• Published 2nd Feb 2015
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A Journey Beyond Sanity - Darkwing Dust

Somehow transported from our world to Equestria, a young man unwillingly arrives in the form of an Earth Pony. Join us as we explore Stardust Balance's adventures, aiding the Mane Six throughout the seasons, discovering friendship... And love.

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Chapter 208: Autumn's Balance

"Do you think there are more mes out there?"

Gazing up from her small guidebook, beautiful violet orbs sparkled. "How do you mean?"

Looking away from the window of the lengthy compartment, I faced the mare opposite me with half a smile. "Considering I'm the Jack of Equestria, and there's two more versions of me in this world's counterpart; one of whom already resided in another franchise prior." Not to mention the cluster[BEEP] involving Casey and all those variations.

"What brought this on?"

Shrugging, my hazel eyes turned back to facing the window. What lovely weather today, blue sky and all. "Just wondering. Not to sound so conceited, but imagine if there's like a version of me in every fictional universe my people created."

Star Wars. Pokemon. Danny Phantom. Even maybe One Piece.

The possibilities and implications are endless, is all I was saying.

"Every world having their own Twilight Warrior, to maintain the balance of things..." I mused, the corner of my phepirial vision catching my Princess pondering the idea herself, tilting her head in an adorable fashion. Guess that incited her scientific curiosity too.

"It's... Feasible. But that would imply every world has their own imbalanced problems." Telling me they didn't? Upon spotting my bewildered glance, Twilight merely grinned sheepishly. "But even so, I'm sure those worlds are in much better conditions with you there to help out."

"Just give them their own Twilights, and they'll be even more balanced." Beaming warmly at the compliment, Twilight resumed memorizing the guide, us settling into a comfortable silence.

Were there countless other mes out there, Starswirl, fighting and saving the multiverse?

His answer was immediate: I have no jurisdiction or insight in telling, Jack. My range can only reach so far, but if I were to hazard a speculation, I would confess it's not entirely implausible. The laws of Balance operates uniquely between worlds, and perhaps a Twilight Warrior is more suited for the job than anything else.

To that, I almost snorted, smirking a little instead. Right, because I was well known for my adaptability. Shifting myself more comfortably, I released a low sigh. We weren't too far from our destination by now, I think. That revelation, soon enough, emphasized by Twilight's enthusiastic tone only mere moments later.

"Is it wrong of me to feel this level of thrilled?" My fiance asked rhetorically, unable to contain her eager smile while putting the book down again, now too regarding the outside sun. "I've been reining in this excitement ever since Fluttershy and Applejack told me of their findings about the Kirin. Now, we get to see it for ourselves!"

Yep, the fabled Kirin I've been hearing Twilight gush over about these past few days. Reining in my hoof; she couldn't STOP talking about her intentions to meet the formerly isolated society of rare species herself up to this point. Even during cuddle times, not five minutes didn't go by without front pages being shoved in my unsuspective face regarding what knowledge ponykind had about the mysterious creatures until now. Just only a day after the two mares returned from their mission, already the train tracks around Equestria extend to where the Kirin resided.

How convenient!

"Haven't seen you this excited since you proposed the school, love." I remarked with a coy brow. Her anxious levels rising moreso, the closer we reached our destination.

Twilight was quick to emphasize the purpose behind her zeal. "A species thought lost to time. An entire culture, Jack, we can learn all about since those ancient days! Just imagine how much their society's changed after the known history of their kind were published. We'll be the first to document and release the information of the new Kirin civilization to the public, and help them better intergrate into pony society!"

With always, her amount of content for the pursuit of knowledge and help being endearing to my eyes and ears. Especially my heart. My smile couldn't possibly hope to match her own right now, raising a coy brow. "And another species to teach the magic of friendship, no doubt."

She brushed off the teasing with grace, nodding rapidly. "Naturally!" My Princess declared, beaming in merry, my own grin wideneing in response. Contagious, I swear. But then, Twilight added with a more subdued posture, "I'm glad we can do this together, Jack. You weren't obligated to come along."

