• Published 6th Mar 2015
  • 5,839 Views, 57 Comments

The almighty Dynasty warrior!!! - Spartan889

Simple cosplayer dressed as the Shin Musha Gundam and was transported to a magical land filled with ponies.

  • ...

Battle royale! And PonyVille.

I can't believe I did that! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!! The look on Luna's face was priceless!

I notice my jetpack slowly starts to overheat and decided to land. I slowly descended to the ground and notice I was in a park which was kind of deserted. Once I landed, I seat infront of a pond with my legs cross and started meditate peacefully ignoring any other sounds.

I wonder what's happening in the castle now?

"Today we are gathered here today to once again honor the heroism of these six friends, who stood up to the villain Discord and saved Equestria from eternal chaos!” Celestia announced proudly and cheers erupted from the crowd.

After a few dramatic moments, Celestia reveals the latest stained glass window of Twilight Sparkle and her friends defeating Discord causing the crowd to cheer again but louder.

While the crowd cheered, Celestia notice a familiar midnight blue alicorn at the entrance causing the crowd to quiet down and stare at Princess Luna with fear or curiosity.

Princess Luna looks around the crowd for a moment but makes her way towards Celestia.

"What's wrong now Luna?" Celestia asked.

"We need to speak to you in private sister." Luna whispered.

Celestia's expression morphs into confusion before nodding and follows her sister out of the throne room.


"You seem troubled Luna? What's wrong?" Celestia asked.

"Indeed we are." Luna said.

"Then what us it." Celestia said.

"We believe an ancient threat has return Tia." Luna said. But was answered by Celestia laughter.

"Luna, Discord has been dealt with. He's currently in his stone prison." She said.

"Tis is no laughing matter sister. I meant a very ancient threat. The Avatar of War has returned. " Luna said.

After hearing what Luna siad, Celestia pupils shrinked and her expression morphs into worry and horror.

"Your not kidding." Celestia said.

"We are not dear sister. He was able to retrieve his weapon from our room. We are truly sorry sister." Luna said and looks down in shame until she receive a hug from Celestia.

"Its alright Luna."

"I understand sister but we believe he should be weak enough for the Elements of harmony to turn him into stone. But they went through alot recently" Luna said

"I believe so too Luna." Celestia said.

"Sister?" Luna asked.

"Prepare for battle Luna." Celestia said. "Who knows what kind of horrors he's spreading. "


"Is somebody talking about me?" I asked myself but I simply shrug it off and went back to my meditation.

"You got to be kidding me! We just dealt with Discord and now we have another crisis on our hoofs! Why does everything goes to Tarterus fast?!?" Rainbow Dash shouted.

"Rainbow Dash, watch your language!" Rarity snapped and both mares started arguing

While both mares were arguing, Twilight was trying to process on what's happening. Also an ancient threat has return but her mentor stood infront of her in full battle armor

Celestia was wielding a large broadSword and a War axe as Luna wields a scythe and a spear-axe.

"Um girls, the princesses are going to tell us who we're facing. " Twilight said which stopped the argument. "Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Can you tell us who we are facing?"

"He is known as the avatar of war and unity. He's a creature made of strange metal who's power rivals our own. He's name is called Shin Musha Gundam. " Celestia said.

"During the great war, he was able to create an army by uniting Ponies, Zebras, Diamond Dogs, Griffons, Kirins, Buffalo and many more even dragons to fight alongside with him. We have no idea how he does it unfortunately. " Luna said.

Twilight and her friends were gobsmacked about hearing what the princesses said.

"He had dragons to fight for him!?" Rainbow Dash shouted in disbelief.

"A mix species army...but that's impossible.!" Twilight exclaimed.

"It is very much true my student. He is also specialize in both magic and combat. But his magic is something I never heard off nor seen in my life." Celestia said. "But he should be weak enough to be vulnerable to the Elements of harmony. We should search for him at the south side of Canterlot to find him."

"But what's with the armor?" Rarity asked curiously.

