• Published 5th Jun 2015
  • 1,346 Views, 18 Comments

Fluttershy Takes Manehattan - VitalSpark

Coco Pommel arrives in Ponyville with a problem, and there's only one pony that can help: Fluttershy. Rarity and Fluttershy travel back with her to Manehattan to prepare for her fashion show.

  • ...

Act II — Manehattan

It was a grey afternoon and the rain fell in sheets as the train pulled into Manehattan Central. Three ponies stepped out of the carriage and dashed to the shelter, the unicorn levitating their bags behind them.

Coco shivered. "The taxi rank is this way." She led them out of a side exit and the three ponies hopped into a waiting cab. Coco leaned over to give the driver the address of her studio before leaning back and attempting to make her wet mane look more presentable.

The taxi hurtled along the streets of Manehattan towards its destination, throwing up splashes of water from its wheels. The three ponies picked up the conversation they'd been having on the train from where they'd left off.

"So, Coco darling, I'm dying to see these new designs you've been working on. They sound simply out of this world."

Coco blushed and waved her hoof dismissively. "Oh, I'm sure they're nothing compared to yours, Rarity. But I have been working rather hard on them."

The taxi pulled to a halt and the three mares alighted from the vehicle, Coco passing the driver some bits, along with a generous tip.

By now the torrential rain had been reduced to a mere downpour. The three mares descended a flight of steps to the basement that Coco used as her studio. Coco fumbled with her keys while Rarity and Fluttershy stood in a two inch deep puddle outside the blue painted wooden door. Once the door was finally open, they were greeted by a torrent of water which lapped at their fetlocks.

The ponies waded into the studio. A pink earth pony with a blonde quiff was busy lifting dripping wet cardboard boxes off the floor and stacking them on tables and work benches. Coco looked around, her face slack with a mixture of shock and horror. "Grace, what happened?"

The pink mare turned around, and took some headphones out of her ears. "Oh, hey. We had a bit of a flood."

"A bit?!" stammered Coco.

The pink mare looked around. "Okay, a lot." She put the box she was holding down onto a table. "I've tried to save as much of the stock as I could, but I think I was too late."

Coco hung her head for a few moments. Pulling herself together, she turned to Rarity and Fluttershy. "Girls, this is Grace. She's my new assistant." She turned back to Grace. "Grace, this is Rarity and Fluttershy, the ponies I was telling you about the other day."

Grace nodded and shook hooves with them. "Nice to meet you. Sorry to bail, but I'm supposed to be meeting Raven."

Coco looked around, still taking in the sorry state of her studio. "Of course. I'll see you tomorrow."

Grace hesitantly walked to the door, half expecting Coco to change her mind and order her to stay, or fire her, or at least yell at her, but nothing happened. Once she'd reached the door, she put up a small umbrella and headed out into the rain.

✾ ✾ ✾

Rarity sat down beside Fluttershy and Coco, wiping her brow. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize it would take that long. I've only used that spell to dry clothes before — never a whole room."

"So, everything's dry now?" asked Coco, a look of relief on her face.

Rarity shook her head and gritted her teeth. "It's dry, but I'm afraid the damage has already been done." She floated out misshapen garments from some of the cardboard boxes. The dyes had run and the fur trims were clumped and matted together; there was no way these could be used for the show tomorrow.

Coco looked away and lowered her head. "Oh."

Rarity put the clothes down. "I don't suppose you have anything else, darling?"

"In storage perhaps?" added Fluttershy.

Coco sniffed. "No."

Rarity looked at the clock on the wall. It was past eight. "Not to worry; we still have almost fourteen hours. I've pulled off bigger jobs than that in less time."

Coco turned around and wiped her cheeks with a hoof. "What? Really?" She looked around the room hopefully before frowning again. "I don't think I can manage to make a whole new range in that time. When I was with Suri, I had seamstresses to do the sewing. Just me, sewing with my mouth… it can be kind of slow."

Rarity reached out a hoof and grabbed Fluttershy, putting her front leg around her shoulders. "Two seamstresses, reporting for duty!"

Fluttershy's eyes flew open. "What? I… Rarity, I'm not exactly a professional, and it's been a while since I worked on any big sewing projects. I really don't know if I—"

"Nonsense, Fluttershy, it will all come flooding back to you once you get started." Rarity noticed Coco grimace slightly at the word 'flooding'. "Sorry — bad choice of words."

Rarity could see from Fluttershy's eyes that her resistance was dissolving. "Well, I suppose… if it's for Coco."

Rarity smiled and clapped her hooves. "This is going to be such fun!"

✾ ✾ ✾

Rarity yawned and looked at the clock. It was two in the morning, and the mares had been working for six hours almost without interruption, only taking a twenty minute break for take-away hay fries, salad and cider. Coco had shown the others her — thankfully undamaged — original plans, and the three ponies had come up with some improvements, and some simplifications.

Rarity trotted up to Coco. "So, Coco, what else do we still need to do then?" Coco ignored her. "Coco?"

