• Published 1st Nov 2014
  • 13,936 Views, 107 Comments

Eternal - Pastel Pony

It takes one monster to understand another... Right?

  • ...

I Never Said That I Want This


As she stepped through the main doorway of her apartment building, Sunset Shimmer turned and waved goodbye to the group of teenage girls standing on the pavement, before letting the door slip shut behind her. Even as it closed, she could still her Pinkie’s high-pitched call that they would see her on Sunday.

Smiling to herself, Sunset ran her thumb over the brightly-colored invitation to Apple Bloom’s birthday party, her name tentatively scrawled on it. It had been nearly two months since the defeat of the Dazzlings and her subsequent new status among the school heroes, but it had still been several weeks of long, hard work to finally get the majority of the school to look her in the eye without sneering in disgust, or, even worse, cowering in fear.

It was worth it.

Sunset slipped the invitation into her pocket in exchange for her keys, which she tossed up and down in her hand as she walked down the hall to her apartment. The girls had only asked once about her living accommodations, to which she had quite firmly stated that: No, she did not live with any parents of any type, never mind the fact that she was a legal adult in Equestria, and that she had provided for herself just fine over the years, given that the small stash of gold bits she’d had in her saddle bags when she had passed through the mirror was worth a substantially larger amount here, thank you very much.

As Sunset turned the corner, an almighty crash resonated from the apartment next to hers, which, as far as she knew, was supposed to be vacant. A quiet groan of pain echoed from the open doorway, and instinctively she stuck her head in to see a girl in a hoodie lying on the floor, half buried in boxes.

“Wow…” Sunset leaned down and shifted a couple boxes before helping the girl to her feet. “You alright?”

The girl sighed and rubbed her arm, “Fine, just… tripped over my own feet, as always, y’know?” She pushed the fallen boxes into a neater pile with her feet while pulling down her hood to smooth her frazzled ponytail, and Sunset blinked in surprise at the suddenly familiar mess of blue hair.

“Wait… Sonata?!”

Sonata’s eyes went wide and she looked Sunset over properly for the first time. “Oh, it’s you! That explains why the magic signature around here felt so high! Huh… that did seem weird at the time.”

All Sunset could do was stare until Sonata waved her hand in front of her face to regain her attention. “Hang on a second, you can’t seriously be moving into the apartment next to mine?!”

The siren shrugged. “Got to move somewhere, don’t I? No more channel for my powers of influence means no more randomly wandering into some hotel and getting a room for free. Not that I mind really, that was always more Adagio’s style. No same place for more than a few days, no same city for more than a week, no same state for more than a few months, no same country for more than a year or two. Always gotta keep moving, keep looking.” She reached down and grabbed the handles of the top box and pulled it up, staggering slowly under the weight into the next room. “Help me with these boxes, will you?”

Against her better judgement, something she knew she ought to listen to more, Sunset grabbed another two boxes and followed after the other girl. “Looking for what?”

Sonata placed her box in a corner and nodded to Sunset to place hers’ on top. “Another portal back home. We couldn’t go through the one we were banished with, that would have broken our channels. Though I suppose that point is moot now.” She fingered the black leather necklace around her neck that was now missing its signatory red pendant.

“Still, I wouldn’t be surprised if there was another spell in place to keep us here… Or maybe not. Without our channels, making the jump to Equestria would probably as good as kill us, can’t afford to run down our internal magic stores with the kind of energy needed to access the portal.” She trailed off, glancing down as she got lost somewhere in her own thoughts.

Sunset hesitated slightly before speaking. “But what does the portal have to do with your necklace? I mean, I knew there must have been something keeping you on this world, but I just figured…”

Sonata shrugged. “It’s… hard to explain. You got any tea?”


“Well, if I’m going to recount the exact nature of the spells keeping me here, I could at least use some tea. I haven’t had a cup in ages.” This said with an accompanying eye-roll.

Sunset blinked slowly. “Right… Okay. Fair enough. I’ve got some in my apartment. I…” She trailed off. The other girl was harmless now, right? “Come on, then.”

Ten minutes later found the two not-quite-humans sitting across from each other at Sunset’s kitchen bench, each cradling a cup of tea in her hands. While Sonata seemed perfectly content to sit in silence and flit her gaze around Sunset’s possessions, the other girl was having trouble keeping her curiosity quiet.

“So, what exactly did those pendants… channels, do?” She blushed slightly at her own outburst. “Sorry.”

