asked a thick, smooth voice from Featherweight's side. Gasping in surprise, Featherweight stared at Big Macintosh’s huge form. The large earth pony had one eyebrow cocked and his head slanted to one side as he stared straight into the little colt's eyes.

“I-I’m fine.”

“Nnnope,” answered the stallion, shaking his head. “Let me see,” he ordered, one of his gentle hooves rising and lightly touching Featherweight’s ribs.

“Ah!” he gasped before the hoof pulled back. Slowly, the red hoof pressed against his side, running along his rib cage.

“Nothin’ broken, you’ll be fine.”

Featherweight gulped, relief plastered over his face. “Thanks... I guess.”

“No problem.” Big Macintosh looked away away from him and towards the two mares that were but tiny shapes in the distance.

Featherweight followed his gaze. He began to shift his weight from hoof to hoof. “Mister Macintosh?”


“Do you understand mares?”


“Oh.” The colt looked down towards the ground apprehensively. “So, you don't have any experience with them?”

“Er--” Big Macintosh said, the red of his face deepening before he turned away and began trotting towards his nearby cart.

Featherweight followed him, gliding alongside the big earth pony. “Anything, anything at all?” he pleaded, eyes wide and begging.

“Er-- you should ask yer father...”

“C’mon, Mister Macintosh! Please, the only advice I ever got was from my friends, and it wasn’t all that good. I really need your help.” Featherweight glided away, looking towards the dry, crackling ground that made up the pathway towards Ponyville. “Please?”

The huge earth pony sighed, clicking his yoke onto the main bar of the cart. “Fine. Mares are like flowers. You need to treat them nicely, because they are incredibly delicate. You need to feed them and care for them and make sure they shine in the midday sun. And when they’re rea...”

What in the hay is he talking about? Featherweight asked himself as he canted his head to one side.

“Are you listenin’?” asked Big Macintosh.

“What are you talking about? I just wanted some advice, not gardening techniques. What was that supposed to mean?”

“Er-- the birds and the bees?”

“Birds and bees?” Featherweight scrunched his face in thought before opening his eyes wide in surprise. “Wait, were you talking about...”

Big Macintosh squirmed under the weight of his yoke. “Eeyup?” he said uncertainly, scratching the back of his head.

“But... I mean... Ew!” The colt shook his head in disgust, sticking his tongue out as he grimaced. “I just wanted dating advice!”

Big Macintosh gulped, his coat’s colour deepening around his face. “Eeyup... I’ve got, um, an apple field to plow,” he said as he began to gallop away, his cart bobbing and bouncing along behind him.

Featherweight coughed as clouds of dust covered him entirely, blanketing him while he waved his forehoof in a vain attempt to breathe. Running forward, the still-coughing colt galloped out of the cloud to stand on the edge of the road, alone, the hot sun beaming down at him.

Well, that was weird, he thought, the sounds of the cart starting to become distant. Now what? Scootaloo is gone. Big Mac is gone... Guess I’ll work on the project, he sighed. Maybe I can impress Scootaloo?

Trudging ahead, Featherweight started to make his way home. The quiet wind and the happy buzzing of bugs were the only companions as he walked towards the Carousel Boutique, traveling along the well trodden path that snaked into the town.

That area of the town was quiet and oddly devoid of life. The only ponies in sight were those milling outside or eating their lunch at one of Ponyville’s few restaurants, while sounds of a filly crying and foals playing and laughing filled the air.

A filly crying?

Hooves scraped across the rough roadway as the colt stopped dead in his tracks. His ears perked up, listening, paying deep attention to the sound.

Sobs, accompanied by the both familiar and cruel sound of bullies laughing. Keep going, it has nothing to do with you. Featherweight took another step forward.

“Stupid, nopony’s ever going to love you!”

Maybe just a peek?

Turning, Featherweight looked towards the source of the muffled sound. A large bush was growing, part of it leaning against the carousel-shaped store. Its leaves glowed with the sun’s glare as more laughter emanated from behind it.

Tip-hoofing forward, he edged his way around the bush, slowly poking his head around it. Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara were standing beside each other, both wearing large and sly grins while their eyes stared down at a shivering white form.

“You’re, like, such an idiot!”

“Nopony likes you!”

