• Published 26th Apr 2015
  • 46,775 Views, 10,229 Comments

The Substitute Demon - Reykan

Right before the Elements struck, the Nightmare unleashed a spell out of desperation. A substitution spell. Otherwise known as the correct use of Kawarimi.

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One Shadow Does Not Lie to Another

They were finally ready to go back to the Temple of shadows. Ted and the cultists were gathered by the gate after a brief lunch, loaded down with supplies and, surprisingly to the alicorn, some gold as well.

"Look, I'll even let you have one of the fangs, I promise."

"You better." The dragon huffed, looking at the muzzled and leashed proto-queen tied to a wagon. "You have enough gold tied to that wagon to return me to half again the size I was in my dream. I know it's your prisoner, but it's still my nullifier bands it has strapped to its horn."

"I know, Sahkest, Providence, you won't let me forget. But you've already been hit once for having too large a hoard, haven't you?" Ted asked. " What's the punishment for a second offense?"

The dragon's smoldering anger subsided, deep thought evident on his face. "I don't know." He turned to look one last time at the changeling, before puffing a bit of smoke out of his nostrils. "Fine, maybe it wouldn't work out. But what about the link? You know its going to try to build a hive, don't you? It's in their blood."

"I'll deal with it when the time comes. For now the advantages well outweigh the risks." Ted responded "I think she can be a boon to us. The queens are supposed to be around the strength of an alicorn, after all, and we need all the help we can get."

"And what would those boons include, hmm?" The drake asked with a sly grin. "They also say the queens rut with exceptionally powerful males to improve their brood. That wouldn't have anything to do with it, would it? Nor the fact that she'll be the closest thing to an alicorn's size around? I've been around a long time, it's not as fun trying to enjoy special moments with somegon half your size. Can't go all out, after all."

"W-what?" Ted sputtered. "What the hell are you talking about? That, that's not the reason at all." Rubbing his temple with a hoof, a strangely soothing motion considering the fact that hooves were pretty hard, he finally groaned. "Oh my god, Kest. Keep working the numbers here in the port. Comedy is not your thing." Seeing the ponies starting to head out, Ted started after them, turning to throw a parting shot at the dragon. "And stop thinking with your second head so much, the one on your shoulders is going to start rotting from lack of blood flow."

A booming laugh was his answer, even as the blue-scaled dragon and the guards entered the town and closed the gates behind them.
Ted shook his head, eyes going over the supplies they'd managed to score on the trip, everything from cloth, medicine, tools, everything they needed for a smithy, and even a small chest of toys for the foals. That last one he was pretty happy about; such a thing had slipped his mind till the last minute, when an older mare in the group had brought up the expenditure, saying she'd gotten the others to let her take the coins at the assurance that they had nothing to do with it. Ted was perfectly fine with that, and commended her for remembering the kids. He'd kind of lost them in the blur things had been lately. Hopefully things would be easier after this trip. They seemed to look up to him and deserved some attention.

"Aw hell, I still have that gnoll expedition to do." the alicorn muttered.


The caravan made decent progress, though Ted had to lift the smithy cart several times when it became stuck on roots or bogged down in moss. Just before sunset, the group made camp for the night, though to Ted's disappointment, they'd only covered a fraction of the distance back to the temple.

"At this rate the trip back will take three days. Wonderful. We'll probably be arriving after the escort." The alicorn once more rubbed his temples. There was just so much to do. So much to do, and every one of the ponies around him were counting on him. Depending on how the trip to the gnoll den went, he may end up with even more beings to look after.

'I swear, I'm starting to feel like a glorified baby sitter.'

Finally, his eyes rested on the proto-queen, muzzled and with her wings tied to her grey-plated barrel (would it be an abdomen in her case?), and a lead going from the muzzle to a back-post of the cart with the smithy supplies. She looked pretty ragged, not as bad as Mirage had been, but it looked like she'd been in the state longer. Standing tall, her eyes wouldn't quite clear his back. The same plates that had been relatively soft on the other changelings were thick and hard, built to withstand abuse, though her smoke-colored eyes seemed out of focus.

