• Member Since 25th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen 14 minutes ago

Majin Syeekoh

We’ve got dents and we’ve got quirks, but it’s our flaws that make us work.

Comments ( 60 )

This is before reading but I can only wonder about the Luna and Tank tag at the bottom. Also, I approve of the word Awesome, Day and Most in this fic.

Edit: After reading, I can guarantee that this story is awesome. images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/27000000/Tank-tank-the-tortoise-27042509-500-337.jpg

Like a true G. Who knew that Tank was such a ladies . . . tortoise. Either way, this was hilarious, and I think Luna x Tank is OTP.

Majin Syeekoh


I'd like to thank you all for the glowing recommendation.

And yes. Tank is boss.

Tank is literally THE boss. Celestia comes to him for advice on how to rule sometimes, but it is under strict confidentiality, hence why Luna doesn't know.

Yes. Just yes! Tank is now my most favorite animal MLP character of all time for this.

“By the way, your sister’s got a sweet rump. Any chance of her coming around here anytime soon?”


that was silly. i liked it.

5509963 Celestia raises the sun for Tank every time he wants to put on his dope shades.

Majin Syeekoh

5509967 Tank is indeed the lewdest.

You don't want to know what she lowers the sun for. :raritywink:

Ah Tank, the best alicorn pimp in town, now a toricorn.

They call him . . . the pimpicorn.

Wait a minute..

Wings, spikes(okay, horn)... He's the fucking death-on-swift-wings shell from Mario Kart! That son of a whore! Quick, turn him over on his back to keep the jerk out of professional kart racing!

*Clicks upvote at 5:0*
*Goes to 16:1*
Well, that was quick.
Hahaha, this was great. Tank is the most awesome torticorn ever. Now Rainbow just needs to paint him blue and his awesomeness shall be absolute!
(If someone could find the source for this that would be cool)

You're too late! Mwahaha!

I imagine that Tank's voice sounds like Space Dandy's.

“Just do me one favor,” Tank said.
“And what would that be?”
“Stay beautiful.”

Yep, definitely using that as a pick-up line one of these days.


There is no other way to describe it. Just :rainbowlaugh:.

Tank: Just stay dandy, baby.

This needs a Sequal. Followed by at least six more, with each one more awesome than the last. I always knew Tank was a bad-ass, the moment he pulled out his pimp shades in the show was automatic proof.

That was the greatest thing i have ever read. It wasn't just awesome either. It was tort-awesome!!!

Majin Syeekoh

5510355 It is indeed tort-awesome.

Hilariously cracked
And im over 90% done with all of yoru stories

You know, for a 1,001 word story, this isn't half bad.

Have fun in the feature box! :twilightsmile:

Why isn't this featured yet?

That tortoise has swag.

I want a Tank x Luna continuation now.

Tank is best pet! :trollestia:

Yet another awesome story by The Great and Talented Syeekoh! I am not worthy :twilightblush:

5511330 DO ET DO ET DO EEEEET!!!

5510853 Depends if Tank got a speed boost and if Bloomberg had the reaction time and fury of a whomping willow.



Majin Syeekoh

5512799 Indeed he is.


In your face Angel Bunny!
STILL want to race?
Torticorn vs Hare... Let's do this!:rainbowdetermined2:

Majin Syeekoh

5512979 ...we talked about this already, but in the base that allows p as a number, that's a terrible ratio.

This story is awesome and funny.

Fimfic reader 1 (my friend): "What does the page say about the fic's word count?"
Fimfic reader 2 (me): "It's over 1000!"
Fimfic reader 1: "whut?"

An actual conversation...

This is the kind of shit that makes this site great

We should all strive to be as awesome as Tank.

Stay awesome man

I imagined Tank in this story had the same voice as Mr. Gus from Uncle Grandpa.

I was reading this in bed and giggled so hard I woke my wife and cat. Kudos! :pinkiecrazy:

This needs a Comedy tag!:rainbowlaugh:

Looks like someone has been reading the Journal of the Two Sisters. (So have I.)

Did you know that tortoises cannot die of old age? So it is possible that Tank already knew Celestia and Luna.

I imagined Tank's voice as Scootaloo's from the Mentally Advanced Series. HOO!:scootangel:


This is so dumb.

Oh, I snickered mightily. It lives up to its tag. It works.

But this is so dumb. :pinkiehappy:

Tank eats an apple to look like even more of an asshole.
Honestly this is the kind of insanity that gives me hope that we aren't doomed to a lack of creativity in the near future, good work.

Tank is best princess.

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