• Published 16th Dec 2014
  • 1,999 Views, 19 Comments

Not Part of the Plan - TheVClaw

Ahuizotl, still furious about his latest plan being ruined, plans to get his revenge against Rainbow Dash. However, things don't go so well when he tries to surprise her at her home.

  • ...

Chapter 1

"At last... There it is…"

With his lecherous grin growing wider, exposing his razor-sharp canines as they shone against the moonlight, Ahuizotl could barely keep himself from cackling out loud in success. At last, after his latest plan was vanquished by that tenacious Daring Do, he finally knew how he could get his sweet revenge. And most importantly, he knew that the nefarious explorer would never predict what he had in store; instead of going after her, like he usually would after she thwarted his schemes, Ahuizotl decided to think outside the box for a change.

While trying to attack Daring Do would certainly be a tempting idea for him, Ahuizotl had a more wicked plan in mind. After all, when his latest plan was ruined, he knew that Daring wasn't the only one who stopped him. There were several others who helped, but one specific mare caught his interest: the very one who helped her destroy the ring needed to bring eight upon hundred years of unrelenting, sweltering heat.

Rainbow Dash.

Oh, Ahuizotl knew very well of the cyan mare's exploits, ranging from defeating several of Equestria's largest foes in the past, to saving those incomparable Wonderbolts in that competition a few years ago. But even with those accomplishments, Ahuizotl knew that he could get her. She may have been athletic and determined, but he knew it was no match against his own vast intellect and skill. He knew that after tonight, Daring Do wouldn't have a chance to ruin any more of his plans. Especially not when he had her biggest fan as his hostage.

Chuckling to himself in anticipation, Ahuizotl peered up at the massive cloud structure hanging above him in the night's sky. After weeks of travel and extensive searching, he finally managed to find Rainbow Dash's home; and during his search, Ahuizotl also procured several items that would make the mare's capture that much easier for him: a potion to allow him to walk on clouds, a grappling hook to let him climb up to the mare's home…

And of course, a bundle of rope and a blindfold for the Pegasus.

Not wanting to waste any time, Ahuizotl was quick to let his latest plan for revenge begin. Due to his massive strength, it was no problem climbing up to Rainbow Dash's cloud with the aid of his grappling hook. And when his paws touched the soft material that made up the Pegasus's cloud structure, his fanged grin only grew wider when he saw that the potion he ingested took immediate effect.

Obviously, a home made out of clouds provided very little security, which made entering it quite easy for Ahuizotl. Keeping his anxious grin, he tip-toed across the soft floors carefully, not wanting to alert his presence until the time was right. Luckily, by the time he reached the kitchen, his golden eyes caught sight of his prize, making him smirk in evil pleasure.

Rainbow Dash, who had the front half of her body inside her refrigerator, had no idea that Ahuizotl was behind her while she was getting a midnight snack. Creeping up from behind like a hungry lion stalking its latest prey, Ahuizotl took his sweet time as he savored this moment. Wanting to see the fear in the mare's eyes before he struck, Ahuizotl moved his tail up toward the light switch, flicking it on to catch her attention.

"What the--" Rainbow Dash quickly pulled her head out of the fridge, unsure why the kitchen light came on; however, as soon as she turned around, her magenta eyes widened as she yelped in surprise. "GAH!"

Ahuizotl's grin stretched across his face, leering down at Rainbow Dash as he stood above her dominantly. After licking his lips, his voice came out in a low and brooding tone, "You remember me?"

Rainbow Dash was frozen at the spot, unable to make the slightest movement as she looked up at Ahuizotl's evil grin. With her heart racing, Dash's breathing started to become heavier as she tried to speak out loud. "… Oh… My…"

Ahuizotl only chuckled in delight, anxious to hear the mare shriek in terror at the sight of him. However, much to his surprise, Rainbow Dash's last word didn't come out in a horrified scream.

It came out in an overjoyed tone of glee.


Rainbow Dash's face lit up like a tree on Hearth's Warming Eve, looking up at Ahuizotl like he was the largest present underneath it. With a huge smile growing on her face, Dash stepped back a little as she tried to contain herself. "Omigosh, omigosh, omigosh, omiGOSH!!!"

