• Published 19th Feb 2015
  • 1,348 Views, 72 Comments

The Last Alicorn(Book One: Purpose) - Deathsia

Since before time immemorial, Alicorns have ruled over nearly every country in Equestria save for the griffon kingdom and a few other uncharted locations. However, when the world needed them most... They vanished...

  • ...

The Adventure begins(Part 1)


Part 1

Sapphire and Snowbreeze approached the Alicorn's home to see Merrybelle standing outside and rushed up to her once she noticed the two approaching. "Oh thank Celestia you are alright! With how long you were taking, I was afraid something terrible had happened!" Merrybelle exclaimed as she hugged her daughter tightly before allowing her to be released from her embrace.

"Where are the Pumpkin seeds and who's this?" She asked curiously, taking note that her daughter was not pulling the cart she left with.

Sapphire turned to look at the Pegasus and gestured a hoof towards her. "Oh, this is Snowbreeze Dash! Her ancestor was the element or loyalty!" Sapphire said with a wide smile. She was actually quite happy to avoid the topic of the pumpkin seeds if she could.

Much to even Sapphire's shock, Merrybelle suddenly bowed low towards Snowbreeze. "It is an honor to meet one of the decedents of The Elements Of Harmony." She said not bothering to look up as she continued to bow to the Pegasus who blushed as she rubbed the back of her head nervously.

"Yesh, wish I got this kind of reception at the cafe." Snowbreeze remarked aloud as Merrybelle rose up to look at her.

"Yes, even though each race of pony has agreed to a truce, it's been such a short time after the war that tensions are still high between them. You'll come to find that our family is much more accepting of all the pony races than most in this town." Merrybelle said with a warm smile before she looked to her daughter. "You should go see your father before he tries to get out of bed to look for you again." she added with a nervous look towards the door.

"Right, I'll be back in a few, Snowbreeze." Sapphire said before she quickly headed inside.

"So, how did you and my daughter meet?" Merrybelle asked curiously.

"Oh, we met in the cafe, see this Lead-erm... Earth pony was refusing to serve me a drink even though I told him that my ancestor was the element of loyalty and he called me a featherflank! I was about ready to beat the hay out of the big bully when Sapphire walked in and broke up the fight before it even started!" Snowbreeze exclaimed only to realize she had just blurted out the exact kind of information Sapphire surely wanted to avoid her parents finding out.

"Really now?" Merrybelle responded in a knowing yet stern tone. "Would you care to tell me more?" She asked aloud with a facial expression that caused the Pegasus to look back at Sapphire's mother with a nervous look.

Sapphire walked into her parent's bedroom to see her father attempting to get out of bed again. "Hey! You're supposed to be in bed! That fractured butt-bone won't heal if you try walking too much!" Sapphire lectured her father as she rushed over to help him back into bed.

"Where have you been? You've had me and your mother worried sick!" Steel remarked as he hugged his daughter.

Upon hearing this, Sapphire let out a nervous laugh. "Funny story actually." She began to say only for the door to swing open as her mother and Snowbreeze walked in.

Sapphire looked to her mother and took note of the look of disapproval on her face then to Snowbreeze who mouthed the words "I'm sorry!" inaudibly at her before she turned her gaze back to her mother.

"I've already heard one story today young filly and it's not one I'd like to hear again." Merrybelle remarked aloud in a strict and motherly tone at which point Sapphire's ears flatten back in guilt as she bit her lower lip.

"Okay, look. I just wanted to get a drink and all but I didn't mean to buck a hole in the cafe wall!" Sapphire exclaimed defensively at which point her mother's expression flashed wide in surprise and anger while Snowbreeze slammed her hoof against her forehead and groaned. The young Pegasus had managed to sugarcoat the story of how the two met but Sapphire was quickly blasting any attempts she had made to avoid getting her new friend in even deeper trouble to the moon.

"You what?!" Steel blurted out which caused Sapphire attention to be yanked back to her father.

