• Member Since 28th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen Tuesday



Silver Spoon, despite all odds has succeeded, he has a steady job....and source of income, and is now the full grown stallion he always wished to be. He wishes to help others in the same situation as he once was, so he decides, in the place of the weekly short story he writes and publishes in a magazine, he will tell his story. What will the public reaction be? And what is his story?

Something that I wrote up, as if I was imagining some "what if " scenarios, I hope you enjoy!

17/8/14 Edited! Some things were added, some things were removed, and punctuation was reworked.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 18 )

The lack of angst does seem like something befitting Equestria.
I would have liked some slight expansion on his struggles. Still, I did enjoy this story :twilightsmile:

Been meaning to make an account forever, but this story made me finally do it. It wasn't a very developed story but as a transwoman I still have to say bravo.

I have added this story to the list of transpony stories I maintain on my userpage as well as the same list on the List of Transpony Stories On And Off Fimfiction thread on the Transgender Bronies group. Also, everyone, if you know about more transpony stories that are not on my list, please let me know.


Yeah, a little expansion might have been nice, but the story was in some ways about his behavior and his struggle with going from being a blind follower hurting people to not doing that and leading his own life rather than about his gender issues in some ways. Rather interesting way to go about it.

I think that Silver Spoon is a stronger presence in this story than either Applejack or Scootaloo were in theirs. You wrote him in a way that was fairly distinct, and connected his struggle to define his identity in a way that connected to his character. However, it is hard to understand why the conflict exists in the first place. How did Silver Spoon come to the conclusion that he was male? What conflicts did he have with a feminine identity? Also, I feel like the characterization here is a bit compromised, as we don't get the sense that Silver Spoon was ever anything more than an unwilling participant in the bullying, which undermines both his guilt and his initial statements about his moral education. Children are often selfish and cruel, so it makes sense that Silver Spoon might enjoy exerting power over others as a way to deal with his lack of power over his own life. Also, the editing here is rather sloppy. There are many sentences that don't read well, and many missing words. I would give this a once over to improve readability. Though, all considered, I think this is a general improvement over your past work.

4863922 I will have to re read and re-edit all this stuff. My regular oh so cool editor, refuses to edit out the "Gay stuff", since he's ....I won't say squeamish, but it makes him uncomfortable. Besides, he says that this is my struggle, and he doesn't know what to add or retract.

I'm not very good at editing, I looked over it twice, trying to stop errors. I guess I must have missed a ton, several people keep mentioning "run off sentences", which I'm still not sure what they are. From what explanations I've been able to gather, they're two sentences mashed together? I think?

I got a whole lot of the mini texts, ripped out of notebooks, that I wrote at school, as a basis for this. Those were not proper texts, but more of a massing of ideas, like if The Riddler (from Batman) was writing, or trying to describe himself.

Most of them weren't even in english! Still though.I tried to make it fit a narrative. The thing about she....I mean he, I keep on slipping to the show's canon having no fault in the teasing? I wouldn't exactly say that, I mean, he was being emotionally manipulated but he still knew the right from wrong. I think his guilt is more of the "It took me so much time to stand up for myself and for others!" sort of deal.

The fact that we don't see what sort of thing triggers the understanding of his true gender.....I really don't have an answer for that, I mean, I guess it sort of differs from person to person, I found out in my own way, but there are plenty of people who know from birth. My theory was that, as he hadn't had any contact with the outside world, he was being shielded of his own feelings. That really doesn't make any sense, but I think it was, seeing other colts, running about, and all that, that he began to feel like he wanted to be more like them.

As for the rest, I just sort of followed what I think is the common perception of Silver Spoon, that she isn't as bad as Diamond, but follows her around, either for protection, or for fear.

4863628 Look at the title! You got it all right! On the mark even!

Yes the story isn't about his self discovery per say.....or rather, it isn't the main point, the point of the story was to, well, let him tell his story. I choose to think that there were plenty of self-doubts and angusty ridden moments, over the years, as indicated by that line about how he just simply hated his room....but he was sending a message, this is a message of hope, understanding, empathy, a message of "You may feel different, but you're not the only one, life does get better". Which I think was even a real campaing in our world a few years back. Is it a hard life ? Particularly, not as hard of a life as he'd have in our world,but still sort of tough, but what kind of message would that be, to anyone who was searching for a bright spot?

