• Member Since 14th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Sunday



Yeah okay, so here's the deal: One moment I'm going to my third con along with my group "Fantasy Wing" and the next thing I know, I wake up in a field in a different world. On top of that I seem to be in a Equestria that's been fused with "The Twilight Zone"!! What the F*** is goin on?! It's times like these I understand why people smoke. Cause right now I sure could use one, only problem is I don't smoke.

I hope I can survive this without my "Other" half surfacing and cracking the planet in half.

Black Alice is from DC comics

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 70 )

I agree. I'll give you some extra points for cleverness.

This is decently written, why does it have so many dislikes?


Thank you for the compliments and fave. And in answer to your question I don't know but it doesn't matter much to me. I'm going to keep on writing it until I either finish it or cancel it (which I highly doubt I'll do the latter).

First spawn now this. I came looking for Jason after seeing his token. Where is that story? Please I must know!:raritydespair:


I'm still working on it, it's almost finished though, just working on a few important details. When it's done if it makes you feel better I'll PM you a link. But you do surprise me though, I didn't think that there would be much interest in Jason.

6085439 He is my favored horror movie monster. Before I started my Dungeon keeper displaced story I was torn between doing Megabyte from Reboot or the 9-tails from Okami who would have learned to create creatures by painting them but only temporarily and Jason was going to be a painting that was created in a moment of hate and anger to be used for emergencies where killing was a necessity. Kind of like the reaper's talisman only Jason would be controllable. I was going for the 9 tails but someone did Ami and Chibi after I got my heart set on it but didn't want to do something someone ells was doing so I mixed and matched for the character and picked a game that I love that has no set appearance for the character.

But I would like to know, thank you. :)


I see. Like you Jason is also a favorite of mine, I decided to do him when I found out that there was a Freddy Displaced.

6085871 Well when you do post it feel free to have Rin's token find its way to him. :)


Sure. I'm also going to leave you a surprise in chapter 1.

6086005 Can't wait.:pinkiehappy:

Rin: "What's in the box!? What's in the box!? :flutterrage: No peaking Rin!

Ho~weee, its getting on. Time to beat up some bad guys.^^

I´m pretty curious for the meaning and future impact of the sleep talking in the story, although I might have a minor idea.

6273838 Oh? Do tell. I'm interested in hearing your theory.

Hmm, it´s propably miles away from the truth but here we go: as I see it, Lori in her comatose state somehow got a glimpse or vision of her situation, who she is now, the names of some major player in the Multiverse/some characters she possibly is going to interact with in the future and the last three words Void, Eternity and Fate could be a hint to the plot of the story itself.

6274584 Hmmm. That's a good theory but sadly I can neither confirm or deny anything. But I hope you'll stick around to find out.

6787865 I live! So hat did you think of the new chapter?

Well, let me phrase it like this: "Equestria has done goofed." At least if they piss of Alice.

The part with Longhorn was pretty intense. Mind you, you where a lot less visceral in your description than most might have been, not sure if it´s a bad thing tough. I´m still pretty hungover from the New Year party yesterday so I might not be in the best condition, mental wise.^^°

I am a bit torn between wanting you to use them words to describe newcomers like Phantom Stranger and that you keep on using these pictures.


Yes well I could have been more visceral but I'm trying to keep this T rated.

Well Phantom Stranger is a special case because in Alice's mind no words can truly describe him, he isn't something you can describe, only experience. As for the future I'll most likely use words for the majority and only use pics for Alice's transformations but either way it'll be situational.

I loved the Lobo reference, and the introduction of the Phantom Stranger will make for quite an interesting next chapter.

You know, you could flesh this out a bit by putting the Phantom Stranger's crash course at the start, not saying you have to, just saying it's an option. BTW, crossover?

6807038 I know. I'm probably going to do that when I go back and revise this chapter. And sure why not?

6807066 Ooh, can I be the one who points out that, since she got a Marvel guide as well as a DC one, she can change into more than just DC guys? If you're doing that of course. Please?:applecry:

6807083 I'ma take that as a maybe. So, when's good? Tomorrow works for me.

6807125 Sure thing. I'll set it up and send you a PM with a link.

6807148 See you then, and don't forget to set it to anyone can edit.

I like these journal entries.^^ Also, yay, Umbra is the eqvivalent to my most favourite Kaiju ever, even if just in the metaphorical way.

6818838 Not to burst your bubble, but I think she might have gotten those two mixed up. In my mind, Godzila is superior to Kong, by virtue of being able to breath radioactive fire alone, and I think we can both agree that Zinnia is a bigger pervert than Umbra.

Ssshhhhshhhh! Of course Ina mixed those two up when writing! I realized that the moment I read it. Of course Godzilla is superior to old Banana Breath XXL as much as Zinnia is a bigger pervert than Umbra.

I just wanted to enjoy this as long as possible.:twilightsheepish:

Comment posted by cyberlord4444 deleted Jan 10th, 2016

6819225 6819381 You're both wrong. I made the comparison based on the fact that officially King Kong has beaten Godzilla in a fight more than once. And since Zinnia is the bigger perv, Zinnia beats Umbra in perversity just like King Kong beats Godzilla.

6820033 Okay then, personally I think King Kong had bulletproof plot-armor in those, but still.
6819381 Guess you can enjoy being Godzilla for a good long time then.

6820077 I'm not the one who made those movies so blame them.

6820200 I almost compared Umbra to Gammera but that didn't feel right.

Invader Zim with magic powers LOL, the thought of that can't help but make me laugh.

Just take a moment and imagine that. Zim. With magic powers.

And I am glad you did not. As much as I like the old sabertoothed Turtle with rockets in her butt, just... nah.

6820345 Though when you say it like that it looks pretty funny in my mind's eye.

T´was my whole intend, to speak in jest of one of the sacred guardian beasts, to paint a smile on thine face fairest Inazuma.

Also, I´m obviously prone to speak like a Dark Souls 1 character for some reason, even though I only ever played Dark Souls 2.

6820336 And we already know what he's like with advanced alien technology but with magic: I think these quotes sums it up nicely:

Zim: I put the fires out.

Tallest: You made them worse!

Zim: Worse or better?

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