• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 16,227 Views, 653 Comments

Fortresshy 1.5: For(t) Pony - Tatsurou

Fluttershy and Team RED MOON adjust to life in Equestria as the events of Season 4 pass.

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Days Passing, part 1

As RED MOON Team adjusted to Equestria and Equestria to RED MOON, many events both major and minor occurred. However, with rare exception, RED MOON's involvements in these events were peripheral at best. For the most part, their interactions with Equestria were boiled down to hearing about the days events from Fluttershy. Sometimes, however, certain members of the Team were included in these events.

These are some of those stories...

Sniper sat down beside Fluttershy after her return from what was, apparently, a rather intense jungle adventure. "What all happened to you today, Shy?"

Fluttershy smiled as she lounged in the hot tub, soaking away the strain. "Well, Rainbow was a bit too excited about the new Daring Do book, so when we learned it was delayed for two months, she talked us into going to visit A.K. Yearling, the author. But Daring Do turned out to be not as Fiction as we thought."

Sniper snorted. "You wound up joining up with an Indiana Jones style adventure to rescue the world from some villain misusing some ancient artifacts, huh?"

"Just about," Fluttershy replied.

"Were you awesome?" Sniper asked.

"No, I tried to stay in the background," Fluttershy replied.


"For the same reason I didn't call you all for help," Shy replied. "I wanted the next Daring Do book to sell well."

Spy thought about that for a minute. "Fair enough."

"I did get a new hat!" Fluttershy said happily, donning a blue cap with a paler blue hand attached by a gold ring.

"Is that a hand?" Sniper asked.

"It was Ahuizotl's tail tip."

Chuckling, Sniper ruffled her mane. "Good girl."

Late one night, Engineer heard strange sucking sounds coming from Fluttershy's room. Curious, he opened the unlocked door and stuck his head in. "Fluttershy, wha-" His voice cut off.

Fluttershy lifted her head to face him, a big smile on her face. "Hi, Dadenji. Did you need something?"

He blinked. "Fluttershy...why do you have bat wings? And adorably fluffy ears? And fangs? And your eyes are red?"

"Oh, this happens some nights ever since wrangling the vampire fruit bats on Sweet Apple Acres didn't go quite as planned," Fluttershy explained.

"And...the apple cores scattering your floor?"

"Oh, when this happens I have a really strong desire to suck a sweet, juicy apple," Fluttershy explained. "But I have control of it, so I make sure to buy them ahead of time and store them in here. Sweet Apple Acres apples are the best, after all."


Engineer's eyes fell on the part of the room he was trying not to think about. "And...why is Big Macintosh tied to your bed?"

Fluttershy blushed prettily.

Engineer reacted appropriately.

He then closed the door behind him as he went to borrow some of Medic's brain bleach.

Spy watched as Suri Polomare left Rarity's preparation area before the line up for the fashion show. The whole team had gone to Manehatten with Fluttershy to support Rarity at her fashion show. Admittedly, Spy was the only one of the group who knew the first thing about true fashion, so he was genuinely interested in the fashions ponies had...especially since, as Applejack had put it, they didn't normally wear clothes.

Suri's wicked smirk as she walked off with the freely given bolt of special cloth - cloth Spy had helped Rarity make since he found her company enjoyable and the activity relaxing - confirmed Spy's suspicions. Despite appearances, she was an enemy Spy, and had stolen Rarity's Intelligence. He decided to do something about it. However, casual killing wasn't an option. The uproar would disrupt the fashion show.

Thankfully, Spy was trained in non-lethal silent takedowns, even if he never had opportunity to use them when working for Mann Co. In traditional espionage, it was sometimes beneficial to leave someone to be discovered at the scene of the crime. Sneaking up behind Suri - using his new cloaking watch, the Hidden Spell (1), he snuck up on Suri and applied a quick choke hold to knock her unconscious.

Quickly pulling her into a closet, he tried to determine the best way to handle it from here. He needed some way to keep her from being discovered too soon, and some way to discredit her so no one would listen to her. Out of desperation, he pulled out his disguise kit.

To his surprise, it was able to scan Suri's physical appearance, and by attaching it to his Hidden Spell, he was able to duplicate Suri's appearance on himself. As long as he didn't touch anyone - either with the image or his real body - he would be fine. He decided to make his way to Suri's prep area.

Seeing nothing unpacked or hung on racks, he knew immediately that Suri had intended to rip off Rarity's line as her own. That was easily corrected, as he proceeded to take everything out of boxes and suitcases and proceeded to make a total mess of the room. He was careful with one set of outfits that showed signs of genuine talent and consideration. Probably the work of her assistant, Spy thought to himself.

"S-s-suri?" a quiet voice gasped. "W-what are you doing?"

Spy turned. Well speak of the devil, he thought quietly, seeing said assistant, Coco Pommel, staring at him - well, at his waist where the image of Suri's eyes was - in shock and dismay. Spy decided to take advantage of this situation. "I am finished!" he proclaimed. "Through with this facade! I will never fashion again, for I am ze fraud!"

