• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen June 6th


24, Canadian. Avatar drawn by the amazing Mix-up.


This story is a sequel to Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here

What do you get when you place a pompous, prissy and petulant prince with an absolutely insane former extraterrestrial individual with a bad case of Chaos?

Love, adventures, spying, strong desires to strangle the other, romance, lots and lots of foals, grimdark, pudding, cults, injustice, justice, strong friendship, weak sanity, history, stories, a rocket jumpsuit, three opportunities to take over the world and a cockatrice. On Sunday.

Things… You get things.

And when you're especially lucky, you get a great cover art from an artist like Mix-up (also seen on fimfic here)

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 96 )

Ho boy. I can't tell if this story is going to be hilarious or sad or both simultaneously. I missed following the first two, so I hope to make it up by following this one. I suppose the most important question is: can this story redeem Prince Leon Polaris Blueblood? I suppose it's as likely as Honest Havoc (can't really call him the main character here can I?) regaining his sanity.

Take your time and write good work but OH GOSH PLEASE WRITE MORE SOON!

5506914 I don't know. You tell me. What is needed to redeem Blueblood in your eyes?

5506928 There you go. :raritywink:

…Celestia’s beard… I’ll never be able to sleep again.

Best line ever.

Overall a good chapter of mixing in the madness, giving us a renewed perspective on Blueblood and Havoc while also progressing your plot and hinting at things to come. It'll also be interesting to see if Blueblood does anything to help Havoc's desired friendship, or otherwise, with Luna.

5555399 Wait, Celestia has a beard?

I don't understand. I CAN'T UNDERSTAND!





5555399 Indeed it is. Anything referring to Celestia's beard is inherently the best thing ever.

About Luna though, well, Blueblood's standing with her is not good enough to foster much more than icy politeness. Will he try? That's another question entirely.

5565487 Now, now, you lack a little something called "Imagination" or appropriate images. Behold! The magnificence that is the solar beard! th06.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/138/3/d/what_is_this_even_a_celestia_drawing__by_wonder_waffle-d65rpmq.png

5567557 Thank you SO much for ruining my dreams.

Nightmares are scary...

5568063 I believe the quote included "I’ll never be able to sleep again."

So, really, I'm just delivering on the promise. :trollestia:

5568140 I still don't understand the picture...

Is it Rule 63 Celestia?

Havoc is most adorable ravenous chaos demon ever.

I wonder how long it will take him to try to convince a team of pegasi to literally paint the sky red.

I’ll finish writing the entry when I find where he hid my desk. I was using it to write when he borrowed it!
Favorite line of this chapter.



I was in tears when Blueblood was describing Havoc's art :rainbowlaugh:

5630106 Opinions in-universe are very much opposite of that. Havoc does not appear very adorable. I mean, I think he kind of is, but Blueblood seems to think, strangely, that he is a giant pain to deal with.

5696015 I'm open to suggestions when it comes to where the desk will finally be found.

5696026 You flatter me. :rainbowkiss:

5696319 Thanks. It's always good to hear people's appreciation of a few jokes. The last scene is my favorite in this chapter too. It was amazingly fun to write.

5697933 If you don't update it some more, I'll be disappointed.

It hurts too much. I need air because I laughed too much at the end there. Blueblood plays a very good straight man. You also do a very good job with Havoc having both random thoughts but also very profound thoughts thrown in that confuse the hell out of everyone to a hilarious degree because they make TOO much sense.

5697933 It never left the room, it's on the ceiling. It is possibly also smaller than it should be.

So when will Havoc meet Pinkie again? They kinda had a thing in the last story, even Rarity thought they were a good match.

5698532 Well, Havoc's thoughts are wild, of course, but he still has a few good anchors. It's not so much perception that is screwed as much as interpretation and logical reasoning that went flying out of the window. Of course, this serves the purpose of making anyone listening doubt their own sanity by thinking he is making any sort of sense.

5700836 The Pinkie Pie thing will probably end up being more of a sidestory or spin-off material. Expect maybe a cameo or two in this story proper.

Havoc is best pony . . . err dragon . . . monster . . . demon . . . thing?

...Celestia damn it… now I’m wondering about the bull frog again.
To be fair, it is worth wondering about.

5824249 "Thing" works. Havoc is best thing, rolls off the tongue. Technically, I went with draconicorn as the mad offspring of a draconequus and a unicorn. He does have ONE horn after all, even if it's crooked and on the side of his head.