"Musha will not go down easily due to combat skills which could prove to be difficult. " Celestia explained.

"You can count on us Princess Celestia." Twilight said confidently.

"Thank you Twilight but be careful. He is not an opponent to be trifled with." Celestia warned.

An hour past as I meditate patiently but I sense six powerful presence coming towards me.

"I see you found me." I said and my optics reactivates and see the mane six who were caught off guard. I exited out of my meditation and slowly touch the geound with my arms crossed. "You must be the wielders of the Elements of harmony. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Shin Musha Gundam, ruler of the Shin Dynasty Kingdom."

Twilight and her friends were caught off guard again by my introduction.

"I already know your names. Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy and Rarity." I simply said.

"How did you know our names!?! Are you some sort of spy!?" Rainbow Dash said threatening.

"I have my ways." I said. "But if your trying to seal me away, I will not allow you." I draw out my Denkoumaru Naginata and perform a handsign.

"Fire style: Phoenix flame!" I shot out a wave of fire from my palm at the mane 6 who dodge out of the way while Twilight form a bubble shield which defended her from my attack.

I notice Rainbow Dash coming at me at me but I perform a handsign yet again. "Wind style: Wind slash!" I swing my Denkoumaru at Rainbow Dash thus sending a blade made of wind which hit the pegasi thus sending her to wall and I quickly grab the Element of Loyalty from her neck.

Applejack comes in charging at me and performs a flurry of kick but I simply block them a hit her stomach by using a open palm strike also grab her element necklace after hitting her. But my palm strike kind off send her to a tree but she quickly recovers and coms charging at me yet again.

I did several handsigns and slam my palms to the ground. "Earth style: Rock prison!" After slamming my palms to the ground, several rock walls emerge from the ground and surrounds Applejack thus trapping her. After trapping her, I turn around and saw a cannon barrel pointing right at my face but behind it was a smiling pink earth pony.



A entire chocolate cake hits me in the face. I quickly recover but tasted a bit of the cake chocolate flavour.

"Chocolate cake...my favourite." I happily said but got a small hug from Pinkie Pie.

"Glad you like it!" Pinkie said happily.

"No problem." I said and broke from her hug and slam her face with a large cream pie then I snatch her necklace while she was busy licking the pie cream filling.

I look around for the others until I saw Fluttershy using the stare at me.

"How dare you, how dare you! How dare you hurt my friends! I will not tolerate on what what you did! Your mother should be ashamed of what you did! Now say your sorry to my friends!"

"Ain'tnobodygottimeforthat!" I quickly said before caking her with another cream pie and take her element necklace from her. "Four down. Two to go."

Several magic bolts came at me but I quickly block them by spinning my Denkoumaru and perform a handsign. "Water style: Water whip!" Water starts to form around my left hand and forms into a whip. I swing my whip right both unicorns and trip them. Taking advantage of their current state, I place my Denkoumaru back and quickly run towards them and slam their heads together thus knocking them out cold. I grab their necklaces from them and place the rest of the Elements of harmony in a sack. But I heard several groan comjng from the mane 6 except for Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy.

"You all have fought valiantly and with honor I respect all of you for that." I said. "Celestia come out now! I've defeated your Elements of harmony wielders!"

Celestia appears in a bright flash with her eyes shining brightly while her mane and tail were on fire and fires a nova beam at me which I simply dodge it.


"Celestia your scaring them." I said

Princess Celestia looks around and sees Twilight looking at her in fear which cause her to change back to normal as her mane and tail goes back to their normal rainbow colour.

"Hate to break the moment. But we have some unfinished business Celestia. I am still angry of you trying to destroy my Dynasty kingdom for nothing." I said angrily.

"Your kingdom was a threat to entire world and must be eradicated." Celestia spat back and returning to her super saiyan-like form.

