• Member Since 12th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Tuesday

Impossible Numbers

"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying, And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying."

Comments ( 2 )

My interpretation is that the path towards the lake represents Silverstar and the Appleloosan's way of life--sticking to old, well-trodden paths and treading lightly to avoid antagonizing tradition, as symbolized by the spiders. In contrast, Braeburn is an innovator. He wants to create new paths, such as an irrigation system for Appleloosa in an attempt to raise the quality of life for the townsponies. This sometimes leads to embarrassment, as in his well-intentioned but ill-thought-out plan to give recipes to the buffalo.
Come to think of it, the complacency behind Silverstar's actions somewhat represents the entire region, with the buffalo stampeding in times of drought. My guess is that Braeburn's ambition was to travel to a new frontier like the badlands in search of innovation. His resignation at the end of yhe story serves to display his disappointment in that, where he expected something new, he was mired in tradition instead.

Maybe? Honestly I just thought this story at least deserved a comment and I didn't want to give a thoughtless one.


Four years overdue, so I'm a little on the tardy side somewhat. But that is a spot-on guess, and thanks for the comment.

It's all right. I've recently been going through my old stuff to see if anyone left comments. I haven't kept the sharpest eye on things for... let's say "a while". :twilightsheepish:

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