'I suppose I'd be pretty depressed too, in her position.' He thought.

Walking up to the changeling, he loosened the muzzle a bit. She still wouldn't be able to bite with it covering her mouth, but maybe he'd get a better idea of her mental state. Grabbing a canteen, he floated water through the muzzle, intent on making sure she was watered properly, only to have the changeling bite the floating drops, causing him to wince as she literally bit his aura. Shaking the unpleasant sensation off, he looked back at her to see gleeful vindication in her eyes.

"Is that anyway to thank someone who saved you from a fate worse than death?" Ted asked her, cocking his head to the right. "The drake, he wanted to turn you over to the Mad Queen." The changeling shifted a few steps back at the mention of the name. "Good, so I don't have to explain what that would entail. I'm not up for giving her another toy, or possibly another broodmare, though." Ted stepped closer to the changeling, matching her retreat. "I'm curious about your kind. How do you feed on something that my people don't find quantifiable? How do you draw nourishment from something as fickle as emotion? How deeply does the Link connect a queen to her children?" The changeling's lead stopped her from backing up anymore, but Ted stepped right up to her, till he stood over the shaking shape shifter. "There are many ways to get the answers I want. But do you know what? I prefer the ways that benefit both parties."

Ted started circling the proto-queen, poking a chitin plate here, grabbing a rear leg to inspect the shrinking of the holes up close, or just staring at the changeling. He didn't need to actually do this, but she was acting kind of wild right now, or just barely sapient, and he wasn't going to have her ambush-victory leaving her thinking she was stronger. Completing his circuit, he spoke once more.

"In fact, my curiosity of your race is the only reason you're alive right now. If you truly were feral, I would have had you put down. I'd rather destroy something like a feral changeling queen than allow that nag to get her hooves on even more power. She doesn't need it, nor does she deserve it." He said. "Now I know you're tired of hearing me preach, so I'll step off my soapbox in a second. However, I do understand that you need emotions to survive. I also understand that most other classes of changelings can get by on what they pick up from ponies around them. So I want you to think long and hard on your answer for my offer. I offer you, any changelings you take under your wings, and any nymphs you may call your own, a home where they can walk among ponies openly. I offer you the chance to work alongside ponies, earn their affection naturally, and never have to lie to my ponies ever again. I offer you, young lady, the chance to have what no other changeling queen has right now. A hive. A hive that is safe from the Mad Queen."


"Lies?" Ted asked. "Why do you think I lie to you?"

"Pony lie. Always lie. Offer help, call guard, keep secret, call guard, promise ignore, c-call guard. Lie, lie, lie! Say changeling always lie, d-deceive, but lie even for lying." The changeling spat, baring her fangs.

Ted shook his head. "I could say I'm not lying, but that wouldn't mean anything to you would it?" The shape shifter shook her head, giving a negative response. "I thought not, so instead I'll do this. When we arrive Home, you will give me your answer. Regardless of your answer, when we get there, I will remove your bindings. In the event you chose to stay, you will be given a room of your own, if you wish, or you may even use the one of the storage tunnels to make a nest of your own. If you chose to leave, you walk away, and if I ever catch you looking at my ponies, or shadows forbid, capture one, I will turn you into such a fine mulch, I'll be able to spread you over the entirety of the temple courtyard. Am I clear?" The proto-queen shrunk in place, unable to actually respond. "Good." He said, before picking the changeling up. Holding her was a bit awkward, but he managed it, and focused as he did with Mirage and the nymphs. It wouldn't be as much, not with his not really trusting her not to do something stupid, like try to drain him actively again, but after a minute, Ted loosened his grip on the changeling, setting her back down on the jungle floor. Using a hoof to raise her stunned expression to meet his eyes, he spoke.