Coco snapped out of it. "Sorry, Rarity, I was just watching Fluttershy work. She's amazing, the way she uses her wings like that."

Rarity took a look. "Yes, of course. Pegasus ponies can be very dexterous with their wings. Anyway, is there still anything left to do?"

Coco consulted the list and shook her head. "I don't think so. That's the last piece she's stitching right now."

Rarity yawned again and stretched out her hooves. "That's good. I don't think I could have kept going much longer. I need to go to bed."

Fluttershy finished the dress she was sewing before gently placing it on a hanger, and hanging it on the rack with the others. She, too, was exhausted, with bags under her drooping eyes. She trotted over to the others.

Coco grabbed her keys and slipped a jacket over her shoulders. "Thanks for all your hard work. Come on, girls, let's go and get some sleep."

✾ ✾ ✾

The first rays of sun woke the mares in the morning. Rarity had spent the night on the sofa in Coco's small one-room studio apartment. She yawned and propped herself up, checking the time on the carriage clock on the nearby coffee table. "We should get up — the show starts in less than two hours."

Fluttershy had slept in Coco's bed. She rose, stretched her limbs, and twisted her head from side to side. She'd slept terribly, Coco's bed being harder than she was used to, and the pillows too lumpy. Of course, she'd never say so. "Did you two sleep well?" she asked.

Coco got up from the pull-out mattress that she'd slept on. "Yes, but not for nearly long enough." She started shoving the mattress back underneath the bed. "Who wants to use the shower first?"

After Fluttershy and Coco had showered, they sat down to have breakfast together. Rarity emerged from the shower a few minutes later and sat down beside them. She poured herself a bowl of oats and dug into them. She paused, spoon floating half-way to her mouth, and looked at Fluttershy. "Ummm… Fluttershy, you really didn't sleep well last night, did you? Don't take this the wrong way, but you look exhausted."

"I-I do?" asked Fluttershy.

Coco looked at Fluttershy, trying to be objective. The pegasus still looked pretty, but perhaps Rarity had a point. "You'll be OK to model though, won't you?"

Fluttershy could feel something coming, but tried to hold it back. "Of course, Coco." She couldn't fight it any more, and covered her mouth while she let out an enormous yawn.

Rarity put down the spoon and looked at her friend with concern. "Oh, Fluttershy, darling, you can't seriously model like this, can you?"

"But who else could at such short notice?" Coco interrupted.

The mares looked at each other for answers, but nopony had any.

✾ ✾ ✾

Rarity, Fluttershy, and Coco Pommel were backstage at the event, Coco helping an exhausted Fluttershy into a grey outfit with pink highlights including a butterfly logo on the collar. This was a last minute design improvement they'd made at one in the morning. "Always match your accessories to your cutie mark," Coco had said.

Coco's theme for her range could be summed up in three words: cute, simple, unique. Her dresses were uncomplicated ones, cut perfectly to fit a slim pegasus like Fluttershy, in pastel colours and pale shades of grey.

Coco finished straightening Fluttershy's collar and took a couple of steps back to admire her. "There. You look perfect." Coco smiled.

Fluttershy felt a yawn coming on, but held it back, not wanting to appear rude.

Rarity had been peeking around the corner of the curtain to keep an eye out on the rest of the show. She trotted over to the other two. "Quick, Fluttershy, you're on!" She pushed the yellow pegasus out through the curtains.

Fluttershy stumbled, but quickly found her hooves and started walking along the runway. It was a skill you never really forgot; not that there was a lot about it that needed remembering. As she walked, she felt that urge building up inside her again, but she pushed it down, not wanting to yawn in front of all those cameras.

But the more she thought about it, the stronger the urge got. Just as he had been about to turn to go back, she couldn't help closing her eyes and letting out a monumental yawn. Cameras flashed, and she slowly made her way back to the changing area backstage.

Once there, Rarity and Coco set to work changing her into a different dress, pale yellow to match her fur tone, with pastel green trim at the bottom.

"So how did it go? You must tell me all the details!" asked Rarity, living vicariously through her friend.

Coco helped Fluttershy get her foreleg through a sleeve. "There isn't time now. Fluttershy's on again next." She looked Fluttershy in the eye. "When the current model comes off, you're straight on."

Rarity had seen that model go on; a tall white unicorn with pink hair whom Rarity found oddly familiar but couldn't quite place.

Fluttershy felt like she was almost sleepwalking, but she was determined to stay awake. You can't let Coco down, she told herself. You must do this. You must.

Once the unicorn model had arrived backstage, Fluttershy stepped back out onto the runway. After her sleepless night, tiredness was catching up with her. Though she did her best to model the clothes proudly, she felt her head starting to droop, and her bleary eyes narrowing to block out the abusive flash of the cameras. At the end of the runway, she stumbled and almost fell over, but managed to turn around and walk back, yawning, and no longer even bothering to cover her mouth with a hoof.

