• Published 31st Aug 2023
  • 271 Views, 2 Comments

Broken Bottle - Serina

A concerned friend comes to see Berry Punch after she struggles with her drinking.

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Not All Punch Is Sweet

The sun hung low over the tranquil town of Ponyville, casting a warm and gentle glow across the bustling streets. It was a picturesque scene, one that seemed to belie the weight of the world that was carried on one pony’s shoulders. A blue pony approached an old wooden door. She paused before knocking.


No answer. Berry Punch, a pony who had seen her fair share of highs and lows. But it was the lows that seemed to hold her in their grasp for the longest time, Colgate thought. That still doesn’t negate her responsibilities as a big sister. She applied pressure to the door and called out.


The door opened slowly into the dimly lit living room. Colgate trotted inside, closing the door behind her as she sat her key on one of the tables. She looked around, a shattered frame was lying on the floor next to a broken coffee table, and empty bottles. Shaking her head she turned on the lights and incased a broom in pale blue aura as it levitated away from the corner. She raised it in front of her as she trotted into the kitchen.

“Berry, are you here?”

A crash sounded from the kitchen and Colgate jumped back and swung the broom wildly in the air.

“Whoa! Whoa!”

Colgate froze the broom mid-swing and her heart beat against her ribcage. She looked to her side to see pans littered on the floor, surrounding a purple pony.

Berry punch began to pick up the pans and place them back in the cabinet, unsuccessfully, as some continued to fall back on the floor with a loud ‘clang’. “They juth fells out. I-I didn’t mean to scare yous like that.”

The mare sat the broom on the floor and sighed in relief. “Wait,” She shook her head and pointed the broom at the mare. “If you were fine, then why didn’t you answer me?”

Berry Punch shrugged. She rumaged around the floor, moving some pans around until she found a glass bottle. She popped off the lid and as she rose an almost empty bottle to her lips.

Colgate took a step toward her friend, “Are you sure you’re okay?” Surrounding the bottle in her arua, moving it away from the mare’s lips, and sitting it in the sink. “What’s wrong with your shoulder?”

She placed the bottle at her side and took a step back, turning her face towards the opposite wall. “It’sh nothing-”

Colgate turned Berry’s face towards hers,

Colgate shook her head, tears welling up in her eyes from the sight. “Berry…”

Berry pulled away from her friend’s hoof. “I-it’s just been a rough night.” She took another drink, shaking the last drops onto her tongue before tossing the bottle towards the trash can, missing and shattering the bottle all over the tiled floor.

Colgate placed her hoof on Berry Punch’s shoulder and squeezed it softly. “You need to sit down.”

Berry felt tears welling up in her eyes. “No, no, I justh need another drink.”

Colgate took her friend’s hoof in hers and pulled her towards the living room. Looking down at the floor Berry Punch followed her shoulders falling limp in surrender. She walked alongside her friend, leaning on her for support with her shoulder. She sat on the couch next to Colgate and fiddled with her hooves.


Colgate reached out to hold her friend’s hoof only to have Berry cross her forelegs. “I don’th get whys I havth to sit.”

The mare sighed running a hoof through her mane. “What’s wrong, Berry?”

Berry sniffled and tears welled in her eyes. Colgate sighed and grabbed a blanket from the top of the couch, wrapping it around Berry in a warm aura. “Actually, why don’t you sleep first. We’ll talk in the morning.”

Colgate hopped off the couch and began cleaning the apartment, Berry wanted to argue but couldn’t find the strength. She felt sick, but also tired. As she laid her head on the couch cushions she thought to herself, my life wasn't always like this. There was a time when I danced with joy, when my heart felt light and free. But that was before the darkness crept in, before I lost the two ponies who meant everything to me - my mom and dad. Their passing left a void in my heart that seemed impossible to fill. And that's when the drinking began.

At first, it was just a way to numb the pain, to drown out the memories that haunted my every step. But soon, the line between numbing and addiction began to blur. I found myself reaching for the bottle more often than not, seeking solace in its hazy embrace. My friends tried to reach out, to pull me from the abyss, but I was too far gone to listen.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, I could see the worry in the eyes of my little sister, Piña Colada. She was just a filly, but she carried a wisdom beyond her years. She had lost our parents too, but instead of succumbing to the darkness, she channeled her pain into something beautiful - her art. Her drawings were a testament to her resilience, a beacon of hope in the storm that raged within me.

As the moon shone brightly in the sky and the streets of Ponyville grew quiet, Colgate finished tidying up the apartment. She glanced over at Berry, who had fallen asleep on the couch under the blanket. Her friend's peaceful face in slumber belied the turmoil she had been facing.

Colgate took a deep breath and made her way to the kitchen. She prepared a warm cup of chamomile tea, its soothing aroma filling the air. With the tea in hoof, she returned to the living room and gently woke Berry.

"Berry, I made you some tea," Colgate said softly as she sat down beside her friend.

Berry slowly opened her eyes, blinking as she adjusted to the dim light. She saw the cup of tea and managed a small smile. "Thanks, Colgate."

They sat in uncomfortable silence for a moment, the only sound being the gentle ticking of the clock on the wall. Berry took a sip of the tea, letting the warmth wash over her. Colgate looked at her with concern, her blue eyes full of empathy.

"I know it's been really tough for you, Berry," Colgate began, choosing her words carefully. "Losing your parents, it's something I can't even imagine. But I also know that they wouldn't want to see you like this."

Berry looked down into her tea, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I miss them so much, Colgate. It's like a part of me is missing."

Colgate nodded understandingly. "I know. And it's okay to feel that way. But you don't have to go through it alone. You have friends who care about you, including Piña."

Berry sighed, a mixture of sadness and guilt tugging at her heart. "I know. I've been pushing everyone away, haven't I?"

Colgate gently placed a hoof on Berry's. "It's never too late to let them back in, Berry. Piña worries about you, and she needs you too."

Berry looked at her friend, her eyes filled with a mix of determination and fear. "I want to change, Colgate. I don't want to keep hurting myself and the ponies who care about me."

Colgate smiled warmly. "That's a brave step, Berry. And you don't have to do it alone. We'll all be here to support you."

Berry knew it was time for a change. A drastic one, not just for her sake but for her sister’s.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Berry threw herself into her journey to recovery with an unwavering determination. The support groups (who knew those existed in Ponyville) were a revelation, a space where she could share her struggles without judgment and listen to others who were fighting their own battles. It was here that she found a sense of camaraderie and understanding that she hadn't experienced in a long time.

Therapy was a challenging yet transformative experience. With the help of a compassionate counselor named Dr. Meadowbrook, Berry began to unpack the layers of her pain. She revisited memories of her parents, not to dwell on their loss, but to cherish the moments they had shared. It was through these sessions that she started to untangle the complex web of emotions that had driven her to seek solace in alcohol.

Colgate remained by Berry's side every step of the way. She attended support group meetings with her, offered a listening ear whenever Berry needed to talk, and even helped her establish healthier routines. Together, they explored hobbies beyond the realm of drinks and bar stools. Berry discovered a passion for painting, splashing her emotions onto canvases with vibrant colors that depicted both her struggles and her triumphs.

One day, as Berry and Colgate walked through Ponyville's serene park, they stumbled upon Piña, sitting on a bench and sketching in her notepad. Her drawings had blossomed into intricate works of art, showcasing her talent and capturing the beauty of the world around her.

"Hey, sis," Piña called out, looking up from her drawing with a grin. "Look what I've been working on!"

Berry and Colgate leaned in to admire the intricate details of Piña's artwork. The sketches were filled with life, depicting scenes from Ponyville, its residents, and the natural beauty that surrounded them.

"These are amazing, Piña!" Berry exclaimed, her heart swelling with pride.

Piña beamed, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "I've been practicing a lot. And you know what? Drawing really helps me express myself."

Colgate nodded in agreement. "Art can be such a powerful outlet for emotions. Berry has been exploring painting as a way to cope too."

Berry chuckled. "Yeah, I guess you could say we're becoming quite the artistic family."

As they sat together in the park, Berry realized how far she had come. The park's tranquility mirrored the newfound peace she was beginning to feel within herself. She and Piña had both found healthy ways to channel their pain into something beautiful. The bonds between them had grown stronger, and their shared journey toward healing had brought them closer than ever before.

With each passing day, Berry's smile returned a bit more, and the light in her eyes burned a little brighter. The urge to drown her sorrows in alcohol still lingered at times, but she had learned to lean on her support network during those moments of weakness. The road to recovery was far from linear, but Berry was learning to embrace both the ups and downs.

The town of Ponyville continued to thrive, and as it did, Berry's story became an inspiration to others. She openly shared her struggles, her triumphs, and the importance of seeking help when needed. Her vulnerability resonated with ponies who had faced their own demons, and her journey toward healing became a beacon of hope.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm and golden glow across Ponyville, Berry, Piña, and Colgate stood together, gazing at the painted sky. The town had witnessed their individual struggles and their collective strength, and the lessons they had learned would forever be a part of its tapestry.

With a sense of gratitude and newfound purpose, Berry turned to her sister and friend. "Thank you, both of you. For being there when I needed you the most."

Piña smiled brightly. "We're family, Berry. We'll always be here for each other."

Colgate nodded, her eyes filled with pride. "You've come so far, Berry. And you've shown all of us the power of resilience and the importance of leaning on those who care."

Berry Punch took a deep breath, feeling the cool evening breeze on her coat. As the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, she knew that her journey was far from over. But now, she faced the future with a renewed sense of strength, surrounded by the love of her family and friends, and armed with the knowledge that healing was possible, even in the wake of the darkest storms.

Author's Note:

To be honest, I started writing this story years ago. I wanted to finish it (finally), so if the beginning seems to be a different writing style than the ending and bothers you, I apologize. :twilightsheepish:

Comments ( 2 )

This is such an uplifting story!

Beautiful one-shot.
Thank you for finishing it.

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