• Published 2nd Nov 2014
  • 5,576 Views, 97 Comments

Too Epic for Arrogance - NetherWalker

Vegeta. 1300 years ago, he was a normal kid, with a little less than normal family. But apparently, an Andy Warhol look-alike had other plans. And now, he's in Equestria. They say pride comes before a fall, if so, let's hope it's not a steep incline

  • ...

Chapter IV - Play the hand

“Now you see?” "I" said, my hand gripping the throat of a small alien creature, already huge florescent blue eyes bulging, its black leathery flesh glistening with sweat. My eyes wandered though the world around me was black, staring down other would be heroes far below my flying form, their faces contrite with fear, surprise, and righteous anger. I counted them, about twenty, two alicorns (white and black), three or four human/animal bipeds, and many whose species I couldn’t identify, like the one in my hand. “You cannot defeat a Prince!”

“Why?” The little creature squeaked, tears gathering, “Why’d you do it!?” My head started to turn, like it was on a track, under the control of an entirely different entity. Horror mounted in my soul, like an uncontrollable river smashing against my chest, what had I done? My peripherals were the first to confirm my fears, the slight shine of red, next was my nose, the smell of blood making me sick, and even more so when I saw the sight I saw next. An old man, most likely in his sixties, face wrinkled and smeared with blood, while his eyes were covered by a metal helm. He wasn’t breathing, but the reason was quite clear, not many people can breathe when they have an arm through their lung. My arm seemed to end almost at the elbow, with my fist sticking out the steel plate that was on his back. I laughed at its question, staring awhile longer at the armored corpse that I held.

“Bitch, please, I eat people.” I expressed my amusement by continuing to laugh, growing louder and louder as I garnered glee from the sickened faces, “And now…” I brought the little creature up to my face, giggling cruelly as I did so, “Im’ma gonna eat you.”

“Stick-it weed!” I turned back around to find a huge man, like the one I saw in the painting, Leap at me with a massive claymore, I let go of the old man and the little creature, bringing both hands up to catch the sword, which collided with them, releasing a shock wave that rippled through the giants fur cape, blue eyes shining through his warhelm, thick, accented voice rolling “I will purge your sickness from this universe!”

“Just try!” I shouted back, as the world darkened, and nothingness overtook me.

“Gah!” my eyes shot open as I sat up looking around the darkened room, feeling shuffling I looked around to find the little changelings strewn throughout the small compartment, Another dream, I thought, another stupid, sweat inducing, dramatic as hell dream. Seriously, is my life a 1990's sci-fi soap opera? I picked one of the little buggers off my lap, and chucked him, watching him fly into a bookcase which collapsed into itself. But I didn’t worry,

For one, I just didn’t feel like it,

Two, changelings are tougher than you’d think,

And three, they are VERY deep sleepers.

The little guy stretched a bit from his current book covered position but other than that stayed asleep, so I got up, and made my way past the rest, and through the hallways, down and down and down. Every once in a while punching my way through a wall when it suited me, not as if I actually knew where I was going. Took me twenty minutes but I groggily stumbled from the organic walls of the hive outside, Celestia’s sun slowly rising across the red sands of the badlands, one day had passed since my release, and so far I had done nothing but lose more of my life to a shadow called death. But not today! Today I was going to Canterlot, today I’d get to see the pony world as it was in the show, today I’d get a real battle to calm my boiling blood. Vegeta was back, and he was gonna kick ass!

Meanwhile in Canterlot:

*3rd Person P.O.V.*

“GET THE GUARD UP AND MOBILE NOW!” Princess Luna shouted, her voice echoing throughout the halls, sending guards and servants alike scattering to call forth their brethren. One might have thought a bear had been jostled from its slumber, had there not been words put to it. Though honestly the bear would have been better. “PUT THE CITY UNDER MILITARY LOCK DOWN! KEEP ALL CIVILAINS IN SIDE THEIR HOMES TILL EVACUATION-“

“Princess Luna!” One specific guard called out, trotting through the chaos of rushing Guard ponies, His blue mane blowing about as he skidded to a stop, “What is it? Why are you locking down the city?”