Obligated? Of course not, but Twilight had been leaving not-so-subtle hints of hoping I would, recently. Besides, missing a chance to see my love so thrilled and content? Not for the world.

"Maybe I'm a little curious about these Kirin myself." Came my confession. Indeed, Applejack and Fluttershy's retelling of their most latest adventure had piqued my intrigue. Especially regarding the Nirik aspect. Reaching out, my gold hoof clasped over lavender, offering an affectionate smile. "Plus, any excuse to spend more time together."

Now, that light pleased, flustered blush WAS an obligation. But Twilight couldn't repress her glee at my willingness, violet eyes sparkling lovingly. The moment of quiet exchanged intimacy lasted a goo moment, before the Princess spoke up again, her voice now reflecting on pure gratitude.

"I'm proud of you, you know. Spending so much time with our friends as I asked." Said pride shone on her flawless pony face, and my heart flipped in joy by the response I elicited from my activities of late, feeling it was worth it.

I would travel the whole world on foot if it made Twilight blissful.

"Now there I have doubts, honey." She mentally replied, now smirking slyly upon hearing my stray thought, and I could only chuckle sheepishly. But her emotions sung with affectionate gratification regardless.

Once the moment concluded, we pulled back, myself glad since the leaning was putting minor strain on my back. Got enough of THAT when I was human. Rolling her violet eyes - seriously needed not to broadcast my thoughts too much - Twilight returned to the small, colourful blue and green guidebook again, voicing her own enthusiastic thoughts still. "I wonder if the Kirin village has any libraries where we can borrow further history of their background and evolution over the years."

My head titled, considering the idea. "I suppose, given they once sworn themselves to eternal silence, reading would be their best means of a pasttime."

I wasn't lying to Twilight when I mentioned I was just as interested in the Kirin in my own way. Really, what reason had I to lie? This secluded society did sound like an interesting bunch, and it seemed they were more welcoming to strangers now, as a clear path and signs led to a more safe route to the village than the long way of traversing the... Ahem, Peaks of Peril.

Dun dun dun.

Anyway, so yeah, Kirin! Species once slaves to their own emotions, and now coming to terms with them, handling their own frustrations and disagreements vocally without succumbing to these negative emotions. The Jedi could learn a thing or two from them, and that's my second Star Wars reference made today. I was on a roll.

More specifically, staying on topic, my intrigue lied on what possible relationship they could have with Balance itself. The species has two forms: One for exuding positive feelings, another which channels negative. The literal embodiments which shows this also displays the consequences of what happens when you rely on one more than the other. Yes, according to Fluttershy and Applejack, the Kirin preferred their more peaceful nature than succumbing to anger, but that could change over time.

Why does this fascinate me so? Because, again, imagine what connections these two forms have with Balance. Balance is all about bringing both light and dark emotions together on a scale to achieve real harmony within the self. What would happen if there was a Balance-trained Kirin in the world? What impact would that leave?

Would a Twilight Warrior be suited as a Kirin?

A Nirik?

Would combining both emotions like so transform their species into a new creature altogether? If I started teaching more students as Spike and Twilight hoped for, I should take a look about teaching one of these whom we were heading for.

"We should be right up ahead." Twilight informed beside me with a great smile, the two of us on a pleasant, nearly romantic enough wal across the nice area which contrasted the name of 'Peaks of Peril' well enough. Look, a gorgeous flower field close by! The Princess' emotions, speaking of feelings, spiked with gleeful anticipation, unkowingly brushing up against my side as if to support her in case she gets over-enthused.

Don't let me stop you love. Smiling in amused warmth, my right gold wing extended, gently pushing back my cape and letting the new appedage cover over Twilight's back, further prompting the satisfied mare to lean in closer. Wasn't exactly expecting such a walk, but who was I to whine about it? I'll take what I can get before all of Twilight's interest is abducted by the Kirin culture.

Mine as well. Applejack mentioned the creatures held a fondness for musical theatre. I wonder how they felt about orchestras.