"Threat!? Threat! We didn't attack you or any other kingdoms! It was you and your allies who attacked us first! We defended ourselves from your armies!" I shouted in anger and draw out my Denkoumaru and Sankoumaru. "Prepare yourself Celestia. "

A few tense moments past as Celestia and I glare at each other for a few seconds. The first one to charge was Celestia as she tries to swing her War-axe at me but I easily block it with my Sankoumaru and kick Celestia away. But Celestia quickly recovers and fires a solar beam at me.

"Earth style: Earth wall!" I slam my hand to the ground and the earth below me shot up from the ground and blocks Celestia solar beam attack.

I charge at Celestia and tried to slash her but she blocks it with her BroadSword but I headbutted her causing Celestia to stagger back. I put my Denkoumaru and Sankoumaru back to my rack and perform a handsign and electricity crackles around my left hand.

"Lighting style: Song of a thousand sparrows!" My thrusters activates and sends me at Celestia who forms a shield around herself. My left hand collided against her shield thus creating a large explosion Thus send us flying. I recovered and see Celestia charging her horn and fires a beam at me. I quickly dodge it but found out it hit a abandon building which was about to collaspe and crush Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie

Without a second thought I punch Celestia repeatedly and kick her away then dash straight towards both mares and throw myself infront of them. "Earth style: Rock dome." The earth below me erupts from the ground and forms a dome around me, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie just before the building crash above us.

"Are you two okay?" I asked in concern and was answered with a nod by Pinkie Pie.

"T-thank you for saving us." Fluttershy said.

"No problem." I said.

"So how are we gonna get out?" Pinkie asked.

"Leave it to me." I said. I draw out my rifle then point it upwards and fire a beam right through the debris. My thrusters activates and boost myself along with Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie out of the wrecked building and landed safely on the ground.

Before they could thank me, I was soon blasted away by a very enrage Celestia.

"You stay away from them monster!!!" Celestia shouted in anger.

I recover from my surprised state and saw Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy looking at me worried but I signal them to get out of here.

"Hey Celestia! I just realized I haven't even use my Katana." I said.

Celestia eyes widen at my statement and frantically fire several beams at me but I dodge them with ease and slowly draw out my Katana out of its sheath. With one practice swing, my katana destroys half of the park. Leaving a large crater behind.

"It seems I'm out of practice." I look at Celestia and disappear and reappear behind her and bring my Katana straight down towards Celestia but she blocks my attack by using her BroadSword and attempts to hit me with her war axe but I disappear again and reappear above Celestia. And my Katana blade was consume in black flames.

"Dāku kasai surasshu !" I swing my Katana which release a large crescent shape fire right at Celestia. The alicorn quickly dodge it but her wings were singed causing her to cringe in pain

"I thought you were made of tougher stuff." I taunted and was rewarded another roar of anger from Celestia.

The enrage alicorn comes charging at me as she tries to hit me but I countered all her moves easily and hit her.

"I sense the dark side in you Celestia. Embrace it." I said in a Darth Vader accent and countered her magic bolts . I slowly walk towards Celestia while blocking her range attacks.

"This is getting boring. Time to finish this." I dodge another magic bolt and punch Celestia in the face sending her a few feet away from me and grip my Katana with both hands.

"Fire style: Blazing Phoenix slash!" My katana blade was engulf into a fiery inferno. A pair of Phoenix wings sprouts out my back magically. With one mighty flap sends me hurling towards Celestia.

Before she could defend herself, I quickly slash Celestia and leaving a fiery explosion behind me also leaving a cloud of smoke. Once the the fire dies down, the wings behind me dissipate but within the smoke I see Celestia lying on the ground injured.

I sheath my Katana back to its scabbarb and stare at Celestia until I just realise something.

"Hey where's Luna?" I asked until I sense another presence behind me. I quickly turn around and see a blade of a scythe coming right at me and hits my arm damaging it.

I notice Luna appears infront of me with a smirk on her face.

"Smart girl." I commented.

"Now your end has come monster." Luna said and brings her Spear-axe down at me. I quickly draw out my Katana and block it just in time and knock her away but Luna swings her Spear axe blade at me which hits my side leaving a deep cut with sparks flying out of my wound.

