• Published 3rd May 2012
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Mass Effect: Continuum - Oceansama

Shepard and Anderson are tossed into Equestria shortly following the activation of the Crucible super-weapon. Once there, they meet a tribe of buffalo who seem to know exactly who Shepard is.

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0. Prologue (March 2021)

Mass Effect: Continuum

Chapter 0: Prologue


It was on the human calendar year of 2183 A.D. that the entire galactic community of the Milky Way galaxy had been forced to learn a horrible truth. That every fifty-thousand years an advanced race of sentient machines, known as the Reapers, had swept through the galaxy harvest and destroy all organic civilizations that had progressed beyond the limits of their home worlds. The tales of such complete annihilation began as dark whispers amongst those on the fringe of known space; the archeologist who studied the ruins of past civilizations and the scavengers who plundered such places for technology and treasure.

It was not until the abrupt discovery of an unknown alien artifact on the human colony of Eden Prime that the horrible truth was given a voice. An Alliance Commander, the human known as Shepard, had come into contact with a device known as a Beacon and it was this ancient technology that had shown the Commander warnings about the Reapers and their inevitable return. Yet, the only person who believed Shepard's story, unconditionally, was her mentor and close friend Admiral Anderson.

For four long years, both Anderson and Shepard had dedicated their lives into trying to unify the civilized galaxy in opposition to the Reapers and it was only after numerous and arduous sacrifices that they were finally successful in uniting the divided space-faring races. Shepard’s victory was a path paid for in an unbroken trail of blood and death; some of her own crew and friends were laid to rest amongst the many, many bodies of her enemies. In the end they had succeeded in focusing the might of an entire galaxy to bear down on the Reapers. With humanity at the helm, the future would remember this final battle, this one last push, as either the day the Reapers were finally vanquished once and for all, or as another chapter of organic genocide. Either way, there would not be, could never be, a happy ending to this tale.

Utilizing a new weapon called the Crucible, a super-weapon that was hastily assembled to defeat the Reapers. It had been designed long ago by an alien race long since forgotten by the annuals of time. The designs had been passed down through the millennia, undergoing countless upgrades, redesigns, and improvements as each descendant species had attempted to save themselves and end the cycle of destruction.

It had never worked, not once, even after hundreds of cycles and countless trillions dead. The result was always the same, the Reapers had full reign of the galaxy to harvest and conquer as they saw fit.

Now it was humanity’s turn. Building upon the sacrifices of the past, the Crucible was finally ready. Humanity had perfected it, built it in cooperation with the other races, and it was now the time to end the Reaper menace; once and for all. Every soul in the galaxy was watching, with hope in their hearts.


Anderson and Shepard sat beside each other, their bodies bloodied and broken. Multiple lacerations, and horrible burns decorated them like some macabre display of sadistic punishment. Anderson clutched a hand to his side were a gunshot wound had sealed his fate. He knew that soon he would be dead and he feared his companion would follow not long after. Yet facing down his mortality, there was only peace. Relaxed and content to share their hard earned victory together as more than just mentor and student, but as friends.

They had come so far and now it was almost over, the war was almost won. Soon the Reapers would never be able to threaten the galaxy again.

“Commander,” the dark-skinned male mused weakly to the woman beside him. Shepard acknowledged with an exhausted exhale.

“Anderson, we did it sir.”

“Yes..., we did. We both did.” He swallowed, his mouth dry. The two of them were propped up against a small circular pedestal as they watched the spectacle unfold before them. Beyond the safety of the space station’s dome shaped observation tower was a majestic and troubling vantage point of Earth in all its failing beauty. The Reapers had already reduced most of Humanity’s cradle to so many cinders.

“It’s a... quite a view.” He continued, eyes focused on the black speck where London used to be.

“Best seats in the house.” Shepard agreed, trying to mask the pain in her voice.

“God,…feels like years since I just...sat down.”

“I think you’ve earned a rest.”

“You ever wonder how things would’ve been different?" Anderson said, turning to watch as an Alliance dreadnought seemed to casually sail overhead. "How our lives would be... different if this hadn’t happened?”