Suppose we'll uncover for ourselves; there's plenty I must catch up on myself, given how occupied I've been.

You've met the Kirin, teach?

Once, just prior to teaming up with my friends to stop the sirens. Starswirl explained helpfully. A measured, but well-intended society. It was they whom discovered the original appreciation for music; a unique newfound concept at the time, to which Stygian and I brought back to ponykind. I am curious as to how well their taste of the art has evolved in difference to our own.

Heh, wouldn't it be both funny AND annoying if they discovered rock music in Equestria first-?



Well, that was a decent first impression. The sudden spook inciting a yelping Twilight jump high in the air, landing on my stable back and wrapping front limbs around my neck, taken by pure surprise. The cause behind this practical, abrupt joke?

Of course, the feminine creature standing right before us after stepping out of the right bush, beaming in cheerful satisfaction for a prank done successfully. Rather than be annoyed for my marefriend's expense, I squinted closer, inspecting the intriguing specimen and her design. White-ish furry body, with a light green tip of hoofs and 'shell' covering part of the back, and down in-between the eyes to the small curved nose. Orange curled mane and tail, the mane in the style of a lion's which only sparked a wave of approval from yours truly. A reddish horn that splits in two by the top. Gold eyes sparkling in earnest, but well-meaning mischief. Her emotions through Balance nothing but positive interest, hiding her open curiosity behind a love for enthusiasm.

Nearly, entirely reminiscent of a certain pink Earth Pony.

"Wow, that was way too easy!" Her voice sounded shockingly mature. Was this zealous Kirin older than Twilight and myself or was puberty quicker for their kind? "Sorry if I scared you too badly; I just consider first impressions to work better if you don't get too formal and just be yourself. Know what I mean?"

"I... Suppose." Twilight, after getting off me and regaining her composure, cleared her throat and offered a purple hoof in gesture. "You must be Autumn Blaze, we've heard so much about you from Applejack and Fluttershy. Nice to meet you, I'm-"

A sharp, eager gasp cut her off. "Twilight Sparkle!" This Autumn recognized in a heartbeat. "They mentioned a friend named that had wings AND a horn. Pleasure's all mine!" Catching the other's hoof in a vice grip and shaking with a bit more than mild excitement. I couldn't hide my own bemused grin at the sight. Charming young Kirin. "I wasn't expecting to see you so soon! Welcome!" Before glancing to me, head tilting in rather enadering curiosity. A flicker of puzzlement across her open expression. "Are you Spike? They didn't mention dragons looked like ponies too?"

"Uh, no." Twilight clarified with her own befuddled amusement, answering for me instead with an inclined throw of mane. "This is Jack, though everyone else calls him Stardust." Are you no one then, Twilight love? I snickered by the mental jab across our bond.

"Ohhhh that makes sense!" Before the female Kirin was suddenly in my face next, invading personal space so much I had to force myself against pushing her off. Inspective, wandering eyes and hoofs exploring my features; tugging my facial hair, stretching my muzzle open, pushing up my azure cape.

Did it hurt? No. But like Twilight right, I too was torn between amusement and irritation from Autumn's 'assessment.'

But that quickly changed to just full-on amusement, when she paused from her inspection, looking Twilight straight in the eye and asked in full seriousness. "Are all male ponies this good looking?"

PFFT! The sudden flare of emotion in Twilight's heart just now could burn acorss our link, I winced, barely hiding my pleased grin. In answer, I smirked to Autumn and, just for the fun of it, raised a coy brow. "I'm one of a kind." Vague but true.

"Huh." Autumn stepped back then, with a curious light red on those Kirin cheeks. A wide, sheepish grin on her face. "Well, you're one lucky pony, Princess." Doesn't she know it?

"Yes, I am." Twilight tightly smiled, evidently preventing herself from sounding too flippant over the matter. Yearning to change the subject and clearly not liking the way Autumn was eyeing me. "So, the village? We were hoping to get there before late."