Sonata waved away the apology and took another sip of her tea. “They were our cores, obviously. A way to store our internal magic and give us the ability to release it in a… controlled way. Similar to how a unicorn’s horn works, or a conductor for an electric current.”

“Right.” Sunset nodded. “A unicorn’s horn is necessary to properly channel magic and give it a point of release, without it, everything internalizes, and…” She shuddered slightly. “Well… I’ve heard stories.”

“So, our pendants were our channels for our brand of magic. Of course, in Equestria, they were much more… internal.”

A memory of three ghostly creatures with gemstones somehow embedded in their chests flashed in Sunset mind. “So they weren’t always necklaces?”

Sonata shook her head. “Our channels became pendants independent and separate from our bodies when we came here. The spell to externalize the channels also allowed the ability to set curses on them. Any exposure to pure Equestrian magic would shatter them, cut us off from our only safe way to conduct our power, so no jumping into the portal back home.”

Sunset reared back, and stared at her, aghast. “You mean we cut off your only way to channel your magic?! You’re not going to implode or something, right?”

The other girl rolled her eyes. “Of course not. Magic here works differently from the way it does in Equestria, being cut off from it doesn’t pose a dangerous build-up like it does there. Think about it, you haven’t been accessing your unicorn magic here for years, and you’re fine.”

“Did have a massive headache and an itch in my horn when I last jumped the portal, though.” Sunset winced and rubbed her head. “Still, I suppose that should have been obvious to me after living here for… What? Eight, nearly nine years now. Geez, I really was just a little kid when I came here, don’t know how I did it. So wait, where are the other two of you?“

Sonata studied her face with an almost sad expression. “I always found it strange how you ponies could suddenly go from children to adults in just a few years... “ Her eyes flickered down before returning to meet Sunset’s. “Adagio and Aria are gone. As soon as they realized the channels were destroyed for good, they went looking for new ones. Probably in Beijing right about now.”

“They just left you?” Sunset asked, appalled.

Sonata shrugged. “Of course. I was always the weak link. We stuck together here because we could maximize our limited power working with each other, a group of voices is more powerful than one. Now that we’re cut off from our magic, there’s no point to keeping me with them. I’ll only slow them down.” She grinned slightly. “It’s funny. We’re all the same age, yet I was always the little sister who got left behind when the older ones went on adventures…" She frowned at Sunset. "What?”

Sunset tried to shake the shocked expression off of her face. “You’re sisters.”


“Actual, real, flesh and blood sisters.”

Sonata blinked. “All that, yea. Well… I’d at least assume being the only ones of our species, being created at the exact same moment, and being raised together by one pony we all identified as our parent as falling under those guidelines, yes?”

Sunset nodded slowly. “Um… yes, that definitely qualifies.”

Across from her, Sonata offered a small smile that held little of the energy she had seemed to possess when Sunset had met the girl. “It was different, when we properly called each other sisters. We were… softer, back then. Without being consumed by our own greed, our own hatred. It was there… always there… you can’t cut out what you are born with, but when we were little we were just Daddy’s little girls.” At Sunset’s bemused expression, she continued. “Our creator. He raised us, so we thought of him as our father.”

Sunset fiddled with her cup, eyes downcast. “You keep saying that… created, creator… I… What are you?”

The siren leaned back in her seat and sighed. “I was supposed to be a weapon against changeling attacks. Adagio, Aria, and I were meant to be a solution in a time of chaos, guardians against one of ponykind’s most dangerous enemies. We were… born into a time of chaos. Equestria was barely formed, most of the tribes still at odds with one another, and Discord emerging from nowhere to roam free. The changelings encroaching on pony territory from the badlands was more than they could handle. The Equestrian Council deemed it necessary to find a solution, and tasked our father with finding a solution. So, he found a way to create life from certain magical properties and three special gemstones. We were to be eternal beings, three protectors of love and harmony from changeling feeding. Part of the spell he used, however, meant to make our nature reverse that of the changelings, but our power similar. It… went wrong. Instead of getting three perfect angels that spread happiness and could produce the kind of defensive love magic that could repel the creatures, they created more parasites.” She took a steadying breath. “Changelings feed off of love, so we feed off of malice and discontent. Changelings use hypnotic visual imitations to prompt somepony to do their will, we use the sounds of our voices to convince others to do as we say. I am indeed an anti-changeling, but not the way the council intended me to be.”

Sunset frowned, furrowing her eyebrows. “Equestrian Council… But, that hasn’t existed since before… Sonata, how old are you?!”

“Literally or physically?”


