• Published 28th Feb 2014
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The Vinyl Scratch Tapes - Corey_

DJ-P0n3 and Octavia run a radio show interviewing famous ponies. Hilarity ensues.

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The Vinyl Scratch Tapes Season 2 Part 5

The Vinyl Scratch Tapes Season 2

Fifth Transcript: The Vinyl Scratch & Octavia Interview

[What follows is a transcript of episode 2F09 of the Vinyl Scratch, one day following the episode where Octavia brought all of Vinyl’s friends to the studio and when Vinyl attempted to reconcile with Prince Blueblood.]

[Sound of reel-to-reel tape player being played is heard.]

DJ-P0n3: Goooooood morning, Equestria! The signal is strong! The frequency is just right! The turntable is ready, the records are spinning, the stars are right, the sexual tension is high--

Octavia: HEY!

DJ-P0n3: AND IT IS GLORIOUS! It is time for ... the Vinyl Scratch!

[Record scratch.]

DJ-P0n3: That’s right, the original radio show on the original radio station. With the original jerk hosting, the one and only Ravishing Rocker, DJ-P0n3.

Octavia: And I’m Octavia, the one without an alliterative title to speak of.

DJ-P0n3: Well anyway, today’s show is going to be a little bit ... different. That is to say, there isn’t a show today.

Octavia: Don’t worry though, this isn’t like yesterday’s show. Vinyl is feeling fine now ... even if her idea for what we’re doing today is quite outlandish. And by outlandish, I mean completely insane.

DJ-P0n3: It’s not insane at all. I thought it was quite a good idea myself.

Octavia: Yes, but you’re famous for having bad ideas and thinking they’re great.

DJ-P0n3: Name one time that’s happened.

Octavia: Stealing an accordion and having a concert.

DJ-P0n3: ... crap.

Octavia: See?

DJ-P0n3: Well, anyway. [Clears throat.] Today Octavia and I will be guests on another show. Namely the one hosted by Prince Blueblood and Trixie. [Chuckles.] Now some of you may be wondering why I would want to do this.

Octavia: Yeah, good question. I’m still wondering that myself.

DJ-P0n3: Well, after everything that’s happened the last couple days, I thought maybe we should try to work out our differences. And the Prince agreed ... actually I was a bit surprised by that myself.

Octavia: No kidding. I’m still not entirely sure if he’s being genuine or not.

DJ-P0n3: I mean, it’s worth a shot. I’d much rather try to work things out than, you know, go on hurting each other and all our friends.

Octavia: That’s ... actually quite mature of you.

DJ-P0n3: Well ... [Speaking softly.] I’ve had a lot of time to think the past few days.

Octavia: Well ... okay. I’m still leery about this, but if you think it’s going to be a good idea ... I’ll stand by you. Might as well. I mean, I’m in for the long haul.

DJ-P0n3: Aw, thanks Octy. You’re always there for me.

Octavia: And I always will be.

DJ-P0n3: But anyway, we’re getting off track and this tape recorder only has so much time left on it! I’ve set up this station to just play music the entire morning. If for some reason the automated system fails like yesterday, I have Beauty Brass on standby to fill out the rest of the time by talking about her hopes and dreams or something. You know, filler.

Beauty Brass: I’M HELPING!

Octavia: Alright. So all of you who want to listen to our interview, tune over to frequency 101.2. It should be starting just a few minutes after you hear this recording.

DJ-P0n3: We hope you enjoy it. Until next time, this is the Vinyl Scratch, signing out.

[Tape clicks, music starts playing.]

The Blueblood Tapes

Transcript: The Interview

[Crackling sound heard over transmission. The sound of a wrench clattering to the floor is heard.]

Blueblood: Okay. Okay, I think we’re back on now. I’m getting pretty decent at this.

Trixie: You can’t be that good if the console still keeps breaking.

Blueblood: ... point taken. [Sighs.]

Trixie: ... so?

Blueblood: So what?

Trixie: You’ve been quiet all morning.

Blueblood: You worried?

Trixie: [Scoffs.] Of course not! Trixie’s simply become ... accustomed to your inane yammering. Trixie doesn’t care.

Blueblood: Except you do ... don’t you?

Trixie: S-shut up! As if Trixie would care about anything! [Pause, then lowers her voice.] So ... what are you going to do?

Blueblood: What do you mean?

Trixie: What do you think I mean? You know, about that DJ and Stallion Stereophonics and ... and all of it! You’re not really going to go through with it, are you?! Not after agreeing to this interview, right?

[Blueblood says nothing.]

Trixie: You don’t even know what you’re going to do, do you?

Blueblood: I ...

[There’s a knock at the door.]

DJ-P0n3: [Yelling from behind the door.] Hello?! Princey! We’re here for the thing!

Octavia: [Muttering.] Way to be descriptive there, Vinyl.

DJ-P0n3: Well, they know what I mean!

[Blueblood takes a deep breath.]

Blueblood: [To Trixie.] Let’s just worry about the interview now, alright?

Trixie: [Angrily.] Just tell me you won’t do it, you idiot! Just tell me you’re not THAT messed up!

[Blueblood says nothing. Trixie gives an annoyed grunt.]

Trixie: [Curtly.] Fine. Don’t answer me.

Blueblood: Just ... play nice, okay?

Trixie: Oh, Trixie will play nice. Because THEY’RE not the ones I’m mad at right now.

Blueblood: Look, Trixie, I--

Trixie: [Aggravated.] Just remember ... whatever you do ... you’re the one who has to live with it.

Blueblood: I know. Trust me ... [Quietly.] I know.

[There are hoofsteps, followed by the door being opened.]

Blueblood: [Awkward.] Um ... hi.

DJ-P0n3: Hey. What up? Can we come in?

Blueblood: I suppose.

[Door shuts, followed by hoofsteps.]

Blueblood: Um ... nice to see you again, Miss Octavia. Um ... things going well with your ensemble?

