• Published 7th May 2012
  • 39,845 Views, 773 Comments

Let's Find You a Date! - Soundslikeponies

Rarity helps Twilight find a date.

  • ...

Chapter 5: Hangover!


Let’s Find You a Date! by soundslikeponies

Twilight awoke, opening her eyes to a slate blue ceiling that had white stars painted across it. Her head throbbed like it was stuck in a vice, and she sunk beneath the covers, trying to hide from the light filtering in through a nearby window’s blinds.

She paused to sniff the silken light blue sheet and thick navy blue duvet she was tucked under. It smelled of freshener, sweat, and daisies, and she was trying to figure out why she recognized it, when she felt a pair of hooves wrap around her side, one of them drifting dangerously close to her rump. She froze, turning slowly to see May Flower snuggling against her side.

Oh, Twilight thought, as she realized where she recognized the scent from.

May Flower half opened her eyes, her lips curving into a smile that held a sensuous flame. “Good morning,” she whispered, her breath tickling Twilight’s ear.

Twilight leaped out of the bed, eyes wide and searching around May Flower's room.

May Flower let out a groan at having her source of warmth leave. She shifted in bed, propping herself up and raising an eyebrow at Twilight as she lazily flicked her tail back and forth.

Twilight backed up against the wall and gawked at May Flower. “Me and you—you and I—we... Oh no, no, no!” she moaned, sliding to the floor and covering her face with her hooves. “What would the others think? What would my parents think?! I was raised better than this!”

“I’m sitting right here,” May Flower said, smirking, her voice carrying a mock hurt to it.

“Ugh, I can’t believe I’d do something like this!”

May Flower giggled, causing Twilight to shoot her a glare.

“How much of last night do you even remember?”

“Well there was...” Twilight trailed off, sitting down and trying to recall last night’s events. “I was about to head home for the night, but you stopped me as I left the bar. . .”

Twilight shook her head and turned back to May Flower. She gave the mare a smile, and shrugged. “Well,” she said, her eyes tracing May Flower’s body as slightly drunken blush rose to her cheeks. “I do owe you a kiss.”

May Flower’s smile tipped up into a smirk and she bashed her eyelashes playfully. “Oh? I forgot all about that,” she said with a giggle.

As they walked out of the bar, Twilight glanced over her shoulder back at the counter at Rarity to see she was looking her way and biting her lip with a look on her face that Twilight couldn’t identify.

And then the bar door closed behind her. Twilight returned the smile to her face and turned back to May Flower, stumbling slightly as she began to walk alongside the mare. “So is your place far from here?”

“You’ve been to my place before,” May Flower said, raising an eyebrow.

Twilight slapped a hoof onto her face. “Right,” she groaned, “of course I have.”

May Flower stifled a chuckle and glanced down at Twilight’s hooves, watching the way she stumbled drunkenly about. “Are you going to need help getting there?”

“I think—” Twilight tripped, nearly falling over. “I think maybe I could use directions,” she said, putting her hoof around May’s shoulders for balance. A breeze blew chilly night air past them and Twilight nuzzled her cheek against May Flower’s side, gravitating towards its warmth.

May Flower smiled and reached up, putting a hoof around Twilight’s shoulders to help steady her—and pulling her a bit closer. “So about that kiss you owe me...”

Twilight moved her head from May’s side and tilted it as she looked up at her.

“Well,” May said, looking innocently off to the side. “Is that all you want to do?”

Twilight blinked. “I thought we were going to have sex.”

“Oh, good,” May Flower said, grinning down at her. “Just making sure we’re on the same boat.”

The two burst into giggles, and Twilight nuzzled back against May’s side as they stepped onto the path to May Flower’s house. “So,” Twilight said, glancing at the trees lining the path. “I don’t—uh...” Twilight scratched the back of her head and looked at May Flower with a small blush. “I haven’t really done this before—and I’ve read about it, but I don’t really know how it works with mares?” she said, ending in an upward inflection.

An amused smirk slipped onto May Flower’s lips, only helping to make Twilight blush harder. “And what do you want to know?”

“Well, I mean...” Twilight trailed off. “Neither of us have a—” she said, leaning down and looking back between her legs.

“That’s why you put one on,” May Flower said, her smirk growing, “or use other things.”

