• Published 22nd Mar 2015
  • 9,020 Views, 401 Comments

Those Who Live On - SpartanD014

Seven long months have passed since Legion left Equis. Much has happened - both on Equis and in the galaxy - that has changed everything forever. But the galaxy is not done with Equis just yet...

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By Vila T’dire, 012/14/2186

It has been a long few months, but Citadel authorities are officially announcing the completion and re-opening of the Presidium. The new Council has already moved in, and the races of the galaxy are setting up their embassies at this very moment. With the re-opening of the Presidium comes four new embassies: pony, griffon, zebra, and changeling. We had the opportunity to interview Princess Twilight Sparkle, who is closely overseeing the foundation of the pony embassy.

Vila T’dire: Princess, what does your kind hope to accomplish with the foundation of your embassy?

Twilight Sparkle: “For us ponies, our goal is simple. We want equality in galactic society, and we want it for everybody, not just ponies. On Equis, the ponies always worked towards achieving harmony. It’s a difficult task, but there is no reason for us to restrict it to our own world.”

VT: Your leadership knew of the existence of aliens for months before revealing it to your people. How do you justify this?

TS: “It’s not a secret we wanted to keep, but we felt that it was safer not to tell anypony with the information we had. We didn’t want to say, “Hey, there are aliens,” and then walk off with nothing else to say. That is why we waited until we did; we wanted to meet with actual aliens first, and to get more information on the galaxy at large. If we had just come out and said it right after meeting Legion, there would only be panic. By waiting for information, we were able to avoid panic.”

VT: Speaking of Legion, the ponies have announced an alliance and friendship with the geth. Given the geth’s past, this is a fairly controversial decision. Why was it made?

TS: “We ponies owe Legion everything. He saved our lives against the collectors, and put himself in harm’s way to stop Cerberus. And we know about their reputation, which we believe is one unfairly given. I am fortunate to be able to call Legion a close personal friend, and that is not a title I give out easily. Synthetic or not, he has shown himself to be one of the most caring people I’ve ever met, and I think that, if people give the geth a chance, they will come to realize this as well.”

VT: One more question for you, Princess: what do you say to claims that pony history is “something out of a children’s movie?”

TS: “It may seem that way to them, but for us, the history of the rest of the galaxy is something out of a science-fiction novel. I think that, in both cases, the history is just so different that it’s difficult to fully understand. In time, I’m confident that people will look on our history with a bit more… seriousness.”

VT: A good answer, Princess. Thank you for speaking with us today.

TS: Thank you for having me!

A full version of the interview is available to watch on our Extranet site. It’s quite long, but it is very illuminating, and tells a lot about our new friends and allies. Thank you for reading; from the Serrice Times, I’m Vila T’dire.




<Geth eliminated by Crucible. Offline for four months. Restoration successful.>


Author's Note:

And here we have the end of the fic! I have had a great time writing over this past year, and I hope that everybody has had just as great a time reading it.

You may have noticed just how long this fic took to come out; as of writing this, it has been one year and eleven days since it was first published. This means that it took me longer to write this one fic than it took to write Second Contact and A Thousand Voices combined. This is due mainly to a hectic schedule that does not permit a lot of writing, but also to dwindling ideas. I am taking both of these as an indicator that I need to take a break. After all, since signing up for the website in May of 2014, I have written almost every single day for my pony fics. That is a lot of writing, and it really does take its toll. So, until I find I have both sufficient ideas to write, and time in which to do it, I’ll be taking a bit of a hiatus. Should some small ideas pop into my head, I will try to write, but no big projects will happen for a while.

As for Those Who Live On, thank you all so very much for being amazing readers and sticking with me over this year! Your constant support has kept me going, and I thank every single one of you for it.

When I am ready to start my next project, I will make a blog post on my user page. Until then, thank you again, and I will see you next time.

Comments ( 37 )

Wow. That was a good ending. I didn't realize that took over a year to finish.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I'd kinda like to see some slice of life of the ponies (et al) in the Mass Effect 'verse. It sure wouldn't be as exciting, but I expect it would still be fun.


I have put some thought into that, and agree that it would be fun. If I get some more specific ideas, I'll set up a side stories sort of thing for semi-related shorts.

Am I the only one who wants a sequel to this that's related to Andromeda after it comes out. No? Just me?

Great ending with the this story. Quick, easy, to the point and it fits.:ajsmug:

.....But am I the only one that realized there is going to be a geth baby boom generation very soon in the future?:rainbowderp:

over two trillion!!!!:derpyderp2:

Not just you, but I think we should wait until the game actually comes out before making such plans. Let the author get some well deserved rest. :twilightsmile:

Ah, but is that the number of unified gestalts such as Legion, or simply the total number of individual programs?

Edit: And I know exactly what comic your avatar is from. I approve. :pinkiesmile:

Great ending! I'm have to say I was a bit worried that the Reapers would come back using Legion as their vassal or something.