"B-but Suri-"

"Non! Do not interrupt! You know as well as I that all of my success is built upon what I have stolen from others, especially you! Your line, you should submit your line to the show! I will live a lie no longer!"

"But why are you talking like that?" Coco asked desperately. "You aren't Prench!"

Spy thought rapidly. "Because obviously my moment of self realization has caused me to have a psychotic break! You must rush, Coco, and make a name for yourself in the fashion industry after calling the stallions in white coats for me! They will likely find me unconscious in a closet somewhere covered in pills and booze! Fare thee well!"

With that, Spy rushed out of the room before Coco could think to hard about what was just said, and before the disguise could wear off. Returning to the closet he had left Suri in, he sprinkled her with hallucinogenics before soaking her coat in some of Demoman's scrumpy, leaving the half empty jug clutched in one of her legs.

Later, as Suri was taken away shouting that they couldn't do this to her, only Fluttershy looked curiously towards her Poof Daddy. However, she had never learned to read his poker face, as he had long ago mastered the art of being inscrutable. Besides, Coco and Rarity had tied for first place in the contest, and Rarity had graciously let Coco take the position as Prim Hemline's assistant. Also, her magnanimous manner had bonded Rarity and Coco as fast friends, so all ended well.

Rainbow Dash grinned widely as she got ready for the Equestria Games qualifications relay. It was going to be in a few days, and she was confident the team she was getting together would do great.

She knew she was the fastest pegasus in Equestria, so as long as she had two teammates who could at least fly straight, she'd be fine. She already had Fluttershy as one teammate. While she wouldn't normally have been Rainbow's first choice for a physical competition, her lifetime at Fort Bumfuk had made her a great deal more physically fit, as well as a good deal more dexterous. Between the two of them, they probably had it made in the competition.

"We just need a third member who won't slow us down," Rainbow said.

"Dadenji said he was working with Derpy to try and improve her flying," Fluttershy pointed out. "Maybe we should see how she's doing?"

Rainbow shrugged. "Might as well." While she was fond of Derpy - everyone in town had a soft spot for the accident prone single mother, one way or another - she didn't have much confidence in her flying abilities. Then again, Engineer seemed to be a literal miracle worker on some occasions, to the point Spike had nicknamed him Spotty, after a similar character from Pony Trek.

At that moment, Derpy flew by overhead. While her speed wasn't anything to write home about, it was respectable. It was also in a straight line. Looking up in shock, Rainbow flew after her to investigate, Fluttershy not far behind.

The duo followed Derpy as she flew around the city, managing to make sharp turns, take corners, and loop around obstacles, all without bumping into anything once. She wasn't exactly fast, but certainly fast enough to show. She then came in for landing in front of Engineer. "How's that working for you, Derpy?" he asked.

"It works great, Mister Gee-Knee!" Derpy said happily. "I didn't bump into anything!"

"How'd you pull that off, Derpy?" Rainbow asked, coming in for landing. At that point, she saw the headset she was wearing, covering both Derpy's eyes and ears. "What's that?"

Engineer smiled. "When going through everypony's physicals, Medic noticed the report of Derpy's clumsiness. A bit of examination revealed it was a fundamental problem with how her brain processes external stimuli. The way her eyes cock is her body's attempts to adapt." He gestured to the headset. "That's what the headset is for. It takes visual and audio input and translates it in a way so that, when it passes through her nerves, her brain will reinterpret it as what's actually around her, instead of the distortion she's dealt with most of her life."

"Mister Gee-Knee is amazing!" Derpy said happily.

"This is still a prototype, though," Engineer admitted. "It'll take a while to get a finished model, and some more experimentation."

Rainbow tapped her chin. "Say...think you could have a finished model ready for her in time for the Equestria Games?"

Engineer smiled and nodded as Derpy gasped. "Ya mean...I really did good, Rainbow Dash?"

"You sure did, Derpy!" Rainbow confirmed. "Good enough I want you on the relay team! Put her there!" She held out her hoof.

"Yay!" Derpy shouted happily, promptly punching Rainbow on the schnoz. "...oops."

"Hoof-eye coordination seems to still need work," Engineer mumbled as he took notes.

Rainbow rubbed her face. "So she'll be our starting flier. Derpy, when flying in the relay, just hold out the horseshoe in front of you and wait for Fluttershy to tell you she's got it, okay?"

"Okay, Rainbow Dash!" Derpy said happily. "I can't wait for Dinky to see me compete!"

Engineer was glad his goggles hid the tears beading in his eyes.

(1) Crafted with the runes for an invisibility spell from Twilight's library inlaid in the circuitry, and powered by a small mana stone, the Hidden Spell cloaking watch hides Spy from all known forms of visual perception. The mana stone has enough charge to maintain the cloak for a full five minutes on a single charge, and recharges itself when not in use from ambient magical energy. However, it does not work on inorganic perceptions, and spells to detect magic will alert the caster to Spy's presence.