“Other things?” Twilight asked. May Flower leaned over and whispered in her ear and Twilight’s blush grew to a legendary shade of red as she felt all her blood rush to her cheeks. “Oh...” she murmured, looking down at the ground.

They arrived at May Flower’s doorstep, an automatic light turning on as they approached, and May Flower turned to Twilight with a serious look that seemed out of place replacing her usual smirk.

She walked up to Twilight, until her mouth was right beside Twilight’s ear, and whispered, “You sure you want this?”

Twilight shivered from her hot breath on her ear and the lusty words spoken into it. “Yes.”

Twilight sat on the bed with May Flower, opposite her, with a hoof to her chin. “Everything’s a little foggy after that,” she said, shrugging.

“You don’t remember anything after that?” May Flower asked, a hint of disappointment seeping into her voice. “I think you owe me another kiss then, because it doesn’t really count if you don’t remember it.”

“What?!” Twilight asked, rearing back a little. “If you got your kiss, why does it matter whether or not I remember it?”

“Because the whole reason I wanted you to kiss me is because I wanted to make you remember it,” May said, crossing her hooves in front of herself. “There’s not much point if you don’t.”

Twilight’s eyes narrowed and her mouth hung partway open as she tried to make sense of what May Flower was trying to achieve. “I don’t get it,” she said, giving up.

May Flower let out a groan of frustration, throwing herself on the sheets and burying her face beneath her hooves. “You are the most difficult person to have sex with that I’ve ever met!”

“Wait, was I that bad?” Twilight asked, kneading her hooves into the bed nervously.

Sighing, May Flower raised her head out from under her hooves. “After that, you leaned forward to kiss me. . .”

“Yes,” Twilight said, getting drawn into May Flower’s eyes. She leaned forward slowly to kiss her, but May Flower didn’t meet her halfway and instead stood there, smirking at her, and making her work for it and go all the way.

Twilight didn’t care if May was being cheeky, she just wanted to forget about her rejection at the bar in the lips and hooves of another mare. For half a moment as she leaned forward and kissed her, she pretended it was Rarity she was kissing. That illusion was shattered however, the second May started kissing back.

May’s tongue skirted around Twilight’s lips, teasing and prodding, but never committing, and she could feel her already wobbly legs grow weak as May Flower lead her inside and shut the door behind them.

Twilight broke the kiss and gasped for air, her brow drawing together with May Flower’s teasing becoming increasingly frustrating.

Spotting her look, May Flower shot her a toothy grin and leaned forward, running a hoof up the side of Twilight’s neck and resting it beside her ear. “Do you want me to kiss you right now?” she asked in a low, sultry voice, just inches away from her muzzle. “Do you want my tongue inside your mouth?”

Twilight shot her a glare, but it only seemed to amuse May Flower even more.

May Flower leaned forward and licked Twilight’s cheek. “All you have to do is ask.”

Twilight was half tempted to just turn and try to catch May’s tongue, but she restrained herself and played along with May Flower’s little game. “Make out with me,” Twilight said with a small pathetic whimper at the end. “Please.

May Flower moved her tongue along Twilight’s cheek to her mouth and then kissed her, entering her mouth and almost instantly making her brain shut down.

Twilight moaned against her lips, a constant stream of shivers traveling down her spine as May worked in a way what Twilight could only describe as magic.

The two of them moved through the living room, kissing, to the couch, where May Flower gently pushed Twilight down onto it and followed shortly after, climbing on top of her.

Twilight lay on the sofa with her hooves tucked to her chest, looking up at May Flower with a blush and a smile. Her eyes shone with eagerness and she felt herself grow hot as May Flower’s body pressed down on top of hers.

Stopping with her lips hovering over Twilight’s, May Flower kissed the sides of her mouth and pressed her lips against Twilight’s in a ghost of a kiss, leaving Twilight aching for more.

Twilight moaned and shot May Flower another glare. “Why do you keep doing this?”

May Flower’s smirk spread and she leaned down, touching her nose to Twilight’s. “I want to feel in control,” she said, lightly grazing Twilight’s jaw with her teeth, causing the unicorn to gasp. “I want to see you pushed to the edge.” May traced a hoof down Twilight’s stomach, making her arch her back. Leaning forward, May whispered in her ear. “And I want to hear you scream,” she said, before biting down on Twilight’s ear.

