• Published 4th Nov 2014
  • 5,505 Views, 33 Comments

Turquoise Blitz & Anthea: Road to Parenthood - N7_Spartan117

Turquoise Blitz and Anthea go through the ups an downs of pregnancy.

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“Ugh….What happened?” asked Turquoise as he started to regain consciousness. As T began to regain his sight, he could see Annie and their friends Golden Delicious, Prism Bolt, Cotton Candy, and Starburst looking down at him.

“Oh T! Thank heavens you're awake!” said Annie as she wrapped her forelegs around his large neck, nearly choking him.

“See, I told you he would wake up,” said Prism, a navy coated pegasus stallion with a rainbow-colored mane and a prism as his cutie mark.

“No, I said he would. You just stood there and complained about how heavy he is,” remarked Starburst, a small orange-coated and navy-maned pegasus mare with a pink and blue stripe in her mane and tail, and starburst cutie mark.

“Hey he’s a big dude, ask Del!”

“He is kind of big,” answered Del, a tall earth pony stallion with a yellow coat and a golden apple as his cutie mark.

“Can someone answer my question?” asked T as Annie released him from her death grip.

“Oh, you passed out,” answered Candy, a small light blue earth pony mare with a pink mane and a stick of cotton candy as her cutie mark.

“I...I passed out?” asked T, “Why did I pass out?”

“We don’t know. Annie came galloping out of your house and found Del walking Star home, and me and Prism were about to play a prank on them. Anyway, she said that you had fainted.”

“Yeah, then it took both Del, Prism, and Star just to lift you up and bring into the living room,” said Annie as she helped her husband sit up.

“Well, thanks, you guys, but that still doesn’t answer my question. Why did I pass out?” All eyes turned to Annie as she began to feel the pressure of their stare weighing heavily on her.

“Well...I….I’m….pregnant,” confessed Annie, causing a deep silence to fall upon the room. Turquoise was about to pass out again, but was stopped when Prism patted him on the back.

“Way to go, T!” cheered Prism. As the others began to congratulate the couple, T was still trying to wrap his mind around the news.

“You’re….. pregnant?” asked T in disbelief, causing Annie to worry.

“Yeah, aren't you excited?” asked Candy. Now all eyes were on T; as Turquoise sat there in silence, Annie’s heart began to sink.

“I thought he would be happy,” thought Annie. “What is he thinking? I hope he isn’t goi-”

“I AM GOING TO BE A FATHER!!!” shouted T as he jumped off the couch he was sitting on in excitement, surprising everyone.

“You’re not mad?” asked Annie in a surprised tone.

“Of course not! Why in Equestria would I be? I am going to be a dad, Annie!”

“Congratulations,” said Starburst. “So have you guys told your parents yet?”

“No, we haven't,” answered Annie. “You guys, Mrs. Twilight, Claire, and Illusion are the only ones who know.”

“We could go tell them tomorrow, if you’re up for it,” suggested T as he held his pregnant wife close to him.

“That sounds perfect!”

“Well, Ah can see you guys will have a busy day tomorrow,” remarked Del as he made his way to the front door.

“Bye, guys!” said Star as she followed behind Del. After a last round of congratulations, T and Annie were all alone.

“Annie, why didn’t you tell me sooner?” asked T as he helped Annie up the stairs to their bedroom.

“I just found out today,” answered Annie. “I had Mrs. Twilight scan to make sure, because I could see the test results.”

“I just wish that you would have told me, so I could be with you when you found out,” said T in a depressed tone, regretting that he missed out on such an important moment.

“I know, and I am sorry.” Annie gave him a kiss on the cheek and nuzzled to comfort him. “I Pinkie promise not let you miss anything else.”

“Okay.” As the soon to be parents prepared for the next day, a faint scream could be heard from the other side of Ponyville.

“FOREVER!!!!” yelled Pinkie Pie from her home at Sugar Cube Corner. “What do you mean I can’t plan their baby shower?!”

“You heard me,” answered Candy, arguing with her mother. “They are my friends, and I want to plan it.”

“But….but, I am the supreme party planner of Ponyville. I even knew she was pregnant before you.”

“You knew, but h-” Candy started to think about how her mother would have know about the foal, “Let me guess, Pinkie Sense?”

Pinkie gave Candy a huge smile as an answer, “Are you sure I can’t do it?”

“I don’t know, it's their decision. They haven't even told their parents yet.”