"Hm?" Then the newcomer blinked. "OH!" Nodding rapidly then, back on focus. "Of course, right this way!" Already bounding ahead with that same enthusiastic glee as before, just leaving us two briefly in the dust.

Silence reigned from that awkward moment.




Until I broke it, leaning closer to my Princess with a coy smile. "And you say I get crazy jealous." Promptly smacked by the head from the guidebook she carried, the hat briefly covering my smug eyes by result.

"Ta-daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" Well, that was one surefire way of introducing a secluded society once thought lost to history. Autumn had motioning a single hoof with dramatic flair, grinning broadly, to the tranquil setting displayed before us. "Welcome to our village! Please, make yourselves at home."

"Incredible..." Twilight whispered, and I threw her a quick bemused glance, before regarding the view welcomed to us moreso. I mean... It's okay, sure. But Twilight must be seeing things differently, obviously.

For all through my eyes was just a normal looking, peaceful village with many colourful Kirin wandering around chatting away. Notable pony visitors too here and there. Houses blending in with the trees and oiher nature qualities around them. And a fountain set in the centre of it all.

Nice to look at, certainly. But not something I'd call along the lines of awe-inspiring 'incredible-'


"Try not to ruin the moment, honey."

Rolling my fond eyes at Twilight's mental stab and command. Autumn, oblivious to the bond, beamed in warm delight by Twilight's responses, nodding in eager agreement. "I mean, it's okay I guess, but it's nice that others still think it's all charming to look at."

"Oh, it certainly is Autumn." The Princess of Friendship nodded with zeal, as if her entire misgivings regarding the Kirin female earlier were all but forgotten. In the name of discovery, huh love? "Aestecally pleasing to look at with its own unique architecture, blending in perfectly the environment which surrounds this area. It's no wonder Fluttershy holds your home in high praises, Autumn." The Kirin couldn't look anymore thrilled to hear that, gold eyes then batting to me with expectant anticipation. What?

"Do you like it too?" Oh.

All I had to offer, overall, was a simple piece of honesty. Shrugging with a humoured, sheepish smile. "...I guess."

Good enough for her, if that widened pleased grin was of any indication. "Great! So, you guys want me to show you around? I have like a ton of things you'll just LOVE to see that all visitors should take a look at, even those who are friends of those last two ponies I became best buddies with!"

Hmm, tempting. But it appeared my Princess had other ideas, stating to our new Kirin friend apologetically.

"Maybe later, Autumn." Adding quickly as to not upset the native by clarity. "I was actually hoping to talk with your leader regarding the Kirin cultere and history. Is she available?"

"Ohhh! Of course." Autumn nodded with confidence, pointing a white and green hoof to some small building at the northwest. "You'll often find her in there nowadays, revising our history in the local library to learn from the past now that everyone can speak again."

Uncovering the secrets of a species thought long gone from their leader, while inside a library? For Twilight, that's the equivalent of informing me the existence of a chocolate-flavoured cola.

...Maybe THAT should be my first decree as King. Among other things.

Despite as much, Twilight was off in a heartbeat, gleelfully jogging with all four lavender hoofs and basically leaving us in the non-existent dust, everything else briefly forgotten. I couldn't help but laugh a little with baffled affection; knowledge always comes first, I suppose. But I didn't mind, Twilight was well within her right to start learning more about the Kirin with or without me.

Silence, albeit awkward silence, took hold for a moment. Autumn eventually clearing her throat and regarding me with more eager anticipation. Yes, what now? "So... Do YOU want a tour, Jack, right?"

Could barely stop my grin. "No it's Jack Wright." The Kirin blinked... Then snorted, chortling too at the stupid pun, and I was grinning with how pleased I was by my own joke, before answering more sincerely, "But seriously, just call me Stardust."

Without showing whether or not she acknowledged my request, the zealous Kirin suddenly leaned in closer, those golden eyes dancing with excitement. Before ducking her head a little, once again the light pink hue on her features.

Oh boy.