As soon as he saw how Rainbow reacted to seeing him, Ahuizotl's expression turned to a blank stare in confusion. "Uh… huh?"

"Oh my GOSH!" exclaimed the Pegasus, looking like she was just about to start hopping up and down in excitement. "I mean, wow! Just… WOW! Like, I knew they said they were going to make this authentic, but I seriously had no idea that they would go THIS far!" One of her hooves came up as she pointed at him, scanning his body up and down as she became more impressed. "I mean, I can't believe it! You look JUST like Ahuizotl! It's uncanny!"

Ahuizotl's head reeled back a little in puzzlement, unsure what was going on. His eyes looked around confusedly as he tried to make a response. "But… I am Ahuizotl..."

"OH! Right, right, right…" Rainbow Dash shook her head a little, hoping to clear her giddiness a bit and calm herself down. "Sorry, I know I shouldn't break character, but I just didn’t expect you guys to have it set up so soon!"

Ahuizotl's stare on Rainbow Dash just grew more baffled, unable to make a reply. Before he could try to say something, Rainbow darted out of the kitchen with an eager grin as she continued to speak.

"Like, I knew I said I wanted it to be a surprise and all, but I thought it would take at LEAST a few days to get it ready! But don't worry, it's totally okay! Tank is over at Fluttershy's tonight to get his propellers recharged, so this is perfect timing!"

By that point, Ahuizotl's face was noticeably scrunched in, looking like he was trying to figure out college-grade calculus in his head. "Wha… what?"

"It's alright!" shouted out Rainbow from the other room. "Just let me get my outfit on, and we can start! WEEEE!"

After hearing that overzealous cheer, Ahuizotl was basically a statue in Dash's kitchen, feeling completely frozen out of overwhelming confusion. "What the… So we can start what?"

Even though it took a moment to get out of his stupor, Ahuizotl clenched his eyes shut as he shook his head back into focus. He may have had NO idea what was going on, but he wasn't going to let that get the best of him.

"Focus, Ahuizotl, focus!" he hissed to himself as he stood in the empty kitchen. "This can still work! Nothing's changed!" After taking a breath to clear his head, Ahuizotl sighed as he thought things over with a reemerging smirk. "Yes, this is all going according to plan… I'll tie the pesky mare up, take her back to my lair, and wait for that persistent Daring to rescue her… Yesssssssss…"

With a new grin of confidence spreading across his face, Ahuizotl made his way out of the kitchen, heading towards where he saw the mare head off. However, as soon as he reached the room where she went off to, his grin didn't stay on for long.

"You better try to cooperate with me, little mare, or els-- WHAT THE!!!"

When he entered the room Rainbow was in, Ahuizotl's jaw dropped in shock. Lying on her back on a large wooden table, Rainbow Dash was donning the same kind of shirt and hat that Daring Do usually wore; of course, what caught Ahuizotl's wide-open eyes were the large straps she had on three of her hooves.

"One sec!" said the mare with a determined grin as she tried to get her last hoof in place. With one hard tug, the last strap caught onto Rainbow's fourth hoof, making her fully restrained and laid out in front of Ahuizotl.

"Urgh… I hope you don't mind…" Rainbow Dash tried to speak between grunts, struggling to lay in a comfortable position while her hooves were strapped to each corner of the table. "I kinda… had this whole scenario planned out in my head… Just a sec…"

While Ahuizotl stared at the mare with his jaw agape, having no idea what was occurring, Rainbow Dash made a low groan when she got herself settled in her restraints. After closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, Rainbow reopened them to stare at Ahuizotl, her muzzle growing a faint, lustrous smirk.

"Why, Ahuizotl, you cursed fiend!" said the mare in a more flirty tone of voice, keeping her eyes half lidded as she spoke with a tone similar to Daring Do's. "I can't believe that I fell for one of your wretched traps!"

