• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Zaid ValRoa

"Fanfic [has] been on the decline since the Aeneid." --Anonymous poster 18/03/15


Everything ends, even when you least expect it. Twilight know this.
But that doesn't make it any easier to bear. Especially when it involves one of the ponies closest to you.

Made for /mlp/'s daily 30-min writing prompt. Not the right date, but I only saw it today, so I suppose it still counts.

Narration made by Electronic Harmony

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 24 )




ZAID YOU CRUEL BASTARD :raritydespair:

No but seriously that was heart-wrenching. You could see it coming, but that just made it worse - like watching a car crash, knowing there was nothing you could do to stop it.

I knew Pinkie Pie wasn't there. I really knew it, but I wanted to believe that she was. I know exactly how Twilight feels in this situation, and it only made the pain that much more abrasive. Though the feelings were not pleasant, the story was, and that gave it the favorite it deserved. Good job on the story, and I'm glad to have read it.

From hell, to you, and back again,
Soto Konoha, Fort Impression On Everypony

Because I have an unhealthy obsession with TwilightxPinkie that must be satiated at all costs, Swanny.

That grilled cheese thing is going to haunt me until the end of my days, isn't it?
Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it. :pinkiesmile:

It means a lot coming from you, Mr. Konoha. I'm glad you read it.

You know, I actually like this ship, I should probably write a Twinkie fic that isn't about depressing loss.


You know, I actually like this ship, I should probably write a fic that isn't about depressing loss.

Well then, it's too bad I have already written one, but hey! Maybe the tears will be enough to veer you from the sad section for another story or two.:pinkiehappy:

Th-thanks for acknowledging my story, Regi-senpai.

I don't know if this fiction hit me like it should've. It must be because I've seen this concept before or the subtle hints towards the ending were not as subtle as they should've been, but once I read the last lines, I felt nothing.

Still a decent read overall, but the emotion in this fiction is lacking.

From Twilight's monologue, I'm guessing that Pinkie Pie committed suicide. Up until the end I thought she had just put herself in a coma and was, for whatever reason, being taken care of at home instead of the hospital.

I think Twilight needs some of those professional ponies' help herself.

Thanks for the criticism.
I wanted to keep the story simple, but it seems that in doing so, I may have sacrificed a bit of the substance of the story.
I wrote this in an hour to vent some stress from uni, so I may go over it later this week.
Still, thanks for giving my story a chance, I appreciate it.

I like to keep things vague for the readers to make up their own explanation, while still trying to convey all the meaning I can through the fic.

I think Twilight needs some of those professional ponies' help herself.

Grief is an ugly road to walk down.

Glad to help out a fellow author. =]

"sigh" Fate truely is the biggest bitch.

Nice and well done.

After all I am more into happy (or at least happy ending) stories. But in the right mood, I like such touching pieces of writing.

One question: Did you leave the reason for Pinkies demise untold on purpose?

I don't know whether to like this story for the way that you so perfectly captured the moment. Or to dislike because of the intense emotional trauma you put me through...*sniffle*...:applecry::raritycry::raritydespair:

Yes. I tend to write with a reason in mind, but I also like to leave things in the story a bit vague so the readers can make up their own minds about what happened.

The emotional turmoil that I've caused is reward enough.

In order to hide my nigh-overwhelming sadness, I'm going to go out and call something: PINKIE COMMITTED SUICIDE. Either that or she ran away or something. Twilight would only wonder if it was something SHE did if Pinkie's death or exit or whatever was voluntary on her part - an accident or illness wouldn't warrant guilt like this (though it would probably warrant survivor guilt or something similar instead).
Well, pretending to be smart just made me more depressed.

What tha fock happened to pinkie??? Please I need to know, don't cut me off like that it kills me!!!!

Oh, fine.
Just because you asked.

The truth is that Pinkie _______passed away.______

5804528 passed away.......I know, I saw the rest of the message on my email.....thanks.

That was sweet. A deeper look into their relationship before everything went down would've made Twi's hurt a little more genuine, but it was still really sweet all the same.

Reminds me of this song:

I tried so hard not to cry.. :fluttercry:

It occurs to me, changelings would make excellent grief counsellors...

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