• Member Since 6th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen April 26th


The name's Dash. (Previously Ronnie) And I write humanized pony stories. Welcome to my humble page.


Rainbow Dash has always been a girl. Well, sort of. She was born a girl, but doesn't really feel like she's one. And after a late night phone call with Pinkie, she discovers that she really just might not be one. But some people are more accepting of that fact than others....

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 65 )

Good luck

It feels kinda weird because Rainbow outs herself on the same day she discovers she's a demigirl? But maybe it's just me not getting the timeline of the story ^^
Anyway, good luck going through it yourself! ^^

Comment posted by the frank deleted Aug 15th, 2014
Comment posted by IncinerateChicken deleted Aug 14th, 2014

I have to say, I hope you aren't one of those obnoxious tumblrinas who thinks they have to make a stand for LGBTOMGWTFBBQ people everywhere, or else the world will become the Westboro Baptist Church. Because they're fuckin' obnoxious.

ausimex #7 · Aug 14th, 2014 · · 2 ·

4850902 Fucking hell, I knew this was going to happen. Listen, prick. All he wanted to do was write something that represents him, especially since he just started looking into his own gender. Plus, its not "making a stand" its just representing and acknowledging that this is a thing that exists in the world, and its something that should be recognized. The story really shows how it feels for some people when they come out, and how hostile and rude people can be in response. Now please do me a favor and get your rude ass off the comments of my best friends' story.

I don't care about your friend. His shit is his shit, and it's none of my damn business. What is my business is when rabid fucks like yourself start raging at me because I think you're annoying.

I liked the story. Now fuck off.

I'm still not entirely sold on the whole "Demigirl" thing. I guess I just don't really understand it. Anyway, this story seems interesting enough, I'll definitely keep reading.


Wow so rude mister


Wow also so rude mister

Seems like yet another story that's about human OCs named after main characters of MLP in order to be 'relevant" to ponies. Getting tired of this...

I've seen the idea of Dash as being trans done a few times and it can be interesting, but this story has some major issues. The most prominent one being the opening bit.

When she was thirteen, she discovered she liked girls. She identified as bi for a few years, and when she was sixteen, she realized she was pansexual and polyamorous. But she still felt like she was missing something.

This part is completely pointless. We didn't need to know the age she discovered she liked girls or discovered that she was polyamorous. It doesn't matter to the story. You can bring up the fact that she likes girls and is polyamorous later on in conversation or through Dash's actions, but don't throw out a short biography to start off a story.

Though this is what really killed the beginning:

She told Pinkie how she was feeling, and the party planner suggested that she was demigirl. After reading so many articles that it made her head spin, she decided that maybe she was right. But she was scared. Everything was so new to her. The only people who knew about her predicament were Pinkie and Rarity.

What should have been a major emotional moment for Dash -- telling Pinkie about it -- is summed up in half a sentence, without any build up or even saying how it went aside from Pinkie telling her about that term. There should have been build up, Dash wondering how Pinkie would take, maybe doubting himself a little as he's psyching himself up to tell her. Either that moment or showing scenes of Rainbow wondering why it felt wrong when others called him her. Don't just completely skip off of that and cut to when Rainbow has it figured out and both Pinkie and Rarity already know. For that matter, how the hell did Rarity find out? You never said anything about how or why she was told about it or if she figured it out herself.

Then there's the party. Again, no build up to Rainbow telling everyone. You just start right before he does it. Having him try to interact with them before he drops the bombshell. Show the awkwardness. Maybe show her cringing when somepony called him a girl. Also, I get wanting to have someone be against it but having Applejack be that one is really cliche.

4851761 human OCs? What are you talking about? That's literally Rainbow. She's just transiting into a guy. What's so hard about that to understand? I'm just telling my story through Rainbow. Don't be an asshole.

4851944 thank you for the constructive criticism. I appreciate it as I am new to writing about these kinds of things. I kind of went off of my emotions the past few days. Also I kind of projected myself on Rainbow.


Mostly what people get mad about with these kinds of stories is the fact that humanized + character as a direct avatar for your story + extreme diversion from the show's canon = unrecognizable irrelevant non-pony story.

