• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen May 10th

Gabriel LaVedier

Just another University-edicated fanfiction writer who prefers the cheers and laughter of ponies to madness and sorrow.


Why the Spanish in the title? Why not? I've seen some pretentious stories use gratuitous Latin. At least this is an homage to Voltaire's hispanic heritage. And I mean Voltaire as in Aurelio Voltaire Hernandez, Cuban-American Gypsy-Gothic Rock singer.

Inspired by a fic that made very, very poor use of a Voltaire song, I thought his lyrics deserved some justice. So, I've gome up with this little series. Some good songs, accompanied by vingettes revelvant to the lyrics. It will run the gamaut from wonderfully sappy to dark and scary. That's Voltaire's magic, baby.

Some OC content, all from previous stories.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 50 )

Voltaire eh?

Fun fact:
Voltaire once wrote a paper making fun of a French noble, so the noble once called him out of the house for a private meeting at night. The noble's guards started beating him while the noble watched. When he went back to his house and told everyone what happened, his guests all mocked him. When he challenged the noble to a duel to the death, he was thrown in prison.

'Canción' is feminine in Spanish.

Therefore the title should be "Las canciones de Voltaire"

Another striking piece, nothing short of amazing. Keep doing that voodoo that you do!

I just found Aurelio Voltaire Hernandez, his music is awesome. Will read later, then make a real comment

I haven't read it yet but YES Voltaire! Nice to see I'm not the only one who uses his songs as the basis/inspiration for stories.


As an old time fan, I know the song well. And I always intended for Discord to get that song. He fits it to a T.

And here's me trying to actually learn Spanish. I'm very bad with gendering, at least as far as remembering which is which. Let me see if I can correct the overall title.

Dammit, you brilliant bastard. I am stealing your idea now.
(oh god cupcakes + straight razor cabaret, YOU ARE GOING TO LOVE MY PARTIES!):trixieshiftright:


And not Lyra. :pinkiehappy:

Holy hell sir, you continue to amaze me. Now to go listen to that song.

Oh bravo! I loved this story and all the wonderful couples...I liked Silver Spoon getting some love and Zecora was adorable as always. Braeburn is so adorable! And eee! Cranky and Matilda! :heart::heart::heart:

This was classic.


This very nearly had 23 Couples, all the ships I support, including two more cases of foalshipping (One was Dinky/Pinchy, the other is going to be in the next story). I also wanted to include Spitfire and Soarin, and the Cakes. But I decided to cut back a bit.

Thank you for singling those coples out in particular. SilverTiara is a VERY underappreciated ship.I like to promote it where I can.


Hehe. Oh man. I can't believe that. I will do that song justice.


I almost forgot to ask, why didn't Fleur seem to recognize Swallow and Aggie, you'd think they'd be memorable enough?


She's not really looking. She's sort of filtering things out because there's a lot on her mind. Plus the tables are arranged such that you can't see your fellows too well. And as a last thing, she met them once at a dark-ish club. So there's little chance actual recognition would result in recall.


They are sort of a unique couple and she definitely looks at them, even with a disinterested, angsty filter I would think she'd realize who they were.

Oh, I agree that we need some more Silver Tiara, I can imagine those two would be cute when they aren't being pricks to everypony else to boost themselves.

"That music was to sweet and pure to twist" That should be "too", and the some of the phrasing could have flowed better. Gabe, my lad you're slipping...nah, good story, more Gildixe!

The Snips and Snails was a surprise, the Scratchtavi adorable and beautiful. The Gildixie? Heartbreakingly sad and sweet at the same time. Simply fantastic all around, dearest <3


I call it "Puppydog Tails" ^.^

Gilda and Trixie are still Gilda and Trixie. They may be together but they are still themselves. Plus, one is an ethnic minority and one is a cultural minority from a social majority. "Happily ever after" isn't in the cards just because they do the equivalent of waving a wand and wishing really hard.

Damn fine work yet again. The Vinyl themed drink was a nice touch and I did not see Puppy-dog Tails coming. I keep wishing for Gilda and Trixie's happiness more and more each time you write about them.

You are missing an S on stallion near the start of the club flashback.

At the start it should be elude not allude, then in 'I always give in too the night' it should be to.

Yay, more wedding! I have to say I prefer Luna's ceremony to Twilight's. Plus, who else is going to comment on the bride's virginity? That whole bit had me giggling

The modified memory is an interesting little twist, but I still hope that soon he can say those four words.

I was going by the lyrics from the CD booklet. And by ear it could be either, and if the first two lines are taken together then it could be a tortured but proper construction to use allude.

Strong Bad calls that kind of un-photographic memory Doodle Memory.

He has a long way to go before he stops being, as he said, the Black Knight-Errant. He loves the land so much he can't stop being a hero.


Then the booklet is wrong and misprinted as the context says elude. Stupid English language and it's homophones.


Quite possible. Ahh well, the story was still good, right? One fun thing to note: the ceremony is species-neutral.

:pinkiecrazy: You have no idea how much I <3 you for this fanfic.
:pinkiesad2: Please tell me you will make 'The Beast of Pirates Bay' with pipsqueak, it will be beautiful.