“Ah!” Twilight shouted, unable to hold it in.

May Flower backed up and looked at her with a coy grin. “But if you want it so badly...” she trailed off, leaning down and locking her lips with Twilight’s.

Twilight felt a jolt of electricity run through her from head to tail as she opened her mouth to let May inside. Her eyes fluttered closed and she squirmed against the couch, rubbing her body up against May Flower’s—

“Do you have to describe everything in detail?!” Twilight shouted, blushing as bright a red as a barn wall.

May Flower gave her a wide grin, taking amusement in her embarrassment. “Yes,” she said, swishing her tail behind her. “It’s about to get to the good part.”

May Flower was roaming Twilight’s mouth when she felt a rough push at her side, upsetting her balance and causing her to roll over onto her back, which Twilight quickly capitalized on, climbing on top of her, pinning her hooves above her head, and giving her one of her own patented smirks.

“Have you ever lost control?” Twilight asked in a husky whisper, her face painted with a drunk hue.

May Flower struggled beneath her, trying to take back her position, when she noticed a faint glow coming from Twilight’s horn. “Really?” May Flower laughed. “You’re using magic to pin me down?”

Twilight leaned down and began planting sloppy kisses along her neck and roaming May’s body with her hooves, feeling her way around it.

“Oh, come on! This isn’t fair!” May Flower said clenching her teeth and struggling against Twilight’s magic.

“I think it’s only fair that I get a turn,” Twilight replied, propping herself up over May Flower. “Besides,” she said, leaning down just inches from May Flower’s lips. “How am I going to learn if you don’t let me experiment?

May Flower shivered and looked at Twilight with a bit of fear, but also excitement.

Twilight leaned down and kissed her, her tongue skimming along May Flower’s lips, asking for entrance. May Flower kept her lips sealed shut, determined to get the better of Twilight. Seeing her resistance, Twilight frowned against her lips and looked at May Flower’s eyes, seeing a look of triumph in them and feeling May’s smirk against her lips.

Wrapping her hooves around May Flower’s back and squeezing the mare’s body against her own, Twilight bit May’s lip. The mare beneath her gasped and Twilight shoved her tongue into her mouth and began sloppily roaming around May Flower’s mouth—

“T-that doesn’t sound even remotely like me!” Twilight blurted out, sinking into the bed and burying herself under the bed covers, wishing she’d just die of shame right then and there and get it over with.

May Flower poked her head under the bed covers and came nose to nose with Twilight, a huge grin across her face and her eyes turned up in a smile. “Well then let this be a lesson to you about drinking too much,” she said, before thoughtfully looking off to the side. “Although to be fair, I wouldn’t mind if you drank like that and decided to fool around more often.”

Twilight blushed and glared at her, reaching a hoof out and bopping her on the nose.

“Ow!” May Flower backed out from under the bed covers, rubbing her offended snout.

“Just hurry up and finish the story already,” Twilight mumbled, looking off to the side, her face still beet red.

Twilight roamed May Flower’s mouth, poking and prodding with her tongue and taking note of which places made May Flower softly moan against her lips. Seeing May’s hooves relax, she canceled the spell she had pinning them and almost instantly May Flower wrapped them around Twilight and pulled her closer.

Twilight felt all the built up tension from the past week unwind as she kissed May Flower, forgetting about the rest of the world and experimenting with a new experience. She felt May’s back arch beneath her hooves and their legs intertwine.

Twilight broke the kiss, leaving a trail of saliva hanging from her bottom lip. She looked down and saw May Flower lying there with her mouth open, panting slightly. A smirk tugged at the corner of her mouth, and May smirked back at her.

“You know, you’re a pretty fast learner,” May Flower said.

“I like to study a lot,” Twilight replied, bursting into a fit of giggles. “Come on, let’s take this up to your room. I wanna keep going.”

Twilight tried to hop off the couch, but stumbled and tumbled off instead, landing on the carpet with a small “Oomph.”

May Flower got up off the couch a bit more gracefully and looked down at Twilight and giggled. “Need help?” she asked, offering a hoof.

“Sure,” Twilight said, taking the hoof and standing shakily on four hooves.

