• Published 10th Nov 2014
  • 2,329 Views, 29 Comments

The Dazzlings of Hueco Mundo - Dawn Flower

After their defeat at the hands of the Rainbooms, the Dazzlings are sent to Hueco Mundo, to begin their new lives as Hollows.

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Cancelled Future Plans

When they’re back at their room, Adagio tells the other girls about their plan. She explains that Arrancar are now susceptible to their powers, and they’re going to use it to take control of the army. She notes that it won’t be easy, since so many of them are so much stronger than them, and Aizen is even stronger and he’s somehow immune to their power. She says that they’ll have to take their time and work slowly. She notes that Arrancar like Grimmjow and Nelliel will be easier, since they’re more emotionally driven than the others, and that Barragan and Ulquiorra they should stay away from, since they can barely sense anything from them. Adagio then says that she knows where they’ll start.

They meet Granz, who’s Espada Number Eight, and the first after Adagio, at his lab and they use their singing to take control of him. They then have him begin research for them.

The scene then shifts to Nnoitora, who is angrily walking towards Granz’s lab, after his moment with Nelliel. He wants his help, but Adagio tells him that he’s currently busy helping them. He then huffs out, so Nelliel remains an Espada in this story.

At a later point in the story, Aaroniero approaches the three Dazzlings, angry, believing that Adagio stole his rightful place. He starts attacking the three of them, using Kaien’s abilities and his Resurrectión. The battle between goes rough for a while, for both sides, but once he releases his Resurrectión, he takes the advantage. When he defeats the three of them and knocks them down, he then starts absorbing Aria and Sonata. Seeing this, Adagio gets back up and tells Aaroniero that she’ll show him the true power of an Espada. She then releases her Resurrectión; her Zanpakutō’s name is Kazumi, and its release command is Sing. Her released state resembles her anthro form, with the long hair, pony ears, and translucent wings. Her Hollow mask also disappears, and her gem is now completely embedded in her chest. Once she’s transformed, she quickly moves over to Aaroniero, and places both of her hands against him, knocking him back easily. She then grabs her sisters, rips them out of him, and moves back to the other side of the room, before Aaroniero hits the wall. She then uses a Gran Ray Cero and completely obliterates him. Several of the Espada see the blast, each making their own remarks.

After Aizen has officially left the Soul Society, and after Ulquiorra and Yammy’s reconnaissance, Aizen calls a meeting of the Espada. After telling them about Ichigo and his friends, he tells them that he wants more information on their progress. He then appoints Grimmjow and Adagio to take several Arrancar to the World of the Living. When they arrive, the two Espada send the Arrancar off to engage the Soul Reaper’s stationed there. Later, she and Grimmjow meet Ichigo and Rukia. After Ichigo and Grimmjow begin their battle, Adagio faces off against Rukia. In her weakened state after Grimmjow’s attack, Rukia doesn’t hold out long, and Adagio uses this opportunity to try out her siren powers on a soul reaper. Kaname then arrives to bring them back.

When Ichigo and his friends head to Hueco Mundo to rescue Orihime, Rukia eventually ends up near the Dazzlings room, like she does in the series. She hears a sound behind her, but when she turns around, there’s no one there. Aria then appears in front of her, calling her slow. She then invites her inside to fight. Aria and Sonata both fight together against Rukia, but their strategy works by having Sonata quickly move behind Rukia, getting her attention, and then moving away again before she’s spotted. Then while she’s distracted, Aria moves in from behind to strike at her. This strategy uses both of their strengths, tricking their opponent into thinking that they’re only fighting Aria, and that she’s faster than she appears. Rukia eventually figures this out and they start working together openly against her. Rukia eventually pins them down with Kidō, and begins charging up a fully incantated Hado Number 73 Sōren Sōkatsui. However, just before she finishes, Adagio appears, grabs her, and hits her with a Cero at point blank range.

She then charges up a Cero to finish her off, but it’s blocked at the last moment by Byakuya’s Sōkatsui. He then starts a battle with Adagio, with the other three still out. As the fight continues, Byakuya uses his shikai. When Adagio begins struggling, she uses her siren power to take control of Rukia and has her attack him, but Byakuya just nullifies her with Rikujókóró. She also tries this with Byakuya, but he just starts attacking her before she can take full control. Adagio is then forced to use her Resurrectión, and Byakuya uses his bankai. As the fight continues, both sides fight hard, though Byakuya has the advantage. Adagio is then forced to use a Gran Ray Cero to escape begin completely cut up by his bankai. When Byakuya is impressed by her tenacity, Adagio then gives Byakuya the same speech that Zommari gives him in the series, except when Byakuya gives his answer, about fighting for Rukia, Adagio responds that he’s not the only one fighting for his sister. Byakuya realises that Adagio is also fighting for her sisters, and that she’s just as concerned about her sisters as he is. He responds by recalling his bankai. Adagio is confused by this, and Byakuya responds that there is no point in continuing their battle, as both of them should tend to their sisters. He then calls Hanatarō, telling him to fetch Captain Unohana, and that Rukia and the two Arrancar need help.

Adagio asks Unohana why she’s helping them while she’s healing them, and she responds by telling them that if they were enemies, she would be attacking them. Adagio is initially confused by this, but seeing her sisters lying there, she opts not to attack and let her heal them. While they’re recovering, they hear Aizen’s speech that he’s leaving Hueco Mundo with his army and sealing the Garganta. Adagio is both confused and angry at this, that Aizen left them behind, and took the army with him. After the three of them are healed, Adagio repeats what happened to her sisters, and says that they’re going to see Ulquiorra, since he should know what’s going on, since Aizen put him in charge.

When they reach the tower that he’s in, Adagio asks what’s going, and Ulquiorra responds that this is Lord Aizen’s will. Dis-satisfied with his answer, they start attacking him. Ichigo arrives soon, and the four of them all work together to fight Ulquiorra. Adagio is still in her Resurrectión form. As the fight continues, Ulquiorra holds out against all of them, and later Aria and Sonata drop out, leaving it to Ichigo and Adagio. At the end of the fight, Ichigo fires a hollowfied Getsuga Tenshō, and Adagio fires her Gran Ray Cero, at Ulquiorra from both sides, and he’s caught in the blast. After being hit by the combined attack, Ulquiorra is worried and realises that he needs to release his Resurrectión, and needs to get out of Los Noches. However, before he can react, Adagio quickly gets in front of him. Catching on to what she has planned, he grabs her hand and stops her. He then deduces that her plan is to seal him away with her Caga Nagión, but tells her that Grimmjow already tried that and he won’t fall for the same stunt twice. However, Adagio grins back at him and opens her palm, revealing nothing, telling him that he’s only half right. Sonata then appears behind him and throws the Caga Negación into his hollow hole, trapping him again.

After Ichigo and the others successfully seal Ulquiorra away again, Adagio speaks with her sisters about going after Aizen. However, when they can't open the Garganta, they turn to Ichigo, who has a way to get to the World of the Living. Adagio tries taking control of him with her sirens powers; however, she notices something very strange about his energy. When she tries to figure out more, both she and Ichigo get transported to his inner world. When they're there, they meet Hollow Ichigo. Adagio figures that because Ichigo is a soul reaper, but also has an inner hollow, she had trouble controlling him; she couldn’t control hollows, but could after they gained soul reaper powers, and while she could control soul reapers, Ichigo’s hollow powers are stopping her from taking complete control. Adagio eventually starts fighting with Hollow Ichigo, reasoning that if she can defeat him, then Ichigo will be all hers. They start fighting and Adagio starts to take the advantage, but before she can finish him, Ichigo interrupts their fight. The two of them get annoyed, throwing a Getsuga and Cero at him, telling him to stay out of it. They then resume their fight, but Hollow Ichigo uses his familiarity with her moves to trap her, impale her with his Zanpakutō, and release a Getsuga while it’s inside her. Before he can finish her off, however, Ichigo interrupts again. He tells Adagio that right now, they have a common enemy and that they should be working together to defeat Aizen and that if she still wants to fight him afterwards, he will, but for now, they have bigger problems. Adagio eventually agrees and they decide to work together.

When Adagio first starts trying to control Ichigo, Orihime rushes to his side, but Aria quickly gets a hold of her and keeps her back. Uryu then appears to attack her, but Sonata blocks him. Aria says to Sonata that they should switch places, but Sonata has had enough of being the weak one and says that this is something that she needs to do. During their battle, Sonata is much more focused than usual and Uryu struggles a bit. However, she is so focused on defeating him that she doesn’t notice him setting up his Sprenger. After getting caught in the blast, she struggles out of it, asking herself how she could have been so stupid. She then screams that this isn’t over, but Uryu then flashes in front of her and tells her that it is. He then fires an arrow at her chest, which destroys her chain of faith, and she loses all of her hollow, soul reaper and siren powers.

When Adagio and Ichigo are back in the real world, the fight between Uryu and Sonata is over. When Adagio finds out that Sonata lost her hollow and soul reaper powers because of Uryu, she immediately tries to pull a moral myopia, that even though they were the ones who attacked them, and Uryu was only defending himself and Orihime, she's still mad that they would harm her sister. Ichigo rightly calls her out on it. Once that's cleared up, and Sonata is told to stay behind, Sonata still tries for them to take her with them, but Adagio just reluctantly punches her out so that she'll stop, in order to keep her safe. Adagio, Aria, Ichigo, and Captain Unohana then head off to the World of The Living.

When they get to the fake Karakura Town, they meet Aizen again. Aizen is a bit surprised to see that they’re still alive, but just notes that he has no use for the Espada anymore. Adagio then looks around the city, seeing all of the other Espada dead, although, she notes that Nelliel and her Fracción are still alive. After briefly talking with him, Adagio starts fighting him and surprisingly does quite well, however, after she supposedly gets a fatal blow against him, it turns out that it was an illusion, and that she was actually fighting Aria. Aizen then reappears and slashes Adagio. He’s then about to deliver the final blow, but Aria quickly pushes her out of the way and takes the attack instead. She then falls down to the town below. Adagio watches in horror as she falls, and then looks back up at Aizen. He’s about to advance on her again, but then Yamamoto springs his trap against him.

Adagio goes down to her sister, who is in bad shape and can’t move. Aria tells her not to fight Aizen, as he’s too strong, and to take care of Sonata. She then passes out. Adagio starts mourning her apparent loss, but then she suddenly hears an enormous explosion. When she looks over, she sees Aizen leap out of the blast radius and then get attacked by Ichigo. Adagio’s anger returns after seeing Aizen, and despite what Aria said, she still wants to finish him, but she’s still too weak.

She continues watching the fight play out. After Ichigo and Isshin open the Senkaimon, she quickly Sonido’s into it at the last moment. Ichigo and his dad are first a bit worried to see Adagio there, but after seeing how weak she is and how much she wants to kill Aizen, she starts training with them. As Ichigo’s training continues and Isshin holds off the restrictive current, Adagio is able to watch Aizen’s movements. When he kills Gin and approaches Ichigo’s friends, both she and Isshin realises that even with time moving slower, they won’t make it in time to save them. Realising how much Ichigo wants to protect his friends, and seeing how much it’s like her and her sisters, she continues on to the Soul Society on her own. As she’s approaching Aizen, she reaches out her hand, reaches for her heart, (gem) pulls it out, and crushes it in her hand.

As Aizen is about to strike Tatsuki, Adagio suddenly appears in between them and blocks his sword with her hand. When Aizen is confused how she did this, she explains that she used a siren’s last chance technique, where she crushes her heart. In exchange for a huge power boost, she’ll eventually die. She says that she never understood the technique, since it’s used to defeat an enemy that’s in your way that you can’t defeat any other way, and that if you could defeat them, then dying would be pointless, since there would then be no one left who could stop you. However, she then realises that without her sisters, her plans of conquest mean nothing and that she’ll use all her remaining power to take out Aizen. Adagio then introduces herself as Adagio Dazzle, the last of the sirens, and that she will kill Aizen. The two then start fighting, with Adagio fighting on even grounds with him, and even surpassing him. However, just as she has the upper hand, her power starts to drop. She begins pleading to last a little longer, however, Aizen eventually pins her down. He notes that he’s impressed with her power, saying that her willing to risk everything for revenge was very much like a soul reaper, and for one brief instant, she transcended the boundaries between hollow and soul reaper, and became a transcendent being, but now that power is lost to her forever, and that she’s not even worth studying to understand better. He’s about to finish her off, but Tatsuki and the others stand between them, holding him off for a little longer. Ichigo then finally shows up. Seeing how strong he’s become, she leaves finishing Aizen off to him, and passes out.

After Aizen’s defeated, it then shows Aria waking up, being healed by Orihime. Sonata is also there with her. Once she’s finished, and Aria and Sonata have caught up, Kisuke appears to take them and Orihime to the others. Adagio is there as well, and she tells them how she used her last chance technique. Worried about her dying, they ask Orihime to heal her, but she’s unable to. As she dies, Adagio tells Aria to take care of Sonata, and tells Sonata to keep smiling. When it looks like she’s about to die, Aria gives up her powers in order to save her. Because of this, they are now all just spirits. They ask Kisuke what will happen to them now, and he responds by telling them that they were ordered to defeat the Arrancar, but now they’re just spirits, and because of the changes in the Soul Society now, they live in the Rukongai. They then meet up with Starrk and Lilynette, who are also just spirits after being killed, happy to see more of their comrades and not being alone anymore. The story ends with Adagio saying that they now get to live peaceful lives together, realising that they now know what’s really important, and when the time finally comes for them to be reintroduced into the cycle of rebirth, that they’ll always go together.

Comments ( 3 )

Sooo is it cancelled or is this a April Fools thing?

Edit: Just wanna be sure i like this story after all :twilightsmile:

Yes, it really is cancelled. I originally put the cancelled plans in a blog post a few weeks ago, but I decided to move it here so that anyone who discovers the story later on will know.

I see thanks for clarifying it.

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