• Published 20th Jan 2015
  • 748 Views, 28 Comments

A New Way In The Everfree - Cookie_Girl

Quite a few pokemon and humans turned pokemon wake up in the Everfree Forest. Maybe they should stay there.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Author's Note:

Another in a long line of ANWANW side stories. If you can't tell I'm going for complete insanity and randomness.

If you haven't read the original story yet then please visit zeusdemigod131 to do it now.

"Ahhh! I'm on fire! Put it out put it out!"

Normally if someone shouted that they would immediately be relieved by a splash of water, but in this case the person screaming was a Fire type pokemon. So you can understand the confusion of the various other pokemon that were watching the Ponyta run around in panic.


"If you can stop being ridiculous for one moment, I would very much appreciate if you can flip me back over."

"Huh?" the Ponyta looked around, and promptly face planted the ground after tripping over her own hooves. "Ow." The Ponyta looked down at herself. "Oh, I see, I'm having another one of those dreams where I'm a pokemon." she grinned.

"Yeah, that's great now a little help?"

The Ponyta looked to where the voice was coming from, and saw a Dunsparce that had been rolled over on its back. "Oh my, just a moment." she stood on her hooves, and started trotting toward the snake pokemon.
"Oof!" and face planted again. "Ow."

She eventually managed to find her balance, and walk. The Ponyta used her nose to push the Dunsparce over onto its belly.

"Thank you, but this is not a dream." the Dunsparce told her.

"Oh, really?"


Okay then prove it." she challenged.

"... Okay." Dunsparce opened his mouth and said "SCREECH!" An incredibly loud, and startling sound even worse than the most annoying alarm clock hit the Ponyta's ears.

"Gah! Make it stop!" the Ponyta started running around again. "Make it sto-oof, ow." she had face planted again.

The Dunsparce stopped its attack. "Are you alright?"

"Um, that depends." she back up. "Am I really not dreaming?"


"Well darn." She held a distant thoughtful look for a few moments. Then she exploded. Her fire grew very tall, and she suddenly looked much larger than she had before. "Show me the one responsible for this! Who would do something so arrogantly controlling as to change a person's body without permission? I will give them a piece of my mind!" She unleashed a powerful Flamethrower on a nearby tree.

"... Feel better?" the Dunsparce asked carefully.

The Ponyta deflated from her outburst, and hung her head. "Yeah, a little." she said.

"Well whatever is responsible for you being a Ponyta also transformed me into a Dunsparce." the snake looked back at himself, and sighed. "I'm going to miss my legs, and my arms."

"You're a human too?"

"Yes I am, my name is..." he was interrupted by a white round furry thing falling out of the burning tree.

The new pokemon had burn marks all over its white fur. The Mankey looked at them with an angry light in its eyes. "Grrrrrrr!"



"RAAAAHHHH! Fury Swipes!" the pig monkey pokemon attacked them.

"Aaahhh!" they both screamed in pain and ran away, unknowingly driving themselves deeper into the forrest.

In the town of Ponyville, standing atop a tall tree was a pink pony mare. She was most unusual for an earth pony as she could do a great many things that earth ponies could not normally do. Most ponies thought that Pinkie Pie was strange, but even she made sense compared to this mare. She had a pink coat with a purple and white mane, and tail that bounced, and billowed like a cotton candy cloud. She wore a propeller beanie on her head, and her eyes were purple with pink swirls.

Standing on the leaves of the tree she started walking down the side like a bug would walk down the wall of a house. She did not fall, or have any trouble at all. When she reached the ground she trotted off in the direction of the Everfree Forest, and started singing.

"All of these creatures look like so much fun, spreading chaos everywhere enough for everyone. But there is something different about my home, something is different in the forest that I roam. The chaos is shrinking, and it has got me thinking. Someone has invaded, and now chaos has faded. But it will not last, I will go there fast. My father will be so ever proud of me, when I restore the natural balance to the Everfree."

With her song done the strange mare passed the first trees of the forest. If anypony had been close enough to see they would have witnessed her vanishing from sight.

"Aaahhh!" The formerly human Ponyta, and Dunsparce continued to run from the angry Mankey.

"Close Combat!" the Mankey dashed closer to them with the single simple intention of clobbering them.