“Literally or physically? Physically, I’m only sixteen, have been since forever. I was immortal, I was never meant to surpass a certain age. The magic that created me worked with the intent that I would be young forever, I would grow up quickly, and once I did, I would just… stop.”

“I… But… What…” Sunset couldn’t find words.

“Sunset Shimmer, I wasn’t kidding when I said it was strange how quickly you ponies grew up. I’ve been around since an age your kind barely remembers. I spent sixteen years on our home world, and when my father banished me here, I ceased to age in any form. Perhaps part of the spell that created me and set my growth rates did not carry over between worlds, perhaps this is the age I would have remained at in Equestria. Who knows?”

The other girl ran over what Sonata had just said in her head. “But… Twilight said StarSwirl the Bearded was the one who banished… Oh.”

Deep in Sonata’s eyes, she could see the pain that was a glaring contrast to the innocence they normally held. “Council leader Clover thought him most fit for the job.” She sighed. “However, once we grew out of fillyhood, we began to realize just what our power was capable of. We were always hungry, always needing to tempt a little anger, a little pain, to feed on it. Once Adagio convinced us to… Well, not being starved wasn’t the only benefit. Our abilities grew, and we slowly became insatiable, both for more food, and for more power. Why shouldn’t we have ruled? They made us this way, gave us this empty, hollow pang. We convinced ourselves we had the right. Adagio always told us we deserved to take it all. After all… We were born monsters, it wasn’t our fault.” She laughed bitterly. “Sometimes I like to think if I hadn’t been so hungry, so desperate, I wouldn’t have listened to her. I wanted it too, though, just as much as they did. The power, the prestige. We’d spent our entire lives curbing our instincts as our father told us to. We weren’t meant to be good. Hunting is our nature, ponies are our prey.” She shrugged. “It’s just the way it is."

“We were spared, y’know. In the end. He could have killed us, or destroyed our channels from the inside out… leave us to starve to death. Instead he sent us here, on the condition that we couldn’t return. He made our channels external, so he could place a curse on them. One step back through the portal, they shatter. Game over.” A sigh echoed through the siren’s body.

“And then, after years and years of searching, Equestrian magic waltzes right back into our laps. We still couldn’t return, but to feed off of that stuff… We’d have at least a part of ourselves back, and another chance to take power, to be untouchable. And why not? We didn’t have anything to lose. I never thought…” Her hand closed over the leather band around her neck.

Sunset studied the girl in front of her. “But… Sonata, if you can’t feed without your pendant, then…”

Sonata smiled. “I’ll die. Not immediately, maybe not even for a few years, but it’ll happen. Eventually.”

The other girl gaped at her. “Sonata, that’s terrible.”

Instead, Sonata merely shrugged. “It’s not really. I’ve… I’m different now, aren’t I? I can see it in the way you look at me.”

“You’re less…”

“Silly?” The siren prompted.

“I was going to say innocent.”

Sonata snorted. “I’m many things, but innocent was never one of them. You’re right though, I’m not sure if it’s the breaking of some spell Daddy placed on the pendants to keep our minds young so we could live more age-appropriate lives, or just hundreds of years catching up on me, but… I feel awake for the first time in forever. My head always felt like it was underwater. Unless I was feeding, I was all over the place. Now… I finally feel my age. My real age.”

“But Sonata, you’re dying! I’m… god, I’m sorry.” Sunset sniffed slightly.

“Don’t be. I’m tired, Sunset. I’m so tired. Even before, I could always feel that ache in my bones. Now you’ve given me a few years of clarity and then rest… Finally.” Sonata bowed her head, a sad smile playing on her lips. “And when I’m gone, assuming my sisters go with me, then that’s three more monsters no one has to worry about again.”

Sunset stared at the being across from her, who looked and seemed so young, yet was suddenly so old. All this time she’d been congratulating herself on her redemption, on finding her way back to the light. Yet… How different were she and Sonata, really? She sighed.

“When I was a filly, the only conversations I ever had with my parents was about being the best.” Sonata glanced up sharply. “When I became Celestia’s personal student, I was so happy. She was like a mother to me, someone who really cared. As I got older, however, all I did was get frustrated with how many restrictions she kept on me, all the new and exciting things she wouldn’t let me try. I longed for power, for respect. I grew haughty and cold, distant towards everypony, even her. All I wanted was to stand above all. Then, one day, Celestia told me she’d taken on a second personal student, a filly she’d seen perform magic like no other. I was so angry, I swore revenge and jumped through the mirror portal I’d been studying. Years later, I come back, steal Twilight’s crown and try to use it in some big plan to prove myself that ends up nearly becoming an invasion of Equestria.