Ahuizotl's eyes started to widen, slowly beginning to realize what he might've stumbled into. While he stood in a motionless state, he could only stare at the cyan mare as she continued to speak her obviously rehearsed lines.

"But I won't talk, Ahuizotl! It doesn't matter what you do to me! You can try to do ANYthing you want…" Dash grinned as she licked her lips, giggling a little before continuing her statement. "But I'll never tell you where the Sapphire Statue is hidden!"

Even though he wasn't sure how to react, Ahuizotl had a pretty good idea what was happening. His eyes darted away from Dash's form as he tried to step back from her. "Ooooohhhh… ummmm…"

"It doesn't matter what you try," continued the mare in an increasingly sultry tone, "I'll never tell you! Not even if you use your henchmen on me! Errr, wait…"

Rainbow paused her routine, and looked at Ahuizotl with a more serious expression on her face. "Did you bring the henchmen?"

Ahuizotl's eyes darted around, staying still as he began to grow more uncomfortable with each passing second of awkwardness. "Errrr… well--"

"Never mind," blurted the Pegasus as she shook her head to dismiss her question, "Forget I asked. I had that as an optional thing anyway." Her devilish smirk reappeared as she eyed Ahuizotl with a leery grin. "Believe me, dude, you're MORE than enough!"

Dash then leaned her head back, looking up to the ceiling as she awaited her "surprise" interrogation. "So, what are you gonna do with Daring Do, huh, Ahuizotl? Are you gonna use candle wax to make me talk? Or maybe spank me with that tail hand of yours?"

Ahuizotl stepped back in utter revulsion, trying not to audibly gag at how this pony was acting towards him. Meanwhile, Dash laid oblivious to how he was acting as she kept going in an increasingly giddy tone.

"Oooohhh… You can try, but I won't tell you… Not even if you use that big, studded paddle over there!"

By that moment, Ahuizotl knew that he may have stumbled into something he really, REALLY shouldn't have gotten into. Unfortunately, Rainbow looked back towards him with a grin before he could try to sneak off. "C'mon, big guy! Interrogate your explorer!"

Seeing how much this Pegasus was getting into it, Ahuizotl tried not to shudder too strongly from disgust. Even though he originally did plan to tie her up, this was definitely NOT what he had in mind.

"Ooooohhh…" Rainbow Dash's eyes went down to the large satchel that Ahuizotl had hanging at his side, which made the mare's wings unravel a little in eagerness. "What do you have in that bag, you treacherous foe?"

Ahuizotl winced, hating that she was trying to speak like Daring Do in this manner. No matter what happens, he was absolutely sure that he was never going to look at that fiendish explorer in the same way again. However, as he looked down to his bag, mostly to avoid looking at the Pegasus before him, Ahuizotl's eyes lit up for a second, realizing what he could do to get out of this.

So, after taking a breath, Ahuizotl swallowed as much of his pride as he could. His eyes looked back to Dash while forcing a grin on his face, trying his hardest not to sound too nauseous while speaking. "Well, uhh… I think I have something for you… in this bag…"

"Mmmmm…" Rainbow Dash's wings unfurled out a little more as her grin grew wider. "Oh yeah? What do you have for your Daring, huh?"

Ahuizotl gritted his teeth while wincing, feeling like he was going to need a scalding hot shower just to get this image out of his head. But still, despite how much he wanted to just run away and never look back, he managed to use the strongest of his willpower to walk towards her. His tail slowly went inside of his bag to obtain what he needed.

"Just… just close your eyes," said Ahuizotl as he tried to speak confidently, even though he hated the fact that he was playing along with this. "And, uhhh… prepare for… what's going to happen?"

"Nnnnnn…" Rainbow Dash grinned wide with clenched teeth, and closed her eyes in expectancy. "Oh yeah… here we go!"

Ahuizotl had to turn his head away at that, feeling like he was going to hurl at any moment. But still, after regaining his composure, Ahuizotl quickly pulled the blindfold out of his bag, and wrapped it around the mare's head to cover her eyes.