“C’mon, this way,” May said, motioning with her head for Twilight to follow.

Walking down a dimmed hallway, Twilight caught up to May Flower and began planting kisses along her neck as they went into May’s room. May Flower turned and captured her lips, leading her and pulling her back towards her bed, until her rump hit it. Breaking the kiss, she climbed onto the bed and turned onto her back. “I’m just going to let you experiment and give you pointers if you’re doing anything wrong.”

Biting her lip, Twilight nodded and hopped onto the bed, leaning down to kiss her. She ran her tongue along May’s lips, before delving deep inside her mouth, sending a warm numbness coursing through her body.

Rather than focusing on the kissing, Twilight concentrated on her hooves running up and down May Flower’s body. The mare tensed beneath her every time she ran her hooves lightly over her cutie mark and she shivered every time Twilight ran a hoof down her back all the way to the base of her tail.

Twilight broke the kiss and began brushing her lips along the surface of May’s neck.

May Flower giggled, burying her chin in Twilight’s shoulder. “Stop, it tickles!”

May Flower felt Twilight cease her ministrations along her neck and she frowned. “Hey, I was only saying that.” She noticed Twilight’s weight on her body had gotten heavier. “Twilight?”

Soft snoring answered her.

Twilight groaned and covered her face with a pillow. “I fell asleep in the middle of making out with you?”

“Probably not one of your better moments,” May said, stifling a giggle.

“Ugh, I’m actually kind of glad I can’t remember that,” Twilight said, flopping down on the bed and resting her chin on the pillow she was holding and mumbling into it. “Ponies aren’t meant to get drunk. It impairs cognitive thinking and reasoning and lowers chances of survival in a variety of ways.”

“But it’s fun!” May chimed in, smiling.

“I guess,” Twilight mumbled, pressing her ears flat against her head and moaning. “My head is killing me. I haven’t had this bad a headache since forty-eight hour studying marathon I did back in Canterlot.” She looked up and saw May Flower giving her a flat look. “What? I really wanted to study the effects of temporary paralysis so I could alter a spell to—” Twilight cut herself off, cringing in pain and holding her head. “On second thought, maybe I’ll try explaining it some other time.”

“Good,” May Flower said, shifting under the covers and lying down alongside Twilight with her head propped up on a hoof.

Twilight tensed and glanced down at herself. “You didn’t... do anything, while I was asleep, did you?”

May Flower shook her head. “I’d only do something like that if you gave me permission to.”

“Oh... ok.” Twilight relaxed slightly and saw May Flower looking at her expectantly. “No you don’t have permission to.”


Twilight lifted her head up and looked at May Flower, chewing on her bottom lip. “Let’s say hypothetically,” she said, scratching an ear, “that I didn’t fall asleep in the middle of last night’s... activities. Would we have had sex?”

“Maybe?” May Flower answered, giving her a shrug. “I was a bit unsure about the whole thing. I mean, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go through with it.”

“Wait, really? Why?”

“Well, I don’t know... It hasn’t been long, but I feel like we’ve grown close over these past few days,” May Flower said, giving her a warm smile.

“May...” Twilight looked at her with wide eyes, her mouth curved into a grateful smile.

“And I thought, since I spent all this time trying to bed you, it would have felt like cheating to do it when you’re that drunk,” May Flower said, tossing her mane. “Hardly the challenge I was looking for when I decided I’d get you to have sex with me.”

Twilight’s mouth formed a thin line and she snorted, swishing her tail behind her.

May Flower patted her on the head. “Don’t worry, I’m still going to get you to have sex with me eventually.”

“Nope,” Twilight said, turning her nose up. “Never going to happen.”

“Yes it will, and struggling is only going to make it that much more fun for me,” May Flower said, smirking. “Everypony falls to my charm eventually. Even you, oh great and powerful unicorn, student of Princess Celestia.”

“Don’t call me that,” Twilight growled, tossing her pillow and hitting May in the face.

May Flower took the hit and fell over onto the bedsheets, giggling like a filly.

Twilight sighed and rolled onto her back, sinking into the bed and staring at the ceiling. She wondered if Rarity was up yet, and wondered what Rarity would say next time she saw her. Whether she would want to sit down and talk, or pretend it never happened, or write it off to the alcohol, or try to avoid her until it became a distant memory.