The Ponyta looked back over her shoulder just in time to see her attacker come in range, and took a chance at a counter attack. "Hi-yah!" she bucked her hind legs out behind her, and hit the Mankey in the face with both hooves.

A loud bang signaled that the Mankey had kissed a large rock at high speed.

Mankey woke up to find a Ponyta, and a Dunsparce (the same Ponyta and Dunsparce) standing over him. He found it hard to be angry at them since they had apparently given him first aid. He held a paw to his aching head, and found a small block of ice. "Where did you find ice?" he looked around seeing only trees. He also noted that despite being somewhere around midday it was incredibly dark because of how thick the branches on the trees were.

"Turns out I know Ice Beam." the Dunsparce said with a hint of pride.

"Oh, well thanks for healing me."

The Ponyta puffed her chest out. "Well I may not be a human anymore, but I'm still Nurse Joy." she told him.

The Mankey, and Dunsparce stared at her. "Your a human? " "Your a Joy?" they asked respectively.

"Yes, why, don't you believe me?" she was worried that they would confuse her for a lire. She was not a lire and she did not want anyone to think that she was.

"Well, " Mankey spoke "I guess stranger things have happened than a human getting turned into a pokemon, so I'll give you the benefit of doubt on that, but..." Mankey looked at the Dunsparce.

They said it together. "Why would a Nurse Joy get turned into a Ponyta?"

Joy thought about it for a moment, then squinted her eyes. Suddenly she exploded again. "And what's wrong with Ponyta?"

They frantically backed away, and carefully shouted "Nothing, there's nothing wrong with Ponyta. Ponyta is awesome!"

"I know that, and don't you forget it." Joy warned them, and trotted away.

"... If we make her angry we die don't we." the Dunsparce said. Getting no response he looked at the Fighting type.

Mankey had oversized throbbing hearts in place of his eyes. "She's beautiful!" Mankey followed after her.

"Uhg, hey wait for me!" the Dunsparce chased after them. "My name is Rusty by the way, if anyone cares."

Zecora was in her hut making a wild vegetable stew. She hummed a nursery rhyme to herself. She finished stirring, and poured herself a bowl. She thought it was such a pity that most of the meal would go bad overnight, but it was only her out here in the Everfree so there was nothing to be done about it.


Slightly startled by the voice that sought her attention Zecora dropped her bowl. She frowned at the spilled soup before turning her attention to the responsible pony. Which was not a pony.

Three Spindas were standing in her doorway. The tallest wore a pair of brown pants held up by a black belt, not the martial arts kind but a regular belt. The middle sized one had a dopey expression, and had his tongue hanging out, he wore a blue sweater, and a red cap that sat backwards on his head. The smallest, and cutest of the trio wore a pink skirt, and had a yellow flower stuck behind her ear.

They started an odd song.

"Double double toil and trouble fire burn and cauldron bubble. We came here to have some fun. Double double toil and trouble fire burn and cauldron bubble. Something wicked this way comes."

"I'm Yakko." the eldest said.

"I'm Wakko." the middlest said.

"And I'm there sister Dot." the littlest said.

Zecora chuckled at them, and poured four bowls of stew. She may like living out in the forest by herself, but the occasional visit from a friend was always welcome.

Wakko ate his meal, bowl included. Zecora frowned at him.

Yakko looks out of the screen at you. "This ain't so bad, let's just hope we don't have to find a new special friend." he tells you.

Elsewhere across the land a pompous unicorn prince, and a hard headed professor both shuttered.

Nurse Joy, Rusty, and Mankey were passing quietly through the trees. They did not notice the glowing orange eyes that were watching them from the twisted intertwined branches of a gnarled tree. "Hm, now this is interesting." the voice belonging to the eyes was a low feminine hum. "I wonder what they are scared of." The speaker took to the air on dark bat like wings, flying up she broke through the tree tops, and posed in front of the rising moon revealing herself to be a bat winged pony.

As she flew off ahead of her soon to be prey, a small purple rat like pokemon watched her leave. The Rattata looks out of the screen at you. "Oooo, that was creepy wasn't it." the Rattata tells you before pulling a jetpack out from nowhere and putting it on. "Well, I'm out see you guys next chapter, and if you see Weiss remember to tell him that he's a total plot head." With that the Rattata laughed insanely as he took off on jetpack power spinning completely out of control.