"Yes! A blindfold!" squeed Dash in glee, before she cleared her throat to regain character. "I mean-- Oh yeah? Is that the best you got? A blindfold isn’t gonna be enough to tell you where the Statue is at!"

With her breath coming out in an eager shudder, Rainbow Dash tensed her hooves as they tugged at their binds, anxious to see what her captor was going to do next. "Go on, you nefarious fiend! I'll never say where it is, so go ahead! Do your worst to Daring Do!"

Dash's grin was as wide as it could be , and her wings were fully out in anxiousness as she laid in wait. However, after a minute of silence, the pony's smile began to diminish, realizing something was up. "Uhhh… Ahuizotl?"

Because she still had the blindfold on, she didn’t realize that Ahuizotl ran off the instant he had her eyes covered. Instead of going through with his plan, he decided to just abandon it as it is, and leave the mare tied to her table dressed as Daring Do.

"Uhh, hello? Are you there?"

Realizing something was off, Rainbow tried to struggle against her restraints a little bit, not hearing anyone around. "He-hello? C'mon, I said that I didn't want too much teasing!"

After another minute, now fully aware that things weren't going as planned, Rainbow Dash tried to shake her head and get the blindfold off her eyes. Fortunately, a good flick of her neck was enough to get the blind away from her eyes, as well as to pull the Daring Do-styled hat off of her head. The instant she got her sight back, her eyes widened when she saw that she was now completely alone. "HEY!!!"

Getting legitimately upset, the Pegasus tried to pull herself out of her restraints with no avail. Realizing that she was seriously stuck, the mare grunted in frustration as she tried to speak out. "This isn't funny, dude! I don't know what's going on, but this was NOT part of the deal!"

Panting heavily in anger, the pony bellowed out in her empty cloud, "Get back here!!! I PAID 200 BITS FOR THIS!!!"

Realizing her attempts to get free were futile, the mare slumped back on her table, unable to do anything at the moment. Since she was supposed to be alone until morning, there was nothing she could do but stay tied to her table, completely spread out while she still wore her replica-Daring Do jacket.

"I can’t believe this," muttered Rainbow Dash angrily as she looked up to the ceiling. "Oh, this is baaaad! What am I gonna say to Fluttershy tomorrow? 'Oh, hey Fluttershy, thanks for looking after Tank! Oh, don't mind this, I was just doing a roleplay session with a guy who totally flaked out! You mind unfastening me, please?' URGH!!! I swear, as soon as I get out, I'm going to get every single bit back fro--"

"He… hello?"

The sound of a new voice caught Dash's attention, and she paused her rant to look back towards the open doorway. After hearing the sounds of shuffling hooves, a brown Pegasus stallion came into view, eyes widening at the sight of Dash tied up. "Oh! Ummm…"

"Oh, jeez!" Rainbow Dash tried to shuffle a little to conceal herself, but the way she was bound proved any movement of hers to be useless. "Listen, dude, I… I kinda--"

"Wow! I didn’t think you would already be set up!"

Dash stopped trying to get out of her binds, and looked back at the smiling stallion at the doorway. "Huh?"

"Don’t worry," assured the Pegasus as he stepped back, "I'll just get us set up and we can start, okay?"

He then rushed out of the room, leaving Dash with a confused expression as her eyes began to widen. "… What?"

Several voices could be heard outside the room, none of whom belonging to Ahuizotl's.

"She's already set up? I thought it was supposed to be a surprise thing."

"She probably heard us coming or something. She's all ready, so get your outfit on!"

Dash's eyes shot open wide in realization, making her take a second before speaking out to them. "Wait a minute! You're the guys?"

"Yeah!" shouted out one of the stallions. "Just let us get dressed up!"

With that, Dash's face started to grow more uneasy as she thought things over. If these were the guys, then who was that one from earlier? Was he not part of this? Is this whole thing just part of the deal? Was he gonna show up later or something?

However, before she could think it any further, Rainbow Dash watched as three stallions, including the one from earlier, reappeared at the door wearing outfits similar to Ahuizotl's henchmen.

"My, my, my," began one of the stallions with a naughty grin. "It seems like you got yourself a little… tied up at the moment."

