• Published 16th Nov 2014
  • 7,304 Views, 28 Comments

Sunset Serenade - SoulFyre

Sunset and Rarity's romantic relationship during the events of Rainbow Rocks.

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Chapter 1

The doors to the gym exploded open, making way for Rarity’s piano and muscle based transport system.

The boys carrying the piano set it down in the center of the gym before falling down in exhaustion.

Rarity slipped the keytar strap over her shoulder and hopped down from the piano. “Well I would have preferred to have it on the stage, but I guess this shall have to do. Thank you boys.”

The two gray-vested boys groaned while the red-vested one, their leader of sorts said, “...welcome...Miss Rarity…” His face promptly met the floor.

“You actually brought the piano?”

Rarity looked to the stage and saw Sunset sitting on the edge.

Rarity smiled. “Well, I did say that I would, did I not?”

“I thought you were joking.”

“A lady never jokes about such important matters,” said Rarity.

Sunset looked down at the half-conscious boys; she couldn’t help but smile and shake her head. It was just like Rarity to do something like that. And yet...

Sunset slipped down from the stage and walked up to her. Sunset put a hand on Rarity’s shoulder. “You could’ve asked for my help.”

Rarity rested her own hand on Sunset’s. “I would have if you weren’t busy scrubbing the locker rooms.”

Sunset winced. “Don’t remind me. I thought us girls would keep it cleaner than that. But who cares, I would’ve dropped everything to help you.”

Rarity smiled. “I appreciate it, but it would be best that you finish you punishments, not add to them. The principal wouldn’t take kindly to you skipping out on them.”

Sunset spared quick look at the passed out boys to ensure they were unable to see her and Rarity. Satisfied, Sunset allowed her hands to find their way to the small of Rarity’s back and pulled her close. Rarity slipped her arms around Sunset’s neck in response. They shared a smile and Sunset brought her lips to Rarity’s. Sunset’s heart was beating fast and she was filled with a sense of euphoria. She tightened her hold on Rarity, trying to bring her as close as possible.

As they parted, their eyes met and the happiness they showed matched the smiles now gracing their lips.

“It’d be worth it for you.”

“Aww, you’re so sweet,” said Rarity.

Sunset smirked, “I know.”

They leaned in for another kiss when they heard the gym doors opening. They moved apart quickly and put on their best ‘innocent’ faces as their friends entered the room.

“I’m just saying that a tambourine isn’t the best instrument for a rock band.”

“And Ah’m saying that Fluttershy should play whatever she feels comfortable with, not what you want.”

Rainbow Dash and Applejack were glaring daggers at each other as they walked. Fluttershy kept her head down and walked a little behind Pinkie Pie who seemed oblivious to the argument. Or was just ignoring it, hard to tell what went on with that girl sometimes. It was even harder to tell this time as she skipped along with her drumset strapped to her back.

Rarity and Sunset exchanged looks and rolled their eyes before loudly clearing their throats. The other girls stopped and looked at them.

Sunset spoke up first, “Personally, I think Fluttershy’s tambourine is perfect. It adds a nice contrast and other... things to the band.”

“I must agree with Sunset,” said Rarity. “And if that’s not enough then think practically. Fluttershy is quite skilled at playing the tambourine, so forcing her to choose another instrument would just be a waste.”

“Fine, whatever,” Rainbow said in a huff.

Applejack cleared her throat and nodded toward Fluttershy.

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “I’m sorry Shy. I didn’t mean that it was a bad thing, just different.” She moved to Fluttershy’s side and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, bending over to look her in the eye. “Different’s better. Can’t think of another band with the guts to have a tambourine player.”

Fluttershy looked up. “Really?”

Pinkie popped up on the other side of Fluttershy and slapped her on the back. “Well duh. Listen to Good Dashie not Mean-old Dashie. We couldn’t have the band without you Flutters.”

Rainbow extracted her arm from Fluttershy and mumbled, “Didn’t say that really.”

Applejack heard Rainbow and elbowed her in the side. Rainbow recoiled with a grunt and met Applejack’s glare, but luckily Fluttershy remained oblivious to the incident.

Rarity clasped her hands together and, in order to diffuse the situation, said, “Why don’t we just start practicing,” she spun her keytar around until it was in a playing position, “I am absolutely dying to show Sunset what I can do with my new instrument.”

Applejack broke the glaring contest she had with Dash, who did a little victory lap in her head. “Sounds good to me, sugarcube.”

Sunset flinched at the affectation. Sure, she knew that Applejack used it for all of them at some time or another, but she couldn’t quite stop the twinge of jealousy she felt when it was directed at her girlfriend.

“Yeah, yeah. Let’s just hope my awesome shredding skills don’t distract her. As if they couldn’t,” Rainbow said as she climbed up on the stage.

Rarity’s eye twitched at Rainbow’s arrogance. A trait that unfortunately seemed to be growing the longer their band was together. She would not allow Rainbow Dash’s arrogance prevent her from impressing her girlfriend.

With a determined look in her eye Rarity joined Rainbow up on stage. Using the stairs of course, a lady does not demean herself by just climbing up the front of a stage like some ruffian.