"On second thought, I think I would like to hear this story again… in full." Merrybelle said in a stern manner though the final two words of her sentence bore such a motherly strictness to them that it made Sapphire want to crawl into a corner and die.

So Sapphire told her parents the full story and by the time she was finished, she was sure that by the time her parents were done with her, she'd have her cutiemark alright, a large and very red cutiemark in the shape of her mother's hoof.

Sapphire and Snowbreeze now stood outside as the Alicorn's parents decided her fate from within their bedroom. "You couldn't keep your trap shut could you? I was this close to avoiding having to tell them anything at all!" Sapphire remarked aloud with a glare the snow white Pegasus who glared back.

"Hey! I know I bucked up but you're the one who blabbed off the finer details of what happened that I had worked painfully to smooth over for your mom to save you getting in even more trouble!" Snowbreeze retorted with a glare.

"Ya well, as far as I knew, you had already told her everything! The only thing I read from your lips was 'I'm sorry!' so how the flying buck was I supposed to know you sugarcoated it?!" Sapphire retorted back.

"Oh I don't know…" Snowbreeze began to say, the sarcasm heavy in her voice. "The fact that before you blabbed off the fact you bucked a hole in the cafe wall, your mom didn't look like she was ready to throttle you!" She exclaimed her temper quickly rising.

"Pssh! Oh yeah, my mom looking even more pissed off than she was is such a big clue!" Sapphire restored sarcastically.

"Don't blame me for your buck up!" She retorted before she turned away from the Alicorn. "Stupid spikehead." She muttered aloud.

"Look who's talking, featherflank!" Sapphire shot back at which point the two began butting heads with one another.

"You wanna go hoof to hoof with this Pegasus?! Bring it on!" Snowbreeze exclaimed as the two continued butting heads.

"Yeah, right! Like you'd last three seconds against me!" Sapphire shot back.

"What in equestria is going on out there?!" Merrybelle's voice erupted from inside the bedroom which caused both teenage fillies to suddenly stop butting heads and look to the door fearfully.

"N-Nothing!" Sapphire called out to her mother.

"It better be nothing!" Merrybelle's voice called back before the house went silent once again save for the muffled conversation from within Steel and Merrybelle's bedroom.

The two fillies remained silent for a time before Snowbreeze finally spoke up. "Look, sorry for calling you a spikehead, that was uncalled for." she apologized as she looked to the Alicorn who looked back at her and sighed.

"And I'm sorry for calling you a featherflank." Sapphire apologized back with a soft smile. "So, friends?" She said as she reached a hoof out to the Pegasus.

"Heh, you know it!" Snowbreeze replied back as she hoof-bumped the Alicorn much to her confusion at first until she caught on.

The two were once again silent for a time until a question popped into Sapphire's head which she couldn't help but ask. "So, why are you in Rockybottom? This place is a long ways from any Pegasi cities." she asked curiously.

"Yeah, about that…" Snowbreeze began to say only for the door to Sapphire's parents bedroom to swing open and Merrybelle to walk out and close the door behind her.

"As you know, me and your father have been talking about what punishment would be suitable for you. Naturally the first thing we thought of was making you work the fields more but then we remembered you actually like doing that, plus with your father out of commision you'll be doing much more work anyways." Merrybelle began, her voice strict and motherly as she spoke.

"We then thought about grounding you but since you never leave the farm anyways, that would be pointless." She continued but stopped to let her daughter take this in. "But then your father mentioned the fact you had bucked a large hole into the cafe wall which made us think that working out a deal with the cafe owner would work." She said and paused once again to allow her daughter to take this next set of information in.

"However, since the owner now knows that you have a horn, that idea is toast since he would most likely refuse to associate with you from this day forward." Merrybelle continued and let out a dejected sigh. "To be quite frank Sapphire, me and your father can't begin to think of a punishment for you." She finished much to the astonishment and delight of Sapphire and Snowbreeze.

"So… I'm off the hook?" Sapphire asked hopefully only for her mother to clear her throat which caused the filly to fold her ears back and frown.