“Thinking about that white friend of yours?” May asked, bringing Twilight out of her thoughts.

“Huh, how’d you know?”

“The way you seemed to be looking off into the distance and the way you were sighing.” May covered her mouth as she yawned and stretched, reaching her hooves out as far as they’d go. “What happened last night anyways? I only saw it from a distance, but it didn’t look good.”

“I asked if I could kiss her. I tried to ask it in a sort of casual way, but she turned me down. Afterwards, she was really tense and she seemed uncomfortable, so I told her to forget about it and left,” Twilight said, letting out another small and woeful sigh. “Maybe I should just forget about her.”

“I think you just went about it wrong the first time around,” May Flower said. “I mean, if I asked to kiss you back when we first met, you wouldn’t have done it, but what about now?”

The edges of Twilight’s mouth pulled downward in a frown. “You asked me to be in a foursome with you when we first met.”

“Oh yeah...” May Flower said, tapping her chin. “Still, unless she says something final, I’d keep trying to pursue her, if that’s really what you want.”

“But what if it doesn’t work? And what am I supposed to do to make her like me?” Twilight asked, sitting up and looking at May Flower with a bit of apprehension behind her eyes.

“I don’t know,” May answered with a shrug. “Those things you’ll have to figure out yourself. You know her better than I do.”

“Right,” Twilight said, bringing a hoof to her chin and looking down at the bed cover. “So this is just some basic problem solving, right? I can do that. I can do that...”

May Flower rested her chin on a hoof and watched Twilight thinking with half lidded eyes. “Not to add more to your plate, but have you talked to Carrot Top yet?”

“We’re meeting tomorrow for lunch and I’m going to talk to her about things then,” Twilight said, waving a hoof dismissively. Her eyes widened, and she spun around to face May Flower, her face lit up by an idea. “Wait, that’s it! I’ll ask her to come to the lunch with us!”

“With you and Carrot Top?” May Flower asked, her face scrunching up with skepticism.

“Yes! Only, I’ll ask her there as backup and she’ll stay at another table across the cafe.”

“Okay...” May Flower said slowly, giving Twilight a sidelong glance and an uncertain frown. “I don’t see where this is going.”

“Well, I’ve been thinking about how she turned me down, and what if she did it because she was worried about getting between me and Carrot Top?” Twilight asked, receiving a flat stare with a raised eyebrow from May Flower, causing her smile to falter. “I mean, it seems like the kind of thing she’d do.”

“Well, I didn’t hear what happened, so if your gut’s telling you that, go with it,” May said, smiling and shaking her head. “Your friend didn’t seem like the selfless type, though.”

“She’s a bit hit or miss in that regard,” Twilight admitted. “Listen, do you think you could come to the date as well? I might need your help with either one of them.”

May Flower rolled her eyes and scoffed. “I don’t play matchmaker for other ponies."

Holding her hooves together in front of her, Twilight gave May a look, her eyes wide and her bottom lip quivering slightly.

May Flower let out a groan. “Fine, but just this once,” she said in a resigned voice.

“Great! Now I’ll just head over to Rarity’s, and—” Twilight stood directly into a ray of sunlight coming from the window and let out a groan as she felt her hangover come back full force. “Actually, can I stay here and lie this off for a few more hours?”

“Only if we have sex,” May Flower said.

Twilight gave her a flat look and crawled out of bed, heading for the door.

May Flower hastily sat up. “I was just kidding!” she said, causing Twilight to stop and come back. May Flower folded her hooves in front of her chest and added in a mumble out of the corner of her mouth, “Sort of.”

Twilight stood on Rarity’s doorstep, having sufficiently recovered from her hangover and her head no longer feeling like it was a ceramic jar somepony had taken a hammer to. She’d cleaned and tidied herself up a bit at May’s before heading out, and to an onlooker, it would appear as though she were perfectly normal.

On the inside however, she was sweating profusely and wondering what to say. She had been standing on Rarity’s doorstep for a while and it was already long past lunch—which she hadn’t gotten a chance to have yet.

Twilight lifted her hoof and pulled it back to knock on the door, holding it there, and chewing on her bottom lip.