The true explanation of why it's so positive is because I was trying to cheer myself up, the in universe explanation? Silver is trying to give a hopeful message.

4863404 Congratulations! I'm not, by far, the only one writing about this sort of thing, there are dozens or even hundreds of this kind of stories, some contain heavier themes, but there are plenty of feel good ones! Go forth and enjoy yourself.

(And congrats on finding yourself, whenever that was, It's not a easy thing to do, or to admit to one self)

4862764 Wouldn't it be swell if we could all live in Equestria? I do believe there's some angst, maybe not as much of a discriminatory place as our world, but hey, there are always party-poopers, no matter where we go. Thank you for reading!

The story does convey Silver's change rather well. I simply find the plot not as eventful as I'd like in comparison to other oneshots. In spite of that though, this has emotion— and I love sensing it :raritystarry:

Equestria is indeed a magical place where ponies can love and respect without worry.
You're very welcome! I am looking forward to further, hopefully larger releases:pinkiehappy:

4864254 I did add some stuff, if you'd like to read it again.

I did notice a few things, but I'm a bit too much of a hurry to fully comprehend the exact changes. Um, forgive me. I'll reread in a bit:twilightblush:

You seem to be cranking out trans pony stories like crazy.

This premise sounds better than the other stories to begin with. Let's see how you wrote it.

4868268 I actually had most of them written. For the most part, missing only a few details here and there. What changed was my confidence to post them. (And I made sure not to post something with Aj again, or someone would come along and school me in the theoretical stallion and mare ratio) Ahem....No offense

4868268 So...sorry to bother you, but did you like it? Got any feedback?

And thank you for reading!


Sorry, I haven't read it yet. It's on my list, though!

I rather enjoyed this story. It's not like most transpony stories where the focus is on the discovery, or like my own where it's less the discovery and more the struggles of being transgender. This is more of an overview of the journey, very similar to what I'd expect from an actual magazine or newspaper. I say bravo.

4904879 Oh, it's the artist from Ask Silver Belle! I love that blog, the first one I ever followed, and which inspired me to start my own trans-ask blog. With Feather. And stuff.

Thank you, that was the objective. I had a writing assignment in class some years back, write a short article - story in a format that's adequate to a newspaper. I failed, badly. But then I came across it, and thought, that using it as a framing device for someone to tell their story was a swell idea. I already had the basic plot, but I was lacking a reason, the why Silver Spoon decided to put his story on paper, and how it would come to the world. This idea, that he was a writer, fitted nicely with I already had planned, that he was a very creative individual, and after some tweaks, It fit together nicely.

And you have written trans stories? Links! Or names! Or something, I want to read them!

First of all, holy Tia and mother of the shining day ball that scorches the land but provides life to all things you've heard of my ask blog. That needs an update. Badly. :twilightblush:

Second, the fic that I wrote concerning Transgenderism was about Celestia, who is in my mind a Transmare who transitioned before she came to power. It's such a strong headcanon that literally any time you see me write or work with Celestia, then you'll know she's Transgender. It's the reason you'll never see a Celestia-born child in any of my fictions (Unless the 'father' was Celestia, but never where she gives birth.) Anyway the fic is here. I hope you enjoy it, and hopefully I'll get off my lazy ass and update Silerbelle. I actually had an update almost finished, then the power went out in my house and I lost it all TwT. I am glad you enjoy it though.

4912370 Have you ever realised she has a male jaw? And It can't be just an alicorn thing, twilight and candance have mare's jaws!

So yeah...I wonder why that's so

How do you suppose Silver Spoon would look as a senior citizen?

i apologize for commenting on such an old story but i just had to say something. i remember reading this story years ago when i was still repressing my feelings of being a trans man. i was a young teen reading stories about ponies realizing they’re trans, i don’t know how i didn’t realize sooner myself but alas. that was in past and now i am nearly a year into my transition and many of the things silver spoon did in this story i have done myself(the cutting your hair in defiance is all too familiar haha). so anyways, thanks for writing such a nice story. it was very nostalgic and pleasant to happen upon it again so many years later.

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