• Member Since 6th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago

Ice Star

🖤 i eat children 🖤


  • ETasting Power
    For any pony, learning magic can be hard. For an Alicorn like Celestia, her mighty magic is even harder to master. Perhaps young Celestia's greatest difficulty with magic is the concept of power. A grand concept like that only lurks in her mind.
    Ice Star · 2.4k words  ·  39  3 · 573 views

This story is a sequel to Past Skies

Thousands of years ago, three youngsters roamed the wilds together. Many things happened to them. Some were good, but others are better off forgotten. There are plenty of those. One has just resurfaced, one that Celestia would rather forget.

This can be treated as a stand-alone story. Edited by TCC56. Contribute to the TVTropes page!

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 24 )

I've got to say, this is a good job for your first piece of fiction. There are a few grammatical errors here and there, but other than that, good job! :raritywink:

We looked over at Luna`s reflection. She has a blue-ish coat and shiny turqouise eyes. Her mane and tail are the color of cornflowers, which are Mommy`s favorite. But unlike our mane hers is less....'magical' and could be mistaken for a normal pony`s.

We haven`t seen one in ages. Luna and I are what our parents called 'alicorns' which our really special ponies from what I can guess.

This tidbit, combined with the fact that all three of them seem inexplicably on their own makes me suspicious that something very colossal, and very dark is happening in their world.

What is the IceStarPonyUniverse, and how/where can I find out more about it?


I haven't finished yet. The Dark Side of The Sun can be read a a stand alone story (even if Fever Dreams was out you could skip it) since most of my Tia and Lulu stories mention the events that occur in the other shorts and explain basic lore. I hope this helped.

This is an E-rated story, please refrain from mean dialogue.

I’ll E-rate you, faggot. >:(

Engaging. Lot of questions. Namely, where are these kids parents? Nice touch that Celestia would think the Royal We is how everyone should speak.

Ouch. Very descriptive and heart wrenching.

Thank you for reading! My first story isn't the one most people go for nowadays, and it usually takes a bit of searching in the author's notes of other stories to find. I don't try and hide it, I'm still quite fond of this story, though it is on the list of the stuff I'd like to re-edit (for eventual print stuff). It just doesn't seem like it's a popular first pick anymore. I'm still glad to see that the detail and impact is still good so many years later.

Comment posted by Mourek202 deleted May 27th, 2021

why do people delete comments before I can see them? :C

Much of this was quite pleasantly lyrical, but a touch difficult to follow. Kinda like a dream or sumpin, eh.

I thought that Discord was the sisters' brother. You said that he had parents of his own.



My apologies if it was hard to follow. Is there any part that you'd like clarification on?
My horses can fit so much angst.

No. No, thank you. Better to leave it stand as it is. If there are no explanations in 'real' life, why demand them here?
I do apologize for ending my earlier comment with the trailing "eh". That sounds rather dismissive, or even downright rude, and I'm sorry.
Understand, please, that 'lyrical' and 'like a dream' are meant as high praise. Perhaps that did not come across.
Excellent story.

I’m always looking to improve my writing, and I don’t mind giving explanations about things. That’s part of the fun of fanfics — you can just ask the author questions directly.

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