“Ah, Captain Shining,” She addressed him, her frown clearly displaying her distress, “We were just about to call for you,” She glanced about, looking back to the Captain questioningly, “Where is our sister, She should be coordinating the guard by our side.”

“She’s in her quarters drinking tea,” he said, raising an eyebrow, “Why-“

“WHY THE BUCK IS SHE DRINKING TEA!? SURELY EVEN YOU CAN SENSE HIM! ” The Captain was shocked to say the least. The princess had used profanity, which his shiny senses told him meant something was horribly wrong. Also, she was referring to somepony, somepony that had the princess worked into a tizzy, which was very bad. And his eardrums were ruptured, but if what his gut was telling him was true, that was the least of his worries.

“Who?” he asked, pressing down his windswept mane, and looking at his princess’s frantic and disheveled appearance, If he had ever felt fear, then would have been the time. She stared at him, sighing then looking in the direction of Celestia’s tower.
“Follow me.”

Celestia was having a good morning, sure, there were things of menial nature in vast quantity to be done, but she sensed that today she might get a little vacation from all that. She felt like life was about to get a little more interesting. Though with that came an uncertainty, her visitor was quite the louse canon, but his actions were predictable, provided you knew his mood, which in and of itself was a whole other baffling obscurity. For a thousand years she’d pondered and worried, fretted and mused, but she had "learned" that there was no sense in unsettling herself about it, she knew this day would come for a long time, her sister on the other hoof…

“CELESTIA!?” The tea levitating in Celestia’s magical grip shuddered and splashed about, she herself wincing at her sister’s voice. The doors burst open with a resounding crack, nearly being blown off their hinges by the force of Luna’s fretful carelessness. A shame, she thought, there are probably cracks in the door now. “WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!?” she strode into the room, Shining Armor following worryingly behind her, “HAVE THY BEEN PARTAKING IN THE SHROOMS!? ARROGANCE HAS AWAKENED AND YOU SIT ABOUT WETTING YOUR GULET!?” Celestia raised her eyebrow,

“Shrooms?” she laughed a bit at her sister’s antics, “You should know me better than that sister, come, drink!” she lifted a teapot and a second cup while patting the empty cushion to her right with her hoof.

“We think not,” she said, still furious, “we have to get the guard organized to evacuate the city!” she shivered, and took a deep breath, “And if we survive this, what of the collateral damage? It’s nearly winter! How do you suppose we keep the population warm?!” At this, Celestia’s smile grew larger, she brought her cup up into the air, and said:

“With Tea!” Luna stared at her harder than she’d stared at anypony before, so hard, that the blood vessels in her eyes began bursting. *Pop*

“Sister, what blend of tea is that?”

“Zebafrican Red Tea,” Celestia said, taking a sip.

“Is that all?” Luna asked, her jaw fixed in an apprehensive tilt.

“Sure isn’t!” her sister replied, too blissfully for someone in her position, “I added something special, I think you’d like it.” She stated matter of fact, as Shining coughed in an attempt to gain his blue Princess’s attention. Her eyes wandered away from her estranged sister to find him lifting a plastic Ziploc bag from behind a large chair, filled with big, three tipped green leaves. Luna’s jaw hit the floor, it was one thing to accuse your sister of substance abuse, and quite another to find it to be true.

“Sister! You said-“

“That I wasn’t doing Shrooms, really, I only take high quality drugs. Who in their right mind would eat Shrooms!” she took another sip of the laced drink, and poured another cup, levitating to over to Luna, “It’s quite good, you should try it.”

“When did you even-?”

“Yesterday, I sensed him and didn’t want you to freak out because I was freaking so I went out to town in disguise and bought that,” gesturing with her head towards the bag still in Shining’s magical grasp, “Off a nice young Zebra named Weedly so I could calm my nerves.”

“Y-you… you sensed him… yesterday?” Luna couldn’t take it, she would destroy the arrogant fool that would dare to reduce her sister, ruler of the entirety of the Equestrian mainland, into a blithering idiot with the mere knowledge of his presence.

