• Published 13th Sep 2014
  • 22,292 Views, 1,240 Comments

Twilight's World - grouchopony

Instead of getting Spike a birthday present, Twilight finds herself trapped in a closed universe. A fictional universe, she believes, where nothing is real. Mike has a different opinion about that.

  • ...

23. Waking Dreams

Celestia's sun peeked over the distant mountains, soon to brightly shine its light over the sleeping town of Ponyville. As the sun rose higher above the mountains, it found the crown of a singularly large oak tree that happened to be located on the western edge of that town. Even before the sun's rays brushed that tree, a small flight of blue finches resting within its branches were stirring about, breaking the dawn's silence with vociferous chirps and tweets as they greeted each other and flirted about. Among blue finches, flirting was always the first order of the day.

Also situated within the upper branches of that same tree was a window. As the sun rose, its rays bore down, demanding entry into the window, to which the window happily acceded. Within the hollow bole of the tree, the streaming light illuminated a large alcove which happened to serve as a bedroom. To one side was located a very sturdy, low-slung bed. Near the other end of the room was situated a large basket that also happened to serve as a bed. Unlike the first bed, which clearly had not been slept in, the basket was occupied.

Saucy bird calls outside the window went unnoticed, drowned out as they were by the sound of loud snores emanating from the basket's occupant. Nor did the sun have any effect upon said basket's occupant. Even as the first beams of golden sunshine crept up to the basket, the occupant’s response was to simply roll over and curl up beneath his blanket. If anything, the sun's warming rays merely served to make the slumbering dragon more comfortable.

Within his castle of dreams, immune to the bothersome sights and sounds of the new dawn, Spike was dreaming; sharing endless tubs of Sapphire Swirl and Ruby Pistachio ice cream with none other than Rarity.

“Oh my dear Spikey-Wikey.” Dream Rarity spoke. “I cannot tell you how glad I am that you invited me over for this ice cream tasting. To show you my appreciation I've brought you this little gift.” Dream Rarity brought forth a full container of the rarest and possibly most exquisite of ice creams. “May I present you with a gallon of Diamond Jubilee Ice Cream, straight from Princess Celestia's special reserve.”

Striding forward on his long masculine legs, Sir Spike the Knight took the precious tub of ice cream from where it hung, levitated in Rarity's magic. He leaned forward to thank her with a courtly kiss. As Sir Spike’s jewel-crusted, ice-cream-smeared lips approached Rarity’s, he closed his eyes, anticipating the sensation of her soft lips upon his own.

“Rarity?” Spike called out questioningly, puzzled as to why they had not kissed yet. Opening his eyes, he could not see the white mare anywhere. “Where are you?” He called out anxiously, for everything had disappeared, Rarity, the ice cream, everything. Instead he found himself surrounded by a white infinity.

“My apologies, Spike, for so rudely interrupting your dreams.” Spike whirled around to his left to see a dark blue mare appearing out of the mists.

“Princess Luna!” He exclaimed. “Am I glad you’re here. You gotta help me find Rarity!” The diminutive drake, now showing his normal stature, demanded anxiously. “She was just here and now she’s gone. It’s not like her to run off like that. What if she’s in trouble?”

“I am sorry Spike. That was just a dream. Rarity was never actually here.”

“I don’t get it. Why are you saying Rarity was just a drea─m?” Spike’s verbal torrent stuttered to a stop as he realized what was happening. Oh no. Now she knows how I feel about Rarity. Anxiety filled his thoughts.

“Uh, I guess you saw that, didn’t you.” Spike’s cheeks were flushed with scarlet. "Could you, ah, please not tell anypony what you saw? About my dreams, I mean. About Rarity. Please?” He asked, begging piteously.

Luna smiled. “Never fear, Spike. Your dreams are yours to dream and I shall never reveal them. That is our Royal Promise.”

Upon hearing that, Spike smiled with shamefaced relief, raising his left claw to rub at the frill of spikes behind his head; embarrassed yet feeling a surge of relief.

“Uh, Princess Luna?” Now that his secret was safe, Spike could not help but give voice to his curiosity. “Why are you here in my dream? I know you sometimes help out ponies with their nightmares but ─ I don't think I was having a nightmare.”

Luna tittered. “Indeed you were not - Sir Spike.” Spike flushed with renewed embarrassment at Luna’s jibe, yet felt pleasure upon hearing the honorific. Luna continued. “Your dream was one of innocent desire and self-fulfillment. Would that all were able to dream as contentedly as you.

“No. I have come to ask you for your morning report. I thought that I could bring some cheer to my Sister if I received your report while you still slept. I could then bring it to her as we meet together for our common meal this morning. I know that otherwise she would fret as she awaited your awakening.

“We realize that you are a young dragon, still tender of years and needing your rest -

“Tell that to Twilight.” Spike muttered under his breath.

“- so I have devised this scheme to obtain your reports in a timely manner without any undue imposition upon yourself.” Luna finished her explanation, looking expectantly at Spike.

Spike stood there, feeling a glow of satisfaction as he absorbed the implications of the fact the Princess had come to him.

Luna blinked impatiently. “Well, Spike? Do you have anything to report since my Sister's visit to the Library yesterday?”

“Huh? Oh yeah. I guess something did happen last night.”

“Oh happy news indeed.” Luna thrilled, breaking out a warm smile. “We should be most interested to hear about it.”

“Well,” Spike eagerly began to relate recent events. “I was asleep in my own basket, but Rainbow Dash and Pinkie started yelling and talking loud enough to wake me up...”

As Spike began his story, Luna’s horn glowed softly. Almost immediately the mists about them began change, becoming darker, almost a pitch black while dim walls appeared about them. The scene thus formed was that of the sleeping alcove which Twilight and Spike both shared together.


Since they were already in the realm of dreams, Luna did not require any special magic for Spike's memories began to play out around them. The spell she had cast was merely an aid to assist Spike's recall, ensuring that his memories would play out in an orderly fashion instead of jumping about according to his own interests. The young are always flighty. Luna excused her interference. If I left it solely up to him he might only remember those things which he personally found interesting, ignoring some detail which might prove crucial.

Luna watched with interest, the story unfolding around her. She saw for the first time, how the shards of paper scattered about Twilight's study glowed brightly. It confirmed the reports she had received third-hoof from her Sister, but they seemed to be significantly brighter than those reports had stated.

Her first sight of the 'worm' as it elongated its way out of one of the glowing paper scraps caused her eyes to widen in astonishment. Rainbow's subsequent attack upon it, was somewhat surprising, though in retrospect, not entirely unexpected considering how Spike’s claws digging into her flank had incited the Pegasus’s natural combativeness.

She had to suppress a giggle when Spike managed to temporarily blind himself. For several moments all that could be seen in the dream realm was a pulsating afterglow cycling through a variety of interesting colors. Reduced to listening in on the ensuing conversation, she was again impressed by Pinkie's observational skills. Such markings truly doth describe a tape measure. Luna reflected. A conclusion further reinforced by Rainbow's added observations.

By this time, the afterimages had begun to fade from Spike's vision, allowing him to pick up the tape and take a bite out of it. Luna frowned at the young Drake’s heedless destruction of the mysterious artifact but found his report on the presence of an unknown metal intriguing.

Again Luna was witness to Pinkie's deductive reasoning skills, or a lack thereof, as the pink mare leaped to the conclusion that there was somepony on the other side of the glowing paper-scrap holes. She rolled her eyes as Pinkie initiated a dialog using tiny cupcakes, only to widen her eyes in astonishment as the skewers holding the tiny cakes suddenly vanished down the holes. Pinkie and Rainbow immediately fell to bickering in a pointless argument over what had just happened with the cupcakes.

Through it all, Spike kept up a running commentary, mostly emphasizing his own worthy contributions and downplaying his embarrassing moments. Spike’s next comment, however, drew her attention. “Yeah, all that stuff that was really exciting, but what happened next is the best part.” Luna could see a happy smile appearing on Spike’s face.

Indeed? Luna thought. Then we shall behold this ‘best part’. Luna attempted to ready herself for the next development.

One of the bright holes dimmed momentarily and a small cylinder, slid up out of the floor. After reaching its maximum extension, it stopped and uncurled slightly expanding outward at the top. It looked nothing so much as a leaf of parchment paper rolled up into a scroll.

“It’s a letter.” Pinkie declared, grabbing it out of the hole in one swift motion. Her eyes briefly scanned its contents. “And it’s addressed to me!” She shouted happily, throwing the letter upwards into the air while standing on her hind-legs, raising her fore-hooves up in a jubilant pose.

Spike grabbed the letter as it fluttered away from Pinkie only to come drifting down in front of him. The briefest of glances was all it took for him to recognize the horn-writing. “It’s from Twilight.” He shouted excitedly.

Luna moved up, her head craned forward to catch a glimpse of the letter, her ears perked forward, as she lost herself to the excitement of the moment.

