• Member Since 25th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago

Discorded SheepcityUSA

Sub-Par author with a somewhat light-hearted and silly writing style.


This story is a sequel to A Tad Screwy: Screwball in Canterlot High

Many months after her reforming, Screwball is living happily with her new friends. However, when The Dazzling's come into the picture, Screwball witnesses just what they're capable of, and threatens to expose them. But from the looks of it, The Dazzlings want her on their side, so she's given an offer she'd be crazy to refuse.

She knows they're up to something, and she wouldn't mess up her chances with her new friends just to get complete and total admiration from everybody else in the school...

...And a cool-looking amulet...

...And an even more-badass singing voice...

...And awesome hypnotism powers...

......Yeah, this might be a tougher choice than she thought.

Read the first story before this. You will understand NOTHING if you don't.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 51 )

“Weren’t you listening to the phone guy? You need to make sure the animatronics don’t kill you by shutting the doors, looking at the cameras, and conserving your power!” Rainbow said, sitting on the bed across from the desk where Sunset was sitting. Right now, she was practicing her awesome guitar skills on her old, light green guitar. She’d had this thing for a while, and it was a little rough around the edges, but it sure did get the job done.
Sunset looked back at the computer screen, where she was seeing what looked like the inside of an old, crappy pizza restaurant, complete with super-creepy looking animatronics of a bear, chicken, and bunny. What was Rainbow trying to pull here by making her play this? And why did she have to wear headphones while doing it?

*sigh* F*cking FNAF.

“Maybe cuz we wanna see your reaction~” Pinkie said with a big smile. She was sitting right next to Sunset, watching her play. She also had a can of whipped cream with her and would occasionally squirt some of it into her mouth…


“O-Oh goodness Sunset. Are you alright?” Fluttershy asked, kneeling by Sunset’s side and checking her over a little. She appeared to not have taken any physical harm, but she was breathing abnormally fast. Considering the circumstances though, that wasn’t much of a surprise.

At least you have a heart.

Applejack stopped drinking her cider for a moment to chime in. “Rarity, ya threw your headphones against the wall when ya lost…seriously. Fluttershy had a more stable reaction than that.”
Rarity unfortunately had no comeback for that one outside of pushing her hair out of her face, giving and offended huff, and returning to painting her nails.


A very, very pissed off Screwball.
“Girls! I am going to war here!” Screwball yelled rather loudly in her angered state, and she appeared to grind her teeth from the rage she was enduring.

Oh dear.

“Alright, so dad was playing poker last night, got SUPER wasted, and ended up betting my hat in the game while I was asleep…and LOSING IT!” Screwball growled.

Oh boy.

“Now Rainbow, let’s not jump to any conclusions…” she said quietly and calmly.

Thank you.

Screwball facepalmed and groaned a little at the aggravation she was under over the entire development. “Look, I don’t blame my dad for this. Hell if he never got drunk off his butt before, I never would’ve been born. I pretty much owe my entire existence to him and alcohol….but that’s not to say I’m not mad, cause listen. It gets better. I never even told you has my hat right now.” Screwball said. She reached into her hair and pulled out a small flier that depicted two, smirking men wearing the same blue and white shirts with black bowties and white pants. Both of them also had the same red and white hair and same light yellow skin. The only visible differences between them was one of them had a mustache and the other did not, and one had a badge depicting an apple with a piece sliced out of it, and the other had just an apple slice badge on its own. At the bottom of the flier in big bold, white letters were the words “The Flim-Flam Brother’s Everything Under the Sun Emporium”

Of course. Also, Brothers'.

Screwball put on the best deadpanned look she could muster. Sometimes, Fluttershy was just too nice for her own good. “Flutters, I love ya and everything, and normally I might be a little considerate. But these jokers broke all three of my rules.” Screwball said, holding up a finger. “One. Don’t screw with my hat…” Screwball then held up another finger. “Two. SERIOUSLY, don’t screw with my hat” Screwball held up a third and final finger. “And three…can you guess what it is?” She asked looking at her friends.
The girls all deadpanned. “…Don’t screw with your hat.” They all said in unison.


“Exactly.” Screwball said with a nod. “Now who’s with me?”


Screwball raised an eyebrow and looked at Rainbow’s computer screen, only to see the title screen that was filled with static and a menacing looking animatronic bear staring right back. “…Nope. Not touching that with a ten foot pole.” Screwball retorted.
Rainbow frowned and snapped her fingers. “Dang it.”


