• Member Since 10th Oct, 2013
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Convicted Bibliophile (Buy me a coffee, will 'ya? https://ko-fi.com/flint_lock)

Comments ( 96 )

It is always at that point where Twilight finds the answer and it is now too late.

Just yank those tears out why don'tcha? Very emotional. And I could hear RD saying that. She's not one to have a long talk, she'll just say what she wants and that's it. Love it love it!!! :applecry::fluttercry::applecry::fluttercry::applecry::fluttercry:

You did a pretty solid job of keeping it true to Dash's voice, but each letter goes on just a little too long. It becomes a list, and it's hard to carry emotional impact with a list.

Upvote for the potential it has, but you drew no feels from me.

I see. Thanks for the feedback!:twilightsmile:

Der feels! Mah heart! Hrrrgn! *Dies*

Damn. Just. Depressing. Good. And well, kinda explains what I'd say to my friends if I were to die. Nice writing. It kept true to everything it was meant to be. Now if you'll excuse me I need to go cry because of this.

I am a very sad individual right now!

Still, excellent writing nonetheless...

I read fics like this, and sometimes a few dark ones too. I'm perfectly sane, so why in the wide, wide world of Equestria do I find things like this pleasing?

Maybe it reminds you that compared to the characters in those stories, your life isn't all that bad.

5037853 Maybe, but the stories never make me cry.

She just had to kill herself instead of letting the cancer kill her later... I guess it's fitting though, to die by doing a sonic rainboom but still, poor Rainbow! (I don't know how to do those pony emoji things so just imagine it's there)

This... is so.. RAINBOW. DASH. Dude, you had her character down... I... I don't know what else to say :fluttercry: Great job. :rainbowdetermined2:

I keep hearing "Spirit In The Sky" by Norman Greenbaum, but that's because I'm old. (In this fandom "old" is two years past high school graduation, but anyhoo...)
I hope I'm able to write a farewell letter this cool before I pop my Dr. Sholls shoes. This gets an upvote from me. Well done!

This was nothing short of awesome.:rainbowdetermined2:


Blabid's feels

Born: When they were born

Died: When I finished this story

5038067 What epsecially sucks is, in one of the chapters I'm writing for a story, Rainbow goes on this angry/sad mini-rant after she's told Lightning Dust got her wings cut off, and she's just so...out of character compared to the one in this story that I feel ashamed. :fluttershbad:

Damn, this was a good one, certainly felt like something Dash would write, not to mention do. All in all, heck of a one shot and I give ya props for it. Well done, and hope to see other stuff from ya when inspiration hits.

I know its dashes final good buy. But i can help but smile at it. It doesnt feel sad

Short happy life and leave a smoking crater. What a way to go.

How could I have done better?

I almost lost it just by reading Scootaloo's name. Take my fave. You've earned it.




Rainbow Dash,.... NEVER DIES!!!!! :flutterrage: She broke the sound barrier Successfully! This is a sad and STUPID fanfic that is more of a "What if" Factor, in other words, RAINBOW DASH WOULDN'T DIE JUST BY BREAKING THE SOUND BARRIER! She did it MULTIPLE TIMES ALREADY! This story is nothing more than a hunk of sadness dipped in the death of MY FAVORITE MLP CHARACTER! THIS STORY BLOWS! I've never read anything so stupid since "Dear Scootaloo!" HONESTLY! Why are there so many tragic stories!? I DON'T LIKE IT! I HATE IT! :fluttercry: WHHYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!?????? :raritycry::raritydespair::fluttershysad::fluttercry::applecry::ajsleepy:

5039641 The problem is that you're only looking at the surface of the story. All you see is the words of the letter, not the bigger picture. Consider everything that isn't being shown directly. What makes this great is that it shows that, even facing her own death, Rainbow Dash stays true to herself. This isn't a suicide note, it's a declaration that she refuses to stop living just because she's dieing.

5040258 See my previous post.


*the whole gang reads the suicide note, taking in each section dedicated to their respective selves and attempt to stifle their sobs*

"Hold on... that can't be right." Spike whispers.

*Spike raises his eyebrow and gives the note a personal lookover as it falls from the hooves of his trembling friends.*

"Let's see... Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Twilight, Scootaloo... don't see Spike anywhere." Spike shrugs, "Well, f*ck me I guess."
*Spike scratches his frills before choosing to walk away from the crying group and into the sunset, brandishing two middle claws toward the skies :moustache:.

Element of Loyalty

could have amputated her wings and stayed loyal to her friends and possibly Equestria because of that whole Rainbow Power stuff, despite the fact that it would throw away her dreams possibly forever.

I don't know, this doesn't sit right with me. Other than my convictions, it just doesn't make too much sense to me, which is probably why I didn't feel any emotion. Now, if she had died as a sacrifice-for-her-friends type of thing, ignoring all cliches, it would make sense and probably have more impact. *shrugs*.

Whatever man, you still got a good reception, good job on that, bro. Better than anything my story got in this short timespan.

5040258 Someone hasn't read a Dash Dies fic before. I think there's an author out there that literally all of his stories are Dash Dies fics. Good ones, at that. I think he's the one that made the dizzitron kill Rainbow Dash. Hold on lemme look it up real quick.
*five minutes later*
Here it is. So not all of his stories are Dash Dies fics, but most of em. Meh. I'm not a fan of the genre, since Rainbow is my favorite pony, but oh well. They're just fics.

..right? :fluttercry:

I don't know how anyone could make a suicide note with humor in it...:rainbowlaugh:
That's dashie for ya! This was really good but there was no emotion. But I don't really care, I loved it!:heart:

5041214 part of loyalty is being loyal to yourself. Yes, it's great to be loyal to others, but you're just as important. While some would argue what Dash did was selfish, couldn't the same be said of her friends if they forced her to live without wings?

Deep depression after parents killed still hasn't killed self

After getting wings amputated she kills herself.

I must be stronger than her

She hadn't had her wings amputated yet.

Well balls to reading I haven't slept in 5 days been to busy doing work for school

5041214 well, due to her not having wings she would fall into a depression and eventually stop eating, sleeping, and stop going out, which would eventually lead to her death. its quite inevitable if you ask me

Comment posted by Flint-Lock deleted Sep 23rd, 2014

Well, they could've gone with a wing transplant. Fluttershy likes to walk anyways >.>

For some reason, fics like this always drive me to try and find a loop hole. They could have used the Mirror Pool for an endless supply of replacement organs. Or forced a Cockatrice to preserve her until a cure was found. Or there are so many things Discord could've done, including bamphing off her wings and giving her new ones. Or theres always the chance of a persistent version of the amniomorphic spell. If they were desperate, Twilight with the Alicorn Amulet could probably rebuild Rainbow from the hooves up.


They could have used the Mirror Pool for an endless supply of replacement organs.

The ethics of that seem somewhat sketchy.


If it was okay for Twilight to vaporize 20+ Pinkies, then it's okay to snap their necks and harvest their delicious organs.

5042254 Sure, her friends could be called selfish if they forced her to live. But Dash herself would still be selfish for killing herself just for THIS story's specific reason, and this isn't bout her friends having a possible intervention, but Dash's mind itself.

If this was some regular person, it wouldn't be so selfish. But this is a worldwide hero, integral to a group that would need her cooperation for any Element stuff to possibly save the world again. It's almost like a dad who kills himself, disregarding his duty to his family because he himself chose to end his own pain instead of taking away his family's, except Dash is on a larger scale.

And considering her entire basis for loyalty is about her friends, putting their goals and well being over her own (see the second episode of the show), it just doesn't make sense that she'd choose to give up and let go. Unless she decided to not follow the Loyalty thing anymore, but that'd be crappier. In my mind, at the very least, it makes more sense for her to bear all of the pain as long it's for her friends and the world, or at least to fight whatever grim looming future that would keep her from accomplishing that, rather than resigning to a fate that could still be left to chance.

And as for herself being just as important as her friends, I don't think that's how THEY would think of that. They would view each other as having more value than themselves, like really good friends tend to do.

It just doesn't seem right.

5042762 Sure, that would happen if she didn't have a bunch of fantastic friends who care the crap out of her. And that would happen if she was one who'd just give up on life after losing her own goals rather than Equestria's safety (Element stuff, I'm pretty sure that Rainbow Power thing would require all six).

Plus, after that talk to Scootaloolooloo about the flying thing, and after putting her friend's welfare and happiness above her own MANY times (at least she learned to do so... unless she didn't learn anything which I don't think is the case.) it would seem contradictory to choose to kill herself.

Eh. I didn't quite buy it. Partly it's inconsistencies in the tone, but mostly it's the premise, which I don't blame you for; this is a really hard premise to sell.

5043366 one question: scootaloolooloo?

Comment posted by Baraka Obama deleted Sep 23rd, 2014

I loved this story! I loved her trying to spell those words, that was a laugh.:twilightsmile:

You are, without a doubt, the coolest egghead in the history of eggheads.

I couldn't have said it better!:raritywink:

5043343 Dash strikes me as the type that would prefer to go out with a bang. I know I wouldn't want my loved ones to watch me waste away, confined to a bed, slowly growing weaker. Besides, for RD, living without her wings wouldn't be living at all. I would hate to see one of my best friends going through life with that kind of pain. I fully understand her reasons for doing what she did, and I can relate because I've had family with terminal illnesses. My grandfather is currently dying of Alzheimer's, and seeing him regress into that child like state is one of the saddest things I've ever seen.

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