Whatever Shepard had said in replay, it was lost to Anderson. Yet, he somehow managed a reply, but that too failed to register in his mind. The conversation went on like this for a time as he felt an encroaching, numbing cold.

“Anderson? Stay with me. We’re almost through this.” Shepard’s words finally sparked Anderson’s mind to clear for a moment.

“You did good, child, you did good. I’m... proud of you.” He whispered, his body slumping to the side. His last thought was one of regret that he wouldn’t be there to see a future free from the Reapers before he quietly slipped away.



Shepard limped down a lonely steel walkway, her right hand limply clung to her pistol, as she left Anderson’s body behind. There was no greater desire for her than to mourn him, but her duty kept her shuffling forward to see this struggle to its conclusion. It was what Anderson would have wanted. In a way she was glad that Anderson had died before a cruel reality had soaked in.

The Crucible super-weapon was a dud. Despite utilizing the finest in resources, scientists, and engineers across the galaxy there was now no way to stop the Reapers. The hope and confidence for victory that she had used to unite her crew and a galaxy was now was just another broken promise. It hurt, it ate at her heart like a voracious parasite and every instinct was screaming that there was no point in trying to fight fate. Agonizing step by agonizing step; moving as fast as her nearly dead body would allow, Shepard had arrived at a large room atop the Citadel. A room which would have been exposed to the vacuum of space if not for the dome shaped force field. It was a place that hadn’t been visited by a single living individual since the end of the previous cycle. Here she was presented with a opportunity.

Four possible paths existed. All that was left was a single choice.

One avenue she could take was to destroy the Reapers. The consequences of that action meant disabling the technology that many space faring races depended on as well as the murder of all synthetic life, including an entire race of sentient AIs who had willingly pledged their aid towards defeating the Reapers.

She could, instead, take control of the Reapers for herself. To become their new Commander and lead the massive machines into aiding the galaxy instead of wiping it clean. That path would require for her body to die and a copy of her mind, memories, and personality to be uploaded and converted into a Reaper A.I.

Then there was synthesis; to force unto the galaxy the final stage in the evolution of all life; a novel framework of organic and synthetic existence woven out of a new DNA. But there would be no salvation for Shepard as the process required her own body, augmented with numerous implants, as a template. She questioned if the galaxy was ready for such a transformation.

The final option was to not choose. After all steps had already been enacted to ensure knowledge of this cycle survived into the next so that future civilizations had the technology and means to face the Reapers proactively

Shepard had carefully, but quickly, considered the merits and consequences of each path. No matter which one she ultimately chose she wouldn’t survive. The war hero made her decision; the path was clear. One choice to make and she had done just that.

Commander Shepard, a single woman alone, walked forward; into the future and entered into the halls of legend.


High above Earth the Alliance's fleet continued its doomed resistance against the Reapers. The two massive fleets exchanged weapons fire of mass destruction in a visceral feast of light. The sky was full of exploding stars. Each star a ship lost, along with the crew that had served aboard them. Yet, the united fleet fought on trying to give Anderson and Shepard the time they needed to arm and fire the Crucible dreadnought.

Their loyalty to the stalling effort was duly rewarded as the crucible suddenly and gloriously sparked to life. Trails of light, slowly at first, weaved and crossed along its armored hull; spreading tendrils of luminescence coalescing into a single focal point. A blinding flash was seen before the energy burst forth in a sphere-shaped blast, releasing unimaginable level of energy. The sphere grew exponentially, at light speed and striking the Earth. The wave engulfed the damaged planet from pole to pole in its tsunami of power. Every being on Earth, human, alien, and reaper, stared in confusion or horror only to be overtaken and drowned in the shock wave. The cataclysm soon had claimed every planet in the Sol system.

The energy still flew on to touch the Sol Mass Relay, Earth’s only connection to the rest of the galaxy. The Mass Relay crumbled and detonated under the Crucible’s onslaught. Yet, uninterrupted, the energy shot forth into the neighboring solar system, then onto the next system; destroying each Mass Relay as it went, cutting off the intergalactic highway. The energy would cleanse the galaxy; reach far into dark space, and beyond. Holding fast, strangling, any and all Reapers it touched. The enemy had been defeated; the endless cycle was finished.

It was a new beginning.