"You're not getting off that easy, young filly. Consider yourself on parole until we can think of a suitable punishment for you. Until which point and time you are not to leave the house without me or your father supervising you." Merrybelle replied in the same strict and stern motherly tone.

The mare then turned to look at Snowbreeze who attempted to smile at the mare but the smile soon turned into a frown as she folded her ears back as well guiltily. "While I'm not your mother, I found your actions very disappointing young filly. I would like to know you and your parent's address to we can head over there as soon as possible and explain to them what happened. I'm sure they will decide a suitable punishment for you." Merrybelle said in a stern tone to the Pegasus.

Upon hearing this, Snowbreeze bit her lower lip before she let out a depressed sigh. "The thing about my parents is… They're dead." she replied in a saddened tone much to the shock of both Sapphire and her mother who stared in shock and sympathy of the young filly. "I've been on my own for three years now." She finished and sighed once more.


The two fillies once again sat silently as Sapphire's mother went back into the bedroom to discuss this new found information with her husband. "Wow, I had no idea. I'm so sorry." Sapphire said softly as she looked to Snowbreeze whom was looking up the ceiling at the present time.

"It's cool. It's not like you could have known." Snowbreeze replied nonchalantly though she never looked at Sapphire directly.

"How did it… I mean what…" Sapphire attempted to ask the same question twice yet she couldn't muster the words.

"How did my parents die?" Snowbreeze asked though she continued to stare at the ceiling.

"Y-Yeah… I mean if its not to painful to remember." Sapphire stuttered out slightly.

"Heck if I know. See, my parents were often off on peace missions. My mom being one of the decedent's to the Elements of Harmony and all. My caretaker got a letter in the mail one day when my mom and dad were deep in griffin territory. Apparently there was some kind of misunderstanding with the locals and a civil war broke out with my parents caught smack dab in the middle of it. According to my caretaker, they were killed while on their way to negotiate peace terms with a neighboring griffin nation."

"Wow, you couldn't have taken that well." Sapphire remarked morbidly as Snowbreeze continued to look up at the ceiling.

"You're right, I didn't. The very night after I got the news, I ran away. Been on the road ever since. Drifting from city to city, doing odd-jobs for bits to survive and all that. I ended up town earlier today actually. Stopped into the cafe to buy a drink since I had been flying for like six hours straight, then you walked in and the rest you know." Snowbreeze finished, sighed, let out a groan as she stretched all four legs, and stood up.

"So, I think I'm gonna blitz. Nice meeting ya Sapphire but I think I've caused you enough trouble." Snowbreeze said as she began to walk away.

"But you just got here and we just became friends like ten minutes ago. Why don't you stay a little while longer?"

Snowbreeze stopped walking away, turned around and gave her a soft smile. "Thanks for the offer but I'll pass. Last thing you need is me mooching off a family of hard working farm ponies." She said before she struck what Sapphire thought was a rather egotistic pose. "Besides, I'm a free spirit and all that. Ya keep me tied down to one place for too long and I'll wither up and die!" She proclaimed dramatically to which Sapphire rolled her eyes as she stood up and walked over to the Pegasus.

"Just for a few days? Please?" Sapphire asked as she put on the best puppy-eyed look she could muster.

"Gah! Enough with the mushy puppy-dog eyes! I'm stay a few more days, okay?" Snowbreeze replied and let out an annoyed groan as Sapphire wrapped her hooves around her and hugged her tightly. "Come on! Enough with the mushy stuff! You're gonna mess up my mane!" The snow white Pegasus protested as she half-heartedly attempted to detach the Alicorn from her.

"Aw…" A voice that could belong to none other than Sapphire's mother came from a few feet away. It was upon seeing Sapphire's mother giving such a dawwing expression that the Pegasus blushed beet red and put much more effort in detaching the Alicorn from her.

Once she had, Merrybelle approached the Pegasus. "So, me and my husband have been talking and well, with Sapphire's father out of commision for the week, we could use a few more helping hooves around the farm. "If you'd like, we can offer you a place to stay for a little while in exchange for helping around the farm." Merrybelle offered the Pegasus.