I hadn't considered it. I haven't really listened to "To the bottom of the sea." In fact, I only have Voltaire's first five albums. Next was going to be "Death, Devil, Evil Songs" with the lyrics copied by listening to the song on YouTube. I try not to do things I don't have the booklet for.

I had also considered doing "Crusade" with Changelings. But really, my prior plans were "DDESongs" and then "When you're evil" for Discord.

:pinkiecrazy: Oh you should listen to it also I love that album [To the bottom of the sea by Voltair]

:pinkiehappy: Also the ones you chose are delicious can't wait for them. please keep up the epic work my friend.

:pinkiecrazy: I <3 you as you have no idea! This is epic my friend!


A fitting final chapter, I think. Thanks for sticking with me through it all :pinkiehappy:

729996 :pinkiecrazy: Please tell me that is clearly a joke... There are many awesome Voltair songs left that deserve a good story...

Edit. My head I am a bit drunk.

Not that I mid. Missing an N in mind.

First, did you mean to truncate the last line? You know how that bugs me.

So we've finally come full circle from that terrible little story with the whiny little author to a quite well done execution. I wasn't sure about it at the start but you meshed the song beautifully; and then, so many references throughout.


Formatting this one was a nightmare. So mant tags to add and such. Anything that pisses folks off is almost certainly unintentional. I'll give it a look.

Also, yes, references. Discord works well as a fouth-wall-breaking pop-culture spewer and general reference-maker.


I don't get it. If you mean the ellipsis, well, I wanted an unspoken "more happened after the song ended." Ambiguity: Discord approved.


Listened to the song again, you are right. I guess 5 a.m. is a bad time to remember things.

There's something unique and ineresting about your Applecora pairing, I'd like to see more of it. (Other than that one about racism.) Whenever I read these sort of sweeping, rapid-scene-change romance stories, I always hear this song in my head. You're rapidly getting closer to being my favourite fanfic author.


As I said elsewhere to Tuume, they are hard to write for. First of all, Zecora presents problems given her rhyming, though it makes a great exercise in poetic forms. Then there's the age matter. Sure, time passes and you can show that. But even when she's a slightly older teen it's still inappropriate in a context. My own idea is that the Equestrian age of majority is 16 as in many other places. But still, some folk don't like it.

I'd love to do more, but there are just so many other stories in the queue, and so many problems with writing it.

Interesting. Will be in my read later list.

Some of them settled back down onto the plants and ground, while some swarmed even high, almost reaching for the stars.

I am wondering if this maybe should be "even higher" or if my linguistic knowledge is failing me.


No, you're right. In my defense I remember I wrote this one without a word processor so it got even less scrutiny than usual.

I always give in too the night

I think this should be "to the night".

Well, i see my expectations have been fully met. Very nice ... it was almost as I've been listening to the song itself while reading it, though the breaks between the lyrics seemed to be a little bit too long, but that's due to the nature of the medium ... so not much that can be done i guess. Anyways ... silly Brony, underestimating the Spirit of Chaos.

I like that Discord mentioned that detail about the fire in the window ... even better that he failed to mention the screams. At least i think i remember faint screams.

Once again ... a very nice piece work! :pinkiesmile:

Now i finally reached the end of my queue and can start with the long-eared temptress. Huzzah!


Allow me a little chaos before you attempt to bore be back to stone."

bore me back to stone.

Suddenly the human was behind what looked like a security panel with a number of screens showing a few sleeping ponies, Discord there in all the screens at once, looking sneaky and cheerful.


Yes, the fire and screaming are why I made Discord much more unpleasant and threatening. There is some canon support for the idea that he's a real monster.

The hen leaned down and nuzzles the mare's graceful throat


really liking your Trixie/Gilda stuff.

I'm kind of disappointed. Not by the technical side of this little story or anything like that, just by Discord's characterization really. Discord is often portrayed, like here, as evil. But he's chaos given form.... Chaos isn't evil nor good, it is unpredictability. Disorder. Randomness. There is no morality or any such a human idea or concept about it, chaos doesn't 'pick sides' so to say.

Might have been better to use Nightmare Moon or Sombra or Chrysalis for this song instead. Of course I don't believe that Nightmare Moon was evil, and Chrysalis was just a power hungry idiot...

That said, I did really enjoy this. Despite having a dislike normally for seeing ponies getting hurt in even minor ways.


I dislike it too. It's why Discord was careful to mention it was essentially a holodeck the size of a small pocket dimension. No actual ponies with actual lives.

Chaos, observed from outside, has the appearance of evil because it works contrary to intentional, ordered acts. "Natural Evil" is often the result of chaos (which is what we call naturalistic effects with too many variables to calculate.) Also, having a sapient will and unlimited power renders a being capricious, and perpetually bored. They end up like Yahweh, a bloodthirsty goon who uses murder and destruction as an ego-boost in order to force worship from the cringing bug-creatures that they torment.

"Uncontrolled, power will turn even saints into savages, and we can all be counted on to live down to our lowest impulses."
-Parmen, Star Trek: The Original Series, "Plato's Stepchildren."

There was a hie fic that featured the music of Voltair. Does anyone know the title of this fic ? It featured lyra, in love with a human. It also featured dr whooves, as his vortex manipulator was how the human was transported to equestria. The story seems to have disappeared from the HIE fics. I really enjoyed that fic.

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