• Member Since 25th Feb, 2013
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Titanium Dragon

TD writes and reviews pony fanfiction, and has a serious RariJack addiction. Send help and/or ponies.


Jonagold Apple made his family swear on their hats that they wouldn't come to see him, not in the state he is in after the accident.

But Granny Smith isn't about to let her only son die alone in the hospital.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 62 )

From the title, I was expecting "My mother is a fish."

Is that a As I Lay Dying reference I spy?

I haven't read that book since high school.

Certainly very sad. Nice use of humour; might as well smile at death, as there's not a whole lot else for it. Good drama without tipping into melodrama. Fine story, worth the Like.

Thanks! There are tons of melodramatic stories about the deaths of Applejack's parents, so I thought I'd go with something a bit different, and (hopefully?) more realistic, given the characters involved.

I'm glad you liked it.

Short simple refined piece of work.

Good job.

It is. It's a five-word chapter.

Thanks! I'm glad you liked it. This was originally a 750 word minific; even as-is, Microsoft Word tells me that there are only 956 words in this story. But FIMFiction thought there were over a thousand, so... here we are.

Tried to keep it short and punchy.

I remember that.

Of course, "My mother is a fish." would fall about 995 words short of the minimum story length on FIMFiction. :moustache:

Then you could always go The Shining route and just copy paste it 200 times. :trollestia:

I somehow doubt that would pass moderation.

Clearly I'd have to change it to "My mother is a seapony." :trollestia:

Hmm . . . not sure why this is showing up twice in my feed, but I'm going to take it as a sign from some higher place that I need to read this.

Clearly the ritual sacrifices to Knighty out in the woods finally paid off! :pinkiecrazy:

More seriously, I hope you find it interesting. :twilightsmile:

Heavens! Leave some Featured Box for the rest of us you lunatic!

In all seriousness, this is how you do a sad story. Sadness, not angst. Mishap, not authorial fiat. Simplicity, not overwrought and overwritten prose.

In short:

Your story is great and you should feel great. :twilightsmile:

Oh. A really well written sad fic. Not overly dramatic, not 'Rite into DA FEEEEELZ' but gentle telling a tragic story. Like it.

I think i know where this story is going...
*sighs deeply*
Lemme just prep up my feels for this :trixieshiftleft:

Is your story's title a reference to this awesome band?

You're always so nice to my stories. :fluttercry:

Thank you for reading!

Alas, it has already fallen out of the featured story box. Clearly my weekly sacrifice to Knighty (6214741) wasn't good enough. :pinkiesad2:

Thanks! I tried to show a sort of different take of a character dealing with the death of a loved one than the all-too-common melodrama, and someone dealing with death themselves.

It is actually a reference to the book by William Faulkner.


I'll have to listen to that song now, though.

6216321 Want to hear a funny fact? The band got their name from that book.

It is a pretty famous book! It was actually part of my high school curriculum.

The story itself doesn't have anything to do with it really, though.

6216346 I wouldn't know. I never read the book haha.

It is weird; every chapter is told from the point of view of a different member of a very dysfunctional family.

I can't help it. You just keep writing really nice stories I like. :twilightsmile:

Aww fuck... that was a good tear jerker. All that procrastination before reading this did little to cushion me from the feels.

Short and simple, just the way it should be. :moustache:


All that procrastination before reading this did little to cushion me from the feels.

I know the feel of procrastinating on reading a story that you know is going to give you feels.

I'm glad you finally decided to read it and it worked for you. Thank you for reading. :twilightsmile:

I remember reading this during the writeoff and thinking how simple and sharp it was. Excellent job. :twilightsmile:

Thank you! Always nice to hear a story is well-remembered. :twilightsmile:

6256545 hopefully much like Jonagold himself :ajsmug:

Damn, you just had to sneak that into the ending there didn't you. That hurt man. Good job, but damn.

"Well, I ain’t gonna stand for it. Nor sit for it neither.” that's SOO Granny Smith
"Oh, he’ll be apologizin’ all winter" that's right poetic there
that was sad, truly and thoroughly so. I'm glad Jonagold and Valencia ultimately died together, not one outliving the other. It's very touching how Granny doesn't tell him that and he can die in peace.
good tale, now I imagine that none of the kids used to wear hats and Applejack took her daddy's after his passing

That was very good... since the mention of the kids I was wondering why it only was their dad dying here. Turned out it was because his wife was already dead. Crisp and to the point with a great Granny Smith.

I'm glad you liked it. :twilightsmile:

She ain't in no condition to come see you.

Ow, my heart.

This is one of your older fics and I know I faved it awhile back, but I was just rereading it tonight. I know it's not the same thing, but I was there when we had to put our dog down last month, and all I can is damn, but you nailed the feeling of being there as someone you love dies. It's not melodramatic, it just happens.

Good fic. Very good fic.

Thank you. That was precisely what I was aiming for.

I'm sorry you had to experience something similar first-hand. :ajsleepy:

Author Interviewer

Ahh, my heart. D:

Just what I was aiming for. :heart:

Ironically, the original:

"As I lay dying, the woman with the dog's eyes would not close my eyes as I descended into Hades."

Wow, the character voicing was spot on.

Thanks! I'm glad you thought I got them down right. I really do try and focus on character voicing, so I'm glad to hear it paid off for you.

I see I'm not the only one who read that. :raritywink:

Great work. My dad's family is from the country, and we had to bury a few of them over the winter. The attitude Granny displays seems almost callous, but it's spot-on, and her feelings come through.

Thanks! That's what I was aiming for, so I'm glad it worked for you. Everyone handles death differently, and there are some pretty big cultural differences about it, even within the same country.

Hi there.

I hope you don't mind, but my friends and I liked this story so much, we've adapted it into an audio drama on YouTube.

Of course not! I'm always honored to have someone do a reading of my stories, let alone someone as awesome at it as you and your buddies are. The voices are great, and I love your reading voice.

Thank you so much!

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