Your fic isn't bad at all, and if you're looking for a place to talk about transgenderism I'm happy to direct you to the LGBT group. Also, I'm available if you want to talk to someone personally about it, and I can introduce you to some other people who personally know a lot about the transition process, if you like.

But the fact that you needlessly humanized the characters to make them more relevant to your situation is what people are annoyed about. I'm sure I'll have one or two people yell at me for hating on this story because they think "why did you make it human for no reason" is the same as "this sucks" or "all human stories suck", but fuck those ignorant casuals.

Like I said, I'm happy to talk with you or introduce you to people who can direct you to a support group, and I think your story is not bad at all aside from the needless humanization.


4852039 She's a mouthpiece. She's serving as YOUR expression of the situation.

And why Dash? is it because rainbows, tomboys, and scratchy voices are all OBVIOUSLY indicators of lesbians and transgenders?

God forbid it be Twilight, or Pinkie. Everybody uses Rainbow Dash to ponify their experience as coming out as a lesbian or transgender. It's boring, unoriginal, and overdone.

And I say "OC" because it has literally no connection to the canon Rainbow Dash other than a name. Canon Dash is not human, has not indicated any sexual preferences nor gender identify beyond those of a standard female.

All he wanted to do was write something that represents him

Makes it seem that you're just making a self-insert for your situation and giving the people pony names so that the story doesn't get rejected for being unrelated to the MLP universe.

I feel like I might be sick :pinkiesick:!

Not bad. Will keep an eye on this. Good luck on your life progress too.:pinkiesmile:

Okay, there were some good and bad things about this. I liked how it was Rainbow having these feelings. Usually I see Fluttershy having these thoughts in these types of fics. I liked the use of male pronouns when talking about Rainbow. Now for the bad: why didn't you write that phone conversation between Rainbow and Pinkie? I want to know exactly how gender comes up in a conversation. I feel like Rainbow didn't think long enough about her feelings. Why are Applejack and her family always portrayed as homophobic rednecks? I live in an area full of rednecks, and a lot of hem are pro-gay. I think in this situation Twilight might be the most confused about, since she always thinks scientifically, so she would think "you're biologically a girl, so you are a girl". Just my thoughts. Overall, I think this is an okay story.

Comment posted by the frank deleted Aug 16th, 2014

This story should not exist.

Look, I won't deny, this story has its fair share of problems. I won't be a negative nancy, but I will point some things out.

1 - I can see that this story is a product of personal experience. You don't just "Decide" to turn into the opposite gender. While generally trans-people identify themseles as the opposite gender right from the get go, there are people who sort of...just come to realise it later on. Perhaps they were pressioned into conformity all their life, perhaps they were just, not sure, or never gave it much thought. Either way, it's important to realise that, no matter when, or why you realise it, it's something that should be discussed, and, well....Most representations of transgender people in the media are either offensive, or misinformed. I think that a story, even a fanfic, that deals with the subject in a manner that is both respectable, and has the tact do so well, should exist.

2 - I get why you'd pick Rainbow, I really do, I hear some complaining that choice really is....obvious, and kind of a stereotype, but, you know....You don't just "Pick" your personality, you can try to change it but....yeah. Most trasgender people I know, way before they ever decided to come out to everyone around them, already showed the "typical" personalities of the other gender. I don't know exactly why, but if you felt like if you should be a girl/boy while you're a boy/girl, you tend to mirror what you see other people of your gender (gender, not sex) doing. Is there a possibility that someone like Flutters or Pinkie were transgender? Sure, there is that personality, there isn't a personality for a gender, set in stone. I'm just saying....she's already the most "Tom-boyish" of the group, it isn't such a leap of faith.

3 - Applejack.....yeah Aj, I really do get why everyone makes her the homo/trans/phobe of the group. I really do, that's another stereotype,that sadly mirrors reality, southern, farmer people, are often times the most bigoted. I can see why you'd think that, but remember, you're writing a fanfic, even if you're basing it on your personal story. You should take their personalities into account. Look, if you didn't obtain the support you were hoping for, I'm really sorry, and let me tell you, there are plenty of people you can talk to, online, at least, but in canon she and him (or she and she, if we're going by canon of the show) are the best friends. They have their bickering rivalry, but still, I'm sure that she'd eventually return to her side.