"Say, I don't suppose you're a fan of..." Smiling and rolling her eyes back and forth coyly, rubbing her own front leg as if she were asking me to go ski'ing or something. "Musical theater?"

I... Was indifferent to the art. Last one I went to was with Spike, and that was ages ago I could barely recall what happened in it. "I like orchestras."

Her face only brightened with approval from my offered answer. "Works for me!"

"So, they have plays of even your own rulers?"

"That they do. Hell, not too long ago, our own leading Princess starred as herself in a play hosted by Twilight. Let me tell you, it was an experience."

We both laughed, carefree and gleeful. During our exploration around the village, with Autumn having introduced to all the wonders her small society could possess, I had made the original assessment that this new friend was basically the Kirin equivalent of Pinkie. However, from spending much time together in just a few short hours, that were differences in personality that set them apart.

Autumn was a more restrained Pinkie Pie. Eager and overenhtusiastic, yes, but not too in-your-face about it. Far less obnoxious - no offence to Pinkie - and more passionate about the things she loves by showing rather than telling. Sometimes both at once. If there was one word I could describe Autumn Blaze in the current shortage of time I knew her.

It was 'charming.'

"Was there ever a musical dedicated to Twilight?" Autumn inquired as we walked over a short bridge. She never stopped grinning after we left the... Interesting musical and showing me around.

To that earnest question, my smirk widened. "Hosted by yours truly." Autumn gasped while I made a playful, humble bow. "Well, not so much a musical as a regular play."

"Wish I could have seen it..." Came the forlorn reply, before that was replaced by an immediate change of subject. "Hey Jack, I have a question."

"Go for it. And it's Stardust, not Jack."

To that, the Kirin tilted her head with honest befuddled, blinking in cute innocence. "But your name's Jack, isn't it? Twilight said so."

"Yes." I nodded, patient. "But only Twilight calls me that. Everyone else calls me Stardust." With the exception of Spike these days, whyom calls me something else altogether.

And the less said about the spirit making itself at home in my head, the better.

"Okay... Why?"

This was still going? But it looked like Autumn wasn't entirely satisfied by the answers put so far. Were all Kirin naturally inquisitive? Nah, probably just another display of this particular Kirin's quirks.

"Because... That's how they knew me before they found out my real name."

Golden eyes, this time, flashe din comprehension. "Ohhhhhhh!" Slowly nodding, Autumn beamed warmly again. "That makes sense." Glad to hear it- "But if they know your real name now, why don't they just call it that instead?"

...Suddenly I was beginning to understand my friends more when I asked too many questions.

Feeling eager to change the subject, I raised my brow and smirked wryly. Speaking not unkindly. "Was that the question you wanted to ask?"

"Huh? Ah, right!" Reminded of that request earlier, Autumn got back on topic, nodding swiftly. "Well, I was wondering - and sorry for how dumb this may sound - you can... Fly, right?"

Now, both brows were raised, my wings twitching beneath the decorated cape as if responding to that enquiry themselves. My best answer came in the form of a hapless shrug. "On ocassion. Haven't exactly mastered the skill myself yet. Why do you ask?"

Her heart was now resonating with embarrassed apprehension. Autumn shyly glancing away while still grinning, tugging at her own lion-esque mane. Her voice stammering a tad. "It's just, I always wanted to know what that feels. Watching the birds soar in the air like that; tasting the freedom and chance to see everything from above. Ever since I lived on that cliff, overlooking the valley I just... So, I was wondering if you could help, with that...?"

...Whether it was obligation on my part for her being a delightful host so far, or so I wouldn't stomach the guilt of crushing her youthful hopes, I found myself answering without much thought put into it. Offering a light smile while doing so. "Sure. What can I do?"

The expression on her face was like the brightest Christmas tree.

This Kirin was just full of surprises. I wonder how many Twilight was having by comparison so far. The genlte breeze cusping my clothes and features as we made our way up an impressive valley, displaying a gorgeous, endless view to our left of a land unexplored, and my adventurous side flipped in eagerness. But I restrained myself, taking a moment to admire the breathtaking spectacle to a harmonic land as far as the eye could see. Then continuing onwards after Autumn.