"Yeah, that's cool. I already told Sapphire I could stay for a few days after she practically begged me to stay." Snowbreeze replied with a smirk towards Sapphire who now blushed crimson and gave the Pegasus a soft punch to the shoulder. "Yeowch! That hurts ya know!" Snowbreeze exclaimed as she rubbed her sore shoulder.

"Careful Sapphire, I know you were only being playful but you have a habit of not knowing your own strength at times." Merrybelle warned to which Sapphire gave a guilty look at her new friend's shoulder.

"Oops… Sorry. I didn't hurt you too badly did I?" She asked as Snowbreeze rubbed her shoulder a little longer before she put her hoof to the floor.

"Nah, the pain's already gone. I'm tough like that." Snowbreeze boasted proudly.

"Well, in that case, it's close to bedtime for Sapphire. You're welcome to sleep in her room if you'd like. I'd offer to let you sleep in the guest bedroom but we don't have one." Merrybelle replied with a mildly embarrassed expression as she spoke.

"That's cool, I'll just run outside real quick, grab a tuft of cloud and make my own bed." Snowbreeze replied coolly as she turned around and began to follow Sapphire as she walked towards her bedroom only to stop once she was sure neither pony was watching.

The Pegasus looked to her bruised shoulder and rubbed it with a soft wince. "Ow…!" she remarked aloud with a pained expression before she followed Sapphire to the bedroom.


The next morning, Sapphire woke up bright and early as she often did to get ready to work in the fields. She gave a quick glance over to Snowbreeze who had brought in more than a "Tuft" of cloud and rolled her eyes with a smirk as she stepped onto the cloud bed and walked over to the slumbering Pegasus. "Time to wake up sleepyhead." She said as she gently nudged her friend.

"Just five more minutes…" Snowbreeze muttered aloud as she drowsily opened one eye to look at Sapphire, paused to make sure she was seeing what she was correctly, then another, and finally opened both eyes completely as she stared at her friend in shock. "Uh, how are you walking on clouds?" She asked curiously as she looked up at Sapphire.

The Alicorn's expression suddenly became mildly worried as she struggled to think of a reason. "Um, Uh… A walk on clouds spell?" Sapphire replied meekly. She had no idea if such a spell even existed but it was the only thing that came to mind.

Snowbreeze looked at her friend curiously before she gave a long yawn and rolled to her side so that she was facing away from the filly as she closed her eyes. "Seems like a waste of magic just to wake somepony up to me but oh well." She remarked aloud drowsily.

"Well, I didn't want to ruin your bed." She replied sheepishly. "Even if it's taking up half of my bedroom." She added sourly.

Sapphire soon noticed that the Pegasus was snoring softly again and rolled her eyes as she hopped off the cloud bed and left her bedroom only to be greeted by her mother. "Morning Sweetie!" Merrybelle greeted warmly until she noticed her daughter was still wearing the coat from yesterday. "Did you sleep in that?" She asked curiously as her daughter folded her ears back with a frown.

"She doesn't know I have wings as well yet, okay?" Sapphire replied and sighed softly.

"Sapphire…" Her mother began as she placed a hoof on the filly's shoulder. "You can't hide the truth from her forever." She finished with a mildly frown.

"I know, I know! I'm just not ready to tell her yet…" Sapphire replied and sighed once again before she looked at her mother with pleading eyes. "Please don't tell her! I promise I'll tell her when i'm ready but until then, please don't tell her!" The teenage filly pleaded with her mother who could only sigh in response to this.

"Tell who what?" Snowbreeze asked from behind the Alicorn which caused her to jump a few feet off the ground and if not for her coat, her wings would have sprawled out as well before she landed back on the floor, whirled around, noticed the Pegasus was hovering, and let out an annoyed sigh.

"Don't sneak up on me like that!" Sapphire snapped angrily.