“We shall see about that Rainbow Dash.”

Sunset brought a hand to her face and sighed. Apparently this was going to escalate into a thing. Scrubbing the floors during her free period and during the Rainbooms’ after school practice had already tainted her mood; this would not help.

The others, sans Sunset, made their way on stage and after discussing which song to play they moved into position and music starting filling the gym.

Sunset sat on Rarity’s piano and tapped her foot to the beat. The words however were lost. She rarely listened to the words in any music really; preferring the beats and melodies to any lyric. Of course, she was too distracted to hear the lyrics anyway.

Her attention was focused on Rarity. Her movements, the sound of her voice, the obvious pride she exuded in so masterfully playing her instrument, and especially the eye contact they shared from time to time. Rarity’s music was for Sunset and no one else. The band might as well have been miles away for both of them.

The time seemed to go by quickly. The time they were allowed had passed and they had begun gathering their things together.

“So?” Rarity asked as she approached Sunset, “How was I? And be honest.”

“You were amazing,” said Sunset.

Rarity beamed. “Why thank you. A lady must always give her all when performing; whether she has an audience or not.”

“Yeah, yeah,” said Rainbow from her place leaning against the stage, “it was OK, but it needs to be awesome. Little practice and you’ll all be up to snuff.”

Rarity’s eyes narrowed, but she brushed of Rainbow’s comment.

Applejack finished putting her bass in its case and threw it over her shoulder. “Anyway, how ‘bout we head down ta Sugarcube Corner and grab us some grub.”

“Ooh Ooh,” Pinkie jumped about, waving her arms, “with my employee discount.”

Applejack rolled her eyes and smiled, “yes, with your discount.”

Pinkie cheered over the small acknowledgement and gathered her drumset in a pink cyclone, somehow coming out of it with the drums strapped neatly on her back.

Rarity and Sunset exchanged looks and came to a silent agreement.

“While that does sound divine, I’m afraid that Sunset and I must take a rain check.”

Rainbow raised a brow. “Again? You guys do this all the time.” Rainbow moved forward and looked them over, invading their personal space while doing so. “Are you two hiding something? You always leave together, you come to school together, you agree all the time, it’s like you’re dating.”

Sunset opened her mouth to respond, but Rarity beat her to it. “Nonsense Rainbow. Sunset just agreed to model for me while I experiment with new dress designs. I like to think we’re besties as it were.”

Sunset got down from the piano and wrapped her arm around Rarity’s shoulder. “Yep, besties. She helped me the night of the formal and we’ve been really tight ever since.”

Rainbow slowly backed up while keeping her eyes narrowed. “Uh huh, whatever you say.” Though not fully convinced, she turned toward the doors and waved back at them. “We’ll catch you tomorrow then, see ya.”

The others bid their farewells and followed Rainbow out of the gym.

“Sometimes I think that it would be easier if they knew,” said Rarity.

Sunset shook her head. “Not yet, I…” she looked down, “I just don’t think it’s been long enough.”

“You don’t believe that they fully trust you, right?”

Sunset sighed. “A little. I was a monster, literally at the end, and I don’t think they’d be forgiving enough to accept that there’s an ‘us’ right now.”

Rarity pulled Sunset into a comforting embrace. “I trust you.”

Sunset smiled and returned the hug. “I know.”

A groaning sound caused them to pull apart.

The three boys slowly stood up. Popping sounds filled the gym as the stretched their tired joints and muscles.

“Oh good!” Rarity clasped her hands together, “My friend and I will need a lift home.” She put on her cutesiest look and said, “And we could use such strong men to carry my piano home with us.”

The boys stood at attention and saluted before picking up the piano. Rarity smiled and moved past them.

“Come along boys,” Rarity moved her hips in an enticing manner.

The boys fell in line after her; their eyes on the ‘prize.’

Sunset couldn’t help the pang of jealousy that shot through her. She also felt a surge of anger directed at Rarity for doing such a thing to manipulate them. She should be swaying those hips for her. That was her ass to ogle.

Her eye twitched. There would be words.

With a wink and a flirtatious wave, Rarity closed the door on the practically drooling, and thoroughly exhausted, boys and turned around and saw Sunset with her arms cross sporting a look of annoyance.

“Using your feminine wiles, eh?”

Rarity shrugged. “Why not? It is so much easier to get some help when you bat your eyelashes. Men just can’t resist.” Rarity giggled.

Sunset’s eyes narrowed. “And you think that it’s all right to do that when we’re dating?”

Rarity looked at her girlfriend with confusion. “You have a problem with me doing so?”

“Yes!” Sunset practically shouted.

“Why? It means nothing.”

“It means something to me,” said Sunset. “I’m the only one you should be flirty with.”

Rarity was frankly stunned. She never thought that harmless flirting would be, well, harmful. She looked at Sunset and while at first it looked as if she was just angry, when Rarity looked past the surface she could tell that the anger was mostly just a cover.

Sunset was hurt.

Rarity’s eyes widened at this realization and she couldn’t help but avert her gaze for a moment. She met Sunset’s eyes once more and gestured behind her girlfriend.

“We should sit down.”