Crap my right arm is injured, I spent most of my energy on my battle against Celestia. Most of my choices are limited. Wait I still have my summoning scrolls! How can I easily forgot about them.

"We have you on your knees monster. Give up." Luna said with a victory smirk.

I simply laugh at Luna's statement causing her to give me a confuse look. "You think you got me. Think again." I kick Luna away and take out a scroll which has a snake skull adorned to it. I quickly unroll it also revealing multiple Japanese characters. I perform several handsigns and place my hand on the scroll.

"Summoning Art!"

A cloud of smoke suddenly appears but the rest of the ponies see a large figure within the smoke. Once the smoke clears, reveals a massive eight headed snake with me riding on it's fourth head.

"Yamata No Orochi."

Everypony stare at the massive snake in awe and fear until the snake lets out a deafening roar that shook the ground.

"S-S-S-Snakeee!!!" Twilight shriek.

"It's amazing!" Fluttershy said in amazement.

"Itss been a long time masterrrr" Orochi said.

"Yeah I know that already Orochi.But we got a problem. A princess problem." I said and pointed at Luna who is currently charging her horn.

"I got it master." Orochi said. "Poison breath!" All eight heads mouths open and shoot out a purple gas right at the ponies.

"Is that really poison gas or just simply paralyzing gas?" I asked.

"Paralyzing gas." Orochi simply answered.

"Good now get us out of here." I said.

Orochi nods to my requests and dives towards the ground thus creating a large sinkhole but I cover the sinkhole so that nobody could follow us.

Meanwhile somewhere in the Everfree forest.

The ground starts to shake violently until a gaint eight-headed snake erupts from the ground.

I quickly look around my surroundings before jumping off Orochi's fourth head and landed to ground safely but Orochi hits me at the back of my head with his tail.

"What the hell was that for!?" I shouted.

"That was for your recklessness back then before you got turn to stone you idiot!?" Orochi said angrily.

"Hey that was to give the evac shuttles enough time to escape to the safezones." I said.

Orochi sighs a bit before smiling. " Well be more careful next time Shin. Oh and Happy here has something for you." Orochi said.

"Oh really." I said and look at the snake 2nd head.

"Well yes." It spoke in a feminine voice.

"You can tell me Happy." I said. But Happy regurgitates a carriage.

"Its that my personal Ramen carriage?" I asked.

"Yup." Happy said. "I took the responsibility to look after your ramen shop master."

"Thank you very much Happy. I believe you have done enough. Thank you." I said.

"Your welcome master. And its good to see you back again." Orochi said before disappearing leaving a cloud of smoke behind.

Once the smoke dissipates, I see Yamata No Orochi summoning scroll laying on the floor. I pick the scroll up and put it back into my inventory and look back at my ramen carriage.

I enter my ramen carriage and see everything in tip-top shape even a couple of new equipment too. I also notice several of my cauldron boiling tonkoutsu soup also my Sashimi counter was full of fresh ingredients even the freezer was full of fresh meat and fish.

"Time to hit the road." I said. I exited my carriage and started to pull it.

2 hours later...

After exiting the Everfree, I realize it was night-time outside the Everfree also notice a sign-board infront of me.


PonyVille? Sounds like a nice place.

I slowly made my way down to the town market but only to find it deserted. I look around for any signs of life but couldn't find any.

Time to hit the hay.

I enter my carriage quarters again and lay down on my bed and slowly fall asleep.

Author's Note:

Yay a new chapt everypony!!

41 likes and 124 favs!

Awesome. I hope you guys like this chapter also I will explain a bit about Yamata No Orochi heads personality next chapter but for now pls leave a like or fav.

See ya next time. ^^

Comments ( 39 )

I really like this story.

Just to kill my curiosity the moves that Shin Musha Gundam using are they canon to the real deal or are you taking that stuff from multiple sources?

have you read the displaced fics about Dullahan the headless and the one about the samurai swordsman of epicness Gilgamesh by any chance?

