• Member Since 11th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


Sea Otter, Tempest domain Cleric, Gamer, Writer. Currently nestled out on the east coast, watching icebergs float past. Discord: Tundara's Fanfiction Forum


Anthology collection of stories from throughout the history of Ioka taking place before, during, and after Myths and Birthrights.

Focuses include vignettes about the Muses, shorts set during various important periods of history such as the end of the Pre-Classical period, the formation of Equestria, and the years surrounding the War of the Sun and Moon.

Chapters (21)
Comments ( 200 )

Hmm . . . maybe I should pick up reading this story again after you put in the edits. One day I shall do so, but today is not that day. Being sick sucks. :pinkiesick:

Ah, the Apple and the Fox. One of my favorite shorts.


If Rarity is the alicorn of beauty, what type is she (intangible probably) a what does her domain do? Looks like she is candidate on the worst domain ever. (On Ioka)

Well, great stories like always. Hopefully your muse won't dry up and in future I and other pre-rewrite readers will know what will happen when Hades and his charge finally arrive at Canterlot.

Keep up the good work!


Rarity is an intangible and inspires, or otherwise can affect, beauty of all sorts.

I just wish I was going a bit faster with the rewrites. If one follows the saying, 'measure twice, cut once', I'm closer to measuring a dozen times before starting a cut. I have plans for Book Two, which is the Zebrica stuff, for it to be the bulk of the second book. There is a chapter I wrote before the rewrites began that I'm holding to being close of this second book. I shared it some time ago with pre-readers and editors. So, I know where everything is headed. But the details, ah, the details.


Thanks! I'm glad so many people have enjoyed the shorts. I have a follow up to the Apple and the Fox, but it is a half-completed, shambling state with large chunks missing. :ajsleepy:


I hope you feel better! Being sick is terrible. Obviously. :pinkiesick: I'm not sure when the rewrite will be 'done'. I was doing some work on the epilogue for Book One last night, and I have the remaining chapters plotted out in detail, but getting them actually written is proving more difficult. I want to make certain everything is as close as possible to perfect with less dart-board writing, as I call it. Basically, just writing and letting the story unfold organically with little to no planning.

It could be as many as five or six chapters of Book Two before the rewrites are fully 'caught up' in a time-line sense, though a lot of events will be different. Some wont, and I still hope certain things like being able to salvage the descriptions of Zerubaba and the palace will speed some chapters along.

Okay, now I'm picturing a ribboned Zeus coming out of the cake shouting "SURPRISE!!!":rainbowlaugh:

The Muses are trying too hard on pairing Zeus with Celestia.:rainbowlaugh:

You're probably going to get this sooner or later so... You misspelled anthology. ...Unless that was intentional. Was it intentional?

Alicorn foals, alicorn foals everywhere; the citizens of Canterlot must be constantly terrified. But seriously, I'm glad to hear that whatever is blocking alicorn conception gets dealt with, and I'm assuming it'll happen inside of Myths and Birthrights since that has to be a pretty big development.

I'm with Shining on the fostering magic. Sometimes it goes badly, but not fostering can go badly too and when it does you don't always have a living foal by the end of the crisis.

“We have to hurry, then.” Melete glanced around the busy market. “We just have to make sure Zeus wins our mamas’ hearts before they show up.”

They? Hmn, long-term sequel hook?

some times i really wish i cud click the like button more than once.
Once for every chapter and then once for the hole story


It's being worked on, I promise. :twilightsmile:


Me too. But then, wouldn't it also be easier to down-vote bomb? It stands to reason if you could upvote multiple times, so too could you downvote more than once. :rainbowderp:


Hate to disappoint, but it's not a long-term story hook. At most it will come up during the Rariad (If I ever manage to get traction with that story).

As for Canterlot, I suppose it must be like living near an active volcano. You get used to it gurgling and the occassion plume of ash or river of lava... :trollestia: So to they get used to the ocassion 'break-out' and mayhem a group of energetic alicorn fillies cause.

I imagined Iridia as the White Tyrant having the White Witch's voice.

Tundara, (warning! spoliers from pre-rewrite Myths)

I have to get this of my chest...