“You were created with abilities you tried to keep in check and couldn’t. I was a regular pony given extraordinary opportunities to better myself, and I still royally screwed everything up in my own selfishness. If anypony here is a monster, it’s me.”

Sonata’s eyes flickered over her. “I tried to take over Equestria.”

“So did I.”

“I fed off of others' hatred and used my powers of manipulation to create it.”

“I created hatred just for the hell of it while trying to find a way to put myself in charge of everypony else.”

“I’m a creature that was born a monster and never tried to be anything else.”

“I became a monster of my own free will.”

They both stared at each other, before Sunset smirked, and Sonata grinned back, dropping her head to trace the rim of her cup with her finger. “What now, huh?”

“Well I don’t know about you, but my favorite show is starting in half an hour, and I’ve got way too many chips for one person.”

The siren blinked. “Chips, you say?”

Sunset smiled. “Yes, I believe it’s a custom of this world for friends to share chips while watching television.”

“Friends?” Sonata frowned, worry clouding her eyes. “I don’t know much about that.”

At that, Sunset Shimmer grinned, and stood up to place her and Sonata’s empty mugs in the sink. “Don’t worry, I don’t really either, but nothing says we can’t learn.”

“I’d… like that.”

And both of the not-quite-humans smiled.

Author's Note:

Because I saw Rainbow Rocks last week and just had to write this.

Yes, the chapter title is totally from that song.

Comments ( 105 )

Wow! great job!:pinkiehappy:

This was quite sad. A very different take on Sonata there.

Love the backstory for Sonata here!

I do wish that Sonata would be reformed

Beautiful. Simply beautiful.

school heros


Also, for emphasis, I'd recommend using italics instead of bold. From my experience, italics gets the job of conveying emphasis done much better than bold.

invasion of Equestria.
“You were created with

If it's the same speaker over multiple paragraphs, there is no ending quotation mark at the end of a paragraph. There is only an ending quotation mark when the whole speech is over.

That was a pretty good story. A bit rough around the edges, but I enjoyed this. Nicely done.


Thanks for the tips! :twilightsmile: I never knew that about quotation marks, learn something new every day.

Excellent story! Thumbs up and faved.

Have problem with Sonata,

I don't have belief men are born to be killer,be monster,evil.

That is my ideology, not hers

(Why did people down vote me)

So good... :pinkiegasp:
I mean it, this is just... wow. :pinkiehappy:
Your back-story for the sirens is really interesting. I don't think I've ever seen that take on them before. Oddly enough, it reminded me of the Powerpuff Girls. :moustache:
Maybe someday, Sunset will tell Sonata about the Canterlot High portal. Unless I misread this, and she can never return home. Then again, Sonata could have been lying...:rainbowderp:


Technically, Sonata can actually pass through a portal now, but due to being effectively cut off from her internal stores of magic, she doesn't have the magical capacity to make the jump without risking injuring herself or seriously depleting her remaining power levels, which could shorten the amount of time she has left to live.
Basically, my headcanon (and the canon to this story) is that portals require a bit of natural magic from their user to charge them and allow the subject to make the jump between worlds, so power inherent that resides in all equestrian beings (like we saw Tirek steal). Since Sonata is unable to access her own magic, the portal can't properly either.

Sounds like my bearded brother should've laid off the chemical X.

There's already a fic with this same name.


Meh, with a site this big, it's bound to happen more than once or twice.

Not bad. I don't quite agree with the headcanon here, but it's a pretty decent story.

“So, what exactly did those pendants… channels, do?” She blushed slightly at her own outburst. “Sorry.”

Sonata waved away the apology and took another sip of her tea. “They were our cores, obviously. A way to store our internal magic and give us the ability to release it in a… controlled way. Similar to how a unicorn’s horn works, or a conductor for an electric current.”

“Right.” Sunset nodded. “A unicorn’s horn is necessary to properly channel magic and give it a point of release, without it, everything internalizes, and…” She shuddered slightly. “Well… I’ve heard stories.”

“So, our pendants were our channels for our brand of magic. Of course, in Equestria, they were much more… internal.”

You know, I thought about this after seeing the movie, and I don't think it quite makes sense: If those jewels were literally part of the sirens, and turned into amulets when the were banished, shouldn't Sunset and Twilight's horns have turned into, like, magic wands or something?