“Yes,” she said, as unbeknownst to them, miles from Canterlot, the skies began to shake. A golden glow speed its way toward the capital, “Sometime during the afternoon.” The inhabitance of the tree speckled countryside looked up, awe and fear gripping their hearts as children poked their heads from the windows, gazing at a light that had not been seen in equestria for millennium.

“And you did not think to start evacuations?” for the first time during their conversation, Celestia showed a hint of worry, eyes widening slightly.

“I-I seem to have forgotten that part,” she blushed and smiling awkwardly, “But trust me, I have a plan, just get all the civilians to safety and we’re good to go!” she beamed as a child would seeking the approval of her parent, and who was Luna to refuse?

“Very well, we will see how this plays out,” she said, sighing, we have a feeling that this will not end well. She thought, making her way towards the door and signaling for Shining to come to her, whispering once he got in range “Stay by her side and signal me once Arrogance comes,” she turned to continue but the young captain stopped her, keeping pace and intersecting her.

“Wait, princess. I need to know what we’re dealing with, I don’t even know what this thing looks like.”

“You’ll know him when you see him.” She moved around him, trotting at a brisk pace down the hall. He turned around, and started to walk towards Celestia, when he stopped, his ears twitched and brow rose. Was that… music?

*Vegeta’s P.O.V.*

“Ba! Ban-nana, ba-nananana!” The epic guitar music echoed through my head, played through my memory to create the imaginary bass and drums, If only I could actually play the music. I smiled as I landed on a street bordered by colorful buildings, leading to the castle courtyard, no resistance, no cannon fodder, no casualties. Heck, I didn’t even sense any civilians. A good, clean, no holds barred fight is what this foretold, well, either that or the princesses were trying to loll me into a false sense of security. Honestly I’d put my money on the latter, but, since I was dead broke It didn’t really matter anyways. I slowly cantered through the street, taking my time and letting the song draw out in my head. I looked up, finding the tower Celestia was in, if power could be seen as light and color could, the entire castle would have shined like its owner’s namesake.

I lifted my hand to the castle gate, feeling out the enchantments that guarded it, a handy trick I’d picked up from a certain bearded unicorn. One enchantment of fire resist, one enchantment of sturdiness, and one enchantment of pure energy resist. Each was strong and well constructed, but if I found the chink in the spells mesh… Ah! I moved my hand to the upper left-hand corner, charging up an energy blast and firing. The grand gate flew from its hinges, flying across the court-yard and into the base of one of the towers, shattering the gate like glass. I was still weakened by my imprisonment, but it matter not, I did not intend to let myself be destroyed, even if Celestia could over-power me. I made my way across the disserted court yard, into the castle and making my way through the wide halls, unlike little Iblis’s hive, the construction of the castle was not purposely trying to confuse invaders, so I restrained myself from blowing holes in the walls for the sake of not wasting time, also, where the grotesque architecture of the changelings was… more practical than aesthetic, I had learned that most pony buildings are rather fragile, best not to go busting up important infrastructure.

I arrived at the top of Celestia’s tower, the door, while quite the work of art didn’t seem to be enchanted. Hell, it wasn’t even locked. I pushed the door open (with force), the smell of tea brushing against my senses. The door slammed against the wall… on the opposite side of the room (I seemed to be developing a habit). I looked around, searching the room for the monarch of the sun... ah! there she was.

*3rd Person P.O.V.*

Celestia laid flat, her belly pressed tight against the over turned couch. Luckily she had the tea still firmly gripped in her magical clutches, though her crown had slipped off, and she didn’t know where it went. But she supposed that mattered little, all that mattered right now was stalling Vegeta, and offering him some delightful tea.

“Come out Princess, It’s time we had a talk.” My, he sounds… scary, she sat there for a second, debating with herself if it was really a good idea to talk with him while she was… stoned. But, he’d most likely only get furious should she attempt to run, or if she simply hid behind the tipped over couch. So, up she went.