4 - Everyone's personalities. Now, As I said, I understand you may be mirroring the reactions you had, and that this subject, in it on itself, isn't one very likely to be talked in the show. So we have to improvise. It's also rated "Teen", so you don't need to keep their base personalities, too intact. But you still need to, at least, keep their basic traits present. Twilight is rational, she'd probably recognise it for what it was, and support her friend, Fluttershy is shy ,but can stand up to her friends, so, even if she didn't talk to her all that much, she'd still be there for her, Rarity...I don't really have a grasp on her, but I guess she would be there for her, with generosity and all that, maybe even willing do to her boy clothes (since this is a human story). Aj is honest, she can say what she thinks, even if it offends her, but she'd eventually come around. Pinkie....Pinkie would very likely try to cheer her up, and with her hidden knowledge, offer her some insight.

5 - The whole "Human" thing. Obviously it's not everyone's cup of tea. But, frankly speaking, I'd find it pratically impossible to write a transgender story using ponies. Think about it. Their medicin is (at least at what we have seen) not nearly as modern as ours, they don't wear clothes, so that form of self identification is out, and there's not much else that you could do, I mean, I guess you could stile your mane, but except that....I don't know!

6 - Congratulations on figuring yourself out, I honestly don't know you, but I will say, coming to grips with yourself isn't the easiest thing to do. Of course you will always get some rather unexplained downvotes, it's the internet. But you have twice as many upvotes, and even if at some point you get more downs than ups, you can still do this. If not for the readers who are enjoying it, at least for you. There's no better way to gain perspective on something troubling you than writing.

Good luck!

I hope this goes in that big box on the front page.

I like this story :yay:

I am eagerly awaiting chapter 2~

4855336 I mostly chose Rainbow because I identify with her the most out of the mane six. It was just a coincidence that she's the most used. As for the Applejack thing, yeah it may be stereotypical, but I felt like she'd be the one to be blunt about her opinion on the matter.

You know, I've never really seen any stories about female to male transgender. Only the other way around. It also pains me that most of the hate towards trans men comes from trans women.

I'm happy you've figured yourself out. I know it's hard, and don't think that I don't understand that...

... but why this story?
It's an overdone story concept no matter who the subject is. Friend comes out as a teen/adult. Friends are divided. Some don't accept it. Things suck. And generally speaking, that is how it goes. But this story idea is boring. It always goes the same way, and... it could be something a lot better.

Don't like the story, I think it's boring, but I'm still happy for ya. People are gonna be assholes sometimes, but keep your chin up and hold on to the good ones for support.


Their medicin is (at least at what we have seen) not nearly as modern as ours, they don't wear clothes, so that form of self identification is out, and there's not much else that you could do, I mean, I guess you could stile your mane, but except that....I don't know!

Thing is, turning the Mane 6 into humans doesn't suddenly give their society the same level of scientific and technological prowess our Real Life society has. It just means that, well, they're humans in Equestria.

There's an "alternate universe" tag right there that's a free pass to give Equestria whatever technology and magic practices it needs. That's why I got so annoyed by them being humans, as it's less creative to say "humans therefore they have our technology" than "ponies who have developed advanced spells and advances in medicine". If you renamed all the characters to "Steve", the fic wouldn't be considered relevant to the MLP universe.

4855616 The one steve rule?

Nah, Maybe it's just me,but whenever I see a human tag, I always picture it happening on the EG universe, which is like ours.

And even if you could theoretically change your gender with magic (which, that season 3 episode with trixie proved it is beyond impossible, as even she, with the alicorn amulet couldn't do it, and twilight had to fake it), I still think it would be way harder to identify yourself as transgendered. I mean, yeah, you change your gender, and now what?

There is no conflict, there are no whacky misunderstandings, there is no creative setting.

If we take it to equestria in an alternate universe, where you can just change your gender using "MAGIC", then the whole drama becomes pointless, because, you see, if you can justt change it, what's the drama, no one will ever know!

(With that said, I did try to write a pony version of transgenderism, shortly after reading this, and it is possible, I focused on the individual thoughts of him (which in the show is a her) and the challenges she would face).

But this story, in a pony setting, even a AU wouldn't work all that well.