“Oh! Rarity and Fluttershy are going to be so excited to hear that.”

“Yeah, which is why you do not tell them,” ordered Candy as she gave Pinkie a stern look.

“What? I am not like Twilight,” remarked Pinkie, “Tell you what, we will let them decide who they want to plan the baby shower.”


As Celestia’s sun began to rise the next day, Annie started to have strange feeling in her stomach.

“Ugh, here we go again,” said Annie as she got out of bed, careful not to wake her sleeping husband, and made her way to the bathroom. It did not take long for Turquoise to notice that Annie was gone.

“Annie, are you in the bathroom?” asked T as he got out of bed and approached the door. The only response he received was the sound of Annie vomiting.

“Sweetie, I’m fine,” said Annie through the door. “Go back to be- Hhuuurrgeh!”

“Annie, please let me in.”

“T, I am fine. Go back to bed."

“No!” said T in a stern tone, surprising Annie, “I promised you that I would stay and love you, no matter what, and I meant it! Now please let me in.” It wasn’t long before Annie unlocked the bathroom door, and T rushed to her side.

“T, I know you love me, but yo- Hhuurrrgeh,” Turquoise just sat there and rubbed her back as she continued to puke, “Ugh….”

“Do you want me to find something to help you?”

“No...I...I think that’s it,” said Annie as she started to clean herself up, “I can get some tea from mom when we go and talk to her.”

“Are you sure you want to?” asked T in a concerned tone, “We could always tell our parents later.”

“T, if I didn’t know any better, I would think you were afraid to tell your mom that I’m pregnant,” said Annie as she finished brushing her teeth and walked back into the bedroom.

“I’m not worried about that,” replied T, “She and dad will be ecstatic about being grandparents.”

“Let me guess. Your worried about me and the foal?” T only nodded his head in response. “T, I know that you want to help, but I can take care of myself.”

“I know, but...” Annie quickly gave T a kiss to calm him down.

“I don’t mind you wanting to help me,” said Annie as she nuzzled his cheek. “But I’m just pregnant and blind, I am not completely helpless.”

“I know, I just worry about you sometimes.”

“I know, T.”

After having breakfast, the two expecting parents made their way to Annie’s adoptive mother’s cottage first, to tell the news. As they stood outside of Fluttershy’s cottage, Annie was hesitant to knock on the door.

“Annie, are you ok?” asked T in a concerned voice.

“Yea….Yeah I...I’m just nervous.”

“Nervous? Why are you nervous?”

“It’s just….I don’t know what she will think,” confessed Annie as she stared at the door. As she stared, T wrapped his large bat wing around her and took her hoof in his.

“I’m with you no matter what,” said T comforting Annie. With her still shaky confidence, Annie began to lightly knock on the door.

“Coming!” said a faint voice from the other side of the door. It did not take long for the voice to open the door.

“H...hey, mom,” said Annie nervously as she tried to force a convincing smile.

“Hello, Ms. Fluttershy,” said T with real smile on his face

“Annie! Turquoise! What a pleasant surprise! Come in,” said Fluttershy as she moved to the side to allow the couple to enter. “What brings you two here?”

“Well, Annie and I have something to tell you,” answered T as he held Annie close to him.

“Oh, what’s that?”

“We ar-”

“We are thinking about trying out that new restaurant in Canterlot!” interrupted Annie, causing T and Fluttershy to give her a suspicious look.

“Okay?” asked Fluttershy as she looked for T for an explanation.

“Yeah, but I don’t think that’s a good idea,” said T, trying to get Annie to confess.

“Why is that?” asked Fluttershy.

“Because, A-”

“A giant tree fell on the tracks!” said Annie as sweat started to form on her brow.

“Excuse us one second,” said T as he and Annie walked into the kitchen. “Annie what’s the matter?”

“I can’t do it, T!” confessed Annie as she started to slide to the floor on the verge of tears. “I can’t tell her.”

“Why not?” asked T in a concerned tone as he moved beside her, “I thought you wanted to.”

“I do, but….”

“You're scared.” Annie only nodded her head. “You want me to tell her?”

“No, I want to, but….. could we do it together?”

“Of course,” answered T as they nuzzled, “That how I thought we were going to tell her.”

“Tell me what?” asked Fluttershy appearing in the doorway, causing Annie to let out a small ‘Eep’. “Are you two hiding something from me?”

“No, not anymore,” answered T as he helped Annie to her hooves. “Ready?”