Clenching her eyes shut, she finally knocked on the door. It took her a moment to realize she had actually finally done it. The sound of hoofsteps approaching came from behind the door. Twilight felt her heart begin to race in her chest as she thought over all the possible things Rarity might say to her. Panicking, she ran around the side of the house and hid, just as the hoofsteps approached the front door.

Rarity opened the door with a polite smile, showing the dimples on her cheeks, but her smile quickly faded when she saw that no one was there. She looked left then right, pursing her lips in a confused and annoyed manner before shrugging and going back inside.

Around the corner of the house, Twilight sat with her back against the wall, stretching her hooves out and pressing herself as flat as she could to it. Once she was sure Rarity was gone, she slumped against the side of the boutique, letting out the breath she had been holding.

A muffled mechanical whirring sound came from inside the boutique, and Twilight turned to peak her head up and look in the window.

Rarity stood in front of a sewing machine in her red pair of work glasses, her horn glowing as she carefully manipulated her fabric into the machine. Twilight watched her wistfully for a few moments. With Rarity standing there, concentrating on her work with a small smile on her face, Twilight could almost pretend she hadn’t blundered last night and asked the other mare to kiss her.

Taking a deep breath, Twilight turned away from the window and marched back in front of the boutique’s door. She lifted her hoof, hesitated for a moment with it over the door, and then finally knocked.

“Coming!” Rarity’s voice sang from inside. She opened the door smiling, but when she spotted Twilight at the door, her smile became visibly forced. “Oh, Twilight... what a pleasant surprise!” she said, biting her lip and glancing around nervously. “Did you see somepony here a few minutes ago? I heard a knock, but when I went to answer it no one was there.”

“Umm,” Twilight looked off to the side in avoidance. “It was probably just some kids playing a harmless prank,” she lied.

“Probably,” Rarity agreed, her lips pulled into a thin line as she looked around, as though she might spot the perpetrator. “I guess there’s no point in getting worked up about it. That’s most likely what they wanted.” She turned to Twilight and her brow furrowed as a flash of concern crossed her face. “Did you make it home alright last night? I shouldn’t have really left you in the state you were in.”

“Oh, May let me stay at her place for the night,” Twilight answered. Seeing the raised eyebrow Rarity gave her, she quickly added, “b-but nothing happened between us!”

Rarity nodded in a way that seemed not entirely convinced.

The two of them stood there for a moment, neither of them sure what to say, and each of them waiting for the other to speak first.

“So, uh I was wondering—”

“I need to get back to—”

They both cut off. Twilight blushed, and Rarity made a motion with her hoof. “Go on, you go first.”

Twilight cleared her throat. “Are you free tomorrow for lunch?”

Rarity bit her lip and cast her eyes downward. “Well, I—”

“It wouldn’t be just us,” Twilight hastily added, cutting her off. “I have a date with Carrot Top tomorrow. We’re meeting at the cafe and I was wondering if you could come,” Twilight said, but Rarity still seemed anxious. “As backup.”

Rarity blinked. “Well I’ll have to check with my schedule...” she trailed off, leveling a measured look at Twilight. “What do you want me to do there?”

“You could just sit at another table, and maybe give me some pointers before and after?” Twilight half said, half asked, giving Rarity an uncertain glance. “I’m just really nervous about it, and it would help if you could be there.”

Rarity glanced back inside at her workstation and gave Twilight a torn look. Eventually, she let out a resigned sigh and hung her head, looking at Twilight over her glasses. “I suppose I could move around a thing or two, if it means that much to you.”

“Great!” Twilight said and smiled, genuinely pleased. “It means a lot.”

Twilight stood on there, smiling, and Rarity gave her an uneasy look. “Is that everything you came here to ask me about?”

“Oh, um...” Twilight trailed off and looked at the ground, pawing at it with one of her hooves. “About that thing last night,” she said, a soft red blush overtaking her features. “I-I don’t really know what I was thinking. I mean, you’re really pretty, and I...” Twilight glanced up at Rarity and saw her wearing a look almost as embarrassed as her own.

“It was probably just the liquor talking, yes?” she said, and Twilight nodded. “Well then, why don’t we just write it off as one of those silly things one does when drunk, yes?”

Twilight bit her lip, fighting the temptation to say something and ruin everything, and nodded quietly.