5824287 Yup. Havoc strikes again. Blueblood will truly not know many good nights of sleep.

The more these appear, the happier and smilinger and laughinger I be. Also, I think this story should have a warning attached: "Warning sides may hurt due to laughter. Have someone nearby who can also provide air when you're laughing too hard to breathe."


Great Chapter:pinkiehappy:
So Blue Balls and Havoc are both victims of theres labels, Blue is a honest to Celestia hero, or at list a stalwart defender, that how hast to keep up the appearance of being part of the snobby nobility, can't revile his deed's to the public, and is the fist to be thrown to the timberwolves and when the is a literal royal screw-up, wheal Honest is just label a spawn of Discord, casually dismiss insane by so-called experts with out and all he sades is dismiss by that label, I know the filling:pinkiecrazy:.
It was interesting to see Honest lucid for a moment, he is not completely lost, and that there is a hope for him to recover his sanity. I am not clear on what Havoc meaning of what he that the scientists refuses to acknowledge the truth about him, that he had a prier existence before being trap in the statue, and that they willingly delude themselves by just so that they can keep a clear continences of them selves, what do you mean by it?:rainbowderp:

I was also wandering if Havoc is going to met some of the others humans that were sent to Equestia by Discord?

5824512 You're really flattering me, good sir.

5825502 The bull frog theorem is rather simple: statistics and probabilities do not actually mean something will or will not happen. Coincidences happen every day, and nothing is perfectly safe from them.

5826381 You're getting it. They're victims of bad publicity even if they partially deserve their reputation. However, because of the way things are, they have little hope of things ever getting better.
Havoc's particular brand of madness is mostly shown through a loss of contact with reality and hyperactivity. It's somewhat like bipolarity, except in much more monstrous extremes, with a bit of hearing voices and what's not. The key is that there are periods of time during which Havoc loses the joy and the veil over his rationality. For him to recover his sanity would probably require heavy medication and well... he's from a unique species.
What he meant was that ponies did not want to imagine the feeling of being conscious inside a statue. more or less.
Last but not least, the other humans... well, it would be improbable... and there's that new theorem going on about a frog or something. :scootangel:

5828857 I should make a reference to that!

so you started the triquel? *squee* why did i not see this sooner!? and I couldn't stop laughing. the carvings in the sewer most of all , it took me 10 minutes to read one line because i was laughing so hard at the things eating things part.

I must say I really enjoyed your writing. I hope to see more chapters in the future.

They're like the classic cop scenario!

Bad cop! Good cop!

Straight man! Comedy man!

Ah, je savais que Havoc allai devenir un outil indispensable pour les entretiens diplomatiques avec Blueblood et ceux de la grande nobles. Du moins, peut-être qu'il lui permettra de dévier les flèche qui lui serai en temps normale décochées; et cela ne semble pas lui déranger plus qu'il faut, si non il doit en tirer un plaisirs pervers à leur rendre la monnaie de la pièce. En fait, je suis surprit que Blueblood reçoit autant d'indults de la part ses confrères. Je croyais qu'en tant que prince d'Équestia, il inspirerait plus de respect que cela, surtout s'il aussi riche et influent tout comme son titre le suggèrerait. comment Est-qu'il parvenu à ruiner à ce point sa réputation?
Also I would love to Draw Havoc, but I have trouble understanding his hole color scheme. I know that it is closes to that of Discord but I don't what is what color. could you fill me on that? thanks.

6176124 Well, obviously, it's much funnier to contrast two distinct characters like that. Though, honestly, I have to ask: Who's the good cop here?

6176249 Breaking news everyone! Honest Havoc, alleged son of Discord has ascended to dracoalicornhood, thus gaining another horn and two more wings. He then relinquished his power when he learned it meant he was on even footing with Prince Blueblood and misunderstood that badly.

6176295 Havoc possède l'avantage de ne pas avoir de filtre ou de réelle connexion avec le monde extérieur. C'est facile pour lui de dire tout ce qu'il pense sans grande peur; il est déjà prisonnier à vie, c'est pas plus longtemps qui va lui faire peur.
Blueblood's can use him indeed, and is delighted by the great results it brought so far. He is indeed rather rich and powerful, but he has an immense reputation as an idiot, a playboy, a spoiled brat, etc. etc. The nobles wouldn't have been half as insulting if they had thought he understood basic French. His reputation is that bad, because, frankly, he had stopped caring about it a long time ago. He's convinced that he'll be blamed for a princess' mistake in his lifetime and sees no use in trying to look like a good guy anymore. So, he was wasting his money, his time, his social life, he whored himself out, he drank more than a kitchen sink. He's basically made himself the exact pony that could be blamed for things going south.