Octavia: [Bitter.] Yes. We even signed to a record label, despite a few cancelled shows.

Blueblood: Um. Yeah. Yes, I heard.

DJ-P0n3: [Nervous laughter.] Now now, let’s all try to be civil. We’re all adults here.

Trixie: Yes. Trixie is the very epitome of emotional maturity!

Octavia: You do realize you’re saying that while wearing a cape and wizard’s hat?

Trixie: Yes. What’s your point?

Blueblood: Well ... please, take a seat.

[Hoofsteps, followed by the sound of chairs scooting against the floor.]

DJ-P0n3: So, when do we get on the air?

Blueblood: We’re on now. At least, I think so.

DJ-P0n3: Wait ... you mean, you don’t know?

Blueblood: Our console seems to have a mind of its own. I’ve tried everything to fix it and it still seems to work only when it wants to. I’m not even sure if anypony will even hear this entire interview.

DJ-P0n3: Huh. Did you check the back of the console to make sure the plug was in all the way? Like it isn’t loose or anything?

Blueblood: What? Do you think I’m stupid? Of course I’ve checked that!

DJ-P0n3: Are you sure?

Blueblood: Of course I’m sure! Look. [Scoots chair.] I’m looking at it right now and you can clearly see the plug is ... [Long pause.] Oh. Um ...

[Sound crackles for a moment, then is heard in perfect clarity as the plug is secured in the port.]

Octavia: [Amused.] You were saying?

Trixie: [Aghast.] YOU HAVE GOT TO BE FREAKING KIDDING ME! THAT was the problem the whole time?! You never bothered to check and make sure the plug was connected all the way?!

Blueblood: Well, you didn’t notice it either!

Trixie: That’s beside the point, you giant idiot!

Blueblood: Stop calling me an idiot all the time!


Blueblood: Well, how about YOU stop being a nag?!

Octavia: Wow. Get a room, you two.

Trixie & Blueblood: [Simultaneously.] What.

[DJ-P0n3 starts snickering, then covers her mouth with her hooves.]

DJ-P0n3: Okay let’s ... [Stifled laughter.] Let’s just do this.

Blueblood: [Deadpan.] Yes. I agree. Let’s get this train wreck in motion. Allow me to fetch my interview equipment.

[Blueblood plops a bottle of hard cider and shot glasses on the table.]

DJ-P0n3: Um ... is alcohol really necessary for this inter--

Blueblood: Yes.

Octavia: Huh... I’m okay with this.

Blueblood: Good.

DJ-P0n3: Well, I guess that’s not so bad. Just relax and have fun with it. That’s practically all I do, anyway!

Octavia: Though your status as a positive role model is debatable.

DJ-P0n3: Well ... yeah. But still!

Blueblood: Well, I suppose we should get started. [Clears throat.] Hello listeners. Welcome to ... whatever this show is called, I’ve never really made that clear.

Trixie: It’s called “The GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie Hour Featuring the GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie and Some Other Guy.” That’s you. You’re the other guy.

Blueblood: Uh huh, and when did we decide that?

Trixie: About a few seconds ago, when I just said it. After all, you have to give the star top billing. That’s called marketing.

Octavia: [Sarcastic.] You know, Trixie, I’m just noticing this but ... I think you just might be a teeny bit egotistical.

Trixie: Psh! You have no idea what you’re talking about. Trixie is modest. In fact, Trixie is the most modest. Ever.

Blueblood: Okay, whatever. Welcome to ... this thing. Joining me today are two very special guests. We have with us today, noted cello player and member of a world renowned ensemble, Miss Octavia. [Pours a shot, takes it.] Also, she once knocked several of my teeth out.

Octavia: Very true. May I have some of that?

Blueblood: [Pours shot.] Whatever.

[Shot glass is slid over to Octavia, Octavia takes a drink.]

Octavia: [Happily.] Ooooooh, that’s good.

DJ-P0n3: Yay! Octavia’s gonna get tipsy! This is gonna be a fun afternoon!

Blueblood: Also joining us is noted DJ, radio host, and my worst enemy who is suddenly being nice to me for reasons I don’t entirely understand. Fillies and gentlecolts, Miss Vinyl Scratch.

DJ-P0n3: Glad to be here, Princey.

Blueblood: Well, I suppose I should ask questions. Um ... hm. How are you all?

Trixie: Riveting interview questions there, Princey.

Octavia: Yes, very professional.

Trixie: [Angry.] Hey now! Trixie is the only one allowed to be sarcastic on this show!

Octavia: [Sarcastic.] Really? That’s so reasonable of you.

Trixie: Hey, what did Trixie just say?! Stop that.

Octavia: I have no idea what you’re talking about.

Trixie: Grr! [Slams hoof on the table.] Prince! Trixie demands liquor!

Blueblood: Suit yourself. [Pours glass.] Sorta didn’t think you drank.

Trixie: Shows what you know! Trixie shall drink you all under the table! [Picks up glass.] Give me that!

[Trixie drinks the glass. There is a brief pause, followed by the sound of Trixie’s head hitting the desk.]

Blueblood: [Worried.] Trixie!

DJ-P0n3: Whoa! You okay?!

[There is a brief pause, then Trixie raises her head.]

Trixie: [Tipsy sounding.] I’m ... I mean, Trixie’s up. She’s here. She’s ... wow. [Hiccups.] That’s good.

DJ-P0n3: Jeez. You sure you’re alright?!

Blueblood: Perhaps you shouldn’t have anymore, Trixie. You might hurt yourself.

Trixie: You might hurt yourself if you try to tell Trixie what to do! [Snatches bottle, pours another glass.] This is real magic, here. [Drinks.]

DJ-P0n3: [Grabs bottle with telekinesis. Pours glass, takes a sip.]. Mmm. I have to admit, Princey, I didn’t think you’d know how to have fun.

Blueblood: I don’t. But I appreciate the sentiment. [Pours drink.] So I suppose it is time, as the interviewer, for me to ask the intelligent, hard hitting questions. [Pause.] Trixie, ask some hard hitting questions.