“Good!” Rarity said, giving her a friendly smile. “If that’s everything, I have a project I need to get back to.”

“Oh, of course,” Twilight said, feeling meek and small.

Rarity turned back inside and gave her one last smile before shutting the door.

Twilight stood in front of the door for a couple minutes, just staring at it. For some reason, she didn’t feel like going back to the library yet. While normally she took solace in her books and in reading, right then she felt like wandering down the streets and maybe visiting the market to see if she’d run into somepony she knew—maybe Applejack or Fluttershy.

Leaving the boutique, she lingered as she passed a window, glancing inside and seeing Rarity working at her sewing machine with a few pins between clenched teeth. But shaking her head, she carried on, trying not to think of what a horrible train wreck tomorrow would most likely be.

Cobblestone clacked beneath her hooves as she made her way to the market. She arrived to find it somewhat subdued. It was beginning to get late and a few ponies were packing up their stands to go home for the day.

Twilight spotted a stand selling flat pastries with jam on them, and walked over. “One...” She paused and glanced at the menu written in chalk to the side. “One wheat-dough with blackberry jam, please.”

“Ooh! I’ll take one too, Mister Plum!”

Twilight turned to the voice and saw Carrot Top, smiling and waving at her.

“I just finished packing up for the day,” Carrot said, gesturing to a cart behind her that was full of wooden panels hinged together. Her smile had a kind of brightness and buoyancy that it always had when she was around Twilight. “It actually packs down quite small. My father made it! He was really handy with woodwork.”

“Oh, that’s neat,” Twilight said, glancing at the cart. It looked a bit large for somepony Carrot Top’s size to pull. “Do you take it home every day?”

“Yeah. A lot of the other ponies running stands like to just secure them and leave them overnight if it’s sunny, but I can never remember what days the weather pegasi report says it’s going to rain,” Carrot Top said, scratching the back of her head.

“Do you want help pulling it?” Twilight asked. “I could use my magic and help push to make it seem a bit lighter.”

“Oh that’s not really a problem. My father built the cart, too,” Carrot Top said, waving her hoof dismissively. “Um...” She glanced down and bit her lip, a small blush rising to her face. “I would like the company though,” she said with a timid smile. “I-i-if you’re not busy, that is.”

Twilight bit her lip and glanced around. With their date tomorrow, spending time with Carrot Top would only make things harder for both of them, but Twilight sighed; she looked so happy. “I have some spare time,” Twilight said with a weak smile.

“Oh, it shouldn’t take long. I live quite close to the market,” Carrot Top said. “It’s the only reason I haul this cart back and forth everyday.”

“I can still help with my magic if you want,” Twilight offered, eyeing the size of the cart with concern. “Really, it wouldn’t be a problem at all.”

“I’ll be fine,” Carrot Top reassured her, giggling slightly. “My garden’s more like a small farm and pulling the tools to turn the soil and plant seeds is a lot harder than this.” She seemed to become aware that she was boasting, and began blushing and kicking the dirt. “Not that I’m all that strong or anything. I’m sure Applejack is much stronger—she’s your friend, one of the Elements of Harmony, right?”

Twilight nodded. “Yep. I don’t think I could do even half the work she does in a day at Sweet Apple Acres.”

“Umm...” Carrot Top looked off to the side, thinking of how to word something. “And your friend Rarity, she’s one too, right?”

“Yep,” Twilight answered, smiling. “The Element of Generosity.”

“Oh...” Carrot Top turned to watch Mr. Plum take a pair of pastries out of a flat, specially-made oven, put them on plates, and spread blackberry jam over them before setting them on the counter. “Thank you, Mister Plum!”

The old friendly looking stallion behind the stand gave her a wave. “Anytime, kiddo!”

Carrot Top took the two pastries from the counter and handed one to Twilight, who accepted it with a small thank you before taking a bite. The pastry tasted sweet, almost like a doughnut, and with the blackberry jam adding a hint of tartness to it and a fruity flavor.

Carrot Top glanced between the pastry in her hooves and the cart full of painted wood behind her. “Would you mind holding mine? I don’t think I can carry it while pulling the cart.”

“Sure,” Twilight said.

Carrot Top took a quick bite out of the pastry before letting Twilight take it off her hooves with her magic. “Mmm.”