This type of negativity is what mainly filled the air of the city that night. And in the middle of it all were three lone figures, all wearing different colored hoodies and all had the same, jewel necklaces around their necks. One of them was a girl with purple skin and had a large pair of purple and blue pigtails that were tied up with star hair clips. Another was a blue-skinned girl with big, innocent and dopey-looking eyes and a light and dark blue ponytail.
The last appeared to be the ringleader of the group. She was a girl with yellow skin and a big mass of yellow and orange hair sat on her head, and she had a malicious smirk plastered onto her face.

How do they even FIT all that hair into their hoodies anyway?

The sinister moment was broken however, by the blue girl. “Hey girls! Can we get tacos now? I’m hungryyyyy!” she whined.
“Sonata, stop your whining for one, stinking minute. We’re on a mission for ultimate power here.” Adagio said, looking back at Sonata with an annoyed frown.
“Aaaaw.” Sonata whined again, this time with a slight pout and crossed arms.

You're like a mildly malicious ditzy Pinkie Pie with no toon powers and less funny. Seriously, when I saw Aria and Sonata I thought "Ditzy Pinkie" and "Grumpy Rainbow".

Mind if I make one small suggestion?

“Justice will be swift! Justice will be painful! It will be delicious! Flim and Flam will face our wrath!” Pinkie yelled.

Here's what I think...
...MOAR PLZ!!!!!:pinkiehappy:

Looks good so far! :twilightsmile: Can't wait to see what happens next!
Also, I didn't spot any background humans in this chapter. Did I overlook a paragraph or something?

:pinkiegasp: THEY WERE PLAYING FNAF!!!!!!

“Okay sooo…what am I doing in this game Dash?” Sunset asked from Rainbow Dash’s computer, sporting a pair of red and yellow headphones with her cutie marks decorating the ear portion with a little bit of a confused look on her face as she stared down the computer screen.

Bro... come on, I know that you can see what's wrong here. That is one heck of a run on sentence.

6044439 This is what happens when I don't have an editor. :twilightblush:

Also, any overall thoughts on the story itself right now?

6044897 Not enough Sonata.

Seriously, when is one of the girls gonna start driving one of those things.

Hey if the Dazzlings try to seduce Screwball tot he dark side. you think she can get them to play Five Night's at Freddies as well, do what Rainbow Dash did to her. As way to bonding with them, and trolling them.

FNAF? Seriously, Rainbow? Seriously? Not to say it's a BAD game, but having them play it and give them NO indication of what it is? that's just MEAN.:flutterrage::trixieshiftleft::ajbemused::pinkiegasp::facehoof::rainbowkiss::rainbowlaugh:

Sunset looked at the girls, save for Applejack and Screwball, and they all gave her a shrug. They’d known Applejack a lot longer than Sunset had, and even none of them quite got Applejack’s attachment to her hat. “…Woooow, you guys take your headwear very seriously don’t you?” Sunset said, looking at Applejack and Screwball.
Both girls nodded. “Very” They said in unison.


Flim and Flam flinched for a moment, but were not deterred from their standing. “…Well there’s no way we’re giving it back after that remark.” Flim replied.

You're pushing your luck.

Sunset clenched her teeth and fists and was surely about to punch Flim in the nose. Before she got the chance though, Screwball put a hand on her friend’s arm. “Now now Sunset, no need to get YOU’RE hands dirty. It looks like Flim and Flam aren’t really willing to compromise, so I’ll just talk to them one on two alright? They’re probably all defensive because there’s seven of us against them.” Screwball said calmly.

YOUR hands dirty in this case.

“Lovely~…oh, but before you guys go...” Screwball turned to Rainbow Dash with an expectant look in her eyes. “Rainbow, can I borrow you’re guitar for a second?” she asked.

Again, YOUR. Something that belongs to you. You're is a contraction of you are.

“Y-You…wrecked my guitar…” Rainbow stuttered in what sounded like a mix of shock and anger.
“And any innocence I thought you had just went down the toilet...” Sunset muttered with the same look as the rest of the girls.

No kidding.

Rainbow, at a complete loss for words now, could do nothing but walk over to her guitar, or what was left of it at least, and pick it up, staring at it in shock. “…That girl…is…evil.”

You have no idea.

Ever wondered why Rainbow needed a new guitar in this short?:

Fair enough.

This chapter took way too long for me to write. Mainly because I've never written Flim and Flam before and wasn't all that confident. Tell me how I did please. :derpytongue2:

Ya did well.

Note to self: DON'T F:flutterrage:CK WITH SCREWBALL'S HAT!!!!

6249960 Thanks for pointing the errors out. I was up kinda late getting this one done so I was sorta sleep deprived at the point those came up. :applejackconfused: Fixed.