Trixie: [Takes sip, slurs.] Don’t ... don’t tell me what to do. I’ll have you know I’m the Great and ... Purpleful Trixie and I won’t be commanded to do ... things. Things OR stuff.

Octavia: Dear Celestia, you only had two glasses. What a lightweight.

Trixie: [Slurring.] Trixie would rather be a lightweight than a fatty like you.

Octavia: [Leaps from chair.] What did you say?

DJ-P0n3: Hey hey, wait a minute. Whoa! Let’s all calm down here. Come on, Octy. Clearly she’s not in her right mind right now.

Octavia: I doubt she was ever in her right mind to begin with.

DJ-P0n3: Aw, come on. There’s no need to start a fight or anything. Let’s just keep that bottle away from you, Trixie.

[The sound of telekinesis is heard as Vinyl scoots the bottle away.]

Octavia: Yes. I shall hold on to it. For safety reasons. [Pause, followed sound of a sip being taken.]

Blueblood: [Deadpan.] Yes. How noble. [Cough.] Well, I suppose it’s up to me then. So ... Miss Octavia, Miss Vinyl Scratch ...

DJ-P0n3: You know, you can just call me Vinyl.

Blueblood: I could, but I won’t. [Takes another shot.] Anyway, Miss Vinyl Scratch, I do have a few questions. Though I must admit, they are of a most unconventional nature.

DJ-P0n3: That’s not a problem! I have nothing to hide!

Octavia: Yes. Being around Vinyl has a tendency to just sort of ... throw everything out in the open anyway.

Blueblood: Heh. Funny you should say that ... that’s sort of what I wanted to ask about.

DJ-P0n3: Hm?

Blueblood: Let’s be honest here: pretty much nopony actually listens to my show normally. Everypony who is listening is only listening because you told them to.

DJ-P0n3: I don’t really see where you’re going with--

Blueblood: So, pretty much anypony who’s listening already knows a lot about you both. Asking you questions about how you got your Cutie Marks or how you came to be in your current profession would simply be redundant, since almost everypony listening already knows the answers.

DJ-P0n3: Huh. You know, I didn’t think about that. That’s actually a fairly smart observation. So what are you getting at?

Blueblood: Heh. Well, as I recall, Miss Vinyl Scratch, you gave me free reign to embarrass you in this interview.

DJ-P0n3: ... uh huh.

Octavia: [Cheerfully.] Hey Prince. Remember that time I punched you really hard in the face? [Darkly.] Want to have a flashback to that?

DJ-P0n3: [Unfazed.] No no, Octy. It’s fine.

Octavia: What?

DJ-P0n3: What did you want to ask, Prince?

Blueblood: Well, I mean, since everypony listening already knows so much about you two, surely there must be something you haven’t told anypony. Some secrets that you’ve been hesitant to reveal on the air. Why not reveal something like that to our dedicated audience? What’s something you’ve never told anypony before?

DJ-P0n3: Oh ... hey, that actually sounds like fun!

Blueblood: [Confused.] Wait, what? Seriously?

DJ-P0n3: Okay, I can do that. Octy, you want in on that.

Octavia: I um ... well, I don’t know if I’m comfortable with that ...

DJ-P0n3: Ah, come on. You’d only have to say stuff you’d want to say. It’s not like we’re asking to describe any of the sexy dreams you’ve had--

Octavia: Vinyl!

DJ-P0n3: Oh come on! Everypony does that!

Trixie: [Drunk. Starts giggling.] Any dream with the GREAT and ... PUMPERNICKEL Trixie inevitably becomes sexy by association. [Grabs bottle from Octavia, takes swig.] TRIXIE IS THE NATURAL EMBODIMENT OF THE SEXY! [Hiccups, head hits the table.]

Octavia: ... huh. Well, that happened. Anyway ... [Sigh.] I suppose it couldn’t be that bad. Just let me slip further away from sobriety. [Drinks a sip of cider.]

Blueblood: Alright. So, Miss Vinyl Scratch ... what it is, exactly, that somepony like you keeps secret?

DJ-P0n3: Hmm ... [Thinks for a moment.] Oh, I know! [Fakes being serious and over-dramatic.] By day, I am but a simple DJ. But in the dead of night, I secretly become the masked vigilante known as Mare-Do-Well! Fighting a never-ending crusade against the criminal element... [Fakes crying.] All to avenge the untimely loss of my parents!

Octavia: [Deadpan.] Your parents are still alive. Your mom even baked me cookies once.

DJ-P0n3: No, I mean I literally lost them. When I was three, I couldn’t find where they were in a grocery store for a whole five minutes. [Fakes sobbing.] It was all very traumatic! I JUST HAD TO BE A SUPERHERO!

Octavia: Yeah, superheroes tend to be smart and heroic. You don’t exactly meet the minimum requirements.

DJ-P0n3: I’ll have you know I am very smart! As Mare-Do-Well, I am the most intelligent detective this world has ever-- pfft! [Laughs.] Okay, I’m sorry. I couldn’t say the rest of that with a straight face.

Octavia: [Chuckles.] Ooh, ooh. I have one. [Clears throat.] Um ... well, I suppose I’m never going to hear the end of this but ...

DJ-P0n3: But what?

Octavia: I ... actually kind of like rock and roll.

DJ-P0n3: [Loud gasp.] I don’t even know who you are anymore!

Octavia: [Laughs.] Don’t suppose I’ll ever live that down.

DJ-P0n3: [Softly.] Octy, how long have we known each other? You know me. [Chuckles.] Of course I’ll never let you live it down.

Blueblood: Hey, enough clowning around, I was asking a serious question about--

Trixie: [Lifts head up, slurs.] Hey, hey. Everypony, hey. Trixie has a secret!

Blueblood: Trixie, I was asking them. You don’t have to answer the quest--

Trixie: No no, shut up. This is ... [Hiccup.] This is super important... everypony lean in close.

