• Member Since 10th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Saturday




One fateful day, while Twilight Sparkle and her friends are enjoying a picnic, a strange being appears out of the blue. A being that is enshrouded in mystery and danger. A being that possesses great power. A being that is a pudding fiend and wears crazy sweaters. The man, the myth, the legend: BILL COSBY.

NOTE: This story is CANCELLED after all of the evidence of Bill Cosby's criminal actions. This was written and published years before any allegations were widely known. I am keeping this story up for the sake of remembering the bizarre time that was the early MLP fandom when ANY story could be made and featured.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 76 )

First off, I'm sorry to you all for creating this monstrosity.
Second matter of business! Thanks to Sorren for helping come up with the idea, AND for editing it. He kicks ass. Oh, and professorriversong, my long time editor. She doesn't deserve a link. Muahahaha :ajsmug:

Your comments/ feedback are greatly appreciated! :pinkiehappy:
Depending on people's feedback, I could wrap this story up in a few chapters or draw it out with an... INTERESTING plot. Got it all planned out... :trollestia::moustache:

Think I used enough emoticons? Yeah, me too.

FIRST! :pinkiecrazy:
And this is clearly the greatest thing my eyes have ever seen :rainbowlaugh:

At first i was like: :rainbowderp:

Then i was like: :pinkiegasp:

then i was like: :rainbowkiss:

then i was like: :rainbowhuh:

and then i was like:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

With every story you put out you get a:


Have my babies

:rainbowhuh: What is this, I don't even?
Who am I kidding! I LOVE THIS:rainbowlaugh: :raritystarry:

I like it. That's saying something

WOOHOO! Bill Cosby in Equestria!!!!

Da heck did I just read...?

I wanna see more. This sounds like it'll be pretty funny.

I don't know who you are, but YOU ARE GOD.

This is the most insane thing I've read all week. And I really liked it!

I don't even need to read it to tell that this is going to be amazing. And on that note, I will read it and enjoy it later. :pinkiehappy:

Oh my God, you actually did it. You read people's comments saying "I'ma do this" and you think "Hoho, what a silly idea."

But nope. There it is. Bill Cosby.

497724 3.bp.blogspot.com/-rLmKgX_nU08/T3WsZ_Ixt2I/AAAAAAAALAg/Ml918cmVAMI/s1600/Thanks-Bro.jpeg
497813 I try to be a man of my word :moustache: For better or for worse. In this case, clearly for worse :rainbowlaugh:

497799 If this thing continues to be as popular as it looks to be already, then I'll start another chapter tonight!

497762 Let me say that your avatar is possibly the funniest thing I've ever seen :rainbowlaugh: I am honored!

497751 Your... Your... BABIES?
I accept! :fluttercry: <==Tears of joy

497864 :flutterrage: Tears of Kill :rainbowlaugh:

lol get it? :trollestia:

Oh dear. The title alone made me burst out laughing and now everypony in the library is looking at me funny. I probably shouldn't attempt to read this story here, so this is definitely going my 'to read' list for later :rainbowlaugh:

Astounded, Confounded, Redounded, Mantounded, Flustered, Fluttered, Flattened, Stupidfied, Enlightened, Burned, and Blown up.

This is all that I felt just from looking at the title. I now know how to say 'Whoa' in every language ever used by mankind. And a few by animalkind.

You sir, have earned a :rainbowkiss:.

Thank you and have a safe and productive day.

Also, on a related note, I found something in this fiction... something I cannot explain... it is called...


I need more. Bill Cosby needs to know the magic of friendship and the ponies need to learn the magic of pudding.:rainbowlaugh:

Twilight Sparkle's Tree Library got transformed into Jell-O shortly thereafter.
Rainbow Dash learned a new trick. The ZIP ZOP BOBBITY BOP-Buccaneer.
Rarity never sold another sweater. EVER.
Pinkie Pie found a long lost cousin. His name was Stewie.
Applejack and Sweet Apple Acres saw a sharp decrease in their sales, right when the pudding market boomed on Ponyville.
Fluttershy wouldn't get out of her house ever again, for fear of Bill Cosby.
Princess Celestia's stash of bananas was never heard of again. The moon has been cleanof ponies ever since.
Princess Luna, unfortunately, never showed up in the following seasons of The Cosby Show: Jell-O is Magic.
The invading army never reached Equestria.

Hahaha :rainbowlaugh:

I really must say, using all of his different rolls that he played and acted in and fusing it as his personally is pure genius.:pinkiehappy: The first two chapters had me literally rolling on the floor laughing! :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: I sure hope u decide to continue this, because i wanna see what happen when my fav pony houses cosby. This is gonna be so epic! :twilightsmile::pinkiehappy: Although, i am kinda confused about the part where he just stands there, not doing or saying anything while celestia questions him. :rainbowhuh: But it was still funny! :rainbowlaugh:

Great job with this masterpiece! :twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile:

486062 I knew this idea would work out. Grats on a very liked story.

498179 Thank you, my good man :pinkiehappy: Couldn't have done this without you

I read Celestia talking about "mmmmm-bananas" in the video voice. Completely messes with my head :derpytongue2:

Great story, looking forward to reading more!

I LOVE super duper craaazy stories! :pinkiehappy:

Seriously though, it's hilarious.

I cant't stop laughing! You're killing me! :rainbowlaugh:

Between this and Prince Adam, I think it's safe to say you are a mad genius :pinkiecrazy:

498184 Haughty reply incoming


I put that picture together myself. I feel artsy.

498324 heeeeeeeey :( It was myyyyyyyyyyyyy ideaaaaaaaaaaa.

498560 OH DAMN. That's kickass :pinkiegasp:

500135 The sheer amount of awesomeness in this comment can not be contained. :rainbowlaugh:

You, sir, have written the greatest comment in the history of Equestria. :rainbowlaugh::heart:

I haven't even read this yet, and already I feel it's surging epicness tear through my computer. :pinkiehappy:

This is pretty great, except for the bananas part, which took me out of it. It's the hilarious nonadventures of Bill Cosby in Equestria, then all of a sudden it's just a guy who watches pony videos being amusing on the internet.

509730 Yeah, I know its a bit of a "mood" killer (for lack of a better term). I contemplated taking it out. but I had no ideas to replace it :derpytongue2:
I'm glad you like it otherwise! :pinkiehappy:

This story was better than Jello Pudding.

OH GOD I READ THIS IN HIS VOICE:applejackconfused:

I laughed so much.
I salute you!

520279 And I salute in return :rainbowdetermined2:
Glad you found it funny, man

Here it is! The newest chapter of "The Continuous Adventures of Bill Cosby in Equestria!" Or, as I now like to call it, "The Cosby Show: Pudding is Magic!" Has a nice ring to it. Thank [REDACTED] for the bitchin' new title. Then read his/ her awesome story about Portal! OHGODITSSOGOOD!

Hope you all like the new chapter! Sorry it took so long :derpytongue2: Lemme know what you all think :pinkiehappy:

The latest descriptions of Cosby's sweater were glorious to say the least!
This story has always kept me laughing, very well done! :pinkiehappy:

OH GOD ROBIN WILLIAMS :rainbowlaugh:

This chapter had me in stitches. Every turn in the story was filled with pure win. Floobity flip flop!

P.S: I looked down and found my cutie mark appeared after reading this.

Good chapter, and I like the new name

I couldn't help but imagine the jumping scene like this, only with bill Cosby instead.

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