• Member Since 24th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen May 17th



Twilight and her friends struggle to adapt to their new roles as extremely public heroes of Equestria, but unwittingly set in motion events that bring back Celestia and Luna's most ancient foe.

This story began as a simple pony-based retelling of The Lord of the Rings, but is now something entirely different. Starting with the end of Season 4, this story aims to continue from there in novelized form, as opposed to a series of episodes. (As a result, I've marked it with Alternate Universe: while I think it's compatible with canon so far, it certainly won't be after season 5 starts.)

I do like the slow burn, so it might take a bit to justify its tags, but I've based them on the story as a whole. Dark for honest depictions of warfare. No sex tag, but there may be some passing mention of sexuality in keeping with the Teen rating.

Chapters (13)
Comments ( 15 )

Wow. You're attempting an absolute pony EPIC, something on a par of Visiden Visidane's series. If you can deliver, you're going to go down in brony history. I hope you succeed. And I'm glad I was here at the beginning.

You have all my well wishes!

Adding things to groups is always so fraught. Obviously with the Romance tag on here there's going to be some romance involved, but it's a ways off, and I'm not sure I'd be doing anyone a service by spoiling pairings.

On the other hand, I suppose people might rather know now if there's some shipping in the future they can't stand. Anyone have strong thoughts one way or another?

Sweetie Bell, you better not take that amulet!

Looking forward to more!

Got most of a chapter written but it's not done yet and I really have to go to bed. Expect it within 24 hours or so. Thanks for reading.

Chapter's around half done and I have an event to work on Saturday, chapter ETA is hopefully Sunday night/Monday morning.

What is a "slow burn"?

5007793 If you mean as noted in the description, just that I don't mind a bit of build up before the meat of the story becomes clear.

Hello readers! Sorry for the slower-than-I'd-like update. Meant to have one out today, but I just lost most of it to a BSOD (I should really stop typing directly to the site, but it's just so convenient). I can recreate it but am too tired to do it tonight; hopefully will be up tomorrow.

Well, wrote a bunch tonight, but it was an MLPCCG strategy article; so close and yet so far. I plan to get this chapter up tomorrow.

"The Long Twilight"
tagged for sex
Expected long Twilight

5466454 I should maybe remove that one, the tagging uses seem to have changed since I started it, or w/e. I have the teen/sex tag to be safe but...maybe not really important.

Hmm, someone with the title prince, sealed in ice in a "deepest pit..." been reading La Divina Commedia lately?

I am glad you're not following The Lord of the Rings terribly closely anymore. We all know what happens in Moria. *shudder*

5472910 I never actually read the full Divine Comedy, though I've seen summaries and so forth. And of course a lot of the ideas have filtered into many things I'm more familiar with, like all the various D&D hells that have existed throughout the years.

And I anticipate part of the fun for those familiar with LOTR will be seeing the ways this one does and doesn't pay homage to it, yeah.

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