Sunset nodded and turned in a huff and made her way to the living room. Sunset plopped down on the couch, arms still crossed and still in a huff. Rarity joined her soon after.

Rarity placed her hands in her lap and looked down at them. She couldn’t look at Sunset right now. Quite honestly, she was a little ashamed. It seemed like no big deal to her. She had been using her wiles to get what she wanted for most of her life. The benefit of being as gorgeous as she was. Boys and the occasional girl were putty in her hands. In a way, she liked the idea that she had such control over them.

Rarity turned her head to look at Sunset. Her girlfriend was glaring at the blank screen of the television. Rarity was still a little surprised at Sunset’s reaction, it just seemed just a tad unreasonable.

“How would you like it if I started flirting with guys?” Sunset asked. “I’ve done it before so I don’t exactly have much of a leg to stand on. But I haven’t done it at all since we’ve been together.”

Rarity thought about it and she honestly wasn’t sure.

“Sunset,” she said, “I don’t know.”

Sunset looked at Rarity with a raised brow.

“I mean that, well… I wouldn’t know unless it happened. Maybe I would be jealous and upset. Maybe I would look past it and not really care.”

Rarity reached over and placed a hand on Sunset’s shoulder. Sunset looked at the hand and then met Rarity’s eyes.

“But it doesn’t matter,” said Rarity, “what does matter is that it matters to you. It’s almost second nature to me after all this time, but I’m willing to try not resorting to it.”

Sunset turned back and closed her eyes. With a sigh she uncrossed her arms and once more opened her eyes. A smile graced her lips. She reached up and brought Rarity’s hand down to be clasped between her own. Sunset brought Rarity’s hand to her lips and lightly kissed it.

Their eyes met and Sunset looked away once more before speaking. “I’m probably being unreasonable with all this, but I guess that I sometimes think you’ll realize that you’re too good for me. I’m poison at that school. I doubt that you would want to deal with that.”

Rarity shook her head and smiled. She removed her hand from Sunset’s grasp and scooted up next to her. She kissed Sunset on the cheek and placed a hand on her girlfriend’s other cheek, slowly coaxing her to face her.

Sunset enjoyed Rarity’s velvety touch and slowly turned her head to face her. Rarity brought their lips together. The kiss was tender and loving and Sunset’s heart fluttered. The kiss was fleeting and Sunset couldn’t help but let out a disappointed whimper. Rarity slipped onto Sunset’s lap and held her close while she felt her girlfriend encircle her waist with her arms. Their lips met once more. The kiss was deeper and lingering; neither one wishing to be the one to end it.

Rarity was the first to pull away; slowly as to make it last as long as possible. She looked her girlfriend in the eyes and spoke. “Listen to me, Sunset Shimmer. I’m not too good for you and I most certainly don’t care about your reputation. I care about you and that is all that matters, darling.”

“I so don’t deserve you.”

Rarity smiled. “Maybe not, but I don’t think I deserve you either. So we’re even.”

They shared a small laugh.

Sunset’s yawned.

“I guess you have had a long day.”

“Yeah,” she moved Rarity from her lap, “I should probably go home and take a nap.”

Rarity stopped her before she could stand up.

“Nonsense,” she said, “you can take your nap here.” Rarity leaned over and kissed Sunset on the cheek. “Besides, this way we can cuddle.”

Sunset smiled. “Can’t argue with that I guess.

They moved to get more comfortable. Sunset slipped her coat off and set it on the nearest end table. They kicked off their boots and stretched out on the couch. Sunset had her arms around Rarity while said girl snuggled closer to her.

Sunset rested her head on Rarity’s and felt her eyelids start to close; the day’s work finally catching up to her. She managed one last kiss on her girlfriend’s head before falling into a blissful slumber.

Rarity focused on Sunset’s slow breathing, her steady heartbeat, and the feel of the body against her. She nestled closer to Sunset and closed her eyes; content to just be there in the warm embrace of the girl that had won her heart.

It wasn’t long though before sleep claimed her as well.

The Next Day…

The three piano carriers from before were digging holes in front of the school as they always did when Sunset Shimmer approached them.

“Hey boys,” she said.

They looked up at her and scowled. Sunset winced at the reaction.

“What you want?” said the lead boy.

A person who knows how to speak properly, she thought.

“Well, you see,” she smiled, “I need some help and I could use a few strong men to help me.”

She puffed out her chest and batted her eyelashes. “And after yesterday I couldn’t help but think of you three. So will you help me? Pretty please.”

The boys were wide-eyed and red-faced. She had them.

Before they could respond, Sunset felt someone tightly grip her arm and pull her away; dragging her after them.

Rarity pulled her along and Sunset snickered.

“Not funny, Sunset Shimmer!”

Author's Note:

And now over one year later I have made the sequel:yay:

This is what happens when life and writer's block gets in the way of things. You have all this good stuff planned you just don't know how to start it all while life keeps interrupting you and then when the next movie comes out you see that they compress some of your epic story ideas into a seventy minute movie:ajbemused:

Moving on. I hope it wasn't too rough. After around a month trying to find someone else to go over it both online and in real life and failing, I've decided to just post it. Any helpful comments would be awesome.