“Hey!” Pinkie called out, making a determined grab for the letter. Spike showed surprising agility as he ducked away from her grab. “That’s my letter.” Pinkie pouted. “You know it’s not nice to read other pony’s mail.”

“And I’m Twilight’s assistant, so I should be the one to read her letter.”

Spike was about to reply when a blue blur swept past him, taking the letter with it. “Hah! Ya snooze, ya lose.” Rainbow Dash chanted from mid-air before gasping in pain and abruptly lowering herself to the floor.

“What happened to Rainbow Dash.” Luna asked, feeling some concern for the blue mare. A minor tweak from her dream magic causing the scene to pause.

“Oh, she just exhausted all of her magic by flying around one night. No big deal.” Spike replied disparagingly.

Another tweak of Luna’s magic allowed Rainbow to continue. “If this letter is from Twilight, then I think we all need to know what’s in it, and fast, so why don’t I read it out loud for all of us to hear.”

“Hmm.” Pinkie mused. “You might have a point. Okay.” She chirped. “You can read my letter.”

“Alright.” Spike agreed with a grumble, taking a dispirited kick at the floor.

Rainbow cleared her throat, preparatory to reading the letter.

Dear Pinkie.

I know it was you who sent us the cupcakes. Thank you, they were delicious.

“Well of course they’re delicious. Why wouldn’t they be?” Pinkie replied conversationally, as though Twilight were there.

I wish I could hug you to say thank you for being there right now.

“Thanks. I love hugs.” Pinkie stated cheerily.

I can't tell you how happy it makes me feel but sad too, knowing that you are so close; Just a few hooves away on the other side of these mysterious holes.

“Aww.” Pinkie replied, blushing.

And mere words cannot express how happy and relieved I feel, to be able to send you this note letting you know that I'm okay.

Please let everypony know that I'm fine, and that I'm working on finding a way to get home.

If you see Spike, give him a special hug from me. Tell him that I'm so sorry for messing up his birthday like this.

Upon hearing Twilight’s request, Pinkie immediately grabbed Spike before he had a chance to make a run for it. Her forelegs wrapping around him like twin Anaconda’s. “Here you go Spike. One Ultra-Super-Special hug from Twilight. She’s reeeee-ally sorry.” As she said this, tears glistened in her eyes on Twilight’s behalf.

“Urgk!” Spike was speechless, especially when being subjected to Pinkie's constrictor like embrace.

“Hey you two. Hello.” Rainbow broke in. “Knock it off. I’ve got a letter to read.”

“Go ahead, Dashie. We’re listening.” Pinkie announced, while still hugging the stuffing out of Spike. Luna could see the dream imagery growing hazy as Spike began losing consciousness.

“Not until you put Spike down.” Rainbow declared. “If I’m going to read out loud for everypony then I expect everypony to be listening.”

Suddenly the dream imagery firmed up again as Pinkie released Spike. The poor drake lay there on the floor, where he had collapsed, muttering between his heaving gasps for air. “I’ll.” Gasp. “Get you.” Gasp. “For this,” Gasp. “Twilight.” Luna did observe however, that Spike’s muzzle bore a happy little smile.

Seeing that her audience was back, Rainbow continued reading the letter.


The exchange of letters which followed contained little of substance except for the time of Twilight’s next visit to the site where she had found the portals. That and her intent to attempt further correspondence via dragon fire.

This be most glorious news. Luna remarked to herself as she thanked Spike and exited his dream. Sister will be well pleased to hear it.

As a parting gift, Luna cast another spell to help Spike remember the dream she had interrupted. The dream realm took care of the rest. She couldn’t help but giggle as the last sight she saw was of Sir Spike’s gritty, ice-cream besmeared face puckering up for a kiss with Rarity.


Princess Celestia and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza were waiting patiently for Luna’s arrival. Or rather Celestia was. Cadence was becoming impatient. Though not annoyed, Celestia was curious as to Luna’s tardiness; rarely was her sister late for their shared breakfast. They had been waiting for Luna for over ten minutes.

“Aunt Celestia, it feels like we’ve been waiting for half an hour.” Cadence was exaggerating to make her point. “Shouldn’t we send someone to check on Auntie Luna?”

“Have patience my dear.” Celestia replied. “My sister is rarely late for our morning meal so I’m sure she had a good reason ─” she broke off as Luna sauntered into the Royal dining salon.

“Good morning Luna.” She called out. Somethings up. She thought to herself, noticing a pleased look on her sister’s face. There might even have been a twinkle in her eyes.

“It is indeed a good morning, Sister.” Luna returned. “And Cadence! You’re here too? When did you arrive? Are you not supposed to be looking after things in the Crystal Empire?”

“Hello Aunt Luna, it’s nice to see you too.” The Alicorn of Love shot her a cheery smile, causing Luna to show a bit of chagrin for her blunt greeting.

Cadence continued. “But in answer to your question, both Shining and I weren’t doing the Empire much good after learning of Twilight’s disappearance. Our spirits felt so crushed. When Auntie Celestia sent me that letter yesterday, informing us that Twilight was lost in another world but had managed to make contact; both Shining and I decided right then that we just had to come and offer whatever assistance we could in getting her home.

“It took us a while to make all the arrangements to cover for a brief absence but we managed it somehow. Shining was even able to commandeer the Crystal Express, so we could travel by fast train directly to Canterlot.

Our train just arrived a half hour ago, right after Celestia raised the sun. I left Shining at the station and came directly to the castle where I met Aunt Celestia. She’s been bringing me up to date with everything we know about the current situation.”

“I am truly sorry to say, Cadence, that we have not learned much else since I wrote you that letter.” Princess Celestia offered sadly.

“Fret not dear Sister, nor you, Cadence.” Luna declared. “For I have just recently met with Spike in his dreams, where he related to myself marvelous developments which have occurred this very night.”

Celestia’s eyes widened with interest. “I presume you have good news about Twilight?” She asked, almost eagerly.

“Indeed I do.” Luna replied with a smile, before launching into a summary of Spike’s report. “It seems as if those glowing scraps of paper are much more than they appear. For they are nothing less than portals and their mysterious glow betokens nothing more ominous than daylight ...”


Three Princesses sat in silence around the table, their food had barely been touched as Luna presented Spike’s ‘report’. Celestia could feel the excitement in her body as she contemplated all that had been revealed. Now that we know there is a direct pathway to Twilight, she thought, it should be a simple matter to bring her home. She fought the urge to teleport herself directly over to Ponyville.

Patience, Celestia. She reminded herself. I should follow the same advice I just gave to Cadence. Besides− She frowned momentarily, remembering her schedule for the day. I have a few important meetings that just can’t wait.

“Thank you Luna.” Celestia complimented her sister. “It is well that you contacted Spike in the manner you did. Your report was very helpful.”

“Was there anything else? Something to indicate how Twilight herself is doing?” Cadence inquired.

Luna, who had levitated a spoonful of her own oatmeal porridge to her mouth, paused as she considered the question.

“Perhaps there was.” She replied after swallowing her spoonful of porridge. “I was able to read Twilight’s letter to Pinkie. I believe she is somewhat saddened by her separation from her friends.

“They remain on the other side of the portals which she has discovered, yet she cannot see them or talk directly to them. It is a situation with which I am somewhat familiar.” Luna’s expression darkened.

Perhaps she’s reminded of her own experiences, trapped within the nightmare and banished to the moon. Celestia thought with some concern for her sister.

Luna’s mood brightened again, becoming more confident as she continued speaking. “Yet for all of these present hardships she faces, I am confident she remains strong. She spoke well of the one who is assisting her, so surely she is not feeling totally alone.”

“You may be right about that Luna.” Celestia responded, supporting her sister. “No one was more surprised than I when I received Twilight’s friendship report yesterday. She is now a Princess and no longer answerable to me as a student.

“But she did send me that report and something in the wording of it made me think she wrote it more as a means of consoling herself than as any actual attempt to communicate.”

Celestia turned suddenly, quirking an innocent smile towards Cadence. “Her report did however mention her new friend. ‘Mike’ I think his name was.”

Cadence’s eyes gleamed with sudden interest as she 'took the posy'. “Might I trouble you for that report, Aunt Celestia?” She asked sweetly.

Celestia snickered internally, knowing what interests captivated her niece, the ‘Princess of Love’. Gotcha. She thought amusedly. Luna too, she saw, was hiding a smile from her niece.

“Indeed you may.” Celestia replied as a sudden flash of light heralded the appearance of the report in question.

As Cadence fell upon Twilight’s latest friendship report, devouring it with her eyes, Luna turned towards Celestia. “Sister, I believe I shall make a journey to Ponyville. I wish to examine these tiny portals for myself.”

“I intend to do the same,” Celestia announced, “and for much the same reason. However I cannot leave yet. I have a meeting this morning with an emissary from Yak-Yakistan, and you know how difficult they can be.”

Luna simply rolled her eyes, indicating she was fully aware of how intransigent the Yak’s could be. That they had even sent an ‘unofficial’ emissary signaled a thawing in relations and Celestia had no intention of losing such an opportunity.