Whom beamed understandably at my moment of observation, waiting for me at the very top of the place. Before gesturing, then, at the interesting-looking home isolated far away from the village by the other end of the forest, currently occupied with animals and oh my God, more flashbacks of Fluttershy.

Was Autumn just the result of mixing Pinkie and Fluttershy? Hey, that's just a thoery. A DUMB THEORY. Thanks for reading!

"My home away from home!" She proudly announced, grinning warmly at my reaction while glancing to the self-made house herself. "I know it's a little unique, but I had to make do with what I could. When the Kirin kicked me out, the worse part was I couldn't even bring my own couch along! Let me tell you: It was no fun making a new couch out of sticks and leaves, my back went sore for ages..."

While she continued going on about her past woes like they were a casual memory, my hazel eyes regarded the Kirin solemnly. Right, she was outcasted for expressing herself; isolated in this lonely place out of fear of how she chose to live. Did the villagers ever apologize, I wonder? Did they ever try making it up to Autumn for the hardships they put her through?

If not, I'LL have a talk with their leader once Twilight's finished her own business there.

"...And the bed! Oh don't get me started on that disaster the first time around!" Autumn blinked, realizing she was getting off-topic again and came back to her senses. Clearing her throat innocently and beaming to me with sheepish embarrassment. "Sorry for the rambling, I'm still having fun getting to talk so much again even after all this time."

"You be you, Autumn." I reassured her with my own warm smile. She was well within her right to babble as a much as the Kirin liked, given what she's endured and still being a positive creature of nature. "So, where would you like to start?"

Her answer wa simmediately, her emotions radiant with joyful anticipation. "Right over here." Barely restraining her own excitement, walking over to an edge of the overlook right beside her second house. There huh? Fair enough. I moved over to join her, but the Kirin then quickly asked, "Are you sure you don't mind doing this? I understand if it might be too daunting a task..."

Wasn't even affronted. Quite the contrary, her consideration despite her wishes were endearing in a manner. Autumn was going to get her wish, regardless of the consequences. I could only hope Rainbow's training will pay off.

Balance, Twilight, give me strength.

"A good friend taught me, Autumn, that it's better to try something you've always wanted to do at least once, than not try at all and regret never doing it." With that, I slowly lowered my back body comfortably, allowing Autumn to gather her wits about her.

Emboldened from my short speech, the Kirin huffed and muttered self-encouragement. Before promptly, carefully, climbing up on my back, hardly being a hindrance despite the new extra weight. Maybe I should've discarded the cape beforehand.

Ah well, Hakuna Matate. With her firm grip around me, I boldly extended my gold wings, gleaming against the beautiful sunlight warming our faces, setting my hate done so it wouldn't get lost while during what we were about to do. Honestly, I was feeling some giddy anticipation myself. Let's put my skills to the test!



You know what music would be good for this right now? That plane level from Sonic 2.

Without another word, the wind would be occupied by the Kirin's instinctive squeal. As the currents impacted out features the moment I leapt with a dive from the cliff, straightening my four legs, at first, to do this properly, the trees below already getting closer and closer in sight.

...Then extended my wings as whole as possible, the momentum permitted as the world greeted my practice. Ascending upwards with a flourished grace, practically sensing Autumn open her anxious eyes when the wind around us suddenly felt gentler, hearing her gasp of wonder and awe. Who could blame her? We soared beneath the skies of Equestria, and over the bright forests and lakes in a perfect centre, keeping my flight measured and careful for the first time. This was going to work, it had to.

Her grip around my neck loosened, the more Autumn's glee and bliss increased as we flew with style beneath the sun. Carefully swerving my body left, and right. Even boldly taking a loop over and beneath a wide hole in one valley, exploring the landscape like the Kirin never dreamed of.

"I'm flying, Jack! I'M FLYING!"