Sad to see it end.
But it was one good ride.
Take the time you need to come back with full force ;)

Fantastic story. Looking forward to the possibility of side stories. Take your time to recover though; we can wait.
... Well okay, maybe we don't want to wait, but we're willing to try. :yay:

Truly one of the best stories I have read on this site. This story actually made me replay the second game, this time I'm romancing the shit out of Tali:derpytongue2:

Also, if you do plan on making a spin-off like m2pt5 suggested, I wouldn't mind seeing Shepard and Tali on a date on Equestria

Edit: Also, I truly believe that you deserve more recognition. I'll be sure to promote your stories in my blogs

Ah...a sastifed ending.

i wonder what will you do with edi.

I wonder, if the Geth used IBMs Millipede physical punch sheet storage, with doped atomic layer graphene, if a mechanical storage like that would survive Crucible class wiping?

10^22 bytes per litre?

Congratulations on completion of the story. Take it easy, Rest, enjoy playing some games.

Maybe Maud Missile Command?

With Real Rocks? :pinkiecrazy:

I threw it.:twilightoops:

7089566 same, but I have a feeling it wont happen for a long while, as we would need to actually see what the story in that game will be

7092537 I did say when it comes out.

7092134 oh, god I forgot about her!! I feel horrible now for forgetting her

7092539 fair point, I will shut up now :rainbowderp:

This was completely awesome not gonna lie. Hmm, funny that you created a better end for your so far trilogy than one of the source materials did. :trollestia:

I wouldn't be lying if I said I hope for more in the future, but forcing something is bad so please don't do that. Still this is a great end to a good fic and you should be proud of it even if it took so long to write. :rainbowdetermined2:

I like the ending as much as everyone else, but i don't think the ponies would become a member of the council so quickly. They would get reparations for the collectors and Cerberus, but becoming a council race?

Great work on the story.


The ponies were not granted a seat on the Council. They were only given an Embassy, like the humans had in ME1.

7098880 Sorry for the confusion then. I am not a big mass effect fan but I have played the games.

Was I the only one expecting Wrex and Shepard, the later being broken out of the hospital by the former, to come in out of nowhere, guns blazing, and save the day at the end of Chapter 15?... Anyone else?... No? Okay then.

I love this story and give it a solid 9.9/10. It would be 10/10 but my personal love for Krogans and the sever lack of in this story is my only complaint.

Anytime I read a Mass Effect crossover I look for Krogans. If Wrex or even Grunt had been in this story it would've made it beyond words.

Also went to go look up Krogan memes for a few cheap laughs and found this-
-then proceeded to laugh for a few minutes straight.

7366933 too few words, you know no one will even look at it?

Why do you say everyone, I wrote it, and I read such comments, so there is at least one person, And I assure you not everyone is like you, some people actually like longer, in-depth comments.
If you didn't read it, why do you even comment? This way you actually pointed at my comment (that is almost 11 months old) and someone will surely want to know what you are talking about, and actually and up reading at least some of it.


Probably not a sequel, as I like how this one ended. However, I did entertain the thought of doing some side-stories at some point in the future. I don't like juggling more than one project at a time, so I'll wait for my current project to be concluded before making a decision, but if I find I have some good ideas at the end, I'll write some of the side-stories.

It would be interesting to see the journey of pony integration with galactic society, pony reactions to learning about the various wars and incidents and such. Reactions to the Reaper War. Learning about Shepard, his team, and their many accomplishments. And so on and so forth..

Everything went better than expected.

Now where is that Normandy flies into the sunset scene?

OK, I just finished the story. It is just as strong and well constructed as the previous one, but I just couldn't get invested in it. What ended up happening was this. I listened to it through to the final battle where they confront the bad guys and try to save the gryphons, but I couldn't find any interest in the battle at all. I ended up skipping the battle entirely and going to the epilog.

I can't put my finger on why, but this story just feels off in some way. It kept me vaguely interested, but never pulled me in.

I didn't have this issue with the first story in the series. I was intrigued and engrossed in that one from the very beginning and it kept me hooked to the very end.

Don't get me wrong, this is well written, good characters, just off somehow.

The Monk
“Puberty was a curse for those inflicted with it, and boundless amusement for others who survived the process.” -Scarheart

Shallower than a puddle


That is a lot of Geth platforms to be made.

Sad that EDI didn't make it; this story is one of the semi-short - most of the stories I read are lengthy or still incomplete - completed stories I've found and read... I'm honestly happy I finished this story and happy how it ended.

It be cool for a sequel, but I think this kind of ending is up imagination on what the future holds, awesome story, awesome characters, everything is amazing and you too.

It might have to do with there being so many varying perspectives and characters to focus on, the previous story only had roughly four to five perspectives to focus on - Legion, Twilight and friends, the princesses, the changelings, and the collectors - there were others but they planned minor or semi-important roles... this story was kind of everywhere, but my opinion I found it enjoyable.

Everything else you stated I agree wholly.

The mark of a really good crossover.
You don't have to have a lot of knowledge about one or both universes to enjoy the story. This manages to be a nice MLP: FiM story, while also being one of the better Mass Effect fanfics I've read.

Comment posted by Onyx Quill deleted Sep 7th, 2021




<Geth eliminated by Crucible. Offline for four months. Restoration successful.>


WOOHOO!!! The geth are back in business!

Will there be a squeal eventually?

Sequel: Return of the Leviatan

Comment posted by Aroddo deleted Aug 13th, 2022
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