“W-why hello Vegeta, fancy meeting you here,” she said after my head crested the top of the couch, looking into the face of the self proclaimed prince, a little confused at the moment, but still the same rugged, masculine face of a foe she’d not seen in a millennium. Same spiked black hair. Though there seemed to be something different about him, he looked… quite debonair, but maybe that was the weed talking. “What has it been? A millennium?” He stood there a while longer staring at her one eyebrow raised high, the other pressed down.

“Are you drunk?” he said, shocking her out of her stupor.

“...No,” she lifted the tea pot over the edge of the couch, “Just having a bit of tea.”

“Then you know why I’m here, if of course you remember my warnings.” His face went back to its usual frown, “Did Luna become Nightmare Moon?” she smiled, so he did know the future… I wonder,

“hmmm, staring at emptied tea cups are we?” she said, lifting her own cup into the air, “I’ve been doing some empting of my own, care to join me?” His frown deepened, and his voice grew more tense, causing her to flinch.

“No, I get my information from a far more reliable source than the bottom of polished china.” He came closer to her, very slowly. He stopped once he was a few yards away, he crossed his arms, “I suppose she’s been freed?” Celestia nodded, “Good, at least she’s not bound by our mistakes any longer,” he cleared his throat as she noticed movement out of the corner of her eye, and looked over to find Shining trying to sneak up behind him, even in this “out of it” state, she still feared for him, apparently she didn’t drink enough tea. She shook her head as sternly as she could, Vegeta’s eyes being closed as he coughed into his fist, meant he wouldn’t notice her actions, but it doesn’t take long to clear one’s throat. Shining stopped, as his eyebrow raised, he tipped his head toward Vegeta, probably thinking that if he got a spell in he could take Vegeta off guard or something so she could finish him off, but he knew nothing. Celestia flung her hooves around franticly, trying to get him to back away, but the eyebrow, that stupid eyebrow was impeding her in her quest to save the dear captains life! … Arg, the weed again, she stopped immediately when Vegeta’s eyes opened, and he took a deep breath in, oh no. Her hooves flew up to her ears as Captain Armor’s eyes widened and he followed suit.

“BUT DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW STUPID YOU ARE!?” He yelled, the furnishings picked up by his voice were flung back, striking the walls. The Captain was flung back too, though luckily he put up a barrier before he hit the wall. “HOW MANY TIMES I WARRNED YOU!? I EVEN WARRNED YOU ABOUT DISCORD, BUT WHAT DID YOU DO?! YOU SCREWED IT UP! YOU LET THIS HAPPEN!! THIS IS ON YOU CELESTIA, ALL OF IT, BLAM ME IF YOU WILL! BUT THAT WILL CHANGE NOTHING, YOU TRIED TO IMPRISON ME FOR NOTHING AND YOU HAVE BEEN PUNISHED FOR IT!” Celestia, sighed, as the room around her began to settle, she looked down to find she’d been pushed back as well, the ground beneath her cracked and torn by her hooves. She had to say something, or he may start shouting again.


“But? But!?” oh dear, “Celestia, Discord turned into the harebrained lunatic he is because he absorbed my power in an effort to get you the elements!” Celestia put her head down; she was beginning to feel a little depressed, was the weed wearing off? “And who knows what you did to push Luna over the edge! And all because-“ *sniff* Vegeta stopped midsentence, looking at Celestia with an uneven jaw, raised eyebrows and a question Celestia knew was itching in the back of his mind, is she crying?

“No!” she said, as her lip started to quiver, “Nope! Not crying, not at all.” Vegeta simply stared at her, face fixed in the same weird look, she brought her face up, and closed her eyes, beginning to shake a little, “Okay fine, I’m crying, happy?!” tears began to flow freely as Vegeta took a step back bringing one arm up as if to protect himself from Celestia’s sudden outburst, though with his clenched jaw and wide eyes he seemed quite unprepared for her strange eruption. “Mean and rude, that’s what you are *sniff* forcing a lady to cry and be sad! Only jackasses of the highest quality indulge in such… such… tichtatatata! ” Vegeta watched as the previously well composed and snide princess spin around the room in a tear filled frenzy, eyes squeezed shut as she had a royal freak-out of a most cartoonish manner. Which in Vegeta’s mind was quite similar to certain behaviors he had seen long ago,

Actually, He felt the desire to put music to it.