With that, my own laughter and joy sprung out, but never matching her level of enthusiasm right this very moment. Couldn't even bring it in myself to remind the content Kirin to call me Stardust.

"- And then we went zoom! Then woooooo! And did you see the way those seagulls gawked at us when we flew alongside with those epic twirls?"

Needless to say, achieving this dream of hers had a lasting impact on Autumn for the rest of the day. Our walk back towards the Kirin village wholly comprised of the eager female recounting the entire experience just before in her own zealous, blissfully thrilled manner, and I couldn't stop beaming the entire time. Pleased and gratified it worked to make a new friend so happy.

"But seriously." Grinning so widely at me I could almost hear the bones creaking. Her golden eyes glimmering with thankful content. "That was the second most amazing thing to ever happen to me, right before getting my voice back. Thank you so much, Jack!"

Before I could either remind her to call me Stardust or answer it was all good, I was wrapped up in a tight embrace. And to make it worse, another voice perked up. Familiar and bordering on suspicious. "Jack?"

Well, that was certainly awkward timing. Twilight, meeting us halfway on the path back to the civilization, with adorable features scrunched up with concern and uncertainty, evidently wary of how close the Kirin was standing beside me, and the emotions Autumn was expressing towards my being by eyes, expression and smile.

Made only worse, however, when Twilight's heart across our bond flared from the other female's next following action. My right pony cheek greeted by the warm, gratified peck of an affectionate, open Kirin whom blushed lightly once pulling back, beaming still warmly and completely oblivious to the emotions now radiating from the Princess' being, instead exclaiming once looking to Twilight with a gleeful smile.

"You are one lucky pony, Twilight! I gotta tell everyone what flying feels like! Talk to you later!" Already merrily going on ahead, leaving behind my apprehensive self, and the lavender alicorn whose expression betrayed little.

Something told me she was mad. Fighting off a small smirk, I inquired in attempt of clearing the tension. "So, how was your meeting with their leader?"

"Informative." One-worded response. Definitely mad. "'Jack,' huh?"

My own answer to that sounded weak to even my ears. "She refuses to call me otherwise."

"Uh-huh." Something danced behind those sparkling violet orbs. "Were you lacking your usual assertive self, or is she a special case?"


Feeling my own limbs shake a little with anxiety, I could only offer the first statements which sprung to mind. "She's done nothing to warrant me being assertive."

"Neither were my friends and I when we first met." Twilight replied without blinking or skipping a beat, starting to walk forward. My own body stiffened, the eye contact keeping me deadlocked from making any attempts of retreat, feeling that would only escalate the situation.

When one's female partner is furious, running is far from the most advisable decision. Just sit there and take it, guys.

Once close enough, Twilight eyed me, as if gauging my reaciton and, evidently, picking up my spiked naturally fear... And sighing, shaking his head as the anger, then, abruptly melted down, half a beamused smile overtaking her perfect features.

"You're a lot of things, Jack, but I know you would never betray me like that." Uh... Thank you, love? Chuckling faintly by my obvious confusion and glancing over her shoulder. "I just hope the Kirin have an understanding how gestures of affection can be interpreted differently."

"I'm sure they do..." I offered slowly, at first, being careful not to incite another ounce of ire from the solemn alicorn. Gently grasping her side. "Autumn's clearly just more open about her affections than most. Her actions just now wouldn't have anymore meaning if, say, Pinkie or Rarity did that."

Those violet orbs turned back to me, a raised flat brow to state the obvious. "Neither Pinkie or Rarity have a thing for you, Jack."

Chuckling to myself then, my front hoofs grasped those beautiful features, reassuring my Twilight all the more with a heartfelt, warm contact of muzzles that lasted for moments. Doing more to my insides than Autumn's actions ever could. In the middle of the quietly rustling forest, with the everlasting sun bathing warmly upon our bodies for this moment.

As though Celestia herself was smiling down upon with us with approval. Intrusive manipulator...

Once the moment concluded, our purple and gold horns touched together, half-lidded eyes meeting as I smiled with warm tranquility.

