• Published 27th Apr 2012
  • 4,435 Views, 35 Comments

Always Looking - EmberGryphon

  • ...


Cold ice fell. It always fell.

A young black figure emerged out from the depths of a small bridge, running from one ridge of the mountainous city to a higher terrace above. Canterlot was being worked on, renovated for the up and coming changing of seasons, and many side roads were in large need of repair this time of season. A great place to live where no one would find you.

Two sharp green eyes peered out into the quiet, breezy city, they were contrasted by puffy red eyelids where the large eyes sat, and yet again by stunning blue locks of hair. As she yawned two small fangs glittered as patches of sunlight reflected off of the glossy ground.

Her eyes were sad. They had always been. She never really had friends, let alone a family to call her own. She had lived from place to place ever since she could remember, mostly ranging from warm beds of strangers, to the wet unkept mat underneath the familar bridge that better suited her now sad looking eyes. She never truly lived like any other pony, gryphon, or dragon for that matter. She had nothing. No one. Only herself.

"Eeeyuu-" The changeling bemoaned as she shook the thin layer of snow off of her mane and hooves. Her large eyes darted around, she needed something to sustain herself on, the poor thing was getting hungry. She left what little she had under the bridge as the snow continued to pelt the rugged side of the mountain.

She took the form of a pony she had been familiar with, a white taller mare who had recently aquired her Cutie Mark, a odd looking fancy symbol. She had always thought it was silly that these ponies had specific markings for their place in life.

She never pondered it long however, she went on about her way passing to and fro, looking for a sufficient mate to leach some nutrients from. She passed a bickering couple, and silently drained what little remained in them unbeknownst to the two elderly equines. Next was a mother and her foal, clearly the relationship needed some mending. Finally, a colt with his fillyfriend, clearly things weren't working out between the two. It was enough to keep her sated, for now.

Passing through oddly crowded streets considering how nippy it was out, the Changeling continued undetected, passing Royal Guards, mailponies, and vendors alike, silently draining them of what they had stored up as she walked by the crowds. She didn't like getting her meals this way, it was devious. She had much perfered to take things by the horns and get it from them. Unfortunately for the starving little Changeling this was the best she could do.

The day wore on, as the snow came and went. Pouring, then revealing sunny skys every once and a while. Sunbeams would blind the girl, only to be swallowed up by a dark grey patch of cloud. The Pegasi must have been having a hay day up there. "Oh how I hate this terrible weather." The disguised being muttered under her breath.

It was then she heard something, something close. Unfamiliar. She had heard it many times before. Around her. Beside her. Far away from her. However, never to her. It was a voice, the voice of a fellow living being, a colt to be exact. Approximately three hooves behind her. Talking, giving recognition, all to her.

To her.

"I-I'm s-sorry..." The incogito being said, looking behind her, spying the source of the noise. A strapping young colt, not too much younger then herself. His coat was white and beautiful, his mane, beautifully crafted, sculpted as if by Celestia herself. His everything was perfect, his voice soothing, and most of all, his amazing smile that reflected on her in complete innocence.

"I said," The colt repeated, "I know! It urks me when they can't make up their minds either!" He replied, tilting his head to the side, closing his eyes, and once again delivering that angelic smile. He looked up to the sky, shook his hoof comically up at the clouds and laughed as he resumed grinning at the girl. "So, what are you doing out on such a crummy day Ms..."

"Chrys...uh..." Her face was flushed, her facade was failing, and she couldn't keep up the ruse much longer. She had to leave, things weren't going to end well at this rate, and she couldn't scare away the only thing that had given her any recognition, any empathy, or even recognized the females existence. She backed up, bumping into a old stallion. Terrifying the girl even more, as she darted off in full sprint.

"W-wait!" Called the colt behind the girl. "The name is Shining Arm..." His voice faded from her ears. She had heard enough to know anyway.


She couldn't think. It was all a blur, her head was rushing, and her face felt warmer then it had ever before. She ran. She ran far, past the markets, past the construction, past the fake ponies who were participating in their fake love. She turned a corner behind one last building, pressing up against the wall of the structure, returned to her original form, and heaved hard. 'What is this feeling...' The girl thought, inhaling far more oxygen then she needed. Her heart pounded, her thoughts cleared. Her mind went blank. All was good in the world.

Better then good

She trotted over to a shimmering glass like pond. Her face was pipping red. She didn't know what was going on, or why she acted the way she did. For the first time she felt like she was somebody, something worth while. It was all that colt. That friendly. Kind. Stunning. Handsome. Gorgeous. Perfect...

Shining Armor.

It began snowing.

She wasn't hungry.

She was in love.

She needed him.

Authors Note
This is my first fanfiction. I haven't the foggiest if it is good enough or not to continue. I'll keep writing as long as you guys want some. ^^