With that, a fourth stallion came in from behind, walking past the others as he wore a large Ahuizotl costume. Even though the costume itself looked quite authentic, getting all the details of the character correct, it was definitely a step down from what Rainbow Dash saw just a few minutes ago.

"Why hello, Daring Do," began the stallion as he spoke with a bad accent, which came out slightly muffled underneath the Ahuizotl mask he was wearing over his head. "It seems like you've fallen for one of my nefarious traps!"

Rainbow Dash, now in full grasp of what was going on, looked back up to the ceiling as she realized who was really here before these guys.

"…Oh… My…"

Meanwhile, Ahuizotl was back on the ground, and standing underneath a waterfall with a bar of soap as he tried to get himself clean. "Uuuuuggggghhhhh!!!"

Despite how hard he was trying to scrub his dark blue fur, he couldn't seem to get himself to feel any cleaner after what he just witnessed and partially participated in. "Gah!" cried out Ahuizotl as he tried to use the freezing water to cleanse his soiled conscious. "What a sicko!"

After getting himself rinsed off, Ahuizotl stumbled out of the waterfall and shook himself dry, trying his hardest not to grab at himself while shuddering strongly. "Oh my… GAH!!!"

When he was finished getting himself dry again, Ahuizotl took one last glance back at Rainbow Dash's house in the distance, making him cringe at what she might still be doing without him. Wanting nothing more than to get that wretched memory out of his head, Ahuizotl turned back around to head home, keeping a disgusted look on his face while muttering to himself.

"Okay, that's it! From now on, I'm not going after Daring Do's fans!"

The End

Comments ( 17 )

Interesting premise... I'll read and review soon. I don't think I've seen anyone do a fic involving Ahuizotl and anyone else but Daring Do.

I thought it was 800 years of unrelenting, sweltering heat.

Crap, it is. I just fixed it!

Oh wow. Just...wow. Liked, faved, and bought the t-shirt!

And then... they kissed. :pinkiecrazy:

Pretty much what I expected

"So, what are you gonna do with Daring Do, huh, Ahuizotl? Are you gonna use candle wax to make me talk? Or maybe spank me with that tail hand of yours?"


This whole story... :rainbowlaugh:

Silly Ahuizotl! Everyone wants to cumberbatch inside Rainbow Dash! :trollestia:

You're on a roll with these comedy one-shots, dude! Very nice! :)

I laughed so hard, I think I broke a rib. Seriously, hilarious!

Also, I think it's cold showers that are supposed to wipe images of this nature clean, not warm ones.

Wow, seriously funny stuff. Not to mention a very very interesting scenario that includes a villain that Daring Do and Rainbow Dash conquered. I will say that for an evil villain he sure doesn't have a very sinister mind, if I was him I would have just cut the table off its stand and rolled it on out of the house. Of course I would have blind folded her and gagged her so she wouldn't annoy me as I rolled her to my secret lair. Wouldn't that have shocked the crap out of Dash?

It was very fun to read and to see the villain more freaked out and disgusted then their intended target. Usually the villain is more devious and dirty minded then their victims. I almost felt sorry for dash getting tied up and left there, it also made me wonder if she was ever going to get this whole ordeal out of her head after having to be rescued by one of her friends. Hhhmmmmmm I could see many different scenarios playing out, but.....heh......let's not go there shall we? I do have to ask........what is going through Rainbows mind after she reflects on the events of that night?

I look forward to reading more of your stuff. Can't to see if they are as great as this one!

Ok that was funny, next do another one where he tries to take on Daring and he keeps getting mental images of rainbow. Lol

This is utterly magnificent.

A unique scenario, and very, very hilarious. As well as kinky.

Woo, I'm view #1,000. Congrats!

This was awesome. You made this the perfect length, just enough imagery, and not too much brain bleach fuel. :rainbowderp:

XD!!! OK, at first I thought this would be similar to the ransom of red chief where Rainbow is such a headache that he begs Daring to take her away. This however was FAR better.

While this was kind of amusing, it was missing something... I don't know what, though.

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