“If I delay or cancel this meeting,” Celestia continued, “our attempts to establish diplomatic relations could be set back again by another four hundred moons.” Celestia shut her eyes momentarily, wincing at the memory of her last ‘official’ contact with Yak-Yakistan officials.

“But, following that meeting, however it turns out, I will proceed to Ponyville. I expect to arrive sometime after the noon hour.”

“Could you take me with you when you go, Aunt Celestia?” Cadence inquired, having finished reading Twilight’s letter.

“Of course, and Shining Armour may come as well. By the way where is he? You did say the two of you came on the same train.”

“Shining went directly to his parents’ house. He’s worried over how they might be taking the news of Twilight’s disappearance. At the very least he and his family will wish to comfort and console one another. He hopes to encourage them to remain patient and calm even as we continue keeping the news of Twilight’s disappearance a secret.

“He’s terribly grateful, by the way, that you kept them notified about Twilight.”

“Twilight’s disappearance might be a state secret for the moment,” Celestia replied, “since losing our newest Princess, or any Princess for that matter, would be quite upsetting to many ponies. But I would never allow such concerns to interfere with legitimate familial bonds. They have a right to know their daughter is in trouble.

“Wouldn’t you agree, Luna?” Celestia turned towards where her sister should have been, but Luna was not there.

I see she’s already left for Ponyville. She observed silently. Suppressing a sigh, she silently wished that she could get away from her duties as easily as Luna.

“She could at least have finished her porridge.” Cadence remarked, eyeing Luna’s half eaten bowl of rolled oats.


Pinkie raised herself up on her hind legs, looming over Spike’s basket. Wearing her trademark smile, her front hooves were spread wide apart, holding a pair of cymbals.

Waking up to a new day is great fun. She thought excitedly. Spike will be so happy to wake up – I can’t wait to see the expression on his face. There are so many things to do today.

Just as she was about to crash the cymbals together, a heavy pounding sounded downstairs on the Library’s front door.

Spike’s snoring terminated. “Huh? Wazza?” He mumbled blearily.

“I’ll get it!” Rainbow’s voice shouted from the library down below, further awakening Spike.

“Oh poof.” Pinkie blew out a puff, momentarily lifting the curly forelock of her mane; disappointed at not having awoken Spike. Quickly she lowered her cymbals, stowing them away in her mane before Spike became aware of what she had been about. It had been intended as a surprise after all.

“Pinkie? Did you just say a naughty word?” Spike queried; now awake. His young ears aquiver with the possibility of learning some socially malappropriate words. Suddenly, his expression grew annoyed. “And why are you standing over me? Did you wake me up?”

“Nope!” Pinkie denied using any naughty word. Naughty words weren’t fun at all because they made other ponies upset. “No reason.” She denied any attempt to surprise the dragon. Ruining a surprise was definitely not fun. The surprise, because it was still a surprise, could wait for later. And finally, “I didn’t wake you up.” She confessed her innocence, adding. “Princess Luna woke you up.”

“Princess Luna? But I just talked with her in my dreams; she said she didn’t want to wake─”

“It’s Princess Luna!” Rainbow Dash called out from down below, much louder than was necessary within the open-concept library tree. Spike gave Pinkie the ‘how did you know’ look she was so familiar with. Pinkie didn’t know how she knew. She just did.

“She wants to check out Twilight’s study.” Rainbow Dash bellowed out again before a clatter of hooves sounded from below. It was the sound of two ponies ascending the short flight of stairs towards Twilight’s study.

Spike leapt out of his basket, wide awake now.

“Hey! Wait for me.” Pinkie called out as she followed after the tiny dragon.


“What’s the hurry?” Pinkie demanded as she caught up to Spike. His little legs slowed him down considerably as he negotiated the stairs leading down to the study.

“Twilight would be disappointed in me if I left a Princess unattended.” Spike huffed out a reply, just as they reached the landing.

“Princess Luna.” Spike called out as he came into the study. “Can I get you anything? Whatever you want I can get it for you.”

“Hi Princess Luna.” Pinkie chirped a greeting the Princess as well.

“Greetings to you Spike. And to you too, Pinkie.” Luna answered, looking up from her scrutiny of one of the blackened scraps of paper. “I thank you Spike, however I need nothing at the moment. I have come to personally examine these holes which you reported earlier.”

“Yeah, I was just showing them to the Princess.” Rainbow spoke, letting Pinkie and Spike know what was happening.

Pinkie nodded her head vigorously, eager to contribute to the conversation. “You should have been here last night Princess. The holes were really bright and a tapeworm that wasn’t a worm came through and Rainbow went ‘Grrr’ and broke wormy and then─” Pinkie suddenly found her voice was gone. She was still talking only there was no sound.

What’s wrong with my mouth? Pinkie briefly wondered. It stops working at the oddest times. Sometimes somepony accidentally slips and gets their hoof stuck in it. And sometimes it stops working and not a sound comes out of it - like now. How am I going to yell surprise if I can’t make a sound? And what’s with the hooves? Everypony knows that cupcakes taste better. So why is my mouth attracting hooves instead of cupcakes? Mmm – cupcakes with frosting. Creamy, Creamy frosting. At this point Pinkie’s mind began to dissolve in sugary bliss.

Luna’s next words brought Pinkie back from the edge. “There is no need to explain any more, Miss Pinkie; and you too Rainbow Dash. I have visited Spike in his dreams earlier this morning. And he has already shown me the events which occurred last night.”

“That’s great!” Pinkie exclaimed. “Hey! My voice is working again. Do you ever find that your voice stops working suddenly Princess Luna?”

“No.” Luna answered. “I can’t say that it ever has. If you remember, my problem was with speaking too loudly. You however, do seem to have a problem with losing your voice.” Pinkie nodded her head vigorously in agreement.

“Well, I am confident that if you rest your voice for a bit, it will come back again.” Upon hearing that encouraging news, Pinkie smiled happily and nodded head again in thanks.


Princess Luna had been examining several of the burnt paper scraps intently. Turning her head around and about, she examined them from several angles. Occasionally her horn gave off its characteristic glow showing that she was trying out various spells. All that magic stuff was really mysterious to Pinkie.

“Princess?” Spike interrupted her examination. “The paper scraps are dark now.” He continued after gaining her attention. “What if they’re broken? We might never hear from Twilight again.”

Pinkie could tell that Spike was working himself up with worry. But for the need to guard her voice she would have assured him that she felt confident the holes were fine. Instead, she walked over and gave him a nuzzle, accompanying it with a smile.

“Do not worry Spike. The portals are dark now because it is nighttime on the other side.” Princess Luna replied.

“Nighttime?” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “How can it be night, when the Sun’s up high?”

“What lies on the other side of these holes, Rainbow, is a whole other world. Its sun is not the same one that my Sister moves. Do you not remember what Twilight wrote in her letter? When you asked her why she was contacting you in the middle of the night, she said that it was but an hour after the noon hour for her.

“The bright glow you saw coming from the portals last night was merely the glow of daylight. But now they are dark because it night where she is.”

“That is so weird.” Rainbow muttered in apparent confusion.

“Wait.” Spike broke in. “That can’t be right, we saw the holes randomly start to glow and then after a while they went dark again. That doesn't sound like any kind of daylight I know of.” Both Pinkie and Rainbow Dash nodded in agreement.

“Yeah, Spike’s got a point.” Rainbow Dash added. “That sure doesn’t sound like daylight to me.”

Luna paused to consider the new information. “It is possible,” she spoke slowly, “that the portals are not wholly stable at the other end. They might be opening and closing in a regular cycle.”

Luna’s voice grew firmer. “In fact, that is very likely what is happening. From what little we know about other portals, they are never stable. For example the mirror that Twilight went through to recover her crown only opens for three nights and two days once every thirty moons. And the portals to the Breezies cavern only open for a single day once every twelve moons.”

As she was speaking, Luna used her magic to create a long stick. It reminded Pinkie very much of her Cupcake skewers.

“What’s that for Princess?” Pinkie asked. “It looks like one of my Cupcake skewers, only a wee bit longer. Do you want some Cupcakes to put on the end? I bet you could put three or four of them on the end of that skewer.”

Luna blinked. “That will not be necessary, Pinkie. I simply intend to test these portals, to see which of them are open. This rod is all I need.” She then levitated the skewer over to one of the darkened portals and plunged the stick down.


Everypony jumped as the stick vanished in an intense flash of sound and light. Luna, who had been closest to the stick, stumbled back, momentarily blinded by the flash. “What happened?” Rainbow demanded. Pinkie thought her voice sounded funny, as if there was a wall between them.

“Something hath disrupted the magic of the stick we had created.” Luna replied, reverting to her older speech patterns. “Nay, it is much worse. We could feel the magic within the stick being absorbed into the portal. As the spell unraveled, the magic within the stick came unbound with the result you saw.”

“She should have used a Cupcake” Pinkie held a hoof to her mouth as she gave a whispered aside to Spike and Rainbow Dash. Luna simply stared at Pinkie, her right ear flicking back.

“Perhaps you are right, Pinkie. But rather than the Cupcake, I would rather have one of your wooden skewers.”

“Are you sure you wouldn’t want a Cupcake instead, Luna? These Cupcakes are really gooo-d.” Pinkie reached back into her mane with a forehoof and withdrew a skewer, complete with attached Cupcake. Luna blinked.

Maybe she has an eyelash stuck in her eye? Pinkie thought. I bet she’ll feel better if she eats a cupcake. “Here try this. It’s really tiny but so-o-o good.”

“Thank you but no.” Came Luna’s response. “Why don’t you have the Cupcake for me? I will be satisfied if you just give me the skewer.”

“Okie-Dokey” Pinkie replied, popping the tiny Cupcake into her mouth and holding up the stick for Luna. Luna took the stick in her magic and plunged it into the same hole she had used earlier. Rainbow Dash and Spike both flinched back, closing their eyes tightly.

Luna held the stick in the portal for several moments. Both Rainbow and Spike breathed sighs of relief as she withdrew it without incident.

“Aww, I was hoping for another one of those Bang-Flash’s. That was exciting.” Pinkie commented as she pulled out a second Cupcake-stick from her mane. It vanished in a single gulp.

The princess ignored Pinkie. Instead she used her magic upon the stick, causing it to glow brightly. She then re-inserted it back into the hole. Pinkie and the others watched intently as the glow faded, quickly at first, then more slowly as time progressed. After half a minute, the stick’s glow had faded to imperceptibility.

“Was it supposed to get dim like that?” Spike asked.

Luna sighed. “It is as I feared. The portal absorbs magic. The higher the concentration of magic, the faster it is absorbed. My first stick was a magic construct. Being essentially made out of highly concentrated pure magic, it broke down immediately.”

“And the second stick?” Spike asked.

“Being made of wood, and having no magic, it was unaffected by the portal. I then imbued it with a low concentration of magic using a simple Glow Spell.”

“As you saw, the magic drained away most quickly at the beginning; commensurate with the concentration of magic.”

“Comm− Comma−” Spike struggled with the unfamiliar word Luna had used.

“ ‘Commensurate: Corresponding in size or degree.’ I guess that means that the magic drains quickly when it’s strongest but the weaker the magic gets the slower it drains.” Pinkie said, looking up from a dictionary. She had Rarity’s close-work glasses perched on her muzzle. “Wow, we sure are using a lot of big words lately.”

“Hey, those glasses─” Spike began.

“What about them?” Pinkie asked, slipping the glasses back into her mane.

“Uh, never mind.” Spike grumbled.

“Forget the glasses.” Rainbow declared. “What does all this have to do with getting Twilight back?”

Luna answered. “What it means, Rainbow Dash, is that we cannot use powerful magic to get Twilight back. The more powerful the magic, the faster it will be absorbed by the portal.

“I do confess that I was hoping to find an open portal through which I could pass through as an astral mist.”

“Oh. Oh.” Pinkie was waving her hoof around like one of Cheerilee’s school-fillies, trying to get the teacher’s attention. “You mean like the mist Nightmare Moon used when she was flying around everywhere?”

“Yes, Pinkie. Exactly like that.” Luna’s expression grew flat at having been reminded of the Nightmare. “My thought was to go through the portal, find Twilight on the other side and bring her back home the same way.

“Unfortunately, with the way the portal absorbs magic; such an action would surely result in an injury most grievous.”

“So what are you saying?” Rainbow cried. “That Twilight can’t get home again?” Rainbow’s face was torn with anguish. The moment she said it Pinkie felt like sobbing and Spike’s lower lip seemed to quiver.

Luna dropped her head, her ears drooping. “Certainly not the easy way I was hoping to do it, no.” She replied sadly. “I am sorry.”

Luna’s ears perked up again, as though she were remembering something. “But we are Luna,” she declared proudly, “and we shall not concede defeat so easily. There may yet be ways to overcome this difficulty.”

“Like what?” Pinkie asked, feeling cheerful again.

“The answer has not yet revealed itself Pinkie. But for now, if I can find an open portal I may be able to find out more of what I can and cannot do.”

With that, Princess Luna began probing the other portals with her cupcake-stick.


Celestia closed her luminous eyes and let out a sigh of relief. Manipulating the slipstream of air flowing past her royal chariot, she brought a stiff breeze over her head and withers, allowing her mane to stream majestically behind her. She didn’t often allow herself such personal luxuries but it felt so good to get out of that stuffy conference chamber with the Yak-Yakistan emissary and let her mane out.

“Are you all right Celestia?” Cadence asked from the opposite bench where she sat with her husband Shining Armour. Her brows were delicately furrowed with concern.

“I’m fine.” Celestia replied, opening her eyes again. “Just relaxing a little after that session with the Yak-Yakistan emissary.”

“Excuse me Princess, but did the negotiations go well?” Shining Armour inquired.

“Shining! Don’t bother Aunt Celestia about affairs of state.” Cadence chastised her husband. “She was kind enough to let us ride with her in her chariot. Twilight’s situation is much more important right now. Don’t you agree?”

“Of course dear. You’re right.” The prince replied, deflating slightly.

He’s probably thinking about the safety of the Crystal Empire in order to distract himself from worrying about Twilight. Celestia mused.

“It went about the same as it always does.” She replied with a gentle smile. “Which is to say; it was an exercise in frustration. Our relations with Yak-Yakistan have not improved but neither have they worsened. The most positive thing I can take away from today’s meeting is that the opportunity remains for future talks.”

As Shining Armour fell silent again, Celestia probed her own feelings. Despite the dreary morning and in contrast to the previous day, she felt cautiously optimistic. Optimistic that Twilight’s return could be accomplished, despite Luna’s disturbing report on the effect the portals had on magic. Her optimism stemmed from her own outlook on life. For every problem she had encountered, every piece of information gleaned about it was another step towards its eventual resolution. Patience and yet more patience. It always comes down to patience. She thought as she reflected once again on the secret to her long and successful reign.


As the Pegasi of the Royal Guard brought her Chariot to a stop in front of the Golden Oaks library, Celestia was not at all surprised to see the Elements and several towns ponies assembled there to greet her. She had after all announced her coming by way of a letter sent to Spike. But she was a bit surprised, however, to see Mayor Mare standing amidst Twilight’s friends.

No doubt the Mayor is concerned about my frequent visits. This is my third visit in as many days.

“Welcome to Ponyville, Princess Celestia.” Mayor Mare stepped forward with an effusive greeting, bowing low. Despite the honorifics, the Mayor appeared nervous at Celestia’s unscheduled arrival.

Inwardly, Celestia sighed. Her ponies loved her, yes. But they constantly put her on such a high pedestal that they became positively nervous when she arrived anywhere outside of a scheduled function or celebration. They always assume that I’ve come because of some emergency. Celestia gave a mental snort at her own thoughts. Maybe they’re right. I’m here now because Twilight’s disappearance is an emergency.

“It is a pleasure to see you Mayor Mare.” Celestia returned the mayor’s greeting with a pleasant smile as she took control of the conversation. “First, let me assure you, that my visit does not directly concern Ponyville, nor yourself for that matter. Might we go somewhere private to discuss this, my Carriage perhaps?” It had the advantage of not displaying her presence all of Ponyville.

“Yes, yes. Of course.” The mayor agreed instantly, relieved that nothing disruptive was occurring.

Celestia turned to Princess Cadence and Shining Armour, “Please wait for me inside the Library. I’ll be with you shortly. I’m sure you have some catching up to do with all of Twilight’s friends.”

“Yes we do.” Cadence affirmed warmly. “Come on Shining, let’s go talk to the girls.”

Celestia led the mayor to her carriage. Once they were seated inside she cast a spell, creating a Bubble of Silence around the entire carriage. Mayor Mare appeared subdued as she waited for Celestia to speak.

“Mayor Mare, what I am about to tell you is a State secret. I have no doubt that you are able to keep a secret, but I must warn you that these are serious matters, not to be taken lightly. Revealing this information to anypony will incur my gravest displeasure.” The mayor began to sweat nervously. Reluctantly she nodded her understanding.

“Three days ago, Princess Twilight was caught up in a foul magic which has whisked her away from Equestria.”

Mayor Mare gasped. “Oh my Celestia – no! Is she all right?” She demanded breathlessly.

Celestia couldn’t help but flick her left ear in annoyance. She hated hearing her own name being used in such an empty utterance. “She is currently safe and unharmed and that is all I am prepared to say about this matter.

“My presence here at the Library is concerned with achieving Twilight’s safe return. To that end, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armour and of course, all of Twilight’s friends are also involved.

“Madam Mayor, can I count on your assistance in keeping this matter out of the public eye?”

The mayor gulped nervously but then straightened up, looking Celestia in the eye. “Your Royal Highness, you can count on me. Though ponies will talk, I will do my best to redirect their curiosity concerning both your presence and Princess Twilight’s absence.” So saying, she bowed down.

Celestia was pleased with the mayor’s response. Releasing the Bubble of Silence, she stepped down from the carriage. “Thank you for your time, Madam Mayor.”

Taking her cue, the mayor came down after the Princess. Expressing her thanks, the mayor departed with as much dignity as she could muster while trotting away in a hasty retreat.

Celestia sighed to herself as she watched the mayor depart. Though Mayor Mare was trustworthy, her very presence here today was a sign that other ponies were becoming curious. Twilight’s disappearance would not remain a secret too much longer.


As Celestia entered the Library she was surprised to discover her sister was there as well.

“Luna.” She exclaimed. “What are you doing here? I thought you had retired for the day.”

“Indeed, so was my intent after I sent you that report on the nature of the portals. But I changed my plans after a chance comment made by young Spike here–” Spike visibly swelled up at the mention of his name, somehow directing his pride towards Rarity. “–helped me think of a means by which I could contact Twilight.”

Celestia turned towards the young drake. “Indeed. And just what is it you said that so inspired my sister, young Spike?”

“Well,” Spike began modestly, “I was telling everypony what happened last night and how Luna visited me in my dreams. When I mentioned how much easier I found it to give a report by dream rather than writing, Princess Luna got excited.”

“And that, Sister is when I realized that I might be able to reach Twilight by my Dream magic.”

Celestia’s eyes widened fractionally as she realized what was being suggested. Her ears fell back as she turned to her sister in alarm. “Luna! No. You can’t be suggesting that you will project your dream magic through one of the portals.”

Luna’s ears dipped back momentarily as she stared defiantly at her sister. “I am.”

“Luna. You cannot do this. If anything were to happen to you–”

Luna’s ears flipped forward again as she began to entreat her sister. “Sister, I know this plan is dangerous but it is necessary. How can I–” Luna paused momentarily, “–We– refuse to risk anything when we know Twilight is alone and cut off from all Ponykind.

“She is lost in a strange and foreign world. I know you Tia. If you had my dream magic, you would not hesitate to do this yourself.”

Celestia felt her heart squeeze as the truth of Luna’s words hit home. She’s right. If I had my sister’s ability I would not hesitate to risk this for Twilight… Or for you, Luna. But there are greater concerns that I must heed.

“You are right Luna; I would do this for Twilight. But I cannot. The good of Equestria must come first. For that reason I must hold myself back from my own desires, and so must you.”

“Hah!” Luna exclaimed bitterly. “Equestria cares naught for I. Half of the Nobleponies would be glad to be rid of me. The other half have dreams of becoming my suitor so that they may lay claim to greater status.”

“That is not true Sister. When will you see that you are loved by many.”

All of the Elements were standing with their mouths gaping open. Their ears alternately pinning back and moving forwards as the sudden argument between the two Royal Sisters flowed back and forth. Princess Cadence and Shining Armour were equally stunned.

“Yes, well, ahem– “Luna coughed, backing off a bit from her rhetoric. “Perhaps I spoke a bit hastily. But I am determined go through with this. Will you not assist me?”

“How could I?” Celestia cried. Her voice fell down to a quiet murmur. “If something were to happen… I could not bear to lose you as well, Luna. I just got you back after waiting for a thousand years.

“If this ill-advised attempt should cost you your life then I would be devastated. My grief would be boundless. The moon would be lost and the sun itself would likely fail.” Celestia could feel the tears streaming down her face.

“Tia.” Luna tried a more conciliatory tone. “I am well aware that there is risk, but after careful consideration I deem it to be acceptable. I know my own magic well enough to be able to say that no permanent harm can befall me. And as for sustaining injury, if you are here to watch over me then the chance of that is greatly diminished.”

Celestia was not unmoved by Luna’s logic. But her sister’s assurances were not enough. The ache in her heart simply told her ‘no’.

“Tia. By far the greatest injury to me would be to my heart if I abandoned Twilight, and never even tried to contact her because I kept myself ‘safe’.” And with that statement, Luna had won. Yet Celestia was still unable to accept it.

“I cannot allow this.” Celestia spoke quietly, her mind made up.

“If not I, then who? Who shall reach out to Twilight?” Luna’s voice was strained with emotion.

Silence stretched between the two sisters; bound as they were by love yet deep in conflict.

“I’ll go.” A soft voice spoke up. “That is if you don’t mind. If it’s even possible.”

Both Celestia’s and Luna’s eyes widened in surprise at Fluttershy’s interruption. Simultaneously they turned to look at her; at the yellow Pegasus now cringing on the floor between Rarity and Princess Cadence. Apparently she had crept forward through the gap between the two.

“Fluttershy! What are you saying?” Rarity cried out; aghast that her friend could be so bold.

“I’ll go.” Fluttershy repeated, more firmly now as she got up on her hooves, glancing furtively at the two princesses from behind her pink locks. “That is, if it’s even possible for Luna to send me in her place. Twilight is my dear friend and I’ll do whatever it takes to help her.”

“It would do no good if I sent you to the dream realm, Fluttershy.” Luna spoke up. “You have no magic. You cannot walk amongst dreams to find Twilight. Even if you were a unicorn, teaching you would take years, perhaps decades.”

Celestia closed her own eyes for a moment. If only there were someone else who could handle the dream magic. I regret that I never had the time to learn it from Luna, but my own talent runs counter to her dream magic. It would have taken me a hundred years or more to learn it.

“That’s a relief.” Applejack spoke up for the benefit of the other Elements. “For a second there I thought we might be a-losin’ Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy seemed to cringe at Luna’s pronouncement, but then she straightened up again. “But you can send me, right?” She demanded, addressing the Princess of the Night. Luna, her face showing surprise, reluctantly nodded a ‘yes’.

“Then I can at least go to the dream realm on the other side. Even if I can’t do anything else, I can see if it’s safe for Luna to go there.”

Celestia was amazed. Once again she felt humbled by the level of courage mustered by the Element of Kindness. It brought back memories of her own, of a time when she had once wielded that Element herself. Perhaps that is the true issue here. She reminded herself. Clearly the spirit of the Elements are in play and it could well be disastrous to hinder them.

Luna looked towards Celestia. “There you have it sister. The way is clear. If Fluttershy can first show us that there is no danger. Then I shall be entering the dream realm on the other side, to contact Twilight.”

“Fluttershy.” Celestia spoke gently to the timid mare. “I would never put one of my little ponies at risk, even for Twilight’s sake. The decision must be yours. Are you sure you want to do this?”

“I am.” She stated confidently, her head held high. “Um, if it’s not too much trouble that is.”

“And if she changes her mind. Then I’ll do it.” Rainbow Dash declared proudly. “Way to go, Fluttershy.”

“Me too.” Applejack spoke next.

“Me three-e-e.” Pinkie sang out.

“And I would do anything for Twilight as well.” Rarity chimed in while restraining Spike who obviously wanted to join the chorus.

“As Twilight’s brother, I should be the one doing this. I’d gladly take this risk for Twilight.” Shining Armour spoke up.

“I would go too Auntie Celestia.” Princess Cadence spoke last. “Twilight means that much to me. She is after all my little sister-in-law.”

Luna was the last to speak. She repeated Celestia’s question. “Are you sure about this Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy had shrunk down to the ground again, trying to hide behind her flowing mane as though regretting her offer. She raised her head, peeking out from behind her locks. “Yes. Though I am very scared.”

Luna smiled and sank down beside Fluttershy, giving her a light nuzzle. “Really? I could not tell.” She said with a grin. “Do not be afraid, Fluttershy. With Celestia’s help I am quite confident that We will be able to keep you from harm.”

“Thank you.” Fluttershy squeaked in the tiniest of voices. Her voice firmed up again. “I trust you Luna.”


Everypony was gathered in Twilight’s study and all was in readiness.

Owing to the considerable number of ponies wishing to be present, the darkened paper scraps, or portals as they were now known to be, had been carefully moved into a corner of the room. This was mostly accomplished by Spike, whose sharp claws were able to get underneath the one-sided paper scraps. Impossible to levitate from by their ‘portal’ sides, their opposite surfaces which were merely paper responded readily to his claws.

The ‘white’ paper scraps had also been turned over, exposing more of the dark portals. This nearly doubled the number of portals they had available. Next, Luna had carefully probed several of the portals, locating one that was currently beginning to open. The expectation was that it would stay open for a while.

Fluttershy was shivering nervously where she lay on the floor. Luna had had her lie down opposite herself, the chosen portal carefully placed between them. Celestia stood beside her sister, ready to lend her magic and any other assistance that might be demanded of her.

“I can hardly believe Fluttershy is doing this.” Rainbow Dash spoke in an aside to Applejack.

“I can.” Rarity interjected. “When it comes to her friends, Fluttershy is the bravest pony I know.”

“I’d have to agree with you there, Rares.” Applejack agreed.

“Mmm-hmm.” Pinkie added. “When this is over I’m going to bake Fluttershy a great big thank-you cake.”

“Oh you don’t need to do that for me, Pinkie.” Fluttershy answered Pinkies declaration “I’d rather just have some treats I can give to all my animal friends.”

“I’ll make you a cake and some yummy treats for your animal friends.”

“Are you ready Fluttershy?” Luna asked gently.

“N-No.” Fluttershy whimpered. “I don’t think I’ll ever be ready.” She drew a deep breath. “But... do it.” Her voice ended in a barely audible whimper.

“Then I shall begin.” Luna stated.

Just as Luna’s horn began glow a swirl of sparkling rose colored smoke darted up through the portal, coalescing into a scroll in front of Celestia. She was so startled that she almost forgot to capture it with her magic.

“It’s from Twilight.” She exclaimed.

Fluttershy unsquinched her eyes, raising her head up with an expression of relief on her face.

Trembling with excitement, Celestia broke open the scroll, reading the contents in just a matter of seconds. She called me her friend. Came Celestia’s astonished thought as she lowered the letter. Oh how I have longed to hear those words. She closed her eyes, momentarily overwhelmed with emotion.

Shining Armour cleared his throat. “Princess, if you permit, may I read my sister’s letter?” Celestia could see that there were tears in his eyes.

Quickly making a decision, Celestia levitated the scroll to Shining Armour. I think Twilight is being too protective of Spike. He should be able to handle this. Besides, if I tried to exclude him from this group, his heart would break and he would still find a way to learn of its contents.

As soon as Shining Armour took the scroll, Celestia called up her quill and a fresh scroll. Hastily she penned the briefest reply possible.

I have received your letter.

With a brief flash, it was converted into smoke. Unfortunately, the Dragon-Letter smoke refused to go anywhere. This is very frustrating. Celestia thought to herself. Why, when I can receive Twilight’s letters, can I not send one to her? Spike was able to send her a letter earlier.

Oblivious to the smoking disappointment of Celestia’s reply letter, Shining Armour positioned Twilight’s letter in front of himself and Cadence. His wife leaned up against his side, sliding her head in beside his, in order to read the letter alongside him.

Clearing his throat, Shining Armour began reading Twilight’s missive to the rest of the ponies.

Dear Princess Celestia.

You might think that I would be distraught to find myself lost in this strange universe. And you would be right. I have suffered several bouts of depression and despair.

Tears began to roll down Shining Armour’s cheeks. But he continued reading, his voice firm.

Fortunately Mike has been right here beside me, always finding ways to lift my spirits and restore my optimism. He's been a wonderful friend. And through Mike's help, I learned an important lesson today.

Shining Armour sniffed and wiped at his tears. Princess Cadence began to smile. Taking a quick look at the Elements, Celestia could see that Rarity too had a sparkle in her eye.

Tonight, Mike showed me a movie. It was a film dramatization of a certain historical event. In this story, the humans built a spaceship, a ship for traveling in airless space, and undertook a journey to their moon.

Luna gasped. Clearly she was astonished by such a feat and by the temerity they displayed. Applejack’s and Rainbow Dash’s mouths dropped open with astonishment.

It wasn't the first such journey these humans had undertaken; others had already made the journey and walked on the moon twice before them. What made this journey notable however was that it nearly ended in disaster. A few days into their journey, a part of their spaceship exploded, causing them to lose all of their oxygen.

Upon hearing this, Fluttershy gasped. Worried for the safety of beings she had never known. Rainbow Dash too, looked worried.

The technical details of how they survived are unimportant, but I will say this about those three Astro-noughts; those humans traveling the depths of space. They persevered and they persisted. Crisis upon crisis fell upon them, each one a literal turning point between life and death. Yet they survived, meeting each challenge in turn.

Shining Armour’s voice firmed up. With his guard training, he appreciated what it took to meet and survive life and death challenges. “Yes!” Rainbow quietly voiced while pumping a hoof.

My first lesson was that I too should be persistent. I might feel frustrated as my research hits a dead end, and I might feel homesick to the point of tears as I consider how close I can get to my friends yet how inexorable our separation. Despite those things, I need to keep trying. I must not fall to despair. I must not give up.

“Now yer talkin’. That’s the Twilight ah know.” Applejack shouted her encouragement.

The second lesson I learned was that those poor Astro-noughts had help. They were in constant contact with a team of hundreds of supporters back home. And that support-team worked very hard indeed to support those Astro-noughts by giving the very best, the most sound, advice that it was possible to give. It saved the Astro-noughts' lives.

I too have such help. I have a marvelous group of friends who support me. And not just the Elements and Spike, but you too Celestia, and Luna as well. I count you all as my dear friends, my support team.

She called me her friend. Once again Celestia’s felt astonishment. For the first time in over a year, from the time when her sister had returned, she felt a tear in her eye. She shot a quick glance at Luna who seemed to have something in her eye as well.

Oh, and as for those Astro-noughts? They made it home again, safe and sound. I take that too, as a lesson to myself. I will get home. I will see all of my friends again.

Your faithful student and friend.

Twilight Sparkle.

By this time, Pinkie and Fluttershy were weeping and Rarity was dabbing at her eyes with a frilly hoofkerchief. Rainbow had turned her face away from the rest. Applejack though, did not seem too moved other than there being a subtle tightness about her jaw.

Taking a breath, Shining Armour looked down at the letter, preparing to read the post scripts. He drew in a sudden surprised breath.

“Go on Shining.” Celestia urged him. “Read the next part. It will be okay.”

Cadence rubbed her head against his. “Go on Shiny. It’ll be alright.” Shining Armour’s ears shot back as Rainbow Dash snickered. He was more annoyed at his wife’s public use of his private nick-name than at Rainbow Dash.

Drawing another breath he continued reading.

P.S. I think I will attempt to send this letter to you directly.

I don't want to relay it through Spike because he might, accidentally, read it and I don't want him to know how distraught and upset I have been feeling. That would only add to the burden of separation he is undoubtedly feeling right now.

P.P.S. I do hope that this letter gets through to you. I tried sending a report (on my observations) to you earlier today, but it failed. Strangely, a note which I had sent to Spike just a few moments before that succeeded.

We really need to work on determining the parameters by which a letter can be successfully sent. I need to establish reliable contact with my support team.

Shining Armour signaled that the reading was at an end by lowering the letter. “That’s everything ladies, and Spike of course.”

For a moment, nothing could be heard except a few quite sniffles.

“I can’t believe it!” Spike exploded. “Nopony helps Twilight more than I do. And she didn’t want me to read her letter?”

“Now Spike–” Rarity began, only to be usurped by Pinkie.

No, Spike. You can’t be mad at Twilight.” Suddenly she was holding the little dragon’s face between her forehooves, entreating him earnestly. “Twilight really, really, ree-e-ally wants you to be happy. And if there’s one thing I know, it’s about being happy.

“That letter was full of sad things that she didn’t want you to hear. She didn’t want you to feel sad. But I know you’re a big dragon now. Even if you didn’t like to hear those things, you can handle them and still understand how she cares about you. Right, Spike?”

Spike closed his gaping mouth and looked around at the others, trying to find some support for his fading anger. “She’s right you know.” Rarity spoke with finality. “I couldn’t have said it better myself.”

Upon hearing that Rarity agreed with Pinkie, Celestia could see Spike visibly deflating as he let go the last of his anger.

“Princess Luna?” Fluttershy interrupted Spike’s little drama. She drew a deep, shaky breath. “Let’s get started. I think Twilight really needs our help.”


Twilight levitated the last two cheese puffs out of the bowl and into her mouth. She gave out a pleased giggle at having beaten Pinkie to them, even if they were broken and rather small.

“Aww.” Pinkie exclaimed, before turning to Mike. “Hey Mike! Do you have any more of those cheese things?”

“Sorry Pinkie, that’s the last of them. Here, have my cupcake instead.” Mike held out the cupcake that he was eating. It was more or less intact but for the one bite he had already taken out of it.

“Okie Dokie.” Pinkie agreed, suddenly enveloping his entire hand with her mouth. Pinkie never could say no to a cupcake, even a half-eaten one.

- I’m gonna Wreck it! - Ralph shouted from the Tee-Vee.

“He’s such a Brute! I’m not sure I want to watch this.” Rarity declared.

“I agree.” Said Applejack who had seated herself in Mike’s special reclining chair. “What kind of pony goes around breakin’ other pony’s homes?”

“Aw come on you two. This show is just starting to get interesting.” Rainbow Dash argued.

The room suddenly grew silent, leaving Twilight puzzled as to why everyone had stopped talking. In fact they appeared frozen.

“Greetings, Twilight.” Princess Luna spoke as she entered from the hallway that led out of Mike’s living room. Twilight could see Fluttershy peeking out from behind the Princess.

“Hello, Twilight.” The yellow Pegasus mare waved shyly.