“Do you have these often?” Twilight asked, thinking back to how familiar she was with the stall owner.

“Oh, well, not too often,” Carrot Top said, looking up at the sky innocently. “But out of the fifty three flavor jams, the raspberry-lemon is definitely the best—I’ve tried them all.”

Twilight covered her mouth, giggling a little. “Only fifty three?”

“She comes here every day!” Mr. Plum chimed in. “Never seems to tell any of her friends, though.” He leaned over the counter and whispered quite loudly to Twilight, “Ah think it’s because she want’s ta keep ‘em all to herself!”

Carrot Top flushed crimson red. “Mister Plum!” she whined.

“Heck, Ah’m just teasin’, kiddo,” he said, grinning.

Carrot Top huffed and harnessed herself to her cart, blushing all the while. She turned and began to walk away from the stand. “Good evening, Mister Plum!”

“Take it easy!” he said with a wave, as Twilight chased after Carrot Top with the pair of pastries floating beside her.

“Sorry about that, he’s a complete goofball sometimes,” Carrot Top said, slowing her pace to fall in step with Twilight.

“He seemed nice,” Twilight said, tilting her head in a reassuring smile. “And the food he makes is good, too.”

“Yeah...” Carrot Top trailed off. “S-so I actually had a question I was thinking of asking, and I was going to do it tomorrow, but...” She bit her lip as she looked at Twilight.

“Yes?” Twilight asked, slight apprehension leaking into her voice.

“Well, I was wondering why you came up and flirted with me that day in the market,” Carrot Top said, blushing and looking at some unremarkable speck of dirt on the ground. “I haven’t ever really, um, well... I haven’t really been in a relationship before and I didn’t really expect somepony like you to ever be interested in me.”

“‘Like you?’” Twilight asked.

“You’re Princess Celestia’s student. You’ve saved Equestria a couple times and saved Ponyville probably more times than I can count and I’m just... me.

Twilight frowned. “What if I like ‘just you?’” Her words made Carrot Top stop in her tracks and turn to face her. “And what about me? Apart from being Celestia’s student, and all those things I’ve done, I’m still just me.”

A blush returned to Carrot Top’s face and she frowned, looking ashamed of what she said. “S-sorry, I didn’t mean—” She cut herself off and took a deep breath. “I mean, I like ‘just you’ too.”

They began walking again, and Twilight felt heat rising behind her ears as a blush took over her face. She hadn’t meant to say she liked Carrot Top; it just slipped out. It wasn’t a lie, but the way she liked Carrot Top and the way Carrot Top liked her were different.

For some time neither of them talked. The wheels of Carrot Top’s cart clacked along the road as they sat in comfortable silence. Carrot Top didn’t seem to mind though, and whenever Twilight looked over the other mare caught her stare out of the corner of her eye and smiled at her.

As Carrot Top said, it wasn’t far to her cottage and as they came to the path leading to the house, she set the reins of her cart down and struck up conversation once more. “Well,” she said, looking at her home. “This is me!” There was a slight pause as the gears in her head turned. “Oh, but you were already here since that one... um...” she trailed off with a blush on her face, and Twilight could tell she was thinking about the kiss from last time.

Twilight rubbed the back of her head and glanced back in the direction of the library. “I should probably get going. Spike’s probably been wondering where I’ve been, and the library hasn’t been—” She cut off as she felt a pair of lips touching her own. It was just a peck—gone as suddenly as it was there—and she turned to see Carrot Top blushing and staring at the ground, but with a smile tugging at her lips.

“H-here’s your pastry,” Twilight said dumbly, trying to force down the rising heat in her cheeks as she handed Carrot Top’s jam covered sweet to her.

“Thank you!” she said, beaming as she took a bite of it. “Are we still going out for lunch tomorrow?” she asked with her cheeks puffed full of food.

“Uh, yeah.” Twilight chewed her lip. “So I guess this is goodnight?”

Carrot Top nodded. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Yeah,” Twilight said, trying to keep the grimness out of her voice. She swallowed. “I’ll see you then.”

Carrot Top smiled and put the reins of her cart back on, taking it down the path to her house while balancing the pastry on her back.

Twilight turned and walked back to the library as the sun set over the village. At that moment to her, tomorrow sounded far too soon.