Fluttershy ambled through the backstage area, half looking for her friends, half looking for somewhere to lie down. She spotted Rarity and walked over to her. "Am I done now?" she asked, though she knew those were the only two dresses she was scheduled to wear. The others, lacking wing slits, had been designed to fit earth ponies and unicorns. Rarity nodded and Fluttershy yawned again. "I'm going to find somewhere to have a sleep."

"No!" came a familiar voice from behind her. "I, Photo Finish… want to talk to you."

Fluttershy and Rarity looked around to see the famous fashion photographer flanked by a pink-maned pale cyan mare in a red jacket, and a pale purple mare with white hair and a blue jacket. Coco trotted over to see what was happening.

One of Photo Finish's assistants passed her a hoofful of photos from the show, and the photographer flicked through them. "Floottershy! You looked so tired, so sleepy. Like you really didn't want to be out there. Like you wanted ze bed."

Rarity and Coco looked at each other nervously. Coco bit her lip.

"It was wunderbar! It was ze magics!" Photo Finish raved, passing the photos to one of her assistants.

"Really?" asked a sceptical Rarity.

"Yes! I cannot wait to work with you again, Floottershy! I shall have you and these elegant designs on the cover of every magazine in ze Equestria. I shall call it 'Fatigue Chic'. Catchy, no? 'Fatigue Chic'. I, Photo Finish, shall help your star to shi—"

"I'm sorry, Photo Finish," interrupted Fluttershy, "but I'm not getting back into modelling again. This was a one-off, for a friend." She looked towards Coco, and Coco smiled.

Photo Finish looked deflated. "I, Photo Finish, understand." She turned to Coco. "So you are ze pony who designed zees dresses?"

Coco nodded.

"We go!" Photo Finish reached out her hoof and grabbed Coco, pulling her away for what looked like would be a long and mostly one-sided conversation.

Rarity watched as the pony she regarded as somewhat of a protégé walked off with the famous photographer. Photo Finish would be able to provide Coco's burgeoning business with valuable exposure. "Look, Fluttershy, there she goes. You know I expected to be jealous, but… Fluttershy? Fluttershy?!"

She looked around for her friend, only to find the mare curled up on the floor, eyes closed, breathing gently. She found a jacket to drape over the sleeping pegasus to keep her warm. "Oh, Fluttershy," she whispered amusedly.

Comments ( 17 )

It's finally out! Yay! :yay:

Awwww this story is awesome!!! Five hearts for you! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

How adorable...:yay:

Oh gosh it is June already, isn't it?

Probably way too late, but all of your notes in your last PM were fine by me.

Sorry I couldn't get back to you in time to get you to write a chapter 3,however. :raritywink:

6057299 Thanks for all your help with this. It will have at least one sequel — more likely, two.

I liked this story. Five out of five! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Decent story. I wish more had been done with the concept though. It's over too soon.

OMC I knew you were writing something like this but I had no idea it was for me!! THANK YOU SO MUCH it is amazing and adorable and exactly what I wanted for these three :heart::heart: I loved how Fluttershy agreed to model because Coco was Rarity's friend and therefore her friend too - that's so her c': (and of course Coco's puppy dog eyes, obviously what pony could resist that? XD) and Coco admiring Fluttershy's wing dexterousness, aaah~!! And Rarity was wonderful too, being supportive and organising everything while disguising any jealousy :raritywink:

"Nonsense, Fluttershy, it will all come flooding back to you once you get started." Rarity noticed Coco grimace slightly at the word 'flooding'. "Sorry — bad choice of words."

Smooooth, Rarity :rainbowlaugh:

And I loved the ending with Photo Finish - fatigue chic!! I could totally rock that :P Flutters falling asleep at the end was adorable and just wrapped up the fic really nicely - it felt like this could be an episode, you had the feel/tone of the show down so well :twilightsmile:

I really should stop rambling at you now lol but THIS MADE ME SO HAPPY AND THANK YOU AGAIN SO MUCH ...and yes I agree I really must write some horse words again soon :twilightsheepish:

6058626 No problem. It's just a little way to say thank you for the advice you gave me with some of my early stories. Peachy Pie's Very Special Somepony in particular was greatly improved by your input. By votes, if not by views, it is my most popular story. I think I've since internalized a lot of the writing advice you gave me, so a lot of my other more recent stories probably owe a lot to you too.

You're like my "writing Yoda", except taller, with smaller ears, and not as ancient. :pinkiesmile:

Still taking requests?

6061431 I don't really do requests per se. Sometimes somebody suggests an idea I find so interesting that I want to write it, but not often. yellowstripedflutterbat didn't request this story.

Aww, thanks! no problem at all, I'm really glad I could be useful at all, and it's well deserved cause that fic is awesome - almost as awesome as this one :raritywink:

XD Pleases me greatly, this does!

Hi! So...

I just posted a review of this on my blog, here.

Overall, I like it. I love the concept, and think there's a lot you could explore with it... but I also feel like there's things that could be made better. I hope you aren't offended!

Er, okay. That was abrupt, but not bad.

I just now saw this!! Very good!

A very good story idea with a nice execution, good job :twilightsmile:

This story was very cute and I loved it so much!

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