Not a problem, a tip for next time, if you're tired, it can wait for tomorrow, we can wait an extra few hours for a chapter.

Somewhere in the middle of the gym, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle were painting a poster of their own and having just as good a time as anyone else was; all three of them smiling big as they worked.

And thus begins Rainbow Rocks.

“SUNSET SHIMMER! OVER HERE!~” Sunset heard the unmistakable voice of Pinkie Pie call to her from across the gym. When she looked at the smiling, frantically waving girl, she saw that she was with the rest of her friends, working on their own poster.

Never change Pinkie.

Sunset smiled to herself. At least there were a few that were willing to put up with her. She started to walk toward them, but as she did so, she could hear everyone whispering amongst themselves and all giving her that same, judgmental look she’d been getting ever since the last Fall Formal. And here she thought reforming one of the biggest nuisances the school had would help her be seen in a better light.

Aye. Guess not.

“It does?” Just after Fluttershy asked that question, Pinkie shoved the entire poster in Fluttershy’s face, leaving frosting in several places Fluttershy’s nose and face.
“I used frosting instead of paste!” Pinkie said, giggling a little at the sight of Fluttershy’s face right now.

Ah yes, this adorable scene.

Screwball instead, very slowly, licked the frosting off of her, making her flinch a little in disgust and confusion.


“Screwball that’s just…creepy.” Rainbow Dash said, slightly wincing at this.
“And…unsanitary I’m sure…” Rarity added.

She has a point.

Screwball put her tongue back in her mouth and let out a slight groan. “My favorite food is straight frosting okay? I know I have a problem, don’t rub it in.” she said, turning her attention to the poster, starting to drool a little at the smell of frosting. Fortunately, Pinkie could tell exactly what she was thinking and put the poster behind her back and away from Screwball.


“I’d honest to God be satisfied with just a tub of frosting...or five.” Screwball responded looking up at Sunset. “So, what’re you guys doing?”

Double heh.

Screwball did not smile and agree like Sunset was expecting her to. She instead, gritted her teeth a little and looked in another direction. “Yeaaaaah I would but….I can’t.”

Why not?

“Oh believe us darling, Screwball has the exact opposite of stage fright. She can’t enter the music showcase because she was banned from singing at CHS.” Rarity said, giving Screwball a scrutinizing look at Screwball’s really uncomfortable demeanor over the subject.


Applejack responded with a deep exhale of annoyance. “Because o’ that stupid stunt she pulled at the talent show last year. She sang at that thing and well…”

Oh boy...

“We’re ready to begin the last act for the semi-final rounds. Whoever scores the highest from the judges in this round will move onto the finals. Now without further ado, let’s complete the semi-finals with Miss Screwball, and her original song titled…?” Vice Principal Luna looked down at the card she was holding and read the name of Screwball’s song again to make sure she was reading this right. “…her original song titled “Assumptions”. She said with a little bit of a confused expression as she walked off stage.

Oh boy.

And anyone that likes,
Can just kiss my
Assumptions are really funny,
But embarrassing to relive ,
If you think my song is dirty,
I have no fucks to give!

... I got nothing.

The silence was broken after a few very awkward seconds by the sound of Discord in the audience howling with laughter. “PFFFHAHAHA OH THAT’S MY GIRL ALRIGHT! HAHAHAAHA!”

Of course.

“She seriously went through the effort of making it to the semi-finals just for that one joke.” Rainbow Dash said with a facepalm. “And it’s the reason we have to get our lyrics approved before performing now.”


Screwball looked up at Fluttershy, Sunset, and the rest of the girls with sad, cute-looking puppy dog eyes. “…C-Can I work the p-pyrotechnics?” she asked, stuttering a little.

... Err....

“…O-Oh dear…” Fluttershy mumbled.

You said it.

:pinkiehappy: more Screwball, yes! and apparently, a fan of Rick and Morty, or like me has stumbled on that song somehow. (Ill thank Berry Punch for the events of that...)

and now that the Dazzlings are here... :coolphoto: Da Magicks may begin.many of my favorite characters in the same area. WOO!

Get Schwifty

Now you MUST have her sing another certain dong during the showcase

I believe it goes

"Head bent over! Raise that posterior!"

“You WERE pretty bad at the Fall Formal.” Fluttershy said, getting her tambourine ready for practice.

She has a point.

Screwball winced again and slowly opened her swirled, purple eyes, blinking a little bit. “Ngh….Sunny, whyyyyy? I’m so tired and I have pig syndrome from all that frostiiiiing.” Screwball whined.