Diamond Tiara stepped forward, poking a hoof against the sobbing filly on its white flank. “Look at that ugly blank flank! I’m sure you would have your cutie mark by now if your sister didn't suck up all the talent.”

“Doesn’t she ever get tired of having you around?” asked Silver Spoon, who blew a raspberry at the white filly.

Their target lifted its head up, revealing a purple-and-pink mane that encircled a tear-stained face. Sweetie Belle? Featherweight got up and took another step forward, his hoofsteps silently brushing the green grass.

“Please, please stop,” pleaded the filly while she sniffled and wiped her running nose with a forehoof.

“Not so strong without your friends around, huh?” Diamond Tiara stepped forward, hitting the ground with a small thump that sent up a cloud of dust. Sweetie Belle flinched away, her eyes desperately seeking a means of escape, when suddenly, they locked with his.

“You’re the ugliest--” Diamond stopped her cruel rant as Featherweight walked around the bush, hoofsteps heavy as he stared into the pink filly’s eyes, a look of pure loathing on his face.

Running forward, Featherweight placed himself in between Sweetie Belle and her aggressors. “Are you okay?” he whispered under his breath, a tone of clear and honest concern in his soft voice.

Sweetie Belle nodded, turning her face away from him.

Diamond Tiara giggled aloud. “What are you doing here, dummy? We wer--”

“Shut up.” Featherweight pointed at her face with a forehoof, his eyes blazing as he huffed angrily. “What the hay do you think you’re doing? Huh? Bullying somepony like that! Don’t you have any shame!” he barked, his voice deepening as he advanced. “Get out of here.”

Both Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara stared at him, eyes wide while they backpedaled a few steps. “Y-you can’t tell us what to d--”

“I said, leave.” repeated Featherweight, his voice full of venom.

“Do you know who my daddy is?”

The lone colt took a deep breath of air, exhaling it slowly out of his nose. “I know who he is. And I am positive that he will love hearing about what you have been doing here. I’m not in a very good mood today, so how about you leave, and nothing bad happens?”

“C-c’mon, Silver, let-let’s get out of here,” said Diamond Tiara while she pulled her friend along with her.

Silver Spoon stared at him one last time before turning around and galloping away.

A few seconds went by, filled only by the chirping of uncaring birds and Sweetie Belle’s small sniffles. “Thanks,” she finally said, encouraging him to turn around.

Featherweight scratched the back of his head. “It was nothing, really. I was just having a bad day, and I heard you...” he trailed off, looking away.

Sweetie Belle wiped her eyes again, staining her coat with tears, a small smile appearing on her lips. “Well, thanks, that was really brave.” She took a few shaky steps forward before Featherweight rushed to her side, supporting her. “I’m fine, just... yeah.”

“Do you want me to bring you home? It’s not that far.”

The filly’s face became a deep shade of red. “Um, sure? Thanks.”

Both of them walked side by side, Featherweight occasionally placing his wing on her back to stabilize her while they made their way around the store, her laboured breathing tickling his ear. Featherweight began to blush as well when he became aware of her body’s heat against his sides. Arriving at the door, he coughed, dispelling his blush. “Okay, here we are. can you manage?” he asked while she stood on the threshold. One of her hooves rose up and clicked the door open.

“Yeah, I can manage,” Sweetie Belle replied as she turned around, standing back towards the entrance. “So, um... thank you?” Sweetie Belle bit her lower lip as she drew circles on the ground with a forehoof.

Featherweight scratched the back of his head. “Hey, it was no problem, really, I’m hap--” The colt froze as Sweetie Belle leaned forward, invading his personal space. “Um, Sweetie Belle, what are y--”

His entire face pulled back and his eyes widened in pure shock as the filly plugged her lips onto his own, hitting them with a little smack while he mumbled incoherently below them.

As quickly as it started, it ended. Sweetie Belle pulled away, a huge grin and a deep blush on her face as she took a step back. “See you in school tomorrow?” she mumbled before taking a step back and into the house.

Featherweight stared at her, mouth agape, while his mind tried to find an answer. Before he could, the door handle was covered in a light glow. “Okay, thanks, bye.”

The door shut with a bang.

What the hay just happened?

I finished this a week ago, haha!

Edited by:

Arcainum, that sexy bastard.

N, he’s cool too.

Proofread by:

Frederick the Saiyan

Cpl Hooves