It would actually make more sense if the jewels were a set of magic artifacts from the beginning, because we know for a fact you can bring those from Equestria and still use them. (Twilight's crown, natch.) That would also explain why there aren't any other sirens terrorizing Equestria.

They're looking for new magical gems in Beijing? Huh, the Chinese really do manufacture everything nowadays. :rainbowhuh:


Actually, the jewels became external pendants via a spell by StarSwirl when they were being banished, so that he could place the curse on them.

And part of that was mostly just inspired by the holographic Sirens in the film, which literally did just have giant fucking jewels bursting out of their chests.

5216688 That is actually a fault in the movie my girl friend hates about the EG universe. She hates how Rarity and Twilight have no manifestation of horns when their magic pops up. I don't think that is a flaw in this story, considering the movie already screwed that up.

Well, that was unique. It bothered me a little bit at the time that they'd been banished for so long... I put it down to the fact that maybe time doesn't quite run the same way between the two worlds, but this is an explanation as good (and a little bit darker) as any,

Great work.

Just out of curiosity, have you read the comics? Because your description of how Sunset ended up going through the portal doesn't match up with what happened in the comic.


No, I've always intended to read them, but never got around to it.

Regardless, I don't factor the comics into canon material when writing my stories, as quite a few people, me included, consider them their own sort of mini "this might have happened" universe.

I've read pretty much all of them. Quite a few of them actually go above and beyond the show's average quality, especially the ones by Cook & Price. There are some absolute gems in there, like a two-parter where Big Mac goes into Ponyville to get a single nail to fix a wonky board.

Anyway, I think the comic detailing Sunset's time as Celestia's pupil is actually the official prequel to the first Equestria Girls film, so that's a thing.

I liked this a lot. When I saw the film, I was certainly not a fan of Sonata. She was just the usual ditz with the obnoxious voice. Seeing this story, however, and seeing the sirens' history through her perspective, is rather refreshing. Even though Sunset was on the other side and saving the school, it only becomes a reminder that she was like them once, so this can be a way for her and Sonata to connect.

any chance for MOAR?

And that's why I adore sunset and sonata being friends. :twilightsmile:

This was an awesome story! :twilightsmile:

Interesting take. I kind of thought the pendants allowed to channel magic (so destroying them put an end to that), but my personal headcanon was more along the intrinsically immortal, but unable to access magic end which would make for a pretty miserable existence. That and the inability to access the portal has less to do with a lock/spell than it does with not having the right kind of magic to activate it. I certainly wouldn't have considered them as created beings. Honestly, based on their forms, I'm surprised no one has a story about them being transformed Windigos or at least related to such.

I like it. I never connected sirens to anti-changelings, but it works incredibly well...
I'm a little heartbroken by the fact Sonata will die :fluttercry:

Good play, I'd like to see more but its excellent as a one-shot.

Huh, interesting. I don't agree with the headcanons, but I liked the story itself, so yeah. Nice. :pinkiesmile:

It's good to have characters work off each other, in this case it is no different. Great job, Pastel! :pinkiehappy:

5216913 I agree with you. No horn, no worth. May as well be Earth ponies.

I like it .

I was sad for Sonata. Tragic, really. Its like she got cancer (fuck cancer), nobody deserve to die like that.

Then it got better with Sunset's intervention. "Monster" by nature VS "monster" by choice, yet neither are monsters in the end.

I'd like to see where this could go, but its a good piece on its own too.

Maybe their tentative friendship will blossom into something else (or not), maybe they'll find a way for Sonata to not waste away (or not).

The gem bit made me think that , maybe, Celestia/Luna are the Dazzling 2.0, with most of the bugs taken out. She's wearing her golden gem-collar nearly all the time (luna seem to have a different variant of her own, not a gem but maybe a shaped semiprecious stone shaped as a moon?)..


Holy shit. :rainbowderp:

Someone else finally thinks Celestia and Luna are artificially created life forms

That's more or less the basis of my personal headcanon, except that in the case of the princesses, they learned their lesson and started out with... live beings, so to speak.

One day, I will get around to writing that Celestia and Luna origin story. :twilightblush:

Damn, this is something I'd love to see continued, intriguing idea, and you're one of the more talented writers on this site...

meh I'll settle for a one shot.

I like it another.gif
Are you going to make more or just leave this fic like one-shot? Just wondering.

cute little story (Y)


Just me speculating here..