"There will never be anyone else but you, Twilight..."

"...I know." The alicorn affirmed, sighing lowly but maintaining her own loving grin. "Guess I'm just overly cautious considering how long we've been apart before..." Understandable. "...They asked me to put on a play, you know."

"Oh?" Our heads pulled back to continue this sudden change of topic, myself blinking. "Like, a pony play that they can see for themselves?"

"More an intepretation to one of their own." Twilight explained, albeit somewhat sheepishly. As if nervous by the prospect of a responsibility thrust upon her. "I was hoping a certain handsome, reliable Warrior could help out?"

With that remark, my own smirk widened, raising brows jokingly. "So you know other Warriors other than me? Granted, our son's not a fully-fledged one yet- Of course I'll help." I added with amused love to the expression on Twilight's playful face, beaming warmly. "I already have the title in mind: The Tale of Uselestia and her Gorgeous Competent Disciple-"

"I'll think up the title, thank you honey."

"Ahh you're no fun, love."

If ruling as a royal couple doesn't work out for us, at least we may have a back-up career as stage directors.

From beside me, taking in the warm applause of the Kirin crowd before us, Twilight sent a wave of amused, fond agreement upon hearing that musing. As we were soaked up by praise and approval from concluding the quickly-made, short play that had quickly grabbed the village's attention.

Autumn and their tall leader especially, sat at the front of the auidence. The former releasing the most noises of excitement and joy, beaming cheerfully to us and the actors in costumes whom played their parts between us brilliantly so. I'll tell you one thing about these Kirin that were noteworthy; despite their flaws in the past, they were very quick to adapt to anything.

"For a pony, friendship is the most important aspect for anyone." Twilight, reaching the edge of the stage, took this chance to promote the magic of friendship. I had to snicker under my breath from it sounding like an ending ad after an episode. One mental swat from the Princess, who outwardly paid no heed. "It's what binds others together to make the most spectacular of things. Autumn Blaze was the first among you to realize that communication is an essential part to start truly living; to spread the wonders of friendship and learn from the past, without suffocating yourselves by fear and hesitation. The Kirin and ponies are very much alike, and we are more than honoured to extend the hand of friendship to all creatures, no matter their background or differences."

That speech only breaking out more applause, myself included with loud admiration. Hazel meeting violet once the latter gazed back to me, our emotions sparking with acknowledged prideful affection. This amazing mare is the centre of a new beginning of balance among Equestria.

I will support that every step of the way.

"That was the most amazing Pony-Kirin play I've ever seen!" Came the first zealous words out of Autumn's mouth once she and others joined us on stage. Before adding with flustered good humour. "Granted it's the only Pony-Kirin play I've ever seen, but I doubt anything in future could top that. You two make a great team!"

"Yes." I replied simply with emotion, gazing to the blushing Princess with my left wing extended around her, pulling Twilight in for a gesture of intimate comfort. Unable to prevent my warm, half-lidded smile that she returned without hesitation. "We do."

"Indeed we do." Twilight concurred moreso, closing our eyes for a moment as Autumn's own heart before us, while somewhat sad, was enarmored by our affectionate display, staying silent for a change in fear of ruining the moment. All in all, Twilight's brief moments of jealously aside, this was a productive, fun day.

The Kirin might already be in my top four of most favourite creatures in Equestria.

Eventually, however, the moment ended, with their tall, smiling leader walking up to the theatre stage to join us too. And I sighed, recalling back a self-made promise earlier in the day, and stepping away from Twilight a coy, wry smile, eliciting confusing from both the Princess and the energetic Kirin.

"Now, excuse me love, Autumn. I wouldn't dare try to compete with your amazing speech just now, Twilight, there's a certain leader I have to passionately scold about how they treat their own people." Twilight rolled her violet eyes, but said and did nothing to prevent my actions, knowing I needed to vent out against any injustice, past or present.

Hey, we both have shortcomings. And we wouldn't change them for the world. Now, onto the scolding; I've been rehearsing it during the flight.

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