• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 24,667 Views, 1,809 Comments

Sweetie's Shadow - Note Sketch

Looking for a way to get over her fear of public speaking, Sweetie Belle borrows an instructional book from Twilight's library to help out. One thing leads to another and some how ends up binding King Sombra to her as her shadow...

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1. Bound

▂▃▅▇█▓▒░۩ Arc 1 Start ۩░▒▓█▇▅▃▂

"Rarity?!" A voice called out from the second floor of the boutique. The mare in question sighed as a sense of annoyance took over her. This was suppose to be a calm and quiet day for her to focus on her work, but having her sister around suddenly increased the chances of something breaking...or burning down.

"Yes?" The white mare replied as the sewing machine began to wind down. Looking over to the door, Rarity foresaw her younger sister barging in, and sure enough, she did.

"There's something I really really really need your help with!" Sweetie Belle said as she held the door open. The small filly was breathing heavy as her eyes were wide open in fear. This look of desperation quickly tore away whatever annoyance Rarity was feeling and replaced it with concern.

"What's wrong dear?"

"There's some weird guy in my room!"

"What!?" Rarity asked as she quickly stood up, knocking her seat down. "How did he get in here?"

"I-I-I-I don't know, he just...appeared!" Sweetie Belles replied as her sister ran to her, placing her hooves to the filly's shoulders.

"Shh, shh, it's okay Sweetie. I'm here now." Rarity said as she tried to calm her sister down, which seemed to be working. "Now, where is he?"

"In my room."

"Okay, let me go get something real quick and we can go see who this pervert is." Rarity said with a reassuring smile that brought some calm to the poor filly. Sticking to her older sister like glue, Sweetie Belle followed Rarity as ran she to grab a bat she had stashed away, mostly to hide it from Sweetie Belle.

"Hey, that's mine!"

"Correction, it was yours until you and your crusader friends decided to break my window with your baseball game."

"It was to get our cutie marks!"

"Did you get them?"


"Then it wasn't worth a custom made stained glass window." The white mare said with a teasing smile as she walked off to the room where the culprit was last seen.

Slowly opening the door just a bit to peep inside, Rarity looked around the pink room as she searched for the intruder. She continued to open the door until she got a glimpse of some pony who was laying on the floor of the room. It was strange. By the scorched marks around the body, it was almost like a failed teleportation spell or something like that.

"Hello?" Rarity asked out as she slowly walked in, bat in the air above her with her blue magical aura around it. "Who are you?"

Nothing. The body remained motionless. Was he...dead? Getting ever closer, Rarity cautiously looked over the body. It was much more strange to the eyes now that she was nearer.

The pony's body was...moving, but like if it was trying to fall into place. Like a graphical glitch, the skin crawled as it found it's place on the stallion's body. He was turned away from her so she couldn't get a look at his face, but that was the least of her worries at the moment. Suddenly the dark stallion breathed in, scaring the white mare enough to get her to retreat from the room.

Again she opened the door to peek in.

"H-Hello?" She asked out one more.

Again, no response, though now it was clear the stallion was breathing in. Had it been holding his breath or....

"Is he still there?" Sweetie asked as she peeked in as well from behind the door.

"Yes, though I'm not sure if he's okay..." Rarity said as she slowly lowered the bat. "How did you say he came to your room?"

"There was this bright light and there some weird chanting, and then poof, he was there." The filly responded as she pushed the door open all the way.

"It kind of sounds like he messed up his teleportation and wound up here." She said as she once again came close to the stallion, still cautiously though. Gently poking him with her bat, she called out to him. "Hellooo? You alright there?"

Still nothing from him.

Gaining some confidence, Rarity loosened her tense body and began to walk upright as she circled the stallion. Squinting to get a better look at him, she looked the stallion over now that she had access to his face. It was definitely a unicorn, but his horn was completely strange. Instead of a spiral horn, it was more of a red spike, which immediately caused the mare a sense of dread.

"It...It can't be." She said in a shaking voice as she gazed over him.

"Do you know who he is?" Sweetie Belle asked from the door frame.

"I think so...I just have to make sure of something..." Rarity replied as she raised her bat. Gently, she moved his mane out of his face to get a better look at him. With his muzzle revealed, her fears were confirmed. As if the white arrows between his eyes weren't enough to distinguish the stallion, his fangs certainly accomplished the job. It was none other than the Tyrant of the Frozen North. The Unicorn King of the Crystal Empire.

"K-King Sombra..." She whispered to herself in disbelief. As if his name was the trigger that would jolt him awake. The dark stallion opened his eyes wide as he was suddenly pushed into reality. Blood thirst filled in his glare, he threw himself up and tackled Rarity against the wall as a terrifying roar escaped his mouth.

Frozen in fear, Rarity was pinned against the wall as her magic allowed the bat she was holding to fall to the floor and roll away. His vision beginning to clear, Sombra became more lucid as he look over the mare he was holding by the throat.

"You...I recognize you! You and your friends killed me...or at least came close to killing me. I will enjoy tearing you apart!" He shouted as a smirk stretched across his face. A smile that brought chills down Rarity's spine as she saw his fangs glimmer in the light.

"Don't hurt her!" Sweetie Belle shouted out as she ran over to them.

A pain surged over Sombra. A pain that seemed to take control of his body as his grey coat glowed, forcing him to pull away and let the mare go. Shaking his head as he tried to breath through the anguish coursing through his muscles, he looked back at his 'prey'.

"Sweetie Belle...get back!" Rarity shouted between the coughs her body let out from suddenly released from the hold on her neck. The filly didn't exactly listen as she stood between Sombra and her sister, a soft growl escaping her.

"You...what did you do to me!?" Sombra shouted out as he began to power his horn with dark magic. His red irises faded into the sickly green his eyes were now glowing as he began to attack. Or tried to at least. As much as he willed himself to attack with his magical abilities, he couldn't seem to execute them.

He wasn't out of magic or anything, he simply could not bring himself to shoot out his magic. It was like if he was forced to stand down. Growls and snarls were heard as Sombra strained himself trying to attack. Nothing. Giving up on magic, he instead ran up to the filly as he intended to instead use physical force, but as he came inches away from her, he was once again forced to stand down.

Taking a second to look at the white filly, he shouted out. "Why can't I kill you!?" Again he jumped forward but was pushed back as if he had hit an invisible barrier.

The sisters looked confused at one another as Sombra simply looked like he was being pulled away by some pony only to charge at them again and then dragged off again in a strange and almost funny cycle.

"A-Are you alright there?" Sweetie Belled asked as she began to sweat at his strange actions.

"No I'm not! I want to tear you both to pieces but something won't let me!" He shouted as he finally gave up and simply stood back.

"That's good. It would be bad for us if you tore us up to tiny pieces." The filly said with a smile, the gruesomeness of the threat flying right over her head.

"It looks like we're safe here...Some pony must have put up a force field to help us or something." Rarity said as she came to her hooves. "If we here in the corner we can wait until some pony comes to help."

"Ooohh." Sweetie said as she completely ignored her sister and walked straight up to Sombra to look at his long mane. As she came to his side, he flinched his muscles as some movement on his part was denied.

"Get back over here!" The white mare said as she used her magic to levitate her sister away from Sombra. "King Sombra could have killed you!" She scolded as she hugged Sweetie Belle to keep her close.

"Believe me, I tried." Sombra declared as he looked over at them. "Chee, I don't have time to wait around here. No doubt I'll be caught and sent to the princesses or something if I stay here." He said as he turned around to walk away and head towards the door

"Wait!" Sweetie Belle shouted out as she broke free of her sister's grip.

"Argh!" Sombra shouted as his body froze, a powerful strain on all of his muscles.

"He...He actually waited?" Rarity asked as she cautiously followed her sister to get close, both confused and concerned about what was going on.

"You can't go without apologizing to me and Rarity for attacking us!" Sweetie Belle shouted as she blocked the exit, not that it mattered since Sombra wasn't allowed to move by some strange force anyway.

"I...will not apologize to either of you!" He responded with a pained voice.

"It's rude not to! Do it!" Sweetie Belle scolded.

Sombra's head jerked up as his body suddenly took a formal pose. His hooves together, he clenched his jaw as he felt his voice begin to come out, but refused to allow it to do so.

"Apologize." She demanded again.

He persisted to remain silent, but for some reason could not seem to be able to disobey the filly. Still, his will and pride would not allow himself to do such a thing as apologize. For a moment he grunted and growled at the discomfort he first felt when he was forced to stand formality towards Sweetie Belle became another surge of pain across his entire body.

"P-Please forgive my actions." He finally said and as he did, his body fell to the floor. The force that had held him in place finally let go now that he had obeyed the filly. From the ground he tried to stand again but was left exhausted from struggling a moment before.

"Okay, I forgive you." Sweetie Belle said as she raised her head pridefully, happy that she had gotten an apology. "You can go now if you want." She said. At once, Sombra began to dissipate into the air.

His body de-materialized into what seemed like smoke and spiraled in the air before flying straight to Sweetie Belle. She flinched as she saw the smoke come her way, but it changed trajectory at the last second and instead hit the ground, becoming the shadow that she didn't know she was missing.

Both Rarity and Sweetie Belle stood quiet for a while. The events that had taken place still processing through their minds.

"Uh...Sweetie Belle...Dear."

"Y-Yes Rarity?"

"What exactly were you doing before King Sombra appeared in your room?"

"Reading off a spell book I got from Twilight's library."