1) Silver blood? *checks DoPaE* Golden blood!
So every alicorn has different blood color? Faust had standart red, right? ...Now I wonder about others...

2) When I first saw the short story where Rarity and Celestia were together I let it slide becouse it was in a sketch in a blog. I knew there was something missing. But there is no scenario I can think of where they end-up married just like this, but that are only my personal opinion. The main mystery is, who the male gamet donor of the younger and expected Muses is. Unless alicorns are capable of parthenogenesis, which they are not.(I hope...) Unless there is another alicorn stallion (Neither Hades, nor Zeus are the sires of the extra Muses I presume) around on Ioka, meaning the sire is a mortal pony. Who is he? Or are there more? Has each Muse different father?
It was my theory that Rarity brought some alicorn over from Gaea, resulting in the marriage between her, Celestia and him. With that explanation I frogot about it, but now I long for answers. If it will be resolved in future chapters and/or stories just say so, no need for you to explain... But I'm really interested...

3) Reproduction and everything around it is same for alicorns and mortal ponies, right? Looking forward to the new Myths chapter! Thanks for finding time to reply!
Your faithfull reader,

Real actual gods playing D&D, that's a fun idea. Turns out to be a pretty cute idea, too.

Zeus is possibly the most unexpectedly likable character in the series, especially given his initial introduction and pre-rewrite fight with Faust. At this point I'm completely rooting for him and his efforts to woo Celestia and Rarity.


Huzzah! Another on Team Zelestity (Zeus-Celestia-Rarity)! So far its been just me and my brother. :ajsleepy:

5996531 Oops, I meant to say something about that in my comment on the first chapter.


On Rarity and Celestia; It was a pairing proposed by my editor in jest one day. We were discussing a different pairing at the time, and he made some comment about how, to him, the best pairing is Rarity and Celestia. As for that father of the younger six Muses... It could be Zeus.... .... It could be... Or it could be someone or something else entirely.

It might be partially revealed and explored in the Rariad, as is how Rarity and Celestia fall in love. I have to be careful when writing the Muses vignettes to leave things broadly open for the main stories. The Rariad, though, is firmly on the back-burner while I work on finishing the first book for Myths, as well as Velvet's side-story. It's even possible that the Rariad wont happen, and Rarity's return journey will be folded into Book Two or Three of Myths.

5996583 I kinda prefer the Gaean escapades be held with Myths proper.

Hahaha, Zeus is trying so hard, and it looks like he's starting to win Rarity over!

Funny that the muses of all ponies would be believing in Sandy Hooves, though it's entirely possible that it's simply for the effect of it. If you're a foal, might as well do foal things.

Warrior Cadance is still pretty great.

As fun now as it was back the first time I read this.

Hmn, feels like I should come up with some new question or comment. As far as shaman spirits go, are there better and/or worse ones to end up with? Did Apple Bloom score particularly well by picking up a kitsune?


Which spirit is best depends on what the pony or zebra binding the spirit is looking for, really. Kitsune rate highly as they are smart and have versatile magic, but also relatively rare. An ifrit, by comparison, only does one thing well; it burns stuff.

In all honesty, this story could have done with another draft or two to smooth some of the events and over-all flow. I like the chase aspect and the lead in with the brewing the potions as a test of knowledge and skills, but the ending feels flat. There should have been something else or more AB needed to do once Orenda was snagged.

Another point is that her meeting Sefra in this story doesn't quite work. She should have met Sefra much earlier in her training, as Sefra is Zecora's companion spirit. Furthermore, there is a strong possibility that this chapter will have to be made non-canonical within my stories depending on how the new version of Myths travels. Especially in Book 2.

Now that was some fascinating reveals on a number of topics. I like the explanation on how House Sparkle was founded and the implications about its extra spark of magic. Even without Twilight being a blood descendant of it (though as I write that, has the identity of her father been revealed? Could it be Velvet somehow?), between Shining and Velvet we know that they are an impressive family indeed.

Poor Wynn, but she was toast once Iridia showed up.

I really like the presentation of the former Bearers, here's hoping we see more of their story some day.

Sol's Rune was a good short. Thanks for writing it.


Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

Ah... Celestia's journey in to depths of her soul... No wonder this took so long to write... For me, as not a native English speaker, this took a bit of effort to read. Not that would dissuade me from reading anything from one of my favorites authors on Fimfic...

Very interesting... Many little things here and there... Sombra + Celestia? Mmm... (Best comic issue ever!) The feel of Celestia's self introspection was bit strong, making her a bit to much pathetic for my taste... But that is a matter of perspective... Creation of a new rune? That is a new one... And lot of other things...

Still don't like the Celestia-Rarity ship... And still wonder who is/will be the sire of the new muses...

Even when the main focus of Myths should be Twilight and Fleur, for me it is Namyra/Soir and Hades... Wonder what will happen when they will get to Equestria... So till you will publish that part, be sure that I'll be reading anything in between... Keep up the excellent work, there are sure more people that love Myths as much as I do... This short is just finishing touches that makes the universe that you created even more rich.

(You said that praise comments help you write, so if you want to, I'll drop one every week :twilightsmile:)


'Favourite authors'? Thanks! Stuff like that makes me grin like an idiot.

No need to post comments every week. I've dumped a pile of stuff onto my editor's desk the last few weeks. Enough to keep him busy for a while, at least. With how few people seem to have read this story were discussing making The Moon and the Sword a stand-alone. But that project is being left to simmer while I get the first draft of Myths 15 done. It's very close to being ready for editing.

"The unpredictable winds made flight a choir, and besides, the forest canopy hid all the path’s markers."
Celestia’s mane crackled as she called up her magic, it’s normalyl placid tones turning into furious oranges and reds around a white core.
Only two I could find.
Luckily, errors are so uncommon or minor within your stories that they don't detract from the overall quality.
This world you have built from the vague setting presented in the show never ceases to amaze. Truly, you are a singular author in this genre, Tundara. From the characterization to the world building, this saga you've created leaves little to be desired and the reader wanting more.
That you've taken a leaf from Tolkien, keeping current events clear from the character's perspective, with the references to the past high and remote, is of no consequence. You succeed to over and over again you provide your readers with a fiction that seems very real, that brings you to a window to another world, throws it open and hops through with a merry invitation to follow.
Keep at it, sir, and may the unspeakable curse of writers never find you.


Thanks! It's really tough sometimes having so many different things on the go. I know the majority of my readers would prefer new chapters of the main story, yet I keep getting pulled off on these tangents. There is a bunch of stuff nearing completion, however, so with a bit of luck and perseverance wait times between things being added or updated should be short... ish. Ie, 'Soon'. :twilightblush:


Gah, I hate it when little things like those errors slip through the cracks.

That's some high praise indeed, and I don't know if I'm really worthy of it. I just like asking why and how the world got to the point it is at. What needed to transpire for there to be this or that going on. Lately I've been redoing maps for regions and period by hand with the intent of scanning them and putting them up for people. So far I have a map of the Old Queendoms circa 200 - 0 Before Equestria. Roughly, it covers Not-Europe, Not-North Africa/The Med, and Not-Turkey/Syria. The other map is modern Equestria of 1563 ER. It could do with a third redo, though. I pushed the Everfree/Ponyville and Canterlot too far west on the last version. :twilightblush:

I really don't feel comparable to Tolkien at all. I shamelessly borrow his Quenya dialect and language for the old alicorns like Faust, Iridia, and so-on. Thank you for the thought, however. It does mean a lot to be put in such august company.

It doesn't feel as if Celestia ever actually got that storm under control, just that it decided Celestia had done good enough.

(not that I'm going to ever say I know what just happened. <_<)


There were several versions of her 'beating' the storm, none of which worked well. It was always about her accepting herself, rather than dominating or gaining control over herself. I tried some other versions that had more of a direct confrontation with the storm, but none of them 'worked'.

My question is: Why did Sombra fall here at the same time as Luna and Twilight?


He didn't. It was Iridia who 'fell', and he was in the process of containing what remained of her essence into a crystal to transport it back to her body. He merely reached her before Cadence.

Ooh, I love Cadance's thoughts about her mother. This gives us an entirely new incite into their past relationship and her current coldness to her mother.