"I don't hold your diet against you, changeling who's name I still don't know, and should you ever be in desperate need like you were in the cave, I would gladly go through that drained state again for your safety. But next time you want to suck me dry, at least take me on a date." With that, he turned and left, leaving the shape shifter to stare blankly ahead.

He took the fact she just sat there with a shell-shocked expression as a good sign.


After another day and half of marching the trip was completed(Ted nearly screamed his thanks to the heavens for that). The cultists made their way up to the temple, Ted leading the way, and the door was pulled open, revealing a nervous pair of ponies that had been set to guard duty. Seeing just who was outside, however, they quickly alerted the others, and soon almost the entirety of the Temple's occupancy was outside. As ponies unloaded the carts and moved the supplies to their final locations, Ted approached the smithy supply cart. The proto queen was still restrained, but was looking around watching all of the commotion. In fact she seemed to be confused by the ability of the ponies to ignore her existence, some unloading the supplies off of the very cart she was tied to as she watched. Her eyes whipped around even as Ted started untying her from the cart to see an undisguised changeling helping unload some linen bolts.

"I told you earlier, didn't I? I said that changelings were welcome here." the alicorn stated once more, unhooking the muzzle and untying the ropes. The shape shifter however just watched the other changeling, completely unresponsive to Ted's presence. Soon, the last ropes came loose, and he reached up with his hooves and pulled the nullifier off of her horn. Seeing the movement so close to her muzzle, the proto-queen seemed to finally focus on him, then on herself and her missing restraints.

"I kept my end of the bargain, little lady, now it's time for your answer."

The changeling just looked horrifically confused, looking at the ponies working, some watching the display as they worked, then turning her gaze to the other changeling even as it flew back into the temple, its hooves full of supplies.

Seeing Gleam trying to direct the flow of ponies, Ted walked over to the mare, leaning in closely. "I want you to send Mirage and the nymphs to the storage tunnels, can you do that?" His tone confused her for a moment, before she caught site of the bewildered changeling still standing near a cart. She hesitated for a moment, before nodding.

"I'll send the message on the next pegasus I manage to get my hooves on, Father."

"Thanks, Gleam. Has the gnoll arrived?"

"Y-yes, father, he arrived last night. Well, two of them did. They were given a room as you requested, and they kept to themselves for the most part, though Amald explained to them they were welcome to leave to hunt if they desired so long as they checked in once a day. You actually missed them by about two hours. They should return tomorrow around lunch though." The mare chuckled. "Plenty of time for a bath and a good nights sleep on your own bed."

Ted smiled warmly at the mare. "Thank you, Gleam. Heaven knows what we'd do without you."

Turning back to the gaping changeling, the alicorn gave her a slight shove, drawing her attention back to him.

"I want you to follow me for a moment." He said, before turning into the temple, looking behind him as he entered the main entrance to make sure the mare was keeping up. Satisfied that he wouldn't lose her, he turned right and followed the hallway, past the dining hall and the kitchen, till he found the dug-out storage room. Slowly he walked down the incline, looking back once more to confirm he still had his tail. The ponies had been busy in his absence, and even now there were signs of more digging to be done once the supplies were taken care of. Finding a completed tunnel, the dark alicorn turned around and sat down in the dirt.

The proto-queen was just meandering through the tunnels, scratching here, smelling the wall there, pushing this rock, and casting a spell against that section of wall. Finally she looked back at Ted.


Ted blinked, confused. "Excuse me?"

"Digging is solid. Changeling oversee?"

"Ah, yes, in fact I asked the one in charge of this tunnel to stop by."

The shape shifter gave him a questioning look, but was answered moments later by gleeful chittering. A small nymph ran up to Ted, pouncing on his foreleg and attempting to gnaw it like some strange chew toy. Gem was joined moments later by a gaggle of giggling foals, all running up to Ted and happily welcoming him back. Rose especially, latching onto his other leg and refusing to let go, even as he raised it off the ground, to her delight. Finally, Mirage came trotting into the rooms, looking harried, but almost shining in the low light of the tunnels.