Octavia: Um ... why do we--

Trixie: Shhhhhh! [Whispering.] Everypony lean in closer...

[Chairs creak.]

Trixie: Closer.

[Chairs creak more.]

Trixie: I said closer.

Blueblood: Okay, our foreheads are touching yours. It’s not POSSIBLE to get any closer.

DJ-P0n3: [Slyly.] I can think of a way or two.

Octavia: Vinyl!

DJ-P0n3: I’m just kidding. So what’s up, Trixie?

Trixie: [Whispering.] Okay ... so my terrible secret is ... my hat ...

Octavia: Yeah?

Trixie: It’s ... really pointy. [Hiccups, then giggles.]

[Everypony leans back and groans angrily at Trixie as she giggles.]

Octavia: Well, that was clearly profound. My worldview is indeed shattered.

Blueblood: Ugh. I suppose I should have known better. I knew you all wouldn’t take this seriously.

DJ-P0n3: Alright, alright. I did give you a free pass to embarrass me after all. [Sigh.] There is actually one secret I have.

Blueblood: Really?

Octavia: Really? W... what is it?

[DJ-P0n3 lowers her voice. She suddenly becomes more serious.]

DJ-P0n3: Octy?

Octavia: Y-yeah?

DJ-P0n3: You remember way back when we first met? When you first got the job? How I said on the air that Princess Celestia basically made me have a co-host, even though I didn’t want one?

Octavia: Yeah. So?

DJ-P0n3: Well ... that was a lie. Princess Celestia never made me do anything I didn’t want to. I asked her if she’d find one for me.

Octavia: What? I don’t ... but why? I thought back then you acted like you didn’t really need any help.

DJ-P0n3: I didn’t need help. Well, not really. I mean, I know how the console and everything works. I could have done it all myself. I just ... wanted a co-host.

Octavia: But ... why?

DJ-P0n3: Well ... [Sigh.] I was lonely.

Blueblood: [Stunned silence.]

Octavia: ... Vinyl.

DJ-P0n3: Heh ... I never really had anypony to really talk to since Spitfire. I mean, I have fun. I party all the time. But ... still. [Whispering.] Still, sometimes I got kinda lonely. I guess I just couldn’t admit it ... so I never said anything till now. I did hope that I would get a friend out of it ... [Chuckles.] Or at least someone who would listen to me ramble on a bit. But ... I never really thought that it would ever turn out this well. Out of everypony ... I’m glad you were the one I met.

Octavia: I’m ... I’m glad I was too.

[There is a brief paused, followed by Trixie making a gagging sound.]

Trixie: [Slurs.] Jeez, it’s just like a scene from a hokey kid’s book.

DJ-P0n3: Heh, sorry. That kind of thing seems to happen a lot when we’re involved. Didn’t mean to get all sappy on you, Princey. [Pause.] Princey? Blueblood?

Blueblood: Huh? What?

DJ-P0n3: Um ... well ... I just got all sappy on you. I mean, isn’t this the part where you’re supposed to make fun of me? Like ... wasn’t that the whole point?

Blueblood: Oh ... Yeah. I um ... [Unenthusiastically.] Haha, you have feelings, haha. And you’re ... you’re ... ugh. [Whispering.] Forget it.

DJ-P0n3: What?

Blueblood: I ... don’t think making fun of that would be fun anymore.

Octavia: Really? Since when do you have a conscience?

Blueblood: Don’t be ridiculous. I don’t have one. [Bitter chuckle.] Haven’t you been paying attention? I’m horrible. It’s just ... well, I can imagine what it’s like to feel alone. [Hastily adds.] Not that I’ve ever felt like that, mind you. After all, I’m a Prince! Princes ... [Quietly.] Princes never feel lonely. But I can imagine what it’s like ... waking up in the morning with no pony there, feeling like nopony would even notice if you didn’t get up. Maybe everypony would be happier if you didn’t ... feeling like you have no other purpose than to take up oxygen. And never being able to tell anypony, because there’s just no pony else there ...

DJ-P0n3: ... yeah.

[Trixie, in a moment of clarity, opens her mouth and acts like she is about to say something, but then remains quiet.]

Blueblood: I mean, that’s just what I imagine it’s like. Not that I would know. Loneliness is a ... peasant emotion, after all. [Pauses.]

DJ-P0n3: ... Princey?

Blueblood: What?

DJ-P0n3: [Nervous chuckle.] You’re just the warm and cheery sort today, aren’t you?

[Blueblood bursts out laughing for a moment, then covers his mouth.]

DJ-P0n3: [Shocked.] Whoa!

Blueblood: [Clears throat.] What?

DJ-P0n3: [Amused.] Aww, you liked my joke. I can see you’re starting to be drawn into my eccentric charm.

Octavia: I didn’t even know you COULD laugh. I mean, not like that.

Blueblood: [Scoffs.] D-don’t be ridiculous. Clearly you are delirious. [Trying not to snicker.] I didn’t laugh at all.

DJ-P0n3: D’AWW! THAT’S SO CUTE! You’re starting to like us! [Sniffles.] It’s enough to give me the warm and fuzzies!

Blueblood: You must be mentally ill! Simply because I felt somewhat sympathetic doesn’t change a thing. I still hold nothing but contempt for you!

DJ-P0n3: Really?

Blueblood: Yes, really!

DJ-P0n3: Uh huh. And yet here we all are. You agreed to have us here after all.

Blueblood: [Pause.] Yes, well--

DJ-P0n3: You could have just said no to all of this, but you didn’t.

Blueblood: [Pause.] That’s true, but still--

DJ-P0n3: And you know what? I think I know why. We’re not so different, you know? I think underneath everything, all you’ve wanted, all you’ve ever really wanted, is not to be lonely. You can try to deny it all you want, but it’s obvious that’s how you really feel. You hurt a lot ... and you did a lot of horrible, stupid things. Heh, trust me. I’ve been there. But the whole reason why I wanted to do this, why I even BOTHERED suggesting it at all, was that I thought that, despite all that, you really do WANT to be good. And ... I think maybe you might have it in you. At least, that’s what I hope anyway.

