• Published 2nd Feb 2015
  • 679 Views, 24 Comments

Pinkie Pie Throws a Superb Owl Party - Vivid Syntax

At the last minute, Pinkie decides to celebrate this momentous day.

  • ...

Hey, that owl looks deflated!

"Hm hm hm," Pinkie Pie hummed as she pranced along the road. The breeze ruffled her mane, the sun shone brightly, and all the little woodland critters stayed the hell out of her way. They knew better.

Before long, she'd arrived at Fluttershy's cottage. She lifted a hoof, rapped lightly on the door, and waited all of four seconds before shouting "FLUTTERSHY!!!! ARE YOU HOME?" The cottage bent backwards under the force of her scream.

From inside, Pinkie could hear a meek voice say, "Oh my. I'll need to replace the foundation again." Slowly, the door creaked open, and Fluttershy stuck her head outside. "Good afternoon, Pinkie Pie. I hope I didn't keep you waiting long. I was feeding my birds and–"

"FLUTTERSHY!" Pinkie reached out, grabbed Fluttershy's head and violently shook it. "This is so much more important than feeding birds! I need to borrow some bird feed, like, right now!"

Fluttershy slipped out of Pinkie's grasp. "Oh, um… Why?"

Pinkie sucked in a large breath. "Because today's the day that everypony's getting together to watch the Superb Owl and nopony told me that it was this major event but at first I couldn't think of why anypony would want to sit around watching a nocturnal bird anyway–" At this point, Pinkie broke the world density record for most words per minute. The friction from her jaw had raised the local temperature roughly 8 degrees. "–but then I thought, 'Whoa! What if Owlowiscious is waiting for his surprise party but then the surprise party never comes and he'd be sad and think, 'Oh, nopony loves me because they're all playing outside on Superb Owl Sunday and they're probably saying, "Owlowiscious who? Get it because Owlowiscious says 'hoo' but now he might be saying "Boo-hoo I'm so sad that everypony forgot about my special day!""''"

Fluttershy waited for the ringing in her ears to die down. "Uh… yes?"

"So weeeee're…" Pinkie Pie leaned in. "Going to have a Superb Owl Party tonight! Wanna come?" She hopped up and down. "Do ya' do ya' do ya'?"

As was often the case, Fluttershy feared for her life. "S-sure. What time do you–"

"Great okay bye!" Pinkie dashed off, leaving a trail of glittery pink fire in her wake.

Meanwhile, later…

"But Rarity…" Pinkie whined. "We need somepony to help us make the paper beaks! And Twilight says I'm not allowed near the glue anymore. She says she's afraid it'll give me ideas." Pinkie snorted and rolled her eyes. "Whatever that means."

Rarity dashed over to her workstation, mumbling through the supplies she carried in her mouth. "I'm sorry, Pinkie Pie, but I simply can't manage it right now. I've got to get these dresses finished for Missy Ellitrot and Katie Marey by tonight!"

"Oh, Rarity," Pinkie giggled. "That's easy!"

"Easy?" Rarity whipped her head towards her friend. "Pinkie, this is serious! They need to be delivered in two hours! I'm usually so good about schedules? How did time ever slip away from me so quickly?"

Pinkie nodded. "Oh, the narrator just needed to contrive some kind of conflict. Otherwise, there wouldn't be any reason to even have this scene."

Something in Rarity's head felt like it had snapped. "…Pardon?"

"Don't worry about it. We can just get him to finish your dresses for you. Hey narrator, little help?"

Slowly, Rarity turned around to look at her workstation. The dresses were gone, and in their place was a thank-you card sitting next to a picture of two musical divas wearing Rarity's designs. "Oh. Alright, then. Who will be attending this evening?"

"Well, the party's starting in about four paragraphs, and Fluttershy already said she'd come, but I still need to invite Applejack and Rainbow Dash, and I should probably tell Twilight we're showing up at some point."

"Oh dear. How are you going to accomplish all that with so little time?"

"Easy! I'll just do it off-camera!"

Meanwhile, later…

"Whoooo!" Pinkie cheered along with her friends. The six of them had huddled together in a small room in Twilight's Castle, donning their traditional Superb Owl attire: paper beaks and sports jerseys. Pinkie shoved another hoofful of nachos into her mouth. The cheese smeared around her face as she chomped down, smacking her lips at its salty deliciousness. "Did you see that interception?"

Applejack cracked open another beer. "Aw, the ref's partial. Can't believe he didn't call him out. Plus, there's–" She turned back to the action. "Yeah! Touchdown!"

All eyes turned to Owlowiscious, who had hopped from his perch and down to the floor.

Rainbow Dash hovered just above her friends. "Big deal. I could have done that easy."

Twilight hovered her clipboard in front of her face. "Well, with that last touchdown, it looks like Owlowiscious is up 24-14."

Applejack took a big gulp of her beer and sighed. "Frankly, I'm impressed that little cardboard cutout you made's gotten any points at all. Doesn't seem like a fair match, though."

Owlowiscious pecked at the cardboard image of a smiling red, white, and blue pony. It wore a tri-corner hat and a shirt emblazoned with Equestria's national symbol. It fell over just short of the goal line.

Wearing her black-and-white striped shirt, Fluttershy quietly blew her whistle. "Um… unnecessary roughness."

Twilight gasped. "Owlowiscious! That sort of behavior is completely uncalled for. What do you have to say for yourself?"

Owlowiscious hopped back up to his perch. He turned his head to the side, ruffled his feathers, and blinked at the ponies in front of him.

"We're waiting."

Owlowiscious rolled his eyes. "Fine," he said in the smooth, low voice that got all the lady birds. He cleared his throat and flared out his wings. "Go [[Your Team Here]]!"

Comments ( 24 )

Who could forget about the Superb Owl?

I think Pinkie was told that it was the "Superb Owl" from some misprinted flyer or sign.

But my team doesn't exist!

Pinkie cheered along with her friends. The six of them...

Whoa, for a minute there I almost forgot that Spike doesn't have any fucking friends. Thanks for setting me straight, man.

Upvote for that title, because I also alternate the name in my head as Superb Owl.

wow this suuuuucks. srlsy,? super bowl but b at the end of super? how unfunny as shit. downvote!

Upvote for Story and Chapter Title alone.

Glad you guys liked it. Thanks for giving this silly little story a read!:twilightsmile:

Sorry you didn't like it. I figured it wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea, but it was just a fun little way to distract myself from the game. Take care!

Certainly could be! If ponies are appearing in Superbowl ads, then anything's possible!

That's okay, IDKNH! You can be on mine!:pinkiehappy:

was this pun title inspired by the comments on that one gif on derpibooru?

I've actually only been on derpibooru once or twice. A friend of mine back in MN throws a "Superb Owl" party every year, and when I realized there was an Owl in MLP and a pony crazy enough to run with it, I just got that itch to write. :eeyup:

I've done a dramatic read on your fan-ifc

Aw, thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed it enough to lend your voice. I quite enjoyed your reading.

~Vivid SIN-tax :raritywink:

Such a happy burr! Thanks! :rainbowkiss:

This story is hilarious. I love Pinkie's antics and her fourth-wall demolishing.
Plus the title reminds me of the skit the Colbert Report did that one time. :twilightsheepish:

Love it.

Heh. That's funny. I am so telling my friends!:pinkiehappy:

Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for the fave and for spreading the word. :raritywink:

5926674 no problem. I've never thought of 'superb owl' :twilightsmile: that's smart

5579544 Nah, he's watching hoofball with Big Mac.

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