...All the while secretly saving lives on the side.

Yeah, a bit depressing, isn't it? But hey, he's got Havoc around now. That'll... err... cheer him up? Maybe?

And wow, you'd draw him? I would be eternally grateful! Though, he's kind of a mess, you know? I intentionally designed him to be wrong. But okay, if you're sure... Havoc's fur is in a pattern roughly like a cow. Most of his body is burgundy, close to a greying red. Except, there are a hanful of spots on his body that are a light grey, including one in the middle of his face, one on a flank, another covering most of his dragon/bat wing. Lion tail is the same red, err, eyes are yellow and slitted like a snake's. His fangs and his tongue are normal colored. His left front leg is that of a griffon, so I imagine it looking like Gilda's, nothing special. Oh, and he's got one twisted horn of brimstone on the side of his head.

...Yeah, I can get why that description is confusing. Can you work with that?

Any reason we can't have a translated version of the chapter because not all of us speak French. I also love the line and Blueblood's reaction to Havoc's introduction to the Griffon where Blueblood's trying to figure out how he knows how to give a proper greeting to a griffon.

6176626 Eh, because Havoc thought Blueblood didn't understand the lines, he subconsciously made himself unable to, without really doing it. Thus, the readers get the lines as they are said. It's an attempt to give an authentic experience, with only the other characters' reaction for you to get context. However, I did choose as many similar words as possible and there was this small exchange:

“So they were actually telling you you are a depraved drunkard and an idiot and an impotent with no charm?”

“Indeed they were.” Blueblood nodded and agreed with a clipped, falsely cheerful tone. “They also added some unflattering comments about your mother and a chimera amongst other insults on your existence.”

That's basically it. What Havoc said... "She looks cute enough to eat!"

Yeah. Try placing that with the parents and Havoc grinning wide with his mouth full of sharp fangs.

And yes, Blueblood's going to get many many headaches. Kind of like Twilight trying to figure out Pinkie. It just can't be done!

Has a cry Havoc pun been made yet? Because I really think one needs to be made :P

Yes Havoc, share with the ponies the wonders of meat!

Delicious meat! Mmmmmmmmmm.

6176478 ...

Welp! We're screwed if you don't know!

6176478 yeah, but what is the color of his mane(does he has a mane?) and his bushy tale tip, as well as on what side of of the head is horn?

6176889 I'm not quite that evil yet.

6176984 It is the mighty savior after all. It purges you of the impure food you ate before.


6179781 Oh yes, he does have an unkempt, spiky, bushy mane, that goes down his neck a bit like real horses'. It's pale grey, maybe just a hint lighter than the few spots on his coat. The tip of his tail? Well, it's lion-like, so it's pretty uniform with the rest of him... it could be red or gray at that point. I could leave it to you. As for the side of his head... I believe his ragged horn is on the right side.

Oooo, I got it. Have a diamond dog problem: Cry dogs and let slip the Havoc of war.

Bravo! Bravo!
The formula worked splendidly as it did in the chapter previous!
I just loved Havoc's channeling of his sultrier side!
Tell us, is that one of his ten voices, or a newly crafted persona being voice acted?

Did the child eat the meat? It was unclear, especially unclear if it was actual meat.
What a way to shame a noble family and their associates; their firstborn ate of meat fed to it by Blueblood's beast of chaos!

6181177 Havoc's voice? Oh, he just lowered one of his adult voice. For added bonus, let's go think it was Ripperjack's.

Baby didn't eat meat, she smelled it. The scent of a dripping t-bone steak was enough to upset her delicate baby stomach. Now, the end result is a bit the same, they did get humiliated by Blueblood's pet monstrosity.

The engraving is of the finest demonic pony craftsmenship, it menaces with spikes of green stone, it radiates evil, it depicts a cow eating a dog eating a tree eating a demon eating a filly eating the metaphorical concept of Truth. The truth is laughing, the cow is laughing, the dog is laughing, the tree is laughing, the demon is crying, the filly is laughing.

Crafted on 2nd Granite 245

It's nice to see a character that is so often pigeon-holed into the role of an unlikable buffoon be allowed to spread their wings, so to speak. I eagerly await the next installment of The Ultimate Team of Destiny -

Are things happening out of turn or did they not bother trying for Discord's parole due to having Honest Havoc around?

I mean it's gotta happen sometime right? If only for all the awkward family moments and occasional mauling attempts.

Wooo Go Havoc, make them all question reality XD

How can someone so ugly be so beautiful at the same time?
Good chapter!

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