“That’s only most of the time.” Screwball yawned. “See, I was going home to chew dad out for losing my hat last night and….well….I caught him watching some…very inappropriate things on the internet and…the computer apparently froze on a…very naughty part.” She said with an uneasy face.

Oh geez.

“To be completely honest that’s not what had me disappointed in him the most. No, what DID was the fact that he’s so technologically impaired that he couldn’t get it off the screen….so he had to ask me to get it to go away.” She said with a deadpanned expression. Rainbow’s laughter heavily increased after that, and she had already fallen on the floor trying to contain it.

That'd be funny if it weren't so pathetic.

‘Because there is no way in heaven, hell, or on Earth that I’m letting Screwball of all people near coffee.’ Sunset thought to herself.

Good idea.

“…What the heeeeell?” Screwball asked.


She hoped to God it was just her subconscious being stupid.

Sadly, no.

“…Nobody’s gonna question the fact that that guy basically wants to date a horse?...no? It’s just me then?...m’kay.” Screwball said shrugging. She then quickly realized her mistake when she looked at Sunset, who had a pretty upset look about her now. “…OH MY GOD I AM SO SORRY YOU KNOW I DIDN’T MEAN IT LIKE THAT!” Screwball practically yelled frantically, looking really panicked that she might’ve just made her best friend sad. She didn’t know if she made Sunset sad because of mentioning her previous relationship with Flash or if the word “Horse” was a racial slur towards ponies where she was from, but she was really not good seeing her friend like this.

Relax, you can say you were just horsing around.

Sunset chuckled a little and patted her head. “Of course you can. I can use all the help I can get when it comes to making new friends.” The two of them then smiled at each other as they left the room and headed toward the main foyer. “…By the way, what the heck does it mean to “get schwifty?” Sunset asked.
Screwball only shrugged. “Pfff I dunno.”

Of course.

‘Wow…their hair is ridiculous.’

It really is.

6693004 no have her sing the moon men song!!!!!!!!!!!!

6694890 No, Head bent over

BUT! Have Discord sing Moon Men!

6695040 his voice WOULD be perfect for that song...

The raging voices in Screwball’s head intensified

Didn't know Screwball was connected to the internet

She’s the kind of absurd little girl that finds humor in way more things than she should.

Makes 2 of us.

Adagio looked back at Sunset and followed her, gesturing for the other two girls to do the same. “Oh yes. We really sense there’s something magical about this place” Adagio said, smirking a little. Aria did the same as she did, only slightly more menacing-looking and Sonata just kept her usual, dopey grin.
“A-AHK-SUBTLE” She said under a couple of fake coughs.


“...I dunno about you Sunset, but I think my chances of being friends with them are about as good as getting struck by multi-colored lightning on Friday the 13th with all the planets aligned.” Screwball said, very visibly deflating.

You'd be right.

“…Girls…I have an idea…it might lose us some brain cells in the process and Aria, you’re probably going to hate it, but I'm positive it'll work” Adagio said with her eyes widening a little in realization.

You forgot a period at the end of work. Also, what are you scheming?


You also forgot the same after Screwball coughing Subtle. One tip I recommend is once you've typed the chapter up, read it out loud to yourself and keep an eye out for anything that may be missing punctuation wise.

“R-Rgh. Y-You gotta get s-schwifty…” she mumbled, followed by a slight burp.

You know what time it is?


This is gonna be good. And sonata NEVER CHANGE!:rainbowwild:

As soon as I read "Phone Guy" I was like" Thats a FNAF refrence!":rainbowlaugh:

I remember that songfrom paper mario!


You misspelled first also first is the worst:rainbowlaugh:

The pair managed to find their friend’s table and sat with them; Sunset next to Applejack and Screwball directly across from both of them. Applejack could take one look at their expressions and gather that something wasn’t right with either of them. “…Sooo uh, how’d the tour go? Ya’ll make a good first impression?”

What do you think?

"Now hang on Rainbow, I’m gonna let you finish but I just wanted to say…never make the obvious joke of making fun of a prepubescent kid’s height. It’s way too obvious. I mean, I’m twelve gimme a break.”

She's right. Wait, she's TWELVE!? How is she in high school?!

The girls all just gave her a highly disturbed stare with widened eyes. “Erm, isn’t that rather morbid?” Rarity asked with a cringe over her face.


She’d dealt with a Screwball once before, and there was no way in hell she would be able to take dealing with another one again, only even MORE regularly than before.

Right, they probably dealt with the Equestrian Screwball.

(aside from Vinyl Scratch who was still head-banging to her own music through her headphones)

In the words of Nowacking, "Vinyl don't give a f*ck!"