"Good afternoon Father, you wished to- see me?" The changelings voice suddenly strained upon seeing the proto-queen. "Father, may I ask why you have a proto-queen in the Temple? They don't share power. With anyone. Ever."

Ted smiled at Mirage "You're absolutely right Mirage, and ponies and changelings never live side by side. Nor do they work together. Nor do ponies name changeling nymphs." He chuckled "It just doesn't happen. Not the way of the world, after all.

The changeling opened her mouth to retort, but instead turned to stare at the larger mare.

The proto-queen for her part was just silently staring at the foals. There they were, nymphs and foals prancing around the larger pony like it was the most natural thing in the world, one even tugging on a wing for attention. No disguises, no lies, just a couple of young beings enjoying life. Not only that, but the way the two changelings moved, the way they intercepted each others movements so perfectly, she knew they were linked. Finally, she looked back at Ted, who just watched her with a smile on his face.

"N-no lies?" Ted shook his head in a negative.

The proto-queen took one last look around the empty tunnel, dragging a hoof idly through the dirt, then turned back to the alicorn.

"Nest here. I, I stay."

"I'm glad to hear that. However, remember that while I'm happy to give you a chance, many will not trust you. Ask for directions to my quarters if you need me. For now I'll leave you to get comfortable. Ask Gleam for some bedding if you'd like some, and for your things. They should be in a small sack marked proto. Mirage, on one of the supply carts is a chest marked foals. If it's not there, ask Gleam. Send it up to the playroom will you? I'll take over for a few hours. Come on, kiddies, stay nearby." Ted chuckled as he led the foals out of the tunnels, two still attached to his forelegs, two more following suite with his hind legs as he started up the stairs to the second floor. A few more turns, and the playroom was in sight. Ted led them inside, making a mental note to have the linens around the room changed out, and gathered the foals in a semi-circle around him.

"Alright brats" Ted said with a grin. "We just got back from a long trip, and we picked up a lot of important things. But Miss Goodhooves brought something to my attention while we were there." At that time, a stallion trotted into the room, depositing the chest just inside the doorway before leaving. Ted grabbed the chest in his aura and brought it before him.

"The last few weeks have been scary, but things will get better, I promise. And because you've been good, these are now yours . I expect you to say thank you to Miss Goodhooves when you see her, ok?" With that, he opened the chest, revealing a bottom lined with crude toys. They were nothing compared to what Ted was used to seeing, but at the moment they were all the ponies had access to.

'Sad sometimes, how my sister and I complained about not having the shiniest and newest things. These guys are happy with having someone else to play with.'

The alicorn spent the next few hours doing nothing more than simply watching the foals run around playing with their new toys, levitating one or two through the air, or teaching them a few games from his own childhood. It melted his heart, seeing Gem chasing another foal, a red pegasus colt named Brick of all things, after he'd tagged her in a game of duck-duck-goose.

'Half didn't even know what a goose was.' He thought sadly. That was something else that had to be addressed. There was no one to teach them anything. Granted there weren't many, but that would likely change soon, considering the PDA's he was seeing in the halls. Not only that, the couple had finally approached him again, asking to be wed after his trip to the gnoll den, and as soon as they'd finished speaking, he'd had four other requests, one even being a literal herd with three members.

'One minute I'm working out diplomatic relations with another town, the next I'm expected to know how to officiate marriages. More studying, yay. I swear we never escape it, even after getting dragged to an alien world.' Ted thought forlornly.

Author's Note:

I love kids. There's just been something about a bunch of little kids running around having a blast that melts my internet-corrupted heart. :heart::heart::heart:

As for the Proto-queen? Yes I have a name, no I won't tell you yet, and no you can't have her. :pinkiecrazy:

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