• Member Since 15th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen Sunday


We're all stories in the end. Just make it a good one, ey?


Cadance's duties on Hearts and Hooves day are intense. Spreading love across Equestria is hard work, and Cadance lets us in on her secret weapon. Introducing: The Love Arsenal

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 46 )

If THIS was your job before you met Shining Armor, he wouldn't expect this from you, of al ponies.

5620311 It was a bit of a messy affair, but every blow dealt brings more love and harmony. :heart:

Wow first chapter and you already broke the 4th wall.

5623108 I'm literally writing what comes to mind. Each chapter is going to be a bitesized five-minute read based on what ridiculous weaponry I can think of and how I can use it. Hell, if you can think of any interesting weapons, I may incorporate it into a chapter.

It's being written for Equestria Daily's Hearts and Hooves day event. The idea is that they want people to ship ponies for Hearts and Hooves day. I thought 'screw it, why not take this from Cadance's perspective and ship ALL THE PONIES!!"

In the first 6 chapters, I think I ship two couples... that counts, right?

For a stealthier approach, tranq arrows! (Hooves can't hold pistols, though.)

5623490 Hooves can't hold pistols, but magic can. That was what I was thinking of throughout the riot chapter where she was using the shotguns. She can levitate and fire them with her magic.

Also, it was a complete rip-off/homage to Mami Tomoe from Madoka Magica as she does exactly the same thing.

5623573 In a L4D crossover fic, RD and Flutters can use a shotgun modified for hooves.

5623597 I've seen instances of that, too. I started a Doctor Whooves novel a while ago which uses a similar concept for his sonic screwdriver.

I'll have to finish it - I started it back in season 2!

I'm still waiting for this line

Cadence checked her scouter and gasped, "Stars above! her POWER level is over 9000!"

5629513 You know it's coming. :derpytongue2:

I can't believe Cadence of all ponies acknowledged the Flashlight ship. But it's nice that we get to see her break the fourth wall.

Author Interviewer

You just wrote this to make an "Over 9000!" joke later, didn't you? :|

5684985 It came about as a prompt from Equestria Daily's Hearts and Hooves event. However, whilst looking for artwork to compliment the story I wanted to write, I stumbled across the image above.

Seeing the scouter over her face just stirred me. I wanted her to be bad-ass, but the scouter added to bad-assery and I just had to include it. The hardest part was thinking of a good acronym for 'P.O.W.E.R.'

I didn't write it just for that joke, but hey, I like inserting references into my work - some are more obvious than others, and I don't want to make a cliché joke from an overused meme, so I'm thinking of a way to make it a more...'creative' reference.

Still waiting for that 9000 joke...

Free PSA from Cadence? Cool!

5725290 Kakarot didn't acquire the power level overnight, but I admit I've been slacking with my writing lately - haven't published a chapter of this in almost 4 weeks. I've got another story from November which hasn't been finished, and I've got another few stories which haven't been published, either.

Glad to see you are using the ideas. Keep up the good work:pinkiehappy:

It would be pretty cool if Cadence had the aerial maneuverability of an Arwing.

6070193 Her amour is totally weighing her down, she can't even out-manoeuvre Spike with all that equipment on.

...that's my reasoning and I'm sticking to it! :derpytongue2:

6070511 You're implying that the armor's heavy? How did Spike get into the story!?

6070530 Spike's been in the story from the start - he's Cadance's right-hand man. He's so damn good at staying out of sight, it's like he's not in the story at all! :moustache:

6070720 The way you write Spike, he reminds me of Kellam from Fire Emblem Awakening.

Nice chapter and oh we have a new challenger appear. This just got real.

6070766 Well, you know, someone gave me some good suggestions on what to write about! :twilightsmile:

6070987 Kellam is a character in Fire Emblem Awakening who's known for being mostly ignored despite his imposing size. It's so bad that you can't see him on the box art for the game.

*Bows in Thanks* A well written story, a great idea behind the story, how could i not help when asked. And i love how you took the idea and ran with it like a running back for the endzone.


Yes. Yes he did. And with this setup, I can't exactly blame him either.

6183356 Hey, if the opportunity presents itself. As you can plainly see, however, I have managed to stave off of using it so far :derpytongue2:


Dude, really? I mean, really? That really risque joke at the end... Really? Did you really have to put that in?

6183412 It was either that or love conkers.
Actually, I could still write a chapter where she plays with her love conkers... :moustache:

...Love conkers?

6233425 Conkers - a British game in which you take the seeds from Horse Chestnut trees (known as Conkers) , create a hole through the middle of them, tie a shoelace (or similar) through them and then take turns to hit your conker into your opponent's conker in an attempt to smash it.

Also a euphemism for testicles. So Cadance playing with conkers would be a euphemism for playing with bollocks.

Like we learned in A Canterlot Wedding: Love Conkers All! Heh :rainbowlaugh:

And I'm guessing Unicorns use Aura in their spells...OH WOW!!! PONIES USE NEN!!!

6854869 You're pretty much spot on with that. Levitation and other spells are just more intricate manipulations of the 'nen'-like power. It's all about energy potential.

Magic Flu. Dear Cadance that sounds worrying. See this bio-secure wall? Not safe. (CDC: ":pinkiesad2:")

6855036 Heh...I've been working on an advance theory on how pony magic is actually manipulation of the various energies found within the earth, sky, mind, ect. I'll probably end up using it in a somewhat understandable HiE story format to put things into perspective.



And it's the Classic DBZ Joke that we all have been waiting for.

6928572 6928617 - coincidentally, made in the same chapter that pushes the word count over 9000, too...
Honestly speaking, I was toying with not putting the 'over 9000' comment from Celestia in at all. Originally, I just had her comment that Cadance's song was working. It's quite possibly the most overplayed joke in the world. :derpytongue2:


I see, anyway I got a quick question, the title of this chapter is "Lyre Heartstrings " but it had nothing to do with that Cute Mare in the first place, so why name the chapter after her anyway, also just so you know I'm a fan of Lyra and a few other Background Ponies.

6928670 But you couldn't...because you had to give Cadence a scouter.

6928716 The instrument Cadance uses at the end was a lyre, and it was used to play on Love Less' heartstrings. Cute background mare is called Lyra - it was meant as a pun on her name, rather than suggest an appearance from her.

I do apologise if you expected otherwise - I just thought I was making a clever pun. :pinkiesad2:


That's okay, and Besides Lyra I also am a Fan of Bon-bon (AKA Agent Sweetie Drops), Vinyl Scratch and Octavia Melody, yeah I'm a fan of the four Mares that many fans think are lesbians, but I think they are cute together, anyway I can't wait to see what happens in the next chapter of this story. Oh and one more thing, I'm a Fan of Pinkie Pie also, so please no Sad Pinkie faces, when I see that I suddenly think of that one fanfic called "Cupcakes", I rather not have to remember that story again.

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