• Member Since 26th Sep, 2011
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Forget not that I am a derp.


Some ponies seem to be born knowing what they are meant to do. Some discover it. A few need to be shown. Star Swirl the Bearded was in this latter group. This entry of his journal recounts the encounter that turned an apprentice lens grinder into the greatest wizard of all time.

Rated Teen for some coarse humor and language.
Originally an entry in the February 2015 Writeoff Competition.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 29 )

I like this. It's very thought provoking, especially at the end. He knew what would happen, and he was the catalyst. He had to be. I don't think it's quite comedic, but I don't regret reading it.

Periodic table, of course. Platinum comes one down in the column after Palladium. Thought-provoking story- I love the entire thing!

I saw your two comments together, and immediately thought about palladium as a catalyst. That metal is why it cost me so much to replace my car's catalytic converter!

”Oh, piss.”

Well I see why this has the comedy tag - this made me laugh out loud! Got me some strange looks...
All in all though, this is certainly deserving of the Tragi-comedy tag.

Aside from that, the story itself is fantastic - the way Starswirl knows all about the future meshes very well with what I think of him, which probably helped, but the dialogue, interactions and actually pretty much everything were great. Of particular note is how well you wrote the Ye Olde Englishe - there were one or two places where Starswirl seemed to slip into pirate, but other than that it flowed impressively well.

I seem to be saying "Great in the Writeoffs, and great to see here" a lot today. All the stories I liked are leaping to FIMFiction. This makes me happy. :twilightsmile:

I'm not really sure why this has a comedy tag, especially compared to other things you've written. I've seen your take on comedy and "old wizard plays word games with a fool" isn't it.

It was interesting though.

It's not my usual comedy style, no, but the juxtaposition of twinkle-eyed autobiography and quasi-Shakespearean banter had some people rolling in the aisles in the Writeoff. And at least one of these comments.

Well, what did you expect when you purchased the services of unicorn royalty?

He's probably been a pirate once or twice. Or been kidnapped by them. Or accidentally kidnapped himself, though he'd be furious if he realized that.

This one was an easy leap. Just tone down the "Colts, then?" bit and clear up a few ambiguities. Glad you liked it. :twilightsmile:

I wrote a review of this story; it can be found here.

Palladium is a Platinum-Group Metal (dense for their atomic masses, silvery, not very reactive, high-melting point, catalyses all sorts of interesting reaction, compounds tend to be colorful and have strong smells, and platinum-group metals tend to be very hard). Palladium could be an ancestor of Princess Platinum.

This is brilliant.

What a wonderful take on Star Swirl.

I both look forward to and dread an actual show appearance of him. One one hand it would simply be neat to eventually happen on account of whatever plot bunny they use to include him (plus, you know, seeing him and everything), but on the other it would be hard to live up to what the fanfic community has done with him in stories like this.

Palladium is a member of the Platinum lineage in The Flight of the Alicorn as well, though there she's Blueblood's mother.

It seems unfair that I've only been rereading your write-off entries -- and in this case, if I didn't skim too much in my side-by-side reading, also a poor choice for encountering a new draft -- yet I can't say it hasn't worked out for me. This was among the very best of the ones I actually managed to read last round, and does not hurt for being little revised.

Just the sort of foolishness I would expect from the inventor of time-travel spells.

Brilliant one shot, sad and funny and heartwarming all at the same time, and even tying into the time travel episode with fluid grace. The circular aspect was great, and I particularly liked that you didn't oversell the reveal; the understated "oh piss" of realization fit the tone perfectly. A thoroughly enjoyable read; thank you very much for sharing it!

Niiiiiice. Very nice. Loved it.

Very, very, very well thought out, and very entertaining :pinkiehappy: I suspected it from the start.

I bet that star swirl, and the doctor, could have a very interesting chat. a very interesting read. poor star swirl knows what is to come, involving luna. that must be a heavy burden on his heart.

Wow! WOW! I especially like how old Star Swirl went back and acted just like Gandalf!

I was meaning to read this eventually anyway, and then the Angels went and showcased it.

It's funny, the ending takes on an even more profound meaning now that the Season Five finale happened.

Angels sent me here. Interesting story you have here, FOME. I like your take on Star Swirl. I'd really love to see more with this interpretation of the character.

This was a highly satisfying read. Star Swirl's characterisation feels spot on, the prose is very pleasant to read and the twist (even if not that hard to work out) fits nicely. Good stuff. :yay:

“And where be the shame in that?” he asked. “Foals know nothing and thus want to understand everything. Adults still know nothing, but they have grown satisfied with it, and answer foals with the same nothings their parents told them. If we are to truly know anything, we must begin with foals’ questions.”

Indeed, to see the world through a child's mind is to see the world as it truly is.
Very good work, loved it. :twilightsmile:

Oh my, what a pleasant read. I can easily hear Star Swirl speaking in my head. His letter in the end is something that just may become my newest headcanon. This was very well done! :pinkiehappy:

Could you elaborate? I can't write anything better if all I have to go on is "meh."


That was beautiful to read. Thank you.

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