Also, a look at a strangely tender side of Sombra.

6761421 Ah, so this is part of how Iridia--no, wait, that's way later.


I really wanted at one time to do a lot more with Sombra. For a short period a story seed began to sprout centered on him during the Long Winter and the years afterwards. It'd have shown his evolution into the Sombra depicted here, and spoken of by Velvet. The idea didn't pan out as there just wasn't enough for it to 'do', and other, more fully formed stories grabbed my attention.


This is Iridia after she attempted to mend Luna's heart by giving her Cadence, then watching in horror at the consequences of that action as her nieces warred and Luna become NMM. In a pique of dispair she attempted to end her existence by climbing into the heavens and then casting herself towards the disc. This in turn caused her to loose most of her remaining energy, and it was this energy that fed the wish Celestia made (See The Longest Night). In this regard Cadence is wrong in that no actual star fell that night. Why the wish 'worked' a thousand years later is something I'm keeping under my hat for now. Suffice to say there is a reason.

What Sombra was doing was collecting what little remained of Iridia's soul and transporting it back to her body. While he doesn't want Iridia free, thinking her still the mad creature that plunged the world into a decade long winter, he also recognises that her continued existence is needed. He's also just sentimental and feels responsible for her present circumstances.

Hope that clears some things up. :twilightsmile:

I think I need a flowchart for all these new characters, I tell you what.


Hehehe, I use a massive spread sheet myself.

Wow, that was great. It's always painful seeing someone you love starting to fall apart and know that their is nothing you can do about it but prepare.

Also, some cool spoilers to the future of Myths, at least Granny saw so many amazing things in her last days.

Hope you had a great holiday season with your Grandmother.

When you have a relative who's very old or is terminally ill, you do say goodbye in stages, even if you don't realize it. AJ is speaking the truth there.

Condolences to you, for what it's worth.

Is Ambrosia the alicorn AJ was pregnant with? I didn't see any mention of it in the story (and I get that's not the focus here), but I'm curious.


Thanks, I'm actually doing fairly well. Writing this story helped a lot, and it wasn't a huge shock to hear, though the details of it were.

She is. At this point Ambrosia (named for the apple and the food of the gods, naturally) is fostered as an earth pony and unaware of her alicorn heritage. AJ and Soarin's younger daughters were going to be named Jonagold and Dawn, and be an earth pony and pegasus respectively, but it didn't make the story.


Yeah. I'm doing fairly well, really. I miss her sometimes, but it's not the shock like with my grandfather.



I tried to keep the spoilers to a minimum. There were some things--hints, spoilers, and story hooks--I thought to incorporate, but didn't as this story just wasn't the place for such things.

Love it! But when Sandy Hooves comes, you're still talking about eight sets of eyes and eight fillies, not ten:facehoof:. Sorry to be a downer...

I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother, Tundara.

I have a question about this story: is this the first time you've written Applejack in this 'verse? I can't recall seeing her before, tbh.


She had a bigger role in the original version of Myths. There are two bits with her that I've thought about reworking into Anthology stories. One where she discusses the pregnancy, and what she's going to do, with Derpy Hooves, and the other being a dinner party where Iridia and Fluttershy show up. I've only held off because there is a possibility of them being incorporated still into the main story. Once I get the first few chapters of Book 2 plotted and I know which way its going, I'll know what to do with the sections.

Otherwise, AJ has had a brief appearance at the end of 'Apple and the Fox' outside the main story.


Heh, whoops. That's a hold over from before the Anthology was started and the story was just in a blog-post. Originally I had only 7 muses, but there was a miscommunication between me and the artist of the cover-art for the anthology and she put 9 muses in the art. After a brief discussion with her on whether to change the art or not, I just settled on adding in two more muses. It also added symmetry to the muses (3/3/3), so that made me feel even better and I prefer it more that way.

So, the 8 rather than 10 thing is just something that slipped through the cracks of the very quick edits I made to various stories. :twilightsmile: Despite it being wrong, I think I'll keep it with the errors, as a reminder of what it used to be. :twilightblush: And not because I am too lazy... >.>

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