Comment posted by TheNewYorkBrony deleted Aug 15th, 2014

4855632 Not saying a simple "change your gender" spell, but technology assisted with magic, something that would let them perform a sex change op with the ambiguous level of technology they have. If they can build skyscrapers and electrical appliances...

But I just don't get how turning them human suddenly gives them the technology. (plotwise) But it all falls back to my disappointment that they're just mouthpieces.

4855678 I gave the writer plenty of tips and tools to improve, I can agree with you, right now, this doesn't feel all that much like a mlp fanfic. You've got the characters but....

It's not so much the fact that they're human, heck, they could be dogs, anthro, aliens, snakes, I dunno, they could be anything. As long as you keep their personalities intact you can say "Hey, it's those gals from mlp! What an interesting au concept!"

But if you don't retain the personality....they just become, well, oc's,, and if you aren't going to respect the character, why not just make it original?

But to be clear I still think this is a good story, it needs some tweaking, to fit the concept of mlp, that's all

Love it! Needs some work on pacing and dialogue, but those are things that will come with time and practice. Good luck on your story...And in real life too. Know you have the support of a total stranger!

Really, the only problem I have with this is the pacing. Other than that, it's good.

4857209 in the second chapter I'll go more into detail. The first chapter is really rushed because i was emotional when i wrote it.

Comment posted by the frank deleted Aug 16th, 2014

Let's see if I decide to post this...

Efter en stunds eftertanke har jag bestämt mig för att be om ursäkt. Den här historien är viktig för dig på ett personligt och emotionellt plan, och att då försöka komma med kritik, hur välmenande den än är, blir bara fel. Speciellt som det finns så mycket kvar av historien att berätta. Förlåt. Låt det inte sluta vid den här, utan skriv mer självbiografiskt. Jag garanterar att du iallafall har en läsare. Du har min respekt.

Oh, look. I did.

Hmm sounds interesting...it definitely goes on my "To read" list!

Tumblr is leaking. This whole demigirl/demiboy thing is... not very good, when it's used by people who are only looking for an excuse to be special... like a girl identifying as a demigirl with their excuse literally being "I DUN WAN BE CIS WEEH".

But whatever. What WOULD be bad would be some fanfic about Twilight Sparkle coming out as... nan0gender or gloomgender or something. :applejackconfused:

You haven't done that though, so :yay:

I do like transgender pony stories! It's always quite interesting when done well. And this one is certainly not bad at all, even though it was a bit fast paced.

also the fact ausimex is your friend automatically makes you more awesome than the average person~ :pinkiehappy:


The demigender stuff is kind of eh, because it's where tumblr started to really get into microlabeling, but demigender is still an umbrella term for genderqueer people who partially identify with their birth sex. Although I will also say that gender is, um, kind of mistaken for a lot of things? Gender expression being one of them, which can confuse a lot of questioning people. But I'm truscum, so no one listens to me anyway. Except rational, reasonable human beings.

Also my too cute tucute hadcenon for Purple Smart is that she's two-thirds stargender, one-third gendervoid. And Ponka Pone is a Sephirothkin with 73 headmates. Flutterbutter uses rib/ribs/ribbitself pronouns, and is a frogsexual. Ranbo Dsha is a transfat gainer who lives in her mom's basement and eats all of the food in the house. She says that her job is discriminating against her because weather work burns all of her precious calories. Applejohn is demiromantic asocial trans-black wymyn. And Rarararara is bi. Point at her and laugh.

Actually, Rarity is a pan. Not pansexual, a literal pan. When Sweetie tells her otherwise she cries and microblogs about it in her room.

This post has so many wiggly red lines it's not even funny.

Reading the story, the exposition went by so fast it made my head spin. Instead of telling us "After reading so many articles that it made her head spin, she decided that maybe she was right," why don't you show us what exactly it feels like? This is a story about you, so why don't you tell us why Rainbow thinks she's a demigirl, instead of just saying she is? Also

Rarity asked, putting a comforting hand on her thigh.



Making Applejack the token homophobe is the perfect cliche for yet another cliched coming-out story. The humanization is a new and irrelevant twist, though. And you didn't even give the other characters any reaction, but I guess that's acceptable when Applejack is phobing up the place.