“W-what happened to you while I was gone?” Vegeta asked himself, as the solar princess continued to gyrate around her chambers.

“Marijuana,” Shining groaned, as he stretched his back and lifted the bag of weed into the air, “And trust me, I don’t like it anymore than you.” Vegeta stared at the young stallion, looking at him, then the bag, then back to him.

“When the hell did you get here?!”

“VEGETA!!!” The prince in question spun around, finding the lunar Princess, taking in lungfulls of air, staring at him intensely, her face drawn up in a deep scowl. “WE HATH BEEN HUNTING FOR THEE! PREPARE FOR BATTLE!” he stared back, frowning slightly, then smiling.

“Finally! Someone competent to talk to!” he said, “Wait.” he quickly took back his previous stance, looking the princess up and down, “you’re not on weed too, are you?”

“Of course not you dolt!” she replied, “We are not an bungling… Celestia?” Her attention shifting from Prince to estranged Princess, “What in the name of everything that is, was, and shall be are you doing you fool!? You said you had a plan!” Slowly but surely, the white alicorn came to a halt, lower lip quivering as she slid between Vegeta’s legs, laying on her back and gazing at her sister with massive tear filled eyes.

“You two are so mean… I’m going to leave now,” Vegeta looked down at her, His face contorted into a grimace, while Luna watched as she pushed herself from underneath the Saiyan warrior and rolled onto her belly, and in a fashion similar to a worm, slinked her way out of the room, taking Shining Armor with her, “Come on shiny, we’re not wanted here.” He mouthed the word “help” as he was dragged through the door and down the stairs, at which point Celestia stopped slinking, and started tumbling, followed closely by her Captain, as a horrible den arose from their faces colliding with the stone(d) steps, “Oh mother of me, my leg!? Not my-! Oh wait, still there…” she shouted when the racket finally stopped, leaving both the Saiyan Prince and remaining Alicorn princess to stare down the steps as blood started to leak from their noses.

“I just had an Aneurism out of sheer stupidity…” Vegeta said, bringing his wrist up to his nose and wiping away the blood.


“…Well, were we just going to stand around here or we going to fight.” He said, looking Luna in the eye, “Unless you decided to go on and get weaker while I was away.”

“No, problems there,” Luna said turning to face Vegeta fully, “we’ve spent that last thousand years getting ready for a fight,” she smirked, giggling maliciously, “Though I thought our opponent would be a little taller…”

“Funny, I was just thinking the same-“ mid-sentence, Luna charged, her eyes glowing with a fierce power, nearly impaling Vegeta with her horn. Though the prince was far above her in an instant, the sound of him bursting through the roof resembling the shattering of thick glass. The princess looked up the find the dark haired prince charging his attack, smile wide, muscles bulging as energy flowed through him and into his palms, shouting three words she’d never forget,


The world around her turned blue, as the energy beam made contact, obliterating the tower.

Vegeta looked down at the bellowing smoke, watching as it trailed off, streaks of it sticking a midnight blue sphere, which in its center contained a very peeved Alicorn.

“Really Vegeta? An energy attack right off the bat?”

“Hey, you’re the one you tried to impale me mid-sentence.” He laughed, then lowered himself to Luna’s level, “Eye for an eye wouldn’t you say?” Luna got on her hide hooves, black magic enveloping her front ones, forming razor sharp claws, but the magic didn’t stop there, the inky blackness expanded and enveloped her body. Her barrel, muzzle, and wings where all coated in it, creating a inky, glowing armor. The part the covered her mouth made her voice sound deep and ominous.

“Very well, I’ll just have to rip one from your skull!” Vegeta frowned, contemplating his next move before speaking.

“Big sister issues?”

“You have no idea.”