The moves Shin Musha Gundam use are not from the game but an idea I came up with after watching a few Naruto episodes and also he's armor is also Samurai theme.

5752994 i knew there was some Naruto going on here :P

So, another gundam displaced? Cool! I am very interested to see where this goes, and I might have a new 2nd favorite gundam! If you're up for a crossover later on, give me a call on skype. Good luck with this story, my friend. Skype xzsamzilla7.

Why does everything goes to Tarterus fast

^ Tartarus

Celestia was wielding a large broadSword and a War axe as Luna wields a scythe and a spear-axe.

^need to be spaced (+ anywhere else where you did the same)

But he should be weak enough to be vulnerable to the Elements of harmony.

^ pretty sure the h should be cap here (+ anywhere else where you did the same)

I exited out of my meditation and slowly touch the geound with my arms crossed.


but she quickly recovers and coms charging


But I heard several groan comjng

^groans coming

Your kingdom was a threat to entire world and must be eradicated

^should be a 'the' between these two

creating a large explosion Thus send us flying

^don't need to cap the t

about to collaspe and crush Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie

^collapse also forgot the .

The alicorn quickly dodge it but her wings were singed causing her to cringe in pain

^forgot the .
Also you don't cap the v in Ponyville

"Threat!? Threat! We didn't attack you or any other kingdoms! It was you and your allies who attacked us first! We defended ourselves from your armies!"

^I feel this was a perfect opportunity to add something like:
"You are the villain here! The Monster!! The Murderer!!!"
That would've have been a brutal mind fu*k :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

5752994 hah i new couldn't remember moves like that from the game

Unfortunately I don't have skype but you can send a private message in FIMfiction.

5754496 yeah, Skype just tends to be quicker. Still, PM is fine. :twilightsheepish:

This certainly earns the random tag. Looking forward to more.
Keep up the good work. Deus tecum.

5753210 clearly you haven't fought him enough its only fun when your playing him from my experience in GDW 1

I want to like this, I really do. However, unfortunately for you, I recently read Gilgamesh's story. That is how you do a random character who is incredibly powerful and charismatic. Sure, Shin could of just beat respect for him out of his dynasty, but as soon as he was gone it would collapse. Meanwhile, Gilgamesh is a goofball who wants to fight some one at full strength and not worry about killing them, win or lose. So long as he can fight some one strong, he doesn't care. Also, a naginata is a pole arm type weapon. You have to weild it with both hands. Same for the spear. The machine gun is just that, a machine gun, use as desired. Finally, the best way to weild a katana is like a two handed long sword, with a bit more centering. That's not to say you can't weild a katana in a style similar to a hand-and-a-half sword which uses speed mainly and both hands for more powerful strikes, but what are you doing with your other arm when you aren't going all out for either one or a series of strikes? In the case of Gilgamesh, he can get away with wielding four weapons at once because he can grow six additional arms.

I find this story rather amusing i wish for more my good sir.:moustache:

i know this is supposed to be random but i really want to find out about his dynasty he made

keep up the good work

Be weary that you do not copy "The Mighty Warrior of Epicness"

5795973 Well, so far he has done OTHER funny things, and that is not a problem. Two different stories with different maincharacters are allowed to be both funny.

Can you finish the story I love it



i've only got one thing to say..MOAR:flutterrage:

again MOAR!!!!!!!

Need more of this kind of fun.:twilightsmile:

pwease make moar..:fluttercry:

6564340 MORE!!!! WHAT ITS FUNNY ???

new chapter please

I'm loving this so far, please keep up the great work!! :yay:

When is the new chapter going to come out

do you still write your stories?

Well probably he might’ve made ramen instead.

Can you please update this

The Fandom wants more! :flutterrage:

Nice story so far, would like to see it finished at some point.

Last online: Dec 13th, 2019, so unlikely unless someone adopts this abandoned story.

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