Normally I wouldn't care about abuses on Applejack's characterization, but the stereotypy is too ridiculous to let slide. You say this is a story reflecting how you feel, but I don't see any emotion or sensation written into this work, only a contrived and mischaracterized conflict and a perfect example of why showing is better than telling.

I have added this story to the list of transpony stories I maintain on my userpage as well as the same list on the List of Transpony Stories On And Off Fimfiction thread on the Transgender Bronies group. Also, everyone, if you know about more transpony stories that are not on my list, please let me know.


More or less my feelings and criticisms. There were some parts that were good. Rainbow crying and then running away was a good touch. I rather liked the way you did Pinkie Pie in this. I am looking forward to the next chapter/s.


My thoughts on AJ as well. Frankly, I always felt it would be Rarity who would have the worst reaction, though my reasoning could be flawed.


Look at the beginning of my comment. You will be able to find a few.


I don't know about how demigirl and demiguy are currently being used in tumblr, but I can tell you that its origin was not like that. I know the people who coined them and I was probably the first to latch onto the term demigirl years ago before it spread (I don't use it so much anymore for unrelated reasons). It was meant to sort of label a spot between agender and female (demigirl) or male (demiguy) that some people fit into to describe those who had a particular birthsex who had zero identification with it but did have some identification with the opposite binary gender but not super strongly. As for people using it to say they are not really cis, I have mixed feelings on. After all, and agender person can be trans. How close does one have to be to agender before one can say it. I don't really know the answer.

4862218 I'm a bully because I'm being critical of a story? Buddy, if I was a bully, I'd have said something like

I have to say, I hope you aren't one of those obnoxious tumblrinas who thinks they have to make a stand for LGBTOMGWTFBBQ people everywhere, or else the world will become the Westboro Baptist Church.

And don't even bother with the "if you don't like it don't read it" thing. I have every right to expect quality writing as the rest of the site's users. I can pass judgement if I see fit.

I feel like this story is lacking because it didn't put much effort into being creative. It's basically a retelling of the author's life experience with human characters that happened to be named after MLP characters.

Applejack isn't Applejack just because she lives in a town called Ponyville and runs a farm called Sweet Apple Acres. She's Applejack because she has a distinct set of personality traits and a way of seeing the world. She's honest with her friends, is always dependable when one needs help and is a very hard worker.

Here, she's some stranger spewing bigoted hate speech with the nametag "Applejack" stuck on her shirt.

The author could have made an effort to try and develop Applejack's character into a way that would leave her disturbed by Rainbow's decision. Perhaps she can't really understand why Rainbow feels the way she does. AJ is a indeed very traditional. She just wouldn't understand why someone could feel uncomfortable with their gender, as the thought would never have crossed her mind.

That being said, she would never ostracize her friend just for doing something she didn't understand.

Instead, she's incredibly OCC and instantly abandons the deep bonds of friendship she and Dash have, just to suit the story. It's poor writing, and very indicative of the characters just being used as mouthpieces, hers being the stereotypical "anything that isn't traditional is wrong and/or an abomination" Southerner.

And don't try to throw ratings at me. There are only 57 votes, and 1 out of 4 people who voted did not like the story. Those are very mediocre ratings. Think of it like school grades. 75% is average. 80-89% is good, and 90%+ is excellent. If you're getting lower than 90%, that should indicate that your story may have some issues that need rectifying.

But if you'd prefer to read flawed stories and dismiss critics as bullies, I can hardly stop you, can I?


I'm not trans so I don't think I can call myself truscum, but I support them way more than tucute. :/ I have a friend and as far as I know he has very little dysphoria- more like yearning- but he isn't being a male just to please tumblr or for the sake of being trans. He just wants to have a fresh new start after years of depression and bullying. But doing it for the sake of 'not being cis', to be ~oppressed~... or you know, tumblrgenders.


I did not know that. :pinkiegasp: And I sort of consider non-binary people trans? Probably not for a girl turning demigirl, but more for... girl turning demi-boy, or agender, or full-on-male. You can't really transition to a demigirl :s

When I talk about people doing it for the sake of Not Being Cis, I'm pretty much talking about tumblr.


tell me if you get that reference plz

Ugh, just go to mogai-archive on tumblr. That's their url. Trust me, you'll see what I mean. =,=

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