Meanwhile, in Ponyvile

Scootaloo awkwardly shifted in her seat, the pony next to her doing the same. Diamond Tiara looked over at her current bench mate, sitting outside the principal’s office and waiting for her father to pick her up was unbearable, especially since she was sitting next to somepony she’d tried to murder a little over forty-eight hours earlier. Oh, why did she have to be the last one to leave besides me, the fillies thought nearly simultaneously, they had both been doing their best to ignore each other, but it had been a couple hours since the others had left, and not doing anything had left them bored out of their minds. Diamond couldn’t stand it any longer. She had to say something.

That’s it, I’m going to say something, Tiara opened her mouth to speak, but closed it, what should she say?

“Um, nice weather we’re having…” she offered, to which Scootaloo stared at her blankly,

“Yeeeeaaaaah…” Silence regained the upper hand in the school halls, the two fillies held eye contact for a while longer. Till something gained their attention, slight, but very clear bang “What’s that?” the two scrambled from their seats, eager to escape the awkward atmosphere, and lifted the seal to one of the many windows that lined the hall. Once they had stuck their heads out the window they began to look around, Scootaloo’s eyes widening once see found the source of their curiosity. “Over there!” With both of them now facing Canterlot, it became quite clear what the bang was, at least to Scootaloo, as another clap ripped through the skies over the city. “It’s that guy!” she clinched he teeth and pulled her head through the window, speedily dashing down the hall.

“Wait!” Tiara skidded to a halt in front of somepony who she’d only days before considered inferior, but if there was one thing she had learned from her father, it was debt, and because of her actions, mind controlled or not, she owed a lot to the blank flank before her. And if she was talking about who she thought she was, then she defiantly wasn’t going to let her die because she was stupid enough to try and stop that… thing, perhaps it could even count towards repaying her debt. “You can’t.”

“Why not?!” Scootaloo, who was now quite mad, looked at Diamond angrily, her snout scrunched into a frown.

“W-well, because,” She shook her head, and cleared her throat, looking at Scoots with renewed determination, “Because he can use magic without a horn, teleport, and if you are to be believed, fly without wings, and do you have any idea how hard it is for most unicorns to teleport?” Scootaloo rolled her eyes, then seemed to realize that Tiara was waiting for an answer.

“No.” she said.

“Really hard! You have to do all sorts of calculations, concentrate really hard, then expend the energy to relocate your atoms, and this guy did it without a focuser!” at this, Scoots blinked, she’d never really thought about it, but every creature that used action based magic usually had a focuser, or something to help them calculate spells. For unicorns, it was their horns, zebra’s had special magic which used staffs and heirlooms filled will passive magics to cast spells, though chaos magic didn’t require a focuser, the user had to tap into it another way, but was something that could be felt, like a breeze. This meant that the creature she’d met could control his magic with pure will power alone, or his whole body was a focuser, either way, it meant he was powerful. But that didn’t matter, Scootaloo had let him out, and she’d put his back in! “He’s way to powerful for you to handle!”

“Okay, Tiara, first of all, why do you know so much about unicorn teleportation? Second, why do you even care if I die? You seemed eager to do the job yourself a couple days ago.” Diamond backed up, shocked at Scootaloo’s coldness. Her eyes were wide as the little Pegasus stormed past her, and for a second, diamond was tempted to let her go and get herself killed, but then she remembered her debt, and what her dad said about people who didn’t repay them:

Ponies who take something, and don’t give back are little more than thieves. But ponies who ask to take something, then don’t repay are worse than murderers. And then there are ponies who fail miserably at trying to take what they want and then don’t repay the other ponies they hurt, now those are the real scoundrels! Worse than all the others combined.

“Because I’m… I’m…” Scoots stopped walking and turned around, finding a very perturbed Tiara struggling to spit something out, and getting even more annoyed as the seconds went by, the skies still rippling with the force of a battle she really needed to get to.


“Because I’m your nag!” she spat out, causing Scootaloo to nearly choke.

“Excuse me?” she said, looking at tiara with a mixture of confusion and horror.