[Blueblood gives a long pause, then lowers his voice. It sounds filled with regret.]

Blueblood: [Quietly.] You don’t know anything ... you don’t know anything at all. The way I’ve been before, I don’t deserve--

DJ-P0n3: Princey?

Blueblood: Yeah?

DJ-P0n3: I forgive you.

Blueblood: ... what?

DJ-P0n3: I forgive you. All the stuff that’s happened ... I forgive you. Octy? What do you think?

Octavia: I ... [Sigh.] I’m not really sure if I can forgive you for all of this. You’ve done a lot to me.

Blueblood: ... yes. Yes, I have.

Octavia: But ... [Carefully.] But I suppose, if Vinyl thinks you’re decent enough ... I’m willing to try.

[Long pause, followed by an abrupt interruption.]

Trixie: [Starts laughing.] That’s ... that’s rich. All of that and you know what the best part is? You still don’t know what you’re going to do ... do you, Princey?

Blueblood: [Shaken.] Trixie, clearly you’ve had too much to drink. Maybe it’d be best if you just sit down and be quiet!

Trixie: Oh no. [Hiccups.] No, no no. Trixie knows exactly what she’s doing. Trixie wants to know exactly the kind of pony you really are. Why don’t you tell them your secret?

DJ-P0n3: [Confused.] What is she talking about?

Blueblood: [Sigh.] I suppose I could only run away from this for so long. [Pause.] Yesterday I purchased Stallion Stereophonics. Because of that ... Octavia and her ensemble’s recording contract, their entire career, is entirely within my creative control.

Octavia: What?!

DJ-P0n3: [Stunned.] You’re ... you’re joking, right?

Blueblood: You should know by now I don’t have a sense of humor. [Quietly.] I had done it before ... before all of this. Even when this started, I wasn’t sure exactly what I was going to do. But now I know. It’s about time ... time I gave you what you both always deserved.

Octavia: [Afraid.] You ... you can’t--

Blueblood: Just shut up! Just this once, just this one time, you will all sit down and hear what I have to say!


DJ-P0n3: [Carefully.] Alright, Prince? What are you going to say?

Blueblood: Miss Octavia?

Octavia: [Furious.] What?

Blueblood: It’s time you heard what your ensemble is now obligated to do. You will ... you will play again at Blueblood Theater.

Octavia: ... come again?

Blueblood: As I recall, you had a few shows that ... never came to fruition. It’s about time that was rectified. And one hundred percent of the ticket price will go to you and your ensemble. There is to be no dispute on this.

Octavia: Wait, but weren’t you--

Blueblood: As for your album, when it finally is finished, you will go on a highly publicized tour where no expense shall be spared. And I don’t want a single complaint about any of that. Got it?

Octavia: Yes, but--

Blueblood: Good. Now, since clearly I don’t have time to spend dealing with every little thing involving your ensemble every day, we’ll find time later to revise the contract and ensure creative control is given to some idiot who has that kind of time to waste. Sounds like that fits your description pretty well, doesn’t it, Miss Vinyl Scratch?

[DJ-P0n3 pauses for a minute, then laughs.]

DJ-P0n3: You know, I think it does!

Blueblood: All right then. I’m glad we could come to an understanding. [Pause.] What exactly are you all smiling about?

Trixie: [Hiccups, then giggles.] I knew it. I knew it all along.

Octavia: I ... still can’t believe any of that just happened.

DJ-P0n3: Awww ... our little jerk is growing up right before our eyes!

Blueblood: [Annoyed.] Oh, don’t read too much into this. I simply don’t have the time to invest in properly crushing you anymore. It ... bores me. There was nothing more to it than that. You understand?

DJ-P0n3: Sure, Princey. Sure.

Blueblood: I mean it!

[Trixie laughs. She slurs, but not as much as before.]

Trixie: Trixie always knew you’d do the right thing in the end.

DJ-P0n3: Wait ... you thought that was the right thing? You mean you like us now too?

Trixie: Psh! Of course Trixie doesn’t. You both make me sick. [Dismissively.] But Trixie must admit she derives a certain amount of amusement in watching the next stupid thing you two do. And if you’re ruined, I can’t very well laugh at your idiocy, can I? That’s all. After all, I keep Blueblood around for the same reason.

Blueblood: Hey!

Octavia: [Muttering.] Jeez, be a little bit more in denial, why don’t you?

Trixie: What was that?!

Octavia: Nothing.

Trixie: Hey, you better watch your tone before the GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie-- hrrg! [Tries to keep herself from gagging.] Ugh ... please fetch the GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie something to vomit in so she can then continue insulting you!

Blueblood: Well ... I suppose I don’t have much else planned for this interview. I suppose it’s time to wind the show down. [Pause.] Umm ...

DJ-P0n3: What?

Blueblood: Well ... that’s the thing. I’ve never really ended one of these shows properly before. I mean, I’m not really much of a DJ. I only did this whole thing to annoy you both.

Trixie: Yes! Truly he does not have the showmanship and professionalism of the GREAT and-- hrg!

[Sounds of vomiting.]

Trixie: [Deep breath.] And POWERFUL Trixie ...

Octavia: Ugh! It’s on my hooves!

DJ-P0n3: Yeah, Trixie, we’re never letting you drink again. Just saying.

Octavia: I agree.

Blueblood: I’d have to agree too, yes. [Sigh.] I was never cut out for this job anyway. I was probably better suited for the spice mines. I don’t think I’ll be having another show after this. I think I’ll just settle down and enjoy a much simpler life of managing my media empire. [Quietly.] I suppose you won’t have much of a reason to hang around me anymore, Trixie.

Trixie: [Scoffs.] Don’t be stupid! You’re gonna have to try a lot harder to get rid of Trixie!