"I wasn't sneaking. This is how I normally get around. I only walk when my wings get tired." Snowbreeze replied defensively as Sapphire's breathing slowly returned to normal.

Sapphire let out an annoyed sigh upon hearing this before she turned to face her mother. "We're going to get started on the fields, see you at breakfast." Sapphire said with a smile before she walked past her mother and towards the front door.

"Wait, I'm used to eating before I work." Snowbreeze remarked with a worried look before she looked to Merrybelle whom smirked at her.

"Things work a little differently around here than what you're used to. Breakfast isn't for another three hours." Merrybelle replied as she walked past the Pegasus. "You better get out there, I'm sure Sapphire will want you to plant the seeds behind her." She added before she walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

Snowbreeze curiously looked over at the clock and the teenage filly's jaw dropped in horror.



Sapphire had already strapped herself into the plow and was walking towards the field when Snowbreeze hovered over to her with a look that told the Alicorn she wasn't pleased. "I was wondering where you were. Since the bag of Pumpkin seeds got trashed, we're going to have to plant more tomato seeds. It's over there." Sapphire chirped as she pointed to the bag of tomato seeds not far from where she stood.

The Pegasus looked over at the bag of seeds then back to Sapphire, her expression unchanged from what it was when she approached her moments ago. "Something wrong?" Sapphire asked, looking mildly confused.

"Its too early in the bucking morning to be working." Snowbreeze remarked irritably which caused Sapphire to let out a bout of laughter. "I'm not joking! Who gets up at this time to do anything except sneak out of their parents house to get laid by the colt down the street?!" She exclaimed as she flung both front hooves above her head as she shouted this.

"Welcome to the life of the farm pony, Snowbreeze." Sapphire replied with a wide smirk, began to walk towards the field only to halt less than two steps later, and look at her friend. "Wait, fillies get up at this time to get laid?" Sapphire asked with a shocked yet curious expression.

"Duh! Why else would anypony get up this early in the morning other than you?" Snowbreeze replied and sighed aloud in defeat. "I'll get the seeds." she added as she hovered off towards the bag.

Snowbreeze returned a few moments later with the bag in hoof. "So, do I just put the seed in the ground or what?" Snowbreeze asked curiously.

At first Sapphire rolled her eyes until the obvious occurred to her. "Oh, right. This is your first time working the fields." She remarked aloud sheepishly before she unstrapped herself and walked over to the Pegasus.

The Alicorn reached into the bag and scooped up a seed"Okay, so the first thing you do is wait for me to dig up the dirt with the plow, then you place the seed in the dirt like this." Sapphire instructed as she dug up some dirt with her free hoof, placed the seen in the dirt just so, and proceeded to cover it with the fresh dirt she had just dug up.

"Huh, that's easier than I thought it would be." Snowbreeze remarked aloud in understanding.

"Well, you also need to make sure each seed has at least half a foot of distance between each other or the tomatoes may not grow properly." Sapphire added to which the Pegasus gave her an unsure expression.

"Um, do you use measuring tape for that or something?" Snowbreeze asked her previous confidence she had to do her job properly was quickly wavering.

Sapphire let out a soft giggle upon hearing this. "I know it sounds really hard but after you plant the first few seeds, you'll see the pattern and catch on real fast. Here, I'll plant the first three for you so that you have an idea of how far apart each seed needs to be." Sapphire replied as she reached into the bag of seeds, scrooped out two more, and planted the two as Snowbreeze watched. "See? Nothing to it!" She added with a bright smile at her friend who smiled back. Thanks to Sapphire showing her, she had a much better idea of how to do this now.

"Alright, I'll give it a shot." The Pegasus remarked as Sapphire walked over to the plow and strapped herself in only she didn't begin moving. "Uh, did I do something wrong already?" She asked uneasily as Sapphire turned to look at her.

"No but I was just wondering. How do you know that fillies get up at this time to get laid?" Sapphire asked curiously.

Upon hearing this, Snowbreeze blushed crimson. "Uh, lets just say that I sorta have first hoof experience in the matter." Snowbreeze replied with an awkward expression as she ran a hoof through her mane though she didn't look Sapphire in the eye as she spoke.