“Well, you know, slave, servant, serf, vassal, thrall, that sort of thing.” Tiara looked away, now rather ashamed, as Scootaloo continued to try and get over the fact that Diamond Tiara was her “nag”…

Nope, no getting over that.

“… Why?” she asked, still Looking appalled, as Tiara’s pride regained a foothold.

“Nothing you did, I assure you.” she said, staring at Scootaloo down her nose, “But I nearly killed you in the caverns, because I wanted all those pretty gems, and not only did I not get them, but I hurt ponies in an attempt to satisfy my greed.” She huffed, “It’s because of my failures that I have to make sure you don’t get yourself killed, that’s all.” While Scoots was still quite confused, she seemed to understand one thing, this was a matter of Diamonds personal honor, though she did have one question…

“Where was this ten months ago?!”

“Ten months ago, wacko super beings weren’t a regular occurrence.” The pink maned racer mulled this over, deciding that, indeed, ten months ago these things weren’t really that common, But...

“I’m going Tiara, and I don’t care if I die, I’ve got a debt of my own to pay. We all do.” Again, she started down the hall, only for Tiara to stop her again.

“Wait!” She looked back again, Tiara took a deep breath, I can’t believe I’m doing this! “You’re not doing this,” Scootaloo made to respond, but a raised hoof stopped her, “Alone.”

Meanwhile, in Canterlot

“BIG BANG ATTACK!” Vegeta yelled, as a medium sized ball of energy gathered in his palm, and shot towards Luna. A massive explosion enveloped both fighters, as residents from miles around witnessed a great, mushroom shaped cloud cloak the city in smoke and ash. When the smoke had cleared, both prince and princess stood in a crater where the markets used to be, nether one having even scratched the other.

“We were hoping you’d have far less energy at your disposal, after all, it has only been a few days since your release.” The dark magic Luna had previously been using as armor faded away, her mouth guard pulling back to reveal a confident smirk, “But, looks as though we must do this the hard way.”

“Excellent, I was wondering when you were going to scrap the cheap tricks a get straight to the good stuff!” The alicorn charged, now bare hoofs glowing as she pushed her left one forward, Though Vegeta dodged easily enough, simply side stepping out of the way. Leaving Luna wide open for attack, or so he believed. He skipped into the air, flipped around and brought his foot down on the princess’s back, whom as soon as she was hit, faded into nothing. Vegeta’s eyes went wide, as he landed on his feet, and turned his head just in time to see a midnight blue column of energy engulf his vision.

Luna had never even moved an inch, instead, she’d charged a spell, a continuance stream of energy she called, The moonlight pillar. And Vegeta was caught in the middle of it.

Won’t be long now…

Luna’s Eyes widened, what was that? She stopped the spell, and looked around wildly for the voice she’d just heard, It sounded like… She didn’t get the chance to complete that thought, as the dust cleared Vegeta’s anger only thickened, how could he be caught in such a predictable trap? He should have known, the princess of the night, no matter how hard she wanted to be, could never be a warrior like him, or her sister. She was a shadow, who relied solely on tricks and diversion to take down her foes, not her own physical strength. She was a strategist at heart, and relied more on her brain than her body. And that’s why Vegeta would win. He charged his forearms with Ki, letting the energy build up and form, to sharpen like an executioner’s blade.

“AAAAARRRHHHHHAA!” He flung his arms back letting the built up power fly forth in two blue blades formed like an X. The princess, distracted from her thoughts by the shouting, eyed the energy waves for a split-second before her mind pulled itself into gear. Her eyes widened considerably, as she did the only thing she that popped into her mind, dodge. She planted all four hoofs into the ground, launching to the left from her position before realizing her error, Vegeta had gotten her with her own trick! She readied her wings, preparing to blast away, but Vegeta was already beneath her, legs folded and smile wide. His legs surged forward, smashing into the princess’s barrel and sending her flying into the air. She stabled herself, now far above the crater. She clutched her barrel, coughing up blood as she did so, wincing with pain. When she opened her eyes, she found Vegeta was no longer beneath her, not a big surprise there, she thought, lifting her head up and starring daggers at the grinning warrior, his smug face made her sick. Damn, we must get the healing spells running, but this fight might have just been settled with that last move, she smirked a bit, although…