“Princess Luna!” Twilight cried happily, rising up from where she had been leaning on Mike. “And Fluttershy! I’m so glad you could join us.”

Twilight waved a hoof about, indicating the room in general. “Find yourselves a seat; the movie’s just started. Hey Mike.” Twilight burbled with excitement. “Do you mind restarting the movie?”

Mike, still frozen, did not reply. “Mike?” Twilight asked, puzzled by his strange lack of response.

Luna trotted forward, and began examining the human with a great deal of interest. “So this is the ‘human’ you wrote about. He looks – interesting. Somewhat like a Minotaur in overall form but less – bulky. He is quite unlike a Minotaur in that his head is round like a pony’s. And he has tiny ears and no muzzle at all.” The princess looked up from her examination of Mike. “Twilight, are you sure this ‘he’ is not really a ‘she’?”

“Luna?” Twilight asked anxiously. She had waited for Luna to finish talking, not wishing to interrupt a princess. “What’s happening? Why is everypony frozen?”

“My apologies Twilight, this is my doing. Your dream, pleasant as it may have been must be put in abeyance while we converse with you.”

“A dream?” Twilight asked, looking around at all of her friends and then back to the princess. “Princess Luna? Is that really you? I’m not dreaming you too, am I?”

Luna’s face took on a thoughtful look. “The answer to that question may surprise you, Twilight. Yes, you are dreaming us.” Luna swept her hoof, indicating both herself and Fluttershy. “Yet at the same time you are fully awake within your dream. My special magic has allowed us to enter your dream and engage you in this manner.”

Satisfied with Luna’s response, Twilight became intrigued by the mechanics of being conscious while still dreaming. She was about to ask Luna about it when Fluttershy raced forwards to grab her in a hug.

“Oh Twilight. I’m so glad we found you. Are you all right? You aren’t hurt, are you?” Fluttershy let go of Twilight and immediately began checking her over for signs of any injury.

“Fluttershy?” Twilight stated in abject surprise, now consciously aware of Fluttershy’s presence. “Why are you here? Not that I mind; you can’t even imagine how glad I am to see you. But–“ Twilight shook her head and reared back as Fluttershy tried to pull open her lower eyelid. Presumably the yellow mare wanted to examine the sclera of her eyes.

“Please stop that, Fluttershy. I’m fine, really. Now, how did you come to be here?”

“You seem to be fine.” The yellow Pegasus murmured reluctantly, even as she continued her examination, now using her hooves to palpitate Twilight’s body. Twilight wasn't at all sure that her body within the dream represented the state of her real body but she realized how important this examination was to Fluttershy’s peace of mind. With a sigh she allowed the awkward examination to continue.

“Oh, you asked me a question.” Fluttershy paused in her examination of Twilight. “Well, ah, Princess Luna brought me.” For some reason Fluttershy gave off an aura of embarrassment. “It’s kind of a long story, but I kind of did Luna a favor. In return she was kind enough to bring me along with her when she went to find you.”

Fluttershy looked Twilight in the eye. “We’ve been so worried for you. I couldn’t even sleep because I was so worried for you. Now hold still. I’m still not finished.”

“Twilight,” Luna broke into their proceedings, “I too am greatly pleased to see you. But we must first speak of more important matters, our time may be limited.”

“Is something wrong Luna? If this is a dream, why are we pressed for time?”

Luna directed a glare towards Twilight. “Do not doubt that this is a dream, Twilight. To reach you, I am directing my dream magic through one of those portals scattered about your study. Without the use of such a portal, I would never be able to reach this universes’ dream realm.”

“I have portals in my study?” This was news to Twilight.

“You do.” Luna affirmed confidently. “The fragments of that book you were working on have formed numerous portals to this world.”

Suddenly Twilight made the connection. Those ‘portals’ are the holes that Mike and I found in that rock. Though I didn’t know they were anchored by the book fragments left behind in my study. It kind of makes sense though. That’s where the spell for the Enchanted Book went wrong.

Those holes… So strange… The way they come and go… Twilight’s pupils contracted as she came to a realization.

“Luna, I just remembered that those ‘portals’ don’t stay open for very long. Is that why you’re pressed for time?”

Luna nodded slightly. “Yes Twilight that is why our time may be limited. I would rather not find out what happens if my dream magic gets cut off while our minds are still dreaming within this other universe.”

Twilight considered the problem. “Couldn’t you just – Yeee!” Twilight squealed and shied away suddenly as Fluttershy palpitated one of her wing-pits. “Fluttershy!”

“I’m so sorry, Twilight.” The yellow Pegasus apologized profusely. “I was too rough. I didn’t know that you were so ticklish under your wings.”

Neither did I, until just now. Twilight thought with dark annoyance. A frown touched her face, but only for a moment. “It’s all right, Fluttershy. Just be more careful.” Twilight forgave her friend. She couldn’t really be upset with Fluttershy. She was simply too overjoyed to see her again.

“Luna, couldn’t you just switch to another portal when the first one closes?” Twilight finished the question she had been asking before getting interrupted.

“I can, but only after I have extricated Fluttershy and myself from the first portal. And when I drop my magic, your now conscious mind will wake you from your slumber.”

“Oh, well then I’ll just use a Sleep Spell to put myself back to sleep.” Twilight offered what she considered to a simple solution.

“I am afraid not, Twilight. Such spells induce a state of unconsciousness rather than true sleep. In such a state you would have no dreams for me to return to. If you were to use any magic at all, then I would advise that you to limit yourself to a simple relaxation spell.”

“But I must admit that establishing a connection through these portals is somewhat exhausting. I am afraid I will have to limit myself to one or at most two visits per day. And owing to my initial dealings with Fluttershy here, this is already my second visit to this dream realm. I need to conserve my strength; I do have my duties as a Princess to consider.”

Twilight was curious as to what those dealings with Fluttershy were, but realized from Fluttershy’s earlier response that her friend did not want to discuss it.

“I understand.” Twilight’s tone was subdued. Then her expression brightened again as she gazed on Fluttershy. “Princess Luna, thank you so much for bringing Fluttershy here to see me.

“I miss all of my friends. If it’s not too much trouble, could you please bring the others with you on your next dream visit?”

Luna smiled encouragingly. “Of course. You are my friend and fellow Princess and gladly would I bring your other friends to come visit you as I have done with Fluttershy here. Though I may only be able to bring one or two with me.

“Now, Twilight.” Luna’s face became stern. “I must warn you about these portals. Be very careful you do not bring any high powered magic into contact with them.”

“Why, what’s wrong?” Twilight was confused by Luna’s warning. She had not been able to sense any magic within them.

“They are sinks, Twilight. Magic absorbers with the most intense gradient I have ever seen. I would not have known this except that when I inserted a magical construct into one of the portals, it exploded.”

Twilight was suitably shocked. Her pupils contracted and her ears fell back as she struggled to revise her mental image of the portals.

“So be doubly cautious, and take no chances,” Luna continued, “if you had attempted any high-level magic such as a Keyhole Teleport through one of these portals, you might well have been destroyed.”

Twilight grew pale. “I– I never considered using teleportation; so much was going on at the time we were there. I do know that spell of course; I’ve even tried it a few times...” Twilight’s voice faded out.

“Then it is well my warning has reached you in time. Now,” Luna’s voice suddenly became bright and cheery again, “tell us of your adventures within this realm. What is this world like? We know so little from your two letters.”

Fluttershy, now finished her detailed examination of Twilight, agreed with the princess. “Yes Twilight. Tell us how you have been.”

Twilight found herself eager to tell of her experiences. Besides it kept her from dwelling on a certain might-have-been involving teleportation.

“In a lot of ways, this world is very much like Equestria. The land looks the same, the trees, the ones I have seen, are the same ones we are familiar with. The sky, when not cloudy, is just as blue as ours.

“But there are some really weird differences. One thing Mike showed me was that this world was round, like a ball. Gravity works differently here, the Anti-Gravity spell is totally useless. It’s late summer in Equestria, but here it’s early to mid-winter. I gather that it’s daytime in Equestria right now, but its well after midnight here. And oh – Luna, you simply have to see the nighttime sky over here.

“The night sky is utterly pitch black and the stars are embedded in it like beautiful jewels beyond number. This universe is so unimaginably huge, and there are sights and wonders within it's depths that will take your breath away.” As she spoke, the dream-scape around them started to shift, bringing up scenes of the stars, galaxies and nebula Twilight had witnessed on Mike’s computer. Their awesome beauty startling her two visitors, judging from the gasps they let out.

Becoming aware that her own memories were projecting upon their surroundings, Twilight tried to consciously choose one last image. It worked and she was able to treat Fluttershy and Luna to the sight of the humans’ moon breaking over the crest of a distant snow-covered, tree-lined hill. She knew the moon would look quite odd to Luna. It was what Mike had called a ‘quarter moon’.

“The moon.” Luna gasped. “Half of it is missing.”

“It’s all there Luna. As I understand it, in the humans’ universe, the moon does not cast its own light.” This drew a sharp glance from Luna. “Its apparent light comes from sunlight being reflected off of it.” Luna’s eyes grew wide upon hearing that.

“I’m a little hazy on the details, but as I understand it, at this time of the month its position relative to the Earth and the Sun causes it to be illuminated from the side, rather than full on. We are seeing the illuminated half; the other half is in shadow.”

“Truly, tis a strange and disturbing concept.” Luna confessed. “Why would this world’s Princess manage her moon in such a complicated manner?”

Before Twilight could answer, the eyes of all three ponies widened in surprise as the sound of a male voice came drifting in. It was Mike, singing his ‘silent night’ song. Twilight was startled because she had not intended to do more than show Luna the humans’ moon and night sky. Certainly she had not intended to include any auditory memories.

“Oh, what a lovely song.” Fluttershy spoke, her ears tweaking about, trying to locate the source of the singing. Her head was canted slightly to the side.

Luna as well seemed to appreciate it. “A lovely song indeed, Fluttershy. For it declares my beauteous night to be holy. Who is that singing, Twilight?”

“That’s Mike.” She confessed with some embarrassed pride, even as she managed to mute the singing. “We were watching the moon rise when he just suddenly started singing. I’m sorry, I hadn’t intended to include Mike’s singing when I was showing you this world’s moon, Luna.”

“That is simply the way of dreams, Twilight. To control the imagery you project within the dream realm requires much practice and discipline. You did very well for your first effort.”

“Tell us about Mike, Twilight.” Fluttershy asked shyly. “I was scared when I saw him earlier. He looked so big and strange and – scary. But when I hear him singing that lovely sweet lullaby, I think he might actually be nice.”

“He is nice, Fluttershy. I know for sure that you would like him.”


“Really, Fluttershy.” Twilight walked up to her friend and gave her a comforting nuzzle. “We were watching the moon rise, the wind died down, everything got very quiet for a moment and then Mike started to sing. He told me later that the quiet moment reminded him of some happy memories of when his family sang that song together.”

“Happy memories of his family?” Fluttershy asked. “Twilight, is his family okay?”

“I don’t really know, Fluttershy. But I don’t think so, he rarely talks about them and when he does it’s always in the past tense. I once asked him about his sister and he told me that she died from a really horrible disease.”

“That’s terrible.” Fluttershy cried, holding a hoof up to her mouth.

“I’m pretty sure that Mike lives alone. In the three days I’ve been here he’s never talked about any friends. I think he needs me just as much as I need him.”

“Tell us more about this ‘Mike’.” Luna requested, not quite making it a demand. “His song notwithstanding, is he fit to be your companion during this trial you find yourself in?”

“He is, Luna. He saved my life, and has been nothing but kind and supportive. Even when we had some issues with our differences, he was always kind to me.

“Differences?” Luna pounced on Twilight’s choice of words. “Did these differences arise from the fact that you are a pony?”

Twilight giggled. “I don’t think that really bothered Mike too much. When I woke up on my first day here, I found myself in bed with him.”

“Whaaat?!” Both Luna and Fluttershy cried out together. Aghast at what she had said.

“It’s not what you think!” Twilight hastened to add. “When I arrived in this world, I was suffering from magic exhaustion. On top of that, this region was experiencing a terrible ice storm.”

“An Ice-storm?” Fluttershy asked in puzzlement. Luna’s ears however, pinned back as she obviously had some idea of what Twilight was talking about.

Around the three ponies, the scene changed, revealing a scene of Twilight struggling to move forward through the darkness. With every step, she was forced to impact the tips of her hooves into the ice covered snow. They saw her slip and recover on one hoof even as another leg was driven through the snow. When she withdrew her leg, they noticed that it was bloody from numerous scratches and deeper lacerations.

“Twilight!” A shocked Fluttershy cried out. “You’re hurt and you’re all covered in ice!”

“That rain was truly terrible, Fluttershy. You know of course that our Pegasi magic doesn’t protect us from the rain but those raindrops were supercooled to a temperature below freezing. The slightest contact caused them to freeze onto whatever they touched. The humans call it freezing rain.”

With an effort of will, Twilight blanked out the terrible dream imagery, leaving them in a dark featureless void. “There’s not too much else to say. I saw a light and followed it. The light led me to Mike’s home.

“Mike says he found me, lying unconscious in front of his door. Guys, I- I nearly died that night.” Twilight managed to choke out. “Mike tells me that I was suffering from hypothermia.” Fluttershy gasped upon hearing that diagnosis.

“He treated me the best he knew how, holding me against his body all night long in order to warm me up.”

Upon finishing her story, Twilight found herself being hugged again by Fluttershy. Luna came near and enfolded both of them with her broad wing while giving Twilight a nuzzle.

“Truly, this Mike has treated you with kindness.” Luna said, releasing the two ponies from her embrace. “Yet what were these differences you mentioned.”

You can trust that Equestria’s Princesses do not lose track of things that are being said. Twilight observed.

“Magic.” Twilight explained. “In this world magic seems to be unknown.

“The first time I levitated something, a glass of water, Mike looked scared. For the first day or so, he seemed to get – not quite upset I think, but uneasy every time he saw me using my magic.

“He was upset by you using your magic?” This time Fluttershy asked the question.

Twilight drew a breath and let it out. “Neither the humans of this world nor, from what Mike tells me, any of the animals or plants seem to have any association with magic. It is totally unknown to them.

“It’s really strange, because there is plenty of free magic here. I can perform magic just as I do at home.”

Suddenly Luna stiffened, throwing her head up. Her pose was similar to that of a pony trying to catch some faint sound.

“I am sorry Twilight,” The Princess stated, “but the portal we are using is nearly closed. We must depart immediately.”

“But you haven’t told me everything that you know about the portals. When will I see you again? We need to make a schedule.”

“You know enough for now, Twilight. Be careful how you use magic around those portals. Until tomorrow - Fare thee well.”

“Goodb–” Fluttershy’s farewell was cut off in mid-word as both she and Luna winked out abruptly, leaving Twilight alone, surrounded by dark mists.

“Great.” Twilight muttered to herself. “What am I supposed to do–”


Twilight gasped as she came awake with a start. Within her mind was the vivid memory of the conversation she had just had with Princess Luna and Fluttershy. It felt like mere seconds had elapsed since their departure, so abrupt had been her awakening.

Taking deep breaths to calm herself, Twilight lay there in the darkness, fixing the dream in her memory. She knew without a doubt that she really had been visited by Princess Luna and Fluttershy.

As she lay there thinking about the visitation, a tension she hadn’t realized was within her began to drain away. She was no longer cut off from her friends. As suggested in her letter to Celestia, her support team was coming together.

Eventually Twilight began fantasizing about the coming meetings with her friends. What they might say and ask and what answers she might prepare for them. Soon her fantasies became more and more dreamlike.

Before long, Twilight had drifted off to sleep again. No spell required.

Author's Note:

(1) 'Crystal Express': This is the advanced Train seen in the Season Four episode ‘Three’s a Crowd’. It was not explicitly named anywhere in that episode, so I took the liberty to give one. It seems to be the product of Crystal Empire magic/technology, hence the name I gave it − the ‘Crystal Express’.

(2) ‘Took the posy’: Pony equivalent to the human metaphorical phrase ‘took the bait’. Some ponies do engage in fishing, I know. But it is not a common pastime in their society. Most ponies however are tempted by a bouquet of tasty flowers – hence the expression.

(3) ‘Sleep spells induce unconsciousness’: Very much like our human ‘sleeping pills’, sleeping spells work through a sedative effect. They do not bring on natural sleep.

About this chapter:

Although I had started writing this chapter several months earlier, it really didn’t get going until August rolled around. As I took a break from my new hobby (see below), I found my enthusiasm for writing returning.

The last two weeks have been spent writing and re-writing the final dream sequence at the end of this chapter. I occurred to me that Fluttershy’s presence would be important for creating a first impression of Mike for Twilight's friends. A secondary benefit was in getting Twilight to verbalize some of her own thoughts and feelings about Mike. So I worked on getting Fluttershy more engaged with the dialog.

Fluttershy may be timid, but she’s no pushover. Not when it comes to her friends. I think I like how it turned out. I hope you like it too.


It’s been a fair while since I wrote the previous chapter, so I guess a few words are in order.

Without saying too much about it, I have been dealing with a number of health problems. They were not incapacitating by any means, but the numerous medical appointments were quite disruptive.

During this time, I also took on a new project. I am setting up a (small) workshop in my basement for woodworking. (Hey. It’s my new hobby. Don’t judge until you find your own hobby. Then you can tell me how much of your time that takes up.)

One good thing about the long delay is that I’ve had lots of time to consider my various ideas for this story in greater depth.

Yeah, yeah, I know. It’s good to be busy, but it’s even better to finish what I started. So here it is - the next chapter of ‘Twilight’s World’. Hope you enjoyed it.