"Wait, you mean that you're not a virgin?" Sapphire asked curiously which caused Snowbreeze to slam a hoof against her face and groan aloud as she blushed even redder if possible.

"Were you born in a barn or something?!" Snowbreeze snapped as she gave an embarrassed yet annoyed glare at the Alicorn.

"Geez, sorry for asking." Sapphire replied in a mildly annoyed tone as she turned away from her.

Snowbreeze once again sighed aloud and groaned in response to this. "No, I'm not a virgin." She deadpanned.

"Whoa! T-M-I!" Sapphire exclaimed as her face burned hot upon hearing this.

"Oh, come on! You asked!" The Pegasus retorted.

Sapphire let out a sigh upon hearing this. "I guess I kinda did, didn't I? Look, lets just focus on getting those seeds planted, we've wasted enough time." She replied and began to pull the plow along the dirt.

"No argument here." Snowbreeze replied still blushing from the embarrassing topic.


Breakfast couldn't come soon enough for the Pegasus as the hours crawled by and finally heard Merrybelle calling them in to eat.

"Oh, sweet delicious food, how I missed thee!" Snowbreeze exclaimed dramatically much to amusement of the other four ponies as they began to eat pancakes covered in strawberry syrup.

"How goes the seed planting? I'm sure with a Pegasus as your help, you've already filled half the left field." Steel remarked after he swallowed a mouthful of pancakes.

"Actually, I had to slow down since Snowbreeze is really new to working the fields." Sapphire replied casually, took another forkful of pancakes, shoved it into her mouth, swallowed, and continued. "But she's catching on fast. I'm sure we'll be up to full speed by mid-day." she finished as she looked to Snowbreeze who practically choked on her mouthful of pancakes upon hearing this.

The Pegasus gave several light coughs as she managed to swallow the food and looked to Sapphire. "Midday?! We were out there already for three hours!" Snowbreeze remarked dramatically as she looked to each pony at the table in hopes this was nothing more than a cruel joke for an experienced farm pony.

When none of the Swifthoof family began to burst out laughing, the Pegasus's facial expression reflected that of one who had just been told they were to be executed that very afternoon. "What have I gotten myself into?" she asked herself aloud in a dreading tone.

This remark actually caused the three to began laughing but it wasn't for the reasons she thought it was. "Don't worry, Snowbreeze. It might seem really hard right now but in a few weeks, it'll get a whole lot easier as your body gets used to the work schedule." Sapphire replied confidently.

"Uh, You do realize that I agreed to stay here just for a few days right?" Snowbreeze replied in a mildly confused voice.

Upon hearing this, Sapphire's expression looked shocked at first. "Oh… Right." She replied, her voice carrying a strong note of sadness in it as she spoke.

Steel and Merrybelle looked to each one with saddened expressions as well before the mare spoke. "Well, you'll be here for a least a few more days. Who knows, you just might decide to stay here longer." She suggested warmly in an attempt to lift her daughter's spirits.

"Heh, doubt it!" Snowbreeze replied quickly only to fold her ears back in mild guilt as she looked to Sapphire whose expression became even more saddened if possible. "Uh, well.. I mean, I don't know, maybe?" She replied in an unsure tone.

The rest of breakfast went by with a very depressing atmosphere hovering over the five until it was over and Sapphire stood up from the table. "I'm going to go back outside and get back to working the fields. Come on out when you're ready, Snowbreeze." she said depressingly as she left the table, opened the front door, and closed it behind her.

Merrybelle and Steel looked at one another once again, both exchanging worried looks before Merrybelle looked to Jasper. "Jasper, Sweetie. Why don't you go on out and help your big sister?" The mare suggested warmly.

"Okay!" Jasper exclaimed excitedly, hopped off his chair and darted out the door which left Sapphire's parents and Snowbreeze alone.