‘Okay this is like, Disney-baddie levels of subtle now. I know I’m not subtle by any definition either but come on.’

She's right.

Dramatic as hell, overly emotional, freaking out at even the slightest sign of a pimple, and as stupid and horny as a human being can come.

They can be.

“Well Ah suggest we let Principal Celestia know about all this, and then they’ll be kicked to the curb in no time!” Applejack chimed in, attempting to stay positive about the grim situation that had just reared its head.

You really think it'll be that easy?

“Wait and see. Humph. My ass. Don’t want to let me help, fine. I’ll do this myself.” She said angrily as she narrowed her eyes. “Cue the music.”

Deadpool reference. *ding*

7080567 Hehe

Oh and she's twelve and in high school for pretty much the same reasons the CMC are. I'm not entirely sure why the reason for that is either in the movies, but I'm assuming CHS is some kind of multiple-grade level school or something.


I always assumed they were just 13 maybe 14 at the oldest and the Mane 6/Humane 6/7/whatever you want to call them, were around 16 or 17.

Ahh Screwy.... Sorry in advance...

7080829 thats the general assumption. Or at least the one I go with.

i had a feeling that last line was a deadpool refrence. I was right. Yay me.

“I see no reason for our voices not to work on her. After all, just like everyone else she’s only human. Not much to her outside a pair of deformed eyes and pre-teen angst.” Adagio said confidently. The three girls were then thrown completely off guard by the sound of the very familiar and childish voice of the aforementioned girl.
“Pre-teen angst? Woooow you really don’t know me at all after our few minutes of meeting. I’m hurt.”

And just like that, the fun begins"

Taking that into account, Adagio frustratingly threw a punch Screwball’s way to get her off her back. To her shock though, she moved her head completely out of the way of her fist. She then proceeded to grab Adagio’s arm to hold her back for just long enough to shove the chloroform rag into Adagio’s face. It didn’t take long for it to begin to affect her and her eyes slowly began to close. Her mind started to drift off and lose focus of the situation and was starting to black out.

You may be taller and stronger, but Screwball is probably more used to physical violence than you are.

The last thing she heard before completely losing consciousness was the sound of Screwball whispering in her ear. “Shhhhh just let it happeeen. Everything will be okay. Trusssst me~”

Hehe, ya know it’s funny. Whenever I see a couple of girls tied up like this, it’s usually for more…how do I put this…’R-rated’ things.

You've, been to the weird side of the Internet only accessed through Incog mode, haven't you?

“Uuugh difficuuuuult” Screwball groaned loudly. “Fine, fine. You are sort of my captives so I GUESS you deserve to know that much. Lemme explain the obvious to you. See, my mind’s already loony and completely unhinged as it is. It’s like trying to play with an RC helicopter with no rotors, it’s pointless. In other words-“ she then raised her hands upwards to the ceiling with her demented smile spreading from ear to ear in probably the most terrifying display it could be, considering a little girl was doing this. “I’m already mad as hell~”

You're like a little girl version of the Joker. I mean Mark Hammil's Joker because I can see him saying that line, and it terrifies the pants off of me. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to run after my pants. GET BACK HERE!

She rubbed her forehead slightly to try and get rid of the incoming headache. “Ooooh man...I really just did that didn’t I? Either I scared them shitless enough to not try anything terrible or I just doomed the school. Fuck.” she groaned to herself. She then felt her phone vibrating in her pocket, signifying she had been texted. Curious she pulled it out and read her newest message.
Celestia and Luna aren’t any help right now. Time for plan b. I had to call in some help. Meet me and the girls out by the statue. There’s someone I want you to meet. –Sunset
“….Double fuck.” Screwball said after reading the message.


I would have gotten this chapter out sooner buuuut ya know. Had to finish up my first year of college first.:derpytongue2:

I know the feeling, I just finished my Finals.

Noice rick and morty reference

I guess she really, SCREWED UP! :facehoof:

I kinda see Screwy getting jealous of Twilight with Sunset and the others, and being tricked by the Dazzling into helping them with their plan, but when they don't need her they betray her, and they trap her so she can't interfere. Then we can see the new protective big Sister in Sunset come out, looking for Screwy and forgiving her.
I hope its something close to this.
When is the next chapter coming?
Are you doing a story for each movie?

Very nice and water to see a return!

So is this story dead because I'm hoping it's not plz continue :applecry:

“Justice will be swift! Justice will be painful! It will be delicious! Flim and Flam will face our wrath!” Pinkie yelled.

Did Pinky just seriously quote Nora Valkyrie from RWBY

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