“Yes,” Annie then took a deep breath and reached out for Turquoise’s hoof-claw.

“We are having a foal!” said Annie and T in unison. Fluttershy just stood there in shock at the announcement.

“Mom?” asked Annie in a frightened tone.

“Oh, Annie!!!!” yelled Fluttershy in joy as she grabbed the couple and pulled them into a choking hug. “I'm so, so, so happy for the both of you!”

“See?….Nothing….to….be….afraid...of,” said T as he gasped for air. Fluttershy quickly released the two from her hug.

“I can't believe you're going to be parents! And I'm going to be a grandma!”

“I know, we’re excited too!” said Annie as she and Fluttershy started to rub her belly.

“When did you find out?”

“Yesterday,” answered T as he wrapped his wing around Annie, “Mrs. Twilight scanned her to make sure.”

“I am really happy for both of you,” said Fluttershy as she hugged her daughter again.

“I know. I’m so scared, though!” said Annie as she looked to her stomach, “I don't know what to expect.”

“Have you told Rarity and Spike yet?” asked Fluttershy, “Maybe you could ask Rarity for some advice. She's had two dragon babies, after all.”

“That’s right. C'mon on, T!”

“Okay, goodbye, Ms. Fluttershy!” said T as Annie almost dragged him out of the cottage in excitement.

As the couple reached Turquoise’s parents home, Carousel Boutique, Annie opened the door, setting off the store bell.

“Hello? Mom?” asked Annie as she and T walked through the shop. They quickly spotted T’s mother, Rarity, and Claire working on a dress in a back room.

“Anthea, darling? Is that you?” asked Rarity, her mane in a small bun, as she poked her head through the back door. “Come in! Oh, T, you're here as well! Wonderful!”

“Hi, mom. Hey, Claire,” said T as he and Annie entered the work room.

“Hey, you two,” said Claire as she gave the couple a knowing smile.

“Are you two working on a project together?” asked Annie as she saw the sparkling blue blur.

“Why, yes we are! My designs are being featured in a magazine, and I needed to find some jewelry to go with each outfit. And, well, who could possibly do the job better than my lovely daughter,” said Rarity as she pointed to Claire.

“Sounds like a good idea to me,” said T as he grabbed Annie’s hoof in preparation.

"So, what can we do for you?” asked Rarity. “Did you need something?”

“Well, me and T wanted to ask you something, but we have to tell you something first,” said Annie.

“Okay... go on.” T then gave Annie a reassuring nod.

“We are having a foal!”

“AAAAAAHHHHH!” yelled Rarity as she jumped up and down for joy. “Congratulations, you two! I'm so happy!”

“Congrats!” said Claire as she gave the couple a hug.

“Thank you,” said Annie.

“Oh, now we're going to have to plan a baby shower!” said Rarity as she took her daughter-in-law by her hoof, “And I can start making some baby clothes! Oh, and of course you're going to need some maternity wear!” Annie could only giggle as Rarity started to make a long list of things that were needed.

“Naturally! But we still have plenty time.”

“Right, right. Sorry, I'm just so excited! I simply can NOT wait to be a grandmother!” said Rarity as she shook with excitement. “I might've been sooner if, ehem, Crystal Clarity and her coltfriend would get married.” Claire only rolled her eyes and brushed the comment off. “You said you need to ask me something?”

“Oh yes! Um, well, I was wondering if you could just tell me what to expect from this whole pregnancy thing,” said Annie, “I would've asked my mom, but I can't for obvious reasons. Plus, you're probably the only mare in Equestria who's given birth to dragon-pony hybrids.”

"Well, you are most certainly right about that! So what would you like to know, darling?"

"Anything and everything!" answered Annie. "I want to be as prepared as I can."

"Hmmm.... Let's see, where do I even start?" said Rarity as she tapped her chin with her hoof. "Well, the beginning was very easy. All I can recall is the occasional morning sickness."

"Okay, that sounds about right."

"Mm-hmm. Then the cravings began to kick in as well. I suppose I got the same cravings that most mares would get. You know the whole cucumbers and ice cream deal. But then I'd always have this strange urge to try the gems that I was working with... I never had one obviously!"

"Yeah, right!" said Claire as she burst into a fit of laughter, "I saw you lick a couple of gems when you were pregnant with T."

"That was only ONCE, Claire!" yelled Rarity in embarrassment as she began to blush, "Besides, it was the cravings. I couldn't help it."

"Well, that doesn't sound too bad. Right, T?" asked Annie.

"Right," answered Turquoise.

"Oh, sweetie, that was only the first couple months or so," said Rarity, "Things got crazier no later than halfway through."

"Oh....wh...what else?" asked Annie nervously, not sure if she wanted to know how bad it could get.

"Well…. when Claire and Turquoise’s grabby little claws began to develop, they were completely restless in there! It was like they were clawing me from the inside out!” explained Rarity, causing Annie’s pupils to dilate, “Oh, how I'd toss and turn every night while the kicked around. They were also considerably bigger than regular foals, so it was absolute torture on my back when I tried getting around anywhere.”

“C….clawing from the...in..inside?” asked Annie, horrified at the thought.

“Why yes, such agonizing pain,” answered Rarity. “And then there was Spike! If T has inherited any of his father's dragon instinct, he will not let you out of his sight for even a second, and will be bringing you random junk throughout the day and hoarding things for you. It's a lovely gesture, but cleaning it all up is NOT fun.”

T started to feel guilty by his mother's statement, remembering how he yelled at Annie earlier. “I am sorry,” he whispered to Annie, but she did not respond.

“Plus, he probably won't let anypony, no matter how trustworthy, come anywhere near you!” continued Rarity. “That was especially a pain when the doctor would try to do his job. Spike scared the doctor away when I was in labor the first time. And, oh, LABOR! Absolutely dreadful! By far, the most pain I'd ever been in in my entire life.”

“Painful?” asked Annie in an almost mute voice.

“Especially with T! I thought I was going to DIE! And it doesn't stop after they're born, no-no-no-no! Trying to figure out their bizarre eating habits and all their strange instincts. Nursing was the worst, with their little baby dragon teeth! Oh, I tried bottles, but they would either never drink from them or finish them off too quickly and want ‘muh’. I couldn't let them starve, so what else was I supposed to do?” said Rarity, still scaring Annie. “Ugh, and disciplining them! Oh... Claire was so difficult! She'd destroy everything and wouldn't respond to scolding. No, I had to roar at her!” Claire couldn’t help but giggle at the memory of her mother trying to roar at her.

“But in the end, it was a very rewarding experience! Now I have two wonderful and talented children,” said Rarity with a smile on her face. The whole workroom was silent, as Annie sat in some fixed trance.

“Annie? Sweetheart, are you okay?” asked T as he tried to pull her out of the trance.

“Way to go, mom! You broke her,” remarked Claire as she broke into a fit of laughter, “And you wonder why I don’t want children.”

Author's Note:

For those of you who would like to see Claire and Illusion go throught pregnancy, I would recommend The Path to Parenthood by FictionFreek. If you recognize any of Rarity's lines, it is because Kilala came up with it for Dragon Babies. I was not being lazy for that part, I just thought it would be perfect for this. Thanks again to Crescent-Blade and LightningSword for proofreading/editing for me.

Comments ( 23 )

Nice putting in Kilala's thing from her deivantart! I keep finding that part so freaking funny! :rainbowlaugh:

That is just awesome. Rarity broke Annie. Awesome. Great job. I loved hearing about when Rarity was pregnant. I can't wait for future chapters. Good luck.

Not helping Rarity, not helping.:ajbemused: But it was down right funny.:rainbowlaugh:

I'm guessing that Fluttershy and Big Mac weren't together in this universe. Also, leave it to Rarity to be overly dramatic. :rainbowlaugh:

5254790 No sorry Big Mac is with CheerIlene in this.

5254804 Fair enough. Do you have any advice about writing Rarity?

5254810 I would say try to write something that she would say and think about how she would say it.

5254810 they (Big Mac and Cheriliee) have a filly named Cherry Jubilee who's about Golden's age

I sat here wondering if Fluttershy's rage was genetic or upbringing. T better hope its genetics or he is going to probably be killed by inherited Flutterrage.

Did you ask to use Kilala Dragon Babies fic

5362162 Yes, and she said I could.

5363160 Cool, kilala is getting a large enough fanbase that people are making bases from and out right stealing her work. So when I see things like a ripped fanfic it makes jump to reporting (which I didn't BTW was)

Love the series, :duck::moustache::twilightoops:

5363160 love the story so far...:pinkiesmile::twilightsmile:

6025971 your welcome.Thanks for adding my story to favorites.

Is this story going to continue?

are you going to complete this story it is quite good.

Has this fic been cancelled? :applecry:

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