“You wouldn’t want to end the fight… right now, would you?” Luna asked, as her horn flared to life, and florescent blue magic circles burst into existence around her injured body, “You know full well what your power does to Equestrian magic,” Vegeta’s smirk faded, replaced with a thoughtful frown, as he looked on apprehensively at the self repair spells currently healing the princess, indeed, his Ki did strange things to Equestrian magics, unlocking powers even the Celestial monarchs knew nothing about. But he had no time to consider this, all the damage he’d done to Luna was fading away, and fast. His own state wasn’t much better than hers, his skin was unnaturally pale, no doubt a reaction to Luna’s spell, and with that paleness, came pain, some sort of withering effect. Plus, his cloths were torn and frayed, he’d have to repair them soon. No, he had to end the fight now, or Luna most likely would win. He made to charge, but,

Guess it’s time…

He froze up, eye widening, what the hell? He looked around, pulling himself into a defensive position, what was that just then, a voice in his mind? One of Luna’s games? He asked himself, finding that the princess seemed just as surprised, if not more, than him. Though normally, this wouldn’t have deterred his certainty that Luna was involved, he had to consider who that voice sounded like, Luna couldn’t possibly know about him, could she? But the finally piece of evidence that Luna was not the culprit behind the voice, was when the owner of said voice showed up. Vegeta could sense him, like layers of an onion being pealed back to reveal a presence that seemed to have been standing near them the whole time, watching them.

“Hi’ya Vegeta!” Above us!? Vegeta’s mind raced, his heart beat faster and faster, his gut felt as though someone had punctured it with a hot iron, then proceeded to take a cheese grater to his crispy insides. That happy tone, the child-like naivety of it, it could have been him, but there was far too much malice. He dared not look above, that voice ripped feelings from his heart he never knew he had, pride, rage, fear… Envy. He couldn’t look, lest he be overwhelmed by them. “Hey, what’s wrong Vegeta?” the voice said, “You look scared, afraid I’m here to thrash your party?” Vegeta couldn’t stand not knowing, however, and lost to his need to know. Slowly, he brought his head up, looking in the direction of the man now flying above him, and his mind entered a state of complete denial.

Or, perhaps just a pondering silence, the voice echoing thru-out his mind. He really didn’t know why this surprised him so much, or why he felt so strongly about it, but not single thought formed, not a single coherent ramble, not even an incoherent mumbling. Just the stale presence of his lingering surprise, and the image of a Saiyan warrior, not him, but another, A tall, dark haired man, his hair parted into unruly spiked clumps, his muscles, even when relaxed were stretched taught under skin and atop bone, like chiseled stone pressed into a light pink sack. Vegeta knew him, and knew him well, the clown had beaten his canon counterpart on many occasions, both metaphorically, and literally. But this wasn’t the same person, It was almost the same feeling he’d had the day before, when facing down Iblis, an abstract feeling of unfamiliar recognition. Except here, it was worse. Instead of the wide curious eyes of the low-class Saiyan, this one had smaller, beady ones. In place of his Orange gi and blue undershirt, was an almost black gi with a red undershirt. But he recognized him all the same, how could he forget that face, the face…

Of Kakarot?!

Author's Note:

Oh dear, What does this mean? How could Goku be there? Why does Vegeta Feel there is something terribly wrong with the low-class saiyan hero?

Find out, on the next superb episode of

Dragon Ball P!

(Yep, more "edgyness" as many are fond of calling it, apparently this term developed without my knowing and at first, I was like:
"da wah?"
Then I was like:
"Well... huh."
Because as far as I know, edgyness is when a story that is set in a ridiculous setting tries to take itself seriously, but hey, I might not be one to judge, considering this story, but this is fanfiction people, you really think I take this thing too seriously?

Maybe I'm just wound up too tight, but anyways.

Thoughts, opinions, suggestions, criticisms?)