Blueblood: [Chuckling.] I suppose I should have known better ... thank you.

DJ-P0n3: And don’t forget something, Prince ...

Blueblood: What?

DJ-P0n3: You never did show up for that interview on my show, did you? [Cheerfully.] You’ll have to return the favor someday, you know. Feel free to drop in anytime. That’d be alright ... right, Octy?

Octavia: I ... suppose. I mean, it’s only right, if we’re able to play at Blueblood Theater again.

Blueblood: Yes.

Octavia: [Angrily.] And if you apologize to Beauty Brass.

Blueblood: [Confused.] Who? Oh, her! Okay, sure. Yes. Fine. [Pauses.] Not that I’m sorry or anything. Or am past all that contempt or anything.

DJ-P0n3: You know, you don’t have to be in denial all the time.

Blueblood: It’s worked pretty well for me so far. Now then ... how should I end this?

DJ-P0n3: What do you mean? You just, you know ... you just do.

Octavia: [Sarcastic.] Wow, Vinyl, I’m impressed how well you can explain things.

DJ-P0n3: Well, I’m a DJ. DJ’s aren’t well-known because they can explain things. They’re all about, you know, spectacle! That feeling you get when the music is running through you and you can’t help but shake with the sheer power of ROCK!

Blueblood: Well, you two are more suited to this than I am. Why don’t you two end it?

DJ-P0n3: Well ... okay! Why not? [Clears throat.] Well, everypony. I hope you’ve enjoyed this. This probably will be the last episode of ... whatever this show is named.

Trixie: I told you it was the “The GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie Hour With--“ oh dear. Still queasy.

Blueblood: Turn the other way if you’re going to puke!

Octavia: Well, whatever it is, we’ve hope you enjoyed it. We certainly did ... in a very roundabout and unexpected way.
DJ-P0n3: It was fun. And we even made some new friends.

Blueblood: Hmph. I wouldn’t say “friends,” exactly. More accurately I’d say “ponies I’d rather not have assassinated anymore.”

DJ-P0n3: We love you too, buddy! And you too, Trixie.

Trixie: [Still sounding queasy.] Ugh ... Trixie feels sick. Somehow this is all somepony else’s fault!

Octavia: [Chuckles.] I do admit, those two are amusing. Maybe having them around wouldn’t be so bad ...

DJ-P0n3: Anyway, it’s time to say goodbye for a little while. But don’t worry. You can always find us on K-COLT, every morning, from now till the end of forever. So, this is DJ-P0n3 ...

Octavia: And Octavia ...

DJ-P0n3: Saying have a great morning and remember ... even when the signals out, the ROCK will always stay with you. Bye everypony!

Octavia: Bye!

[End transmission.]

[That was the last broadcast of the very strange radio station, National Pony Radio. Ironically, this last broadcast was extremely high in ratings, largely due to DJ-P0n3’s influence. However, Blueblood declined to continue the show saying it’s, quote, “not for me.”

Prince Blueblood, to the surprise of many, was better than his word. As promised, he apologized to Beauty Brass and, according to several interviews, she forgave him ... eventually.

According to Octavia, “Beauty Brass yelled at him a bit ... you know, more so than usual. But after all that she forgave him. I think Blueblood’s ears were still ringing at the time, so I’m not exactly sure if he HEARD that part right away. I assume he did at some point, when his hearing came back.”

In addition, he allowed Octavia’s ensemble to play at Blueblood Theater. It was by far the most popular show ever held at the Theater. And, despite the extremely large amount of money earned at the show, Blueblood kept his word and gave all of it to Octavia’s ensemble, as well as some to DJ-P0n3 for helping to manage it all. In addition to this, when Octavia and her ensemble’s album eventually did come out, he used all of his money and influence to promote it. It would eventually become the highest selling album in Equestrian history and Octavia’s ensemble, just as DJ-P0n3 once said, was considered “bigger than Celestia.”

As a result of this, Blueblood’s reputation slowly began to improve. While he was still never exactly universally beloved, hatred for him died down as his actions become more generous and less of a jerk. He was often on “The Vinyl Scratch” and became a friend of the show. Despite this, he still claims that he, Vinyl, and Octavia are not friends and he harbors no affection towards them.

Of course, nopony believed him.

Trixie, never content to stay out of the spotlight long, was a frequent guest on “The Vinyl Scratch” as well ... regardless of whether they had actually invited her on or not. She also resumed her travelling show, putting on magic shows from town to town. The high ratings of National Pony Radio’s last show endeared her some popularity in the populous, which Trixie reveled in. However, Trixie’s true popularity would not come until much later, after the invention of a device known as “television.” This, however, is a story for another time.

She and Prince Blueblood remained friends. Upon reviewing the historical transcripts, it becomes obvious Trixie cared about the Prince and was instrumental in his eventual development. Trixie dismissed all this and still claims that, quote, “The only reason why I’m still around him is because that idiot would probably DIE if he couldn’t bask in the radiance of the GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie.”

Nopony believed her either.

Octavia eventually warmed up to Blueblood after he followed through on all his promises. Eventually, she would say that her and her ensemble probably owe a fair amount of success to him. To quote, “If he had never cancelled our show in the beginning, the concert Vinyl threw would have never happened and we wouldn’t have become popular in the first place. At least not as quickly as we did. When he finally stopped acting like a jerk, it just made things even better. I guess I owe him ... in a weird way. Sometimes I kind of feel bad about punching him. Sometimes.”

DJ-P0n3 and Octavia enjoyed a fair amount of financial success from this arrangement, more than enough to have retired from running K-COLT. However, DJ-P0n3 and Octavia did not. They continued to run K-COLT and continued the Vinyl Scratch.

When asked why she continued to do this, DJ-P0n3 said “K-COLT will always be my real home. I’ve met friends there, I’ve grown up there, I’ve had fun there. Even if somepony offered me all the bits in Equestria, I’d never give it up.”

The Vinyl Scratch did continue for a very long time, leaving many more episodes to be transcribed.

And as for Blueblood’s abandoned radio tower, it was eventually sold to another very strange musician named Lyra Heartstrings, leading to the development of another historically significant show.

But that too is a story for another time ...]


... but Vinyl and Octavia will return in

“The Vinyl Scratch Tapes Specials”

Comments ( 80 )

Hi there. I did write more which was posted on EqD, I just neglected to upload it on Fimfiction... whiiiiich was a pretty dumb move on my part, so I've updated it here as well. Just wanted to apologize for that. I don't have an excuse except for massive procrastination and forgetfulness. This has been rectified. Enjoy!

thanks for uploading these, they are so great! Hoping you will continue to write more of octavia and vinyl's shows in the future, their banter is Godlike.

I did leave the story open for more additions but right now I don't have any current plans for new episodes. If I do write more, it probably won't be for a while.

I am, however, currently working on a new project called Newsponies: http://newsponies.tumblr.com/ I do personally consider it to take place in the same "universe" as the Vinyl Scratch Tapes so it is possible the characterization I wrote for these characters may appear later in the series. We'll see. At the very least, it can be considered a spiritual successor to the Vinyl Scratch Tapes, since it's another story that continues the "pony media" theme that I really enjoy.

2028255 hehe well, will be checking up on news ponies in the future :) And again, thanks for writing the vinyl scratch tapes. Will also be checking out TheMidnightMagicPro's youtube site for whenever they decide on doing more of your work.

I just want to say, that I am a huge fan of your work. I love everything about the Vinyl Scratch Tapes, and have read the 1st season like 10 times lol. Season 2 was... the best fanfic I have ever read. Almost cried like 4 times on the last 3 parts. Anyways, I should get to the point and stop bragging lol. I hope you continue the fanfic for at least a few more seasons. They have filled me, and I'm sure many others, with joy that NOTHING could replace. Thank you all for this experience!!:twilightsmile:

I can't wait for the Audio version of season 2! Or season 3 in general. Hopefully Lyra will be Octavia's ex-gf for some classic romance drama. I would love to see what the author and the audio team could do with that.

Drunken Trixie is the best pony! :trixieshiftleft:

A-MAZE-ING:pinkiehappy: As Vinyl would pronounce it, with it being 3 syllables after all.

Wait wait wait, srry; forgot to mention; MOARZ!!!:pinkiehappy:

Ahh this was a good story

Love how you turned Blueblood form an antagonist to essentially a lonely protagonist, arguably it was sudden but it worked
hope to see more


This is the most liked story in the 10 remaining oldest stories congratulations :D(its also 7th oldest)


Oh really? I had no idea! That's pretty sweet. That makes me feel pretty good actually :pinkiehappy:

Is this really the end?

what are the 10 oldest stories?

3431102 I dunno its been 8 weeks just put in low numbers into the story thing and youll find out (oldest story is broken)

3431224 the story id number in the browser, the number is the stories number as its added to fimfiction

If I could upvote this again, I totally would! :rainbowlaugh:

Oh man, the Vinyl Scratch tapes, it's been a while.
I can surely say I'm glad to see this again. :rainbowkiss:

Wow, how the heck did this hit the feature box? It's ancient.
*Adds to read-later list*

Never seen this before, but it's title reminds me of something

This is practically ancient. I remember reading this before it was posted here.


Actually this requires a bit of explanation. This story has been on fimfiction for a long, LONG time as you can see. The thing is it was never actually submitted before. Since on fimfiction you can still link to non-submitted stories, it still showed up on Google and everything else. It just doesn't show up in groups and a lot of other things on fimfiction as a result. For a good long while, I wasn't even aware I didn't submit it. Once I did realize, I did see the rule about no script fics on fimfiction and didn't want to submit it for fear of it getting rejected or getting in some sort of trouble, anything like that.

But then today I saw that a fic in screenplay format was on the site so I figured I could probably submit it without anything bad happening, hoping maybe people who have never read or heard of the story (since, you're right, it's pretty ancient) might see it and enjoy it.

So if anyone was curious, that is probably the reason you're seeing this in the feature page now and not years ago. Nothing weird on fimfictions end or anything like that, I just hadn't submitted it till now.

I did not like the whole Blueblood redemption as it felt forced. He feels like a charcter that is unredemable with the eariler devlopment and there was not enough in the last couple of chapters that could earn him enough sympathy to be redeemed. While he is not their level, the charcter devloped as is feel like seems more of a role of villian that needs to be stop, much like Nightmare Moon (not Luna but the evil spirt itself), the Changeling Queen, and King Sombra. Unlike charcters that we could fell sympathy or you want reedmeed like the fun Discord and in a small case Trixie since most of the troubles were not her fault. Sorry, I just had to say it as I think it would be better flow he was kept as a villian brought up once in a while, at least that is my opinion.
Now with the critics out of the way, it was very well written despite my complaint of pureblood and hope it continues. I do wonder if they are going to have interviews for all four princess or the two main ones.

:rainbowhuh:Vinyl scratch tapes...
...vinyl scratch tapes...

A bit more than a year ago I was working at a labor job painting walls and tilling floors.
I hated the job... Everything about it.
Except my lunch break, fifteen minutes long, when I would go and sit in the corner of the unair conditioned room I was working in and read a chapter of vinyl scratch tapes. One of the first fics that I ever read as a brony. I loved it, everything about it. It had my favorite characters, a fun format, redemption...

Without this fic I would have never gotten onto the fandom, never tried to write, draw, or express myself daily in the way that I do today.

So, I guess thank you. Without this fic I would be a lot less happy:scootangel:

And I am very happy now


This story's complexity took me totally off guard. I was surprised at how much development there was in each part, and it never dragged or let up. The radio play / transcript format lends itself to fluff, and this story had almost none.

I only had two minor complaints. One of which was already commented on. First of all...