An awkward silence ensued for a short time until the Pegasus spoke up. "So, uh, doesn't Sapphire have like a few other friend's around town?" She asked in an uneasy tone.

Steel and Merrybelle exchanged glances with one another before they looked back at the Pegasus. "I'm afraid not." Merrybelle replied and sighed.

"You see, our daughter is very unique to these parts since she has a horn and w-"

"Ixnay on the Ing-nay!" Merrybelle hissed softly in her husband's ear as she kicked her husband's hind legs with her hoof which caused Steel to let out a grunt of pain.

Snowbreeze found Merrybelle cutting off her husband odd at first but she brushed it off as she replied. "Oh, yeah. I guess being exposed as a unicorn in a town of racist earth ponies would kind of destroy any friendships she had."

"Actually, you're the first friend she's ever had." Merrybelle remarked which caused Snowbreeze's jaw to drop.

"No way! You're serious?" Snowbreeze asked in astonishment of this new set of information from the Alicorn's parents.

"Very much so. You see, our daughter has never been very social. In fact, the only time's she's set hoof into town has been with us. Yesterday was the first time we let her go out on her own, ever." Steel replied calmly as he looked at the Pegasus who could barely believe what she was hearing.

"Wow, no offense Mr. and Mrs. Swifthoof but you two are waaaay too overprotective of her. You should have seen that hole she bucked into the cafe wall! That filly can take care of herself, take it from one who's been on her own for three years!" Snowbreeze replied with a prideful smile only to fold her ears back as the two ponies once again exchanged looks before looking back at her.

"I suppose you're right. We have been a little too overprotective of her but its not for the reasons you think." Steel replied only to let out a yelp as his wife kicked him in the hind legs once more with a glare at him.

"Oh? What reasons are we talking about here?" The Pegasus asked curiously.

"Very nice, dear." Merrybelle remarked in an annoyed tone to her husband who looked back at her guiltily before she looked at Snowbreeze. "You should ask Sapphire. She made me promise not to say anything." Merrybelle replied calmly.

"Oh-kaay…" Snowbreeze replied uneasily. "It's nothing bad is it?" She asked.

"Oh, no, no! It's nothing bad we swear. She's just got a little more than a horn going on under-YE-OUCH!!!" Steel began to say only be cut off as he let out a shrill pained cry as the more than obvious sound of Merrybelle giving her husband a swift kick to the shins rang out at the table.

"You should go ask Sapphire." Merrybelle said sweetly before she turned to glare at her husband as Snowbreeze awkwardly left the table as Steel nursed his very sore hindlegs.


"So, what are ya packing under your tail?" Snowbreeze suddenly asked from behind the Alicorn which caused her to comically seize up, and dig up nearly a half a row of seeds as she whirled around and stared at the Pegasus.

"What?!" Sapphire asked with a crimson red blush.

"Hey, you can tell me. I won't blab anything." Snowbreeze replied casually as the Alicorn looked back still trying to process what she had actually asked her.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Sapphire replied still blushing crimson.

"Oh come on, you father practically spelled it out for me. So what if you're packing a dick. You won't see me complaining." Snowbreeze remarked aloud with a smirk.

Upon hearing this, Sapphire's face burned bright red. "I'm not packing a dick under my tail!" Sapphire blurted out and sighed.

"Well you're packing something under somewhere! Come on, you can tell me! I promise I won't judge!"

"You promise?" Sapphire asked as she bit her lip while she folded her ears back.

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" The Snow white Pegasus exclaimed as she made motions that looked completely ridiculous to the Alicorn.

"Come again?" She asked, clearly confused by what Snowbreeze had just done.

"Oops, sorry. Its something my mom taught me when I was little. Look, point is, I totally swear not to judge! Come on, show me!" The Pegasus pleaded.

"Should've known my father couldn't keep his trap shut." Sapphire muttered irritably as she unstrapped herself, walked away from the plow, and yanked off her coat which revealed a set of wings to the Pegasus.

"You've got… Wings?" The Pegasus asked in shock as her brain had not fully processed what she was seeing.

