• Published 10th May 2015
  • 5,882 Views, 47 Comments

My little Omniverse - Time Agent pony

while on the trail of Micheal Morningstar, Ben 10 and his partner are flung in the land of Equestria, what will happen?

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I don't think we are in Bellwood anymore

Up in the sky somewhere outside Bellwood, Rook Blonko was piloting his proto-TRUK, while his friend and partner Ben Tennyson (Ben 10 for short) had transformed into one of his many aliens and was flying alongside him. Ben was able to transform into different aliens as a result of him wearing the Omnitrix, a watch like device containing the DNA of a million alien species. The alien he had transformed into was called Big Chill, who was a humanoid moth-like alien coloured blue, black and white.

"Anything?" Big Chill asked,

"I'm picking up a disturbance up ahead. Location: the Bellwood power plant" Rook replied,

"I've got a good idea who's behind it" Big Chill said

"Funny" Rook said, "I may have the same idea"

Both Big Chill and Rook landed outside the power plant. Rook used his proto-Tool to blast the doors open, then he and Big Chill proceeded with caution as they entered the building. Rook who was leading, hand motioned to Big Chill to stop as they looked around a corner. They saw a door left open and heard the crackle of electricity coming from it. Big Chill nodded to confirm he understood and as he and Rook charged forward he slapped the Omnitrix symbol on his chest. In an instant Big Chill had changed into another alien, called Feedback, with the power to absorb any kind of energy.

They entered to see Michael Morningstar (formally known as Darkstar), who had hooked himself up to the power plant's generator.

Micheal Morningstar was an old friend/enemy of Ben, he could drain the life force of any life form just by touching them.

"Freeze!" Feedback declared.

Michael stopped what he was doing and turned to face the heroes, "Freeze? I'm way to evil for that" he said, with a smirk.

"Is this what you've been reduced to, Michael?" Feedback asked in disbelief, "Gwen used some of her power to restore you and this is how you repay her!?"

"Ah, yes" Micheal replied, still smirking, "and how is your dear cousin, the lovely Gwen?"

"You're going back behind bars!" Rook said.

Michael detached himself from the generator, his clenched fists glowing with golden energy.

Rook fired a few blasts from his proto-Tool.

Michael absorbed the blasts like they were nothing more then a light snack.

"My proto-Tool can't touch him" Rook said in disbelief.

"You can't, but I can" Feedback said, "all I need is a little boost".

One of the plug-like appendages on Feedback's head plugged itself into the generator. The energy from it ran down into Feedback's body.

"Alright" Feedback said, "I'm all charged up, let's do this!"

Both Feedback and Rook charged at Micheal.

After a fierce struggle Feedback managed to drain some of the energy out of Micheal.

Micheal collapsed to the ground, almost drained of all his energy.

Feedback changed back into Ben.

"You're under arrest" Rook said to Micheal, taking out a pair of energy cuffs.

But before he could put them on Micheal, suddenly there was another crackle of electricity, then a flash and a portal appeared.

"See you, Tennyson" Micheal said, and with that he dashed into the portal.

"We have to go after him" Ben said.

"But we have no idea where this leads" Rook replied.

"Well, I guess we'll find out" Ben said, and with that both Ben and Rook dashed through the portal after Micheal.

Both Ben and his partner found themselves falling through a vortex of rainbow colours before they reached the other end of the portal.
Suddenly Ben and Rook were lying on green grass in some kind of garden. Ben was the first to regain consciousness.

He groaned, "I hope we don't have to do that again".

"Are you OK?" asked Rook.

"Yeah, I'm alright" replied Ben. He looked around, "Where do you think we are?"

"I have no idea, but I don't think we are in Bellwood anymore," Rook said.

"What was your first clue?" Ben asked sarcastically "So where on earth are we?"

"I can't be sure," Rook said, "This doesn't look like any planet I've seen in books"

"Hooves in the air!" a voice called. As both Ben and Rook froze, they saw that they were surrounded by what looked like pegasi and unicorns, wearing armour and helmets. They were also armed with spears, which they were pointing at Ben and his partner.

"Whoa!" Rook gasped, raising his hands as he realized the spears were being pointed at both him and Ben.

"Why do I feel like this is Dr. Animo," Ben groaned.

"I don't think that it is Dr. Animo," Rook replied, "These ponies haven't been altered in anyway".

"How did you know what they are?" asked Ben, a bit shocked that Rook knew what the creatures were.

"I do a lot of studying and based on their physiology that's how I know," Rook replied.

"Silence!" a unicorn wearing different armour to the other ponies said, using the magic from his horn to jab his spear forward to intimidate Ben and Rook.

"We do not mean to harm you," Rook said, trying to reason with the unicorn.

"We hear a lot of that," the unicorn replied, "Now why are you trespassing in the royal gardens?"

"Royal gardens?" Ben asked, shocked.

"You are standing in the royal gardens of Canterlot castle," the unicorn said.

"Canterlot?" Ben repeated even more shocked.

"Castle?" Rook asked, then he looked up and saw the castle they were outside of.

Rook turned to the unicorn guard, "If you would give me and my friend a moment to speak with the ruler of your land we can sort this misunderstanding out".

The guard, who seemed to be the captain, looked at the other guards as they pondered what to do. Then the captain nodded, "Very well, we'll take you to the princesses".

"Thank you" Rook said.

"Princesses?" Ben said, almost speechless.

"But, to make sure that you don't double cross us..." the unicorn guard captain continued, as another unicorn guard levitated cuffs and placed them on both Ben's and Rook's wrists.

"Hey, what gives!?" Ben cried in protest, Rook nudged him.

"Play along," he whispered.

"Follow us," the unicorn guard captain ordered as Ben and Rook followed the guards into the castle.

As they walked through the castle both Ben and Rook couldn't help looking at interior decor.

"Hey, look at those" Ben said, as he and Rook saw some stain glass windows with images of more ponies and other creatures portrayed as though they were in battle.

"Those windows seem to depict some kind of tales, but I do not know of what" Rook said.

"You think we're on some sort of other planet?" asked Ben.

"None I ever been to or even heard of" Rook replied.

The captain and his group of guards lead the two into the throne room, where two thrones were up ahead. Perched on them were two tall equine creatures with wings and horns. One had a white coat, a wavy mane that was a mix of colours, a sun image on it's flank, she was wearing a crown on her head, and a necklace around her neck. The second was a shorter equine with a dark blue coat with a matching wavy mane, a moon image on her flank, a crown on her head, and a necklace around her neck.

"You're highness" the captain spoke up.

"Yes, what is it?" the tallest one answered.

"Sorry for the intrusion, but we found these two strange creatures in the royal gardens" the captain answered.

The two were curious as to what creatures were, as the shortest one replied, "Bring them to us."

The guard nodded and motioned the other guards to bring the two heroes forward. When they reached the throne the guard announced, "Behold their excellencies, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna!"

When both Ben and Rook got a look at the two sisters, Rook tried to hold in his surprise, while all Ben could do was stare at the Princesses. He was by now awestruck.