I did not like the whole Blueblood redemption as it felt forced. He feels like a charcter that is unredemable with the eariler devlopment and there was not enough in the last couple of chapters that could earn him enough sympathy to be redeemed.

Unlike raw666, I don't actually think that Blueblood's redemption felt forced, so much as rushed. His arc itself felt quite believable, and his dynamic with Trixie was seriously adorable, yet it happened too quickly. He needed just a smidge more time to space things out and show his development. Of course, to do that the story would need more padding, and that would make it less elegantly lean and gripping, so it would be a calculated trade-off.

Also, the ONE thing story element that I found off-putting was the part where Blueblood was actually physically struck. Even if he earned it, and even if Equestria has a constitutional monarchy, there are definitely going to be laws against assaulting royalty, even unpopular royalty :twilightoops:.

That said, this story was excellent, and I couldn't hit the Favorite button fast enough. I wanna hear about Lyra's program, now... :trixieshiftright:

Glad to see you're still alive. I've probably listened to Season One on Youtube a million times.

One of the oldest fanfics here
Gets posted today :rainbowlaugh:

And I was wondering why it wasn't showing up in my favourites :pinkiesmile:

Dude, like, holy fucking shit, like.

Not that I didn't enjoy this story the first time around, but doesn't this story violate the rules?

Stories in chat or script format. This includes stories in which characters speaking is indicated similar to this: "TWILIGHT: I sure do love books!"

Unless you've edited it before posting it here. I haven't looked, yet.

All I can say is....will we find these specials here or in another story altogether? :pinkiehappy:

huh... well then... can't argue with that there... eh, I still enjoyed that chapter...


Yeah, pretty much all of that assessment is completely fair.

When I wrote that Season 2 a while ago, my intent was for Vinyl to get called out on some of the morally questionable aspects of her personality (cause Vinyl does kind of start off like a bit of a jerk before her softer side is revealed and her interactions with Octavia kind of mellow her out subtly over the course of the story) and I kind of thought Luna would be a good way to do that at the time. My motivations were kind of a bit sckewed though, since I always thought the very first chapter of TVST was the weakest in terms of the overarcing story and I thought incorporating a response to the events of that chapter would kind of "fix" that problem and make it more relevant. Plus in my mind, being called out by someone Vinyl actually liked would get her to actually listen and reexamine some of her actions... But admittedly, it doesn't end up working that well and were I to write it again, I would probably do it much differently or at least not make it so out of left field.

There are still parts about that chapter I still like and I was hoping it would get a strong reaction from people, but the execution leaves a lot to be desired. If half the people who read your story say a plot element comes close to ruining the whole thing, you have to look at it and see it as something you could have done better, and try to learn from that. So trust me when I say I definitely understand why people don't like that specific chapter and I'm not too biased towards my own work to know it's something I could have done a lot better.

I love this fic. I love this fic so goddamn hard.

I used to just listen to the recording of the tapes on youtube in the background while I played games.

You sir are a genius.

you look like my college roommate

Okay, first off I LOVE this fic. God it's an oldie but a goodie. long live rock!

4019085 Ah... I think Luna was justified? :twilightblush: Sorry. It's just I figured Celestia was pretty distraught. It was a recent thing for her it seemed, so I could figure on her not correcting Vinyl. Emotions would be raw and her head might not be screwed on straight.

I particularly LOVED Trixie calling them out on their hypocrisy, too. :trixieshiftleft:

This fanfic and the related radio-play are what first got me hooked on OctyVinyl. Thank you for the wonderful story and for introducing me to these amazing characters. You wrote them very well. There is so much more to them than just what they portray as their external and completely-opposite personas. I enjoyed both seasons immensely. Thank you for the adventure!


Aww, thank you. I'm glad my story was able to make you so happy. It really means a lot hearing that. Thank you.

Did this come before or after the radio-show vids?

Either way, I really liked the audio version and was sad that it never continued. I'll definitely be reading this when I get the chance.

Oh shit.

I kind of have a love/hate thing with this fic. I like the first season outside a few chapters but I absolutely loathe it for helping to popularize the most contrived pairing in the fandom.

Someone got a feature.

4021760 Oh, come now, people love odd couple scenarios; half the jokes practically write themselves!

Dude. they never even appeared in the same episode, and besides half their dialogue are either jokes at Octavia's expense or jokes at their guests expense. There is no bloody buildup to their relationship. Vinyl insults and demeans Octavia and then near the end of season one they fall in love despite the fact Vinyl only bothered to demonstrate a modicum of decency to Octavia once.

The romance is absolutely terrible and trite, if Vinyl were male he would be more hated than Blueblood.and called verbally abusive. On a personal note I also find the pairings nigh omnipresence in any fic where both appear absolutely irritating.

I loved this story. I love all Blueblood redemption stories.

4022201 Perhaps you are unaware of this, but there is an actual male version of this stories 'Vinyl Scratch, on the radio, IN REAL LIFE! His name is Willie Cunningham and is on 700 WLW- Cincinnati, every weekday from 12-3 PM EST. He's probably even MORE over the top than Vinyl is in this.

I can't understand why I didn't read this much much earlier, it's just too awesome for words :rainbowdetermined2:

I would use a ton of these lovely smily faces on the side, but I think the cut off is like, 20? So here, (:pinkiehappy: X alot), to make up for it

Very funny, even touching and puts a new light on some things for Blueblood and Luna (Trixie I already knew probably felt like that about loneliness, so she doesn't count as much). Really wish there was more or a view of some other shows that may have gone on or anything, it's a really good world you've built with them.

Really liked it :twilightsmile::pinkiehappy::twilightsmile: And that's all that matters really.

Does he treat his love interest like shit, too?

4028368 Don't even know if he HAS a love interest, the old kook. But from what I got in this story, Vinyl was just teasing, most of the time. I didn't really sense any ill will from her behavior, just that she is a silly goof off who tends to break the neutral zone at times.

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