"Here it comes… She's going to call me a freak." Sapphire thought to herself dismally as she snapped her eyes shut, bracing for the insult only to suddenly feel a hoof prodding her right wing. Curiously, she opened one eye, then the other and stared in mild shock at her friend who was now tugging at it as if to pull it out to its full length.

"Are they real?" Snowbreeze asked curiously, still not completely processing what she was seeing despite the fact she was tugging the Alicorn's wing at the moment.

"Of course they're real!" Sapphire snapped, sighed aloud, stepped a few feet away from the Pegasus, and extended both wings to their full lengths. "See?" She said and retracted them back to her sides.

"So, awesome!" Snowbreeze suddenly squeed aloud much to Sapphire's shock who expected the next words out of the Pegasus's mouth to be some kind of insult.

"Wait, you don't think I'm a freak?" Sapphire asked with a confused look.

"Are you kidding me?! You've got both wings and a horn! That's like the coolest thing ever! No wonder you could walk in my cloud bed! You're part Pegasus and part Unicorn!" Snowbreeze exclaimed as she once again began to prod the filly's wings much to Sapphire's annoyance.

Sapphire watched her friend prod her right wing a little longer before she let out a sigh and rolled her eyes. "Not that I'm not happy you don't think I'm a freak and all but could you stop poking my wing? It's getting kinda creepy." Sapphire remarked with an annoyed look.

"Oh, eh-heh...sorry!" Snowbreeze replied sheepishly as she backed away from her friend. "Say, you wanna take a quick flight around the town? I wanna see those bad boys in action!" Snowbreeze asked as she spread her own wings, eager to take off from the ground.

Upon hearing this, Sapphire bit her lower lip before she let out a depressed sigh. "I… can't fly." She said depressingly before she quickly looked up at Snowbreeze. "N-Not that I haven't tried! It's just that I can't keep my hooves off the ground for more than ten seconds without face planting in the dirt." She added quickly before she sighed once again.

Much to Sapphire's annoyance, the Pegasus began laughing. "H-Hey! It's not funny ya know!" She exclaimed with a glare.

Snowbreeze managed to stop laughing and looked at Sapphire who looked genuinely hurt. "Hey, I wasn't laughing at you. I was laughing at the fact that you tried to fly without at least three month's of training from a Flight Master!" Snowbreeze replied and began to laugh again but for a much shorter period of time.

"A Flight Master?" Sapphire asked curiously. She genuinely had no idea such a pony even existed much less where they might be.

"Oh yeah, there are plenty of them back in Pegasi territory. See, when a Pegasus hits age six, they go to flight school with a bunch of other ponies their age. Most Pegasi can fly on there own without any help within the first year with the help of a Flight Master." Snowbreeze replied with a large smirk before her eyes lit up. "Hey… I could teach you the basics! That way you can keep your hooves off the ground for at least more than ten seconds!" Snowbreeze suggested eagerly.

"Didn't you just say that I'd need the help of one of these 'Flight Masters' in order to learn to fly?" Sapphire asked curiously.

"Well yeah, if you wanna learn how to manipulate weather clouds, create tornadoes, and all that boring stuff but the basics are all you really need to be able to fly like me!" Snowbreeze boasted as she took off from the ground and soared around for a few minutes before landed back in front of her.

"And you could teach me?" Sapphire asked hopefully. For the first time in her life, she didn't view her wings as some kind of deformity but rather a real part of her thanks to Snowbreeze's encouragement.

"Of course!" Snowbreeze exclaimed as she drew out the sound of the two words longer than they needed to be, once again displaying a little more ego than she had meant to. "So, you wanna learn to fly now?" She asked eagerly.

"Would I ever!" Sapphire exclaimed excitedly until her eyes fell upon the plow. "Right after we finish getting all these seeds planted." She added much to the disappointed of the Pegasus whose expression went from an eager smile to a frown.

Author's Note:

Part 2 is being worked on right now! I split this chapter into parts to save you all from reading a 10k+ word chapter!:twilightsheepish: