• Member Since 18th Jan, 2013
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Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are best friends.

Or, at least, they seem to be... until one last straw breaks the facade and Diamond lashes out. Alone and friendless, the rich filly has to make amends, and fast. Now that Diamond has outlived her usefulness, Silver Spoon has no reason not to make good on the threat which tied Diamond to her bidding for the past three years, and Diamond can't hope to deal with the consequences alone.

Even with friends by her side, though, life in Ponyville rarely conforms to expectation, and there are still some ponies determined to make Diamond suffer for her past sins. The truth about her bullying years might just save her, but after three years, things aren't going to be easy. With her father and Cheerilee to guide her, and new friends by her side, Diamond just might make it through this trial in one piece.

Note: the Alternate Universe tag is there for the following small changes from canon: Diamond Tiara's mother died when she was young; the CMC's cutie marks will be different, and Diamond's has a different meaning; and at the start of the story, there is no significant Rich-Apple trade.

Chapters (27)
Comments ( 148 )

This is an interesting interpretation of Diamond and Spoon's relationship. Also I noticed a few typos, you want double check you spelling before posting. For example the lesson is just called 'math' and not "maths"

4919318 I'm British, that's just the way we spell those things over here. Math is Maths in this country. Though if you'd be kind enough to point out the rest, I could check that there are no genuine typos in there.

Diamond and Silver's relationship is going to be expanded on a lot in the next chapter, so stick around if you found what I managed to fit in here interesting.

This story is going great so far, very interesting... I don't see any misspellings. But there are a few things here and there you can fix, for example:
" "N-no" came the quivering response. " -You should put a comma at the end of the speech inside the "s (forgot what they're called...) if the sentence continues after, and a period if the sentence ends there.
"Yes, daddy?", she replied, sliding from her bed onto the welcoming carpet. " - The comma after the sentence ends is unnecessary, because the question mark already is the punctuation. If there should be a comma/period, it should be for the reason above.

I like it

It's just difficult to imagine SS manipulating DT given all the show has shown us about their relationship and I'm having trouble with suspension of disbelief

4920513 I'm in the process of writing the next chapter as we speak, which is going to (hopefully) do a good job explaining what exactly the situation with SS was. If you still can't see Silver doing what she's been doing after that, then that's fine - for now, though, just wait and see.

All I can say for now is that Silver did a very good job manipulating Diamond into acting in such a way as to make her seem like the leader (and therefore take most of the attention off of Silver.)

4919979 Thanks! I'll be sure to fix those when I upload the next chapter. Whilst I'm not usually one for spelling mistakes, I do tend to add punctuation where none was needed from time to time.

This looks well worth following. Good story so far, I'll be very interested in where it goes.

One thing I noticed that seemed off is your description of the school. Ponyville Elementary is one room, a basement and a bell tower. It has no corridors, lockers or teacher's office. I know, narrative necessity and all, just an an observation.

Yeah, I needed it bigger for what I had planned, so I made the school many times larger than it is in the show.
I'm planning to explain it in-story anyway, but the explanation I'm rolling with is that the school was expanded to cater for foals from a wider radius of villages, not just Ponyville (due to ponies wanting their children to be educated in the home town of the new princess.)
To allow for the school's reconstruction in the timeline, the story takes place around 2 years after the show, which (based off of my own ideas of how old everypony is) makes Diamond and her classmates around thirteen years old and the mane six in their early-to-mid twenties.

4919979 There is no comma after a quotation ("") if it ends in a question (?) or exclamation mark (!) otherwise, you are correct in the not using a period (.) at the end if there is an action that follows.

4919369 Heh, Yukito and I assume many Brits sadly get that a lot. They may as well introduce flags or tags that say "This author uses "S" in place of "Z" in many common words. You have been warned!" :rainbowlaugh:

I do not recall if I had read this yet, I'll be sure to read it. The description alone was pretty catching, Spoon being vexed enough to spill secrets on Diamond Tiara for a fight they had? DT must of really let her guard down around Silver who probably kept her guard up well to not let DT catch onto anything Silver may have.

I do hope this eventually sees a complete tag, I really have a hard time following stories that aren't complete. Too many disappointments like recently with stories ending up dead after so much time investments put into a story.

Well, enough chatter. Best finish my responsibilities so as to this story quicker! :twistnerd:

4973898 Thanks very much for the comment, feedback is always nice.

Regarding its status as incomplete, I have been thinking of ending the story at the end of the current arc (anything up to 15 chapters at 2k words each) and thus leaving myself the option of continuing it through sequels a la 'An Affliction Of The Heart', albeit nowhere near as long-running.

I have some plans for events following on from this arc, but nothing too solid, so rather than continue it blindly and potentially leave it unfinished forever, I thought it'd be better to end it nicely at this arc's conclusion and decide if and how to continue it from there.

I've written more than I probably needed to, but alas, my OCD/paranoia about explaining things in full took over. Sorry for the wall of text! :twilightblush:

Wow. That really was a heck of a turn around. You virtually only see this type of story told in Silver Spoon fanons. To have Silver, whom I have seen as a filly who knows what she does wrong and stands hoof and hoof as equals with DT enough to where they respect each others' own personal space where they each might have interests in different things, something you also don't see or read much of outside of certain authors, but to see THIS concept executed so smoothly and with real plausible reasons?

Gotta say, this Silver Spoon, especially with how assertive she can be at times and how silvertongued she can be, I have to say this is a hell of a setup. If one looks at One Bad Apple's Golden Apple Float scene, you can sort of envision where THIS story's Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon come from. Silver being ready to lay the verbal smack down while Babs did her thing, leaving Silver shocked as DT trotted away to avoid a confrontation to find a good spot to view the floats.

4974334 HA! No worries. That is hardly what I'd call a wall of text my friend. I am a stream of consciousness type person myself, and can go on for miles when discussing topics. I thought you presented your thoughts and wishes for the story just right and without really giving any spoilers away, which is a good thing.

That is some good planning by the way; something that feels complete but yet open ended enough to leave room for future projects in the same universe is exactly what readers love.

Seems you have the outline for this arc planned out well. Looking forward to seeing some updates.

And holy crap, that was well a well written chapter. You must not be one of those easily swayed by ponytailed glasses wearing three toned grayed fillies to toss out such a refreshing twist on all this. AND IT HAS A PLOT beyond superficial reasons!

Though, I can't say much this being a setup chapter, I really am looking forward to more updates now. Have a like and fav.

I'm really liking this story.

Usually its Silver Spoon who's in this position. Its a nice shift in perspective for once. You got me hooked.

You certainly don't see many terrible twosome stories where Silver Spoon's the evil influence and Diamond's her unwilling lacky/blackmail victim.

I'll keeping my eye on this one :ajsmug:

Poor Diamond, forced to be Silver's puppet.

Silver is a piece of work. Curious to see how the CMC can possibly help DT out of this mess. Looking forward to those new chapters!

I can't wait until next Thursday then. Its getting good. I just came back from a story that made Apple Bloom the bully and blackmailer. Everything new is so..refreshing.

They're going to need to get the other side of the story and maybe input from at least one third party, but sadly when it comes to their children parents usually take what the kids say at face value and don't bother with confirming what they were told were the facts or the whole story.

Well, that was something. Next chapter is going to potentially going to be pretty intense. Nothing is more violent than blind, rage-filled, parents who dismiss their own children of ever doing wrong. But that letter. Looks like things are gonna get rough if things don't go according to Silver's plans, but so far she looks to be getting in the first shots.

Dinky is into tabletops and The Three Kingdoms? NEEEEEERRRRRD!

Dinky and Auburn might make for a nice side story for ya down the line. Then we'd be able to learn more about Auburn down as the story progresses.
Could be cute. Add some conflicts of other fillies and colts just not being into anything Dinky likes. Nerds of a feather have to stick together. :P

Still, far as this story goes, I'm curious as to what role an OC will play in this story. Here's to next chapter.

5024788 Yeah, next chapter's going to be both very fun and very challenging to write. Some of my favourite parts to write are the more confrontational scenes, but I've shot myself in the foot a little with all the buildup I've given it!

One of the things I've been trying to avoid in this (although it may not seem like I've done so thus far) is having Diamond become best friends with the CMC. Realistically, that just wouldn't happen, or at least not as quickly as I usually see it being done.

Having established that the school is much larger now and takes students from nearby towns too means I have the ability to mix up who DT does become friends with in the end, thus avoiding the issue of who's going to like her out of the few canon classmates she has if not the CMC.

As for Dinky being the world's nerdiest unicorn since Almighty Sparklehorse herself, and your idea that practically nopony likes the same things as her: you are spot on the reason Auburn's her only close friend and I very much intend to, as you suggested, make this into more of an issue in later chapters.

I'm naturally wary about having an OC as a major character, but I think Auburn's personality will fit fairly smoothly with the established characters and that she won't seem so out of place. Besides, we know so little about most of the foals that they're essentially OCs anyway. Just to be clear, Diamond is, and will remain, the main character of the story.

Oh, and

Nerds of a feather have to stick together

I might just have to steal that. Had a good laugh when I saw it.

Thanks for the support!

I feel bad for Diamond. Poor filly

Things are getting interesting.

I love this-we need more of this sadly. Its not enough.

Algebra :twilightangry2:

Which became really easy once you learned the basics :rainbowkiss:

Great chapter. I'm glad you're pacing it a bit slower now. Gives me more time to enjoy all the little efforts the CMC are putting into helping, and the prospect of seeing a chapter of Diamond Tiara trying to fit in and understand what those adorakable fillies, Dinky and Autumn Breeze, is something I hope we see some day. Even in a sort of stand alone side story one-shot or something. xD

Rumble sure is a tough one to get through to, but Di let herself get so deep. Oh well, I wonder what the rest of the day will go for her now that class is out. Or maybe nothing happens and we get to the meeting chapter. Either way, I'm cool with whatever you do. I for one liked this chapter's pacing. Don't do anything that doesn't feel natural to you, we trust in ya! Don't feel pressured to rush any scene before its time. Lots going on in this story anyways.

5062636 Thanks again for the feedback!

Once the meeting's over and done with, the focus of the story will be on things like this chapter, with Diamond's day-to-day attempts to fit in and make amends, so I'm really glad you like the pacing. This sort of slice-of-life drama is more what I'll be going for in the future, rather than veritable catastrophes like the Silver Spoon situation - school's certainly hard enough without having to worry about your parent's job too!

In case you were worried, I am taking all the time I need with this next one, it's just coming along faster than I'd expected, is all. I learnt my lesson about rushing things the hard way with my first story and I have no desire to repeat that particular mistake. :facehoof:
Of course, with Pandora's Box, I didn't have such helpful feedback to help me write, so thanks for the comments, they really do help a lot.

Fan + Poop = Messy room.

I have to say, I only ever seen two outbursts like that from a woman. I can only say you must have, too, at some point in your life because that scene and her husband's reaction was too perfect.

Feel pretty bad for DT. Silver was a horrible cunt, but, she's all she knew. Petty to think Silver will go unpunished and grow up to be like her mother. :pinkiesad2::pinkiesick:

I never get used to these nasty breakups. But you setup a wonderful Sunset Shimmer level redemption opening for Diamond, like the sort Sunset probably had to go through during her first day of being allowed to continue attending the school.

And hope you give Rainbow Rocks a shot, Sunset is pretty much the Sunset I wish the first movie got to explore. Some forced bits here and there with Flash and overreactions on his part, but nothing that detracts from the main focus of the movie, which is Sunset and the Dazzlings.

I'll still take a pony pony movie over EQG any day, but this one was (for the most part) a likable, and much better paced, movie.

P.S. Tried to avoid spoilers. This chapter was better than I'd imagined it'd be like! Great job.

5072943 Thanks, Telaros! I was a little worried about how well I'd done this one, so to hear you liked it more than you were expecting to really made my day.

Funnily enough, I have never personally seen anyone flip out the way I wrote Glimmer as doing - although I'm pretty sure there were a few half-remembered Bellatrix Lestrange scenes I was channeling there, so maybe J.K. Rowling's seen someone lose it that bad.

As for Rainbow Rocks, I actually quite liked EQG, although an My Little Pony movie with the characters as, well, ponies would have been so much better, so I was thinking of maybe checking it out even if your recommendation hadn't sealed the deal.

I'm honestly still surprised I managed to write, edit and upload all this in two and a half days, although I was in one of those rare moods where I can't think of anything more important to do than what I happen to be writing. That might have had something to do with it.

5073818 Those rare moments are wonderful. Wish I had those come to be in bigger bouts that led to actually making stories. And yes, you did great, I look forward to see where all this goes to from here.

Enjoy the movie! It certainly tried to go for feel of ponies this time, Rainbow Dash is lovingly extra tomboyish with a very blink and you miss it girly moment during a certain guitar solo. Overall, fun experience and they can only improve from there.

I'm looking forward to how Diamond reacts to the game Dinky and Auburn like to play; before, during, and after.

5122198 You're going to love the next chapter, then - about half of it is dedicated to Diamond Tiara's blundering first adventures in the world of tabletop gaming - I know I'm going to have fun writing it.

I am a nerd for being able to solve that math problem in my head and get it right?

Also I see an opportunity for a possible business partnership with Auburn's father.

And I'm glad that Diamond is making friends besides Nasty Spoon. :twilightsmile:

I feel like I've just watched a six hour Magic The Gathering tournament. What's my name again?

5178114 :rainbowlaugh: I'm just going to take that as a compliment: since I've never actually played something like this, if it reminds you of Magic: The Gathering I must be doing something right. :scootangel:

She scooped up the dice and rolled it

Dice is the plural and die is the singular, don't feel bad a lot of people make this mistake. So instead it should either "scooped up the die and rolled it" or "scooped up the dice and rolled them" if you decide on the change to plural you'll have to state the number of dice. Now that we have that out of the way, you had them play a pony version of Risk I think that's kind of cool. Maybe you could have them making a go at making an RPG in a later chapter, have Diamond state she was wondering what would happen if you just played one of the lower tier units and spent time pumping them up some way or something like that. Sorry it's just that this got me thinking of how D&D got started, and the original D&D really did start with a similar question to that I thought Diamond might give. Feel free to do with that what you want:twilightsheepish::twilightsheepish:

5178268 Thanks for the pointers, I'll make sure to fix that error later - I thought I'd found everything, but I'm not surprised something slipped by in a chapter this big.

As for the RPG-like ideas you have, I was going to include RPG elements in the game but didn't have the time. We've only seen the first five turns of a game which can last days, though, so there's plenty of room to add more elements later.

One idea I had was that since they're going to run out of units to bring into play eventually, I could make that a transition to a new stage of the game. The main idea being that if these are the only units they have, they're all a lot more precious to the player - couple this with the ability to improve units over time and there's going to be a shift in how they play, even if the main goals and rules are the same.

Don't worry, this is not the full extent of the game by any means, and if you have any ideas I'd love to hear them!

5178341 That still makes it a strategy game of sorts, the way you've set it up and described is similar to Strategy games like Risk. RPG stands for Role Playing Game and in that style of game you usually play a single character and have them take on a role, some RPGs or players of RPGs will play with more than one character. An RPG that plays with the multiple character concept a bit, but suffers from source material inconsistencies and poor execution, is Fireborn, in that game you play a reincarnated dragon and the GM (Game Master) can set things up so that you play through your character's dragon past(s) (the game does offer a wonderful assortment of choices in character creation, but as I said before it also suffers from inconsistencies and poor execution that is mostly outside character creation). An RPG that shows what happens with good execution and immense creation options is GURPS, in a phrase it is the Uber game because nothing is out of reach for you. Another game that gives you plenty of options is White Wolf publishing's World of Darkness series, both it and GURPs run on a point buy system (in other words you start with X number of points for character creation and earn more points as you play through the game). Dungeons and Dragons (better known as D&D or DnD) and Pathfinder (which was initially a spin-off game from edition 3.5 of Dnd) work on a leveling class system (that means you choose a class and when you reach X number of experience points you're at a new level and have access to new abilities, feats and skills). With a point buy system you don't have levels or classes (at least in the experience I've had with such games) and you can spend your points at anytime on whatever your want, provided you have enough points to buy up what you want. I will admit that RPGs and Strategy board games share similar elements, but that's because the first RPGs were a born from strategy board games (the medieval strategy board game Chainmail was actually a parent of D&D (the oldest known RPG to date) as D&D creators Earnest Gary Gygax and Dave Anerson played Chainmail and got into a discussion about what it would be like to only be in command of a singular unit from the start of the game and what kind of challenges would such a game concept present for the character being played.

5178616 Thanks for the extra clarification, I'll keep that in mind. I will admit I've never played an RPG tabletop game myself, so my knowledge of what is and what isn't an RPG is somewhat lacking. I will say now that the heart of this is probably going to remain fairly like strategy games (the initial concept of this was essentially a beefed up version of chess, after all) but introducing more RPG elements later on would do a lot to keep things interesting.

I don't think I explained my idea very well, either. I didn't want to overload you with information, so I kept a lot of the detail back, but I can see a lot of what I meant wasn't obvious.

So, my idea was that after all the little battles they'll have had by that time, each player would probably only have 5-10 units left. Any one of them can be chosen by the player to their (for want of a better term) hero, with the rest forming more of a grunt military force.
The heroes are given a suitably fantasy-style name, a class and a background, and serve as the main character of each player.
Players now play the game as their player character would, leveling up on the enemy grunt force and going on quests. To control their other units, the player either needs to be close to them, or send a message via other means, so a lot more of what happens is tied into their own actions as their hero.
The quests would be chosen by a non-player games-master of sorts, which in this game would probably be Auburn since she's already out of the game. The games-master would also be the judge of whether players are acting how their character should, and would challenge them if their actions don't make sense (i.e. if a player using a magician class suddenly decided they're going to fight the enemy in battle armour with a spear)
Additionally, the games-master can bring in units from the factions which aren't being played to divert attention from the end goal of the game, and similarly can bring in and control NPCs for quests.

That still sounds really convoluted, and there are some other details I've kept out, but it's probably the best explanation I can give without actually writing Diamond and Co. playing it.

Oh, and by the way, that dislike on your comment wasn't me, I upvoted it.

5180480 Well it's still in the process of developing, so I'm looking forward to where it goes. The way you described it a moment ago sounds interesting. Since Diamond's new to it all she could ask a question along the lines of "what if we played the game as a low tier hero unit from start to finish and they made their way up to being the equivalent of a higher tier?" Since you've written Tiara as a tactical mind, that seems to like challenges, then that kind of question would be her trying find a way to make the game more challenging. And over time they could all be refining the new version of the game to point it's become an entirely new sort of game and they are all in a sort of council with each other on what to call the new game, and along the way they start writing up new rules for the variant they're working with. Maybe they also start adding more factions that aren't in what they have (first by purchasing the supplements they don't have readily at their disposal or asking somepony good at crafting metal or wood to make the figures for new factions they've devised for the the improved game. Maybe even expanding on the existing lore while simultaneously writing up new lore. There are a lot of ways this could go. I just offered up a way it could go from a tabletop strategy game with RPG elements to a full blown RPG, granted it was pretty basic summary of how that could go from a single question. You can do with it as you want, but just remember you put in something that can be expanded on here. Heck you could even make their little side project a spin-off story that happens in the main story, but arranged so that it doesn't interrupt the flow of the main story. You already have a nice set of "base races" to start with (the earth ponies, pegasi, unicorns, griffons, and changelings; heck you with the changelings and possibly griffons you've even made for the possibility of sub-races).

For a better understanding of tabletop RPGs I suggest finding some friends and sitting down to play one. D&D is a long runner, Pathfinder is a more balanced D&D (for now anyway, D&D 5th edition is just around the corner; also you can get a pony variant for Pathfinder, just search for Ponyfinder online and you should be good there), GURPS could potentially make you lose track of something while in the process of character creation, Mouse Guard is good one for beginners in my opinion, World of Darkness has a bunch of variants and might prove interesting for you (World of Darkness, Changeling, Geist, Hunter, Werewolf, Promethean, and MAGE are the variants I'm most aware of), Feng Shui might prove interesting to you. PM me if you want to know a bit more about them and I'll tell you all I can.

5180606 Yeah, I've been debating whether to keep the development as a progression of the base game or as Diamond and Co.'s own spin-off, and I think it might work better if, like you said, they started adding their own elements to it after a question gets their minds going. Anyhow, it'll be a little while before the game comes back to the forefront, so I've got time to make up my mind.

somepony good at crafting metal

Hmm, I can't think of anypony I've introduced who could do that. Definitely not a certain filly's father whose occupation got mentioned briefly last chapter, that would be silly. :trollestia:

In all seriousness, though, Auburn's dad would be perfect for this - and Filthy Rich could certainly finance a few figurines now that his business isn't collapsing. I'd never have thought of that, so thanks for the input once again.

5180633 Glad to help.

Yeah, Diamond totally acted like Sora from No Game No Life this chapter. I had NO clue what her plan was until she explained it at the end.

Applebloom has a potty mouth.

5210875 Yes, yes she does. :eeyup:
Good thing? Bad thing? Neutral?

This chapter was a bit bitter sweet, and in my opinion that's exactly what it needed to be. Here's to hoping the next chapter isn't delayed due to issues, heck if were lucky we might get to see a double update. Only time, and Zombificus, can tell us for sure.

5212063 Unless I'm incredibly unlucky, this sort of disaster won't happen again. I've been putting backup files of everything I write all over my computer (and on CDs) to avoid this in future. But seriously, who expects their computer to crash and half their files to corrupt?

Probably won't be seeing a double-update, even though I'd really like to (next chapter follows on from this one seamlessly) due to the fact my other story was also hit by the corruption and I need to work on writing the next chapter of that before it's delayed too far. If I finish it before too long, I might be able to upload the next Collapse chapter a little early, but I can't promise you that will happen.

Glad you thought the chapter's mood worked well, I wasn't too sure about whether it was quite right when I uploaded, so it's really heartening to hear.

Well, that went smoothly enough. Seems DT has a ways to go before making things right by Apple Bloom. But it's a start. Auburn is just adorable, but I wonder what will happen from here on? :rainbowhuh:

And might I suggest that thing that saves people from harddrives that die on average within their first two years? Try google documents or just Ctrl+S as often as you can when you write a paragraph or something you're happy with. Even typing on fimfic you can archive your progress. It's a few of the things I do at least. I always expect the worst, especially with anything not directly built with my own hands that's Acer or Dell on it. Though at least Dell has good customer support. Least they used to, haven't owned one since the Dino ages.

Looking forward to the next chapter in these fillies' lives!

5221574 Glad you liked the chapter, and it's great to hear from you again. I've got a fair few good ideas of where to take the story before it ends, some of which I plan to start foreshadowing in the next few chapters, so keep an eye open.

Diamond would indeed have a lot of work ahead of her if she tried to make things right with Bloom: that filly is certainly not going to be starting the Diamond Tiara Fan Club anytime soon.

On a side note relating to Bloom, I am a little surprised no one's noticed the surface-level inconsistency in Apple Bloom's attitude to Diamond: she has gone from organising a bailout for Filthy Rich to nearly refusing to help Diamond with the assembly, after all. I've not yet explained this in any detail in-story yet, but Bloom has never liked Diamond: she just helped out because she isn't the sort to let that kind of thing happen to somepony if she could do something about it, no matter her personal feelings towards them.

In case you were curious about how much longer the story will continue for, the story so far has happened in late May and I intend to end the story when Diamond and Co leave Ponyville Elementary for good in early July. The story so far has taken place over one week, but when it comes down to it Diamond's life - as with everyone's - is rather repetitive, so we won't be having the full two months being told day-to day: instead, I want to focus on her more interesting days with the same level of detail and hour-by-hour pacing I've used so far. We're maybe a quarter of the way through at the minute; perhaps more, perhaps less.

As for the computer situation, I have tried GDocs in the past, but could never figure out how to transfer that over to FimFic successfully. I might try again, though, or I could write the chapters straight up into FimFic and publish them when they're ready. Given the scale of the Wednesday Cataclysm, I am certainly looking for alternative methods of storing my pony-words. Thanks a lot for the suggestions, I'd been a little lost on how else to go about writing than what I've been doing up 'til now.

5223274 Thanks. I keep a pretty close eye on this one and Silver Marriage. Currently, since you two update fairly regularly and the stories are pretty enjoyable. Diamond Tiara stories feel like they've been in a drought for a few months. Not as many epic adventures or comedies as I'd like. But I'm thankful enough there are writers like you two who try to expand and do something meaningful with the characters to make more fun and interesting stories.

The whole Apple Bloom thing, especially after helping DT's dad and that clubhouse scene, I was pretty much at that point thinking you either had a good reason for that or you thought or someone hinted that Apple Bloom's character was just too accepting and nice about the situation and you were trying to rebalanced her without having to rewrite her. With that said, I'm glad it was the former and very much anticipate getting to read more of things unravel. After all,

And don't mention it, if you really want to work offline though I would strongly suggest a USB flashdrive. Personally I prefer MicroSD cards as they can be used in smart phones that don't suck, 3DS(mines came with the adapter to use the older standard size SD cards), and with a simple MicroSD USB stick adapter you end up with so much portability.

Life is pretty much at its busiest. It's only been a couple days now that I've been able to somewhat unwind. Did so finally with some "Tears to Tiara 2" which was like buying an anime boxset in the form of a visual novel that looks like a game that actually DOES have an amazing combat system that you're eventually introduced and broken in to easily, yet has a very fun ranking system with ways to score bonus loot with capturing objectives and completing the battle requirement which is more for people who just love the extra challenge that actually reward the player.

Still, 'playing' is more reading and listening to the characters talk and walk around the game world which pictures of the characters pop up when conversations start and change expressions based on those interactions.

So, Tears to Tiara 2, essentially is just a really good book that doesn't want to be *just* a book or a simple 'visual novel'. It's certainly not for Tales of fans or those big into action. But if you love visual novels. You like anime style with a rather fun cast, and you want a good story, Tears to Tiara can totally deliver on that front. And if you're in to wanting to enjoy the story but don't want to spend the whole day reading, it's 100% fully voiced and comes with an auto-play feature that really does make it feel like you're watching a really low-budget, but very pretty, anime.

And that's all the stream of consciousness I'll be sharing for now. xD

See you next chapter(s)!

P.S. Recently came in possession of a ton of JRPGs games then I can shake a pony at. If a new chapter is ever released and I'm not heard from within 2 days, I'm probably immersed in Tears to Tiara!

Is anyone else waiting with baited breath for Silver Spoon's revenge?

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