IMHO there's plenty of weird coincidence and probable explanation that could justify that they aren't "born", but made. Maybe they are the result of a fully powered up EoH, eating all the bearers and combining them all into one (2?) uber-alicorn beings (for Twi , S1, they are at "bearer" stage, then S3 they are at lesser Alicorn stage, S4 they powered up to gestalt/shiny status, next would be fusion to alpha alicorn? Look at how OP Twi is already. Where Celly and Luna rule, Twi is the chainsaw that solve all the annoying problems they can't be bothered to blast themselves (maybe they even hold back, as to not obliterate everything everywhere if they cut loose).

Just the fact that the princesses have a "move the sun/moon at will" cutie-mark is a big point in favor of "there's no way in hell someone is born with that cutie mark and expect it to work on that scale". Imho they have been made to do that job by design, so massive teams of unicorns could do something else.. like planning the fight against Discord (of old).

And they (princesses) have mastered the EoH to the point they had 3 each.. without being normal bearers, and no one without the EoH could hope to defeat him (discord).. they happen to have it by chance? Nah. it was planned.

Heck, maybe Disco/Tirek are artificial too, older experiments in controlling the forces of the universe (Discord) or failed weapons of war (Tirek, the energy sucker) that turned bad (Changelings, love-powered bioweapon that didn't turn out quite as planned).

I am indeed an anti-changeling

We weren’t meant to be good. Hunting is our nature, ponies are our prey.

Other than that, yeah, this is a great fic.

Rainbow Rocks turned me into a Sonata fan, and I have to say, I'm glad this story shows off the less ditzy side of her.

And she's going to die now? Well, going from immortality, I'd say that would actually be a relief after being trapped on that world. I'd definitely like to think that each of the Sirens aren't going to just drop on the spot at some random time, rather the detachment from their jewels and therefore from their immortality will actually set normal aging back in motion. Sonata (and possibly Adagio and Aria if they chose to) would then have the chance to live a normal life, grow up, get old, and then die. Call it a personal headcanon, if you like. :scootangel:

But seriously, great work. Love Sonata, love Sunset Shimmer, and LOVE this story! <3

You know, I always figured the sirens were evil because they were apparently the only beings in that school, and probably both worlds, who didn't have inherent musical talent. I mean, seriously, everyone sings in these movies! The Mane6 don't even have cutie-marks in music and they were still able to beat the likes of Octavia and the Dazzlers in a contest of music! Imagine if your destiny, the thing you're best at in life is something that literally everyone else can do, plus other things like making dresses or throwing parties. I think I'd be pretty bitter if that were the case.

I love your version of Sonata.

The Sirens were Sea Ponies who decided evil would be more fun than singing Shoo-Bee-Do all day long. :trollestia:

That title makes me think of Eternal by Evanescence. I think it fits, personally.

Anyway, that was beautifully written. It's definitely been interesting seeing what kinds of headcanons people have come up with for the Sirens. Starswirl being their creator is a new one, and it's honestly quite brilliant.

I've also seen enough of the "curse of immortality" theme to know why Sonata would accept her imminent death so readily. It's still a sad thought though, to go from being immortal to slowing dying.

Jesus Christ, how have I not considered the possibility that Luna and Celestia are artificially-created life forms, created with a specific purpose?

She's wearing her golden gem-collar nearly all the time (luna seem to have a different variant of her own, not a gem but maybe a shaped semiprecious stone shaped as a moon?)..

I imagine that, like the Sirens in this story, Luna and Celestia's power would be internal within the realm of Equestria. Still, I could see Luna's regal symbol being made of mithril or something.

This is good. I'm not very good with words, so i'm not going to waste them on incoherent babbling. Though I would like to point out something to some people who are sad for Sonata dying and/or saying her defeat is like cancer, it's probably more like her age resumed from 16, and now she'll live for maybe 80 or so years(depending on health and medical advances) and then pass away from normal, human old age. So don't be sad that she'll die, be sad that she will have to go through that much longer of time until she can finally rest. Curse of immortality and all that. Also, for Sonata saying "a few years", you have to remember that to immortals, 20 years is like a blink of an eye. So a 'few years' to Sonata probably means '80 to 100 years' to us.

TLDR: The Dazzlers defeat didn't give them cancer, they'll just live relatively normal human lives now.

Well, that was rather nice.

Doesn't quite mesh with my own headcanon, but very little does. Thumbs up.

I see I'm not the only one to see the whole Battle of the Bands incident as basically a death sentence for the Sirens. Now they're probably doomed to slowly starve to death.

Interesting headcanon, perfectly wrapped into a somber package. A great fic, and a great song too.

After all, it takes one monster to understand another...

Fuck? :rainbowhuh:

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