• Member Since 11th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Okay, I admit it, I'm probably not your mom. But odds are I'm old enough to be. Now with Patreon account (under alarajrogers) and short stories on Amazon (under Alara Rogers).


Twilight could possibly have forgiven the thief for stealing books from the library. But when she finds food stains all over a few the thief returned... oh, now it is on.

(This description will likely change in future, but it's accurate now. More character tags will be added in future as well.)

Progress Bar at my writing journal.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 62 )

:rainbowlaugh: That made me laugh. Here have a thumbs up and a favorite! :twilightsmile:

It HAS to be Discord or Rainbow Dash! LOL


I've left enough clues in the chapter to make it clear who it is. :-)

Twilight really really, really, really, really, really, really, really, REALLY needs a boyfriend. All in favor of Flash Sentry?


He doesn't read enough. I don't hate Flash Sentry but I'm not likely to ever write him myself, personally. His pony version seems blander than the human one.

A seemingly random assortment of topics stolen over time and treated with little care? Sounds like the CMC's handiwork :trixieshiftright:

4846722 you forgot who the author's favorite character is

Comedy section? Food stains? sounds like Discord to me.


True, but what reason would he have to do this? Knowing what I know about the way she likes to write Discord I would think that petty theft and vandalism would be beneath her version of him. Even if the vandalism part is a bit more sweet and random than most vandalism is, it doesn't fit his style. Nor does the whole secretive, subterfuge angle. He likes being the center of attention as he causes great big eye-popping shenanigans to happen, not causing property damage while the victim has her back turned. That's the work of an uncreative coward.

"When Rarity says that we all know she doesn't really mean it

Yeah, I guess Spike would have figured this out within the first years of his crush on Rarity. It's kind of obvous.

By the way, I'm never going to mess any of the books in your library! :pinkiegasp:

4846833 I know but look at the books. Comedy, history after the discordian era, advance magical theory that would only interest really powerful creatures. And the stains: cotton candy, seaweed, unknown cookies. Not to mention the amount of books stolen. Who would have the time to both steal and read them all, ability to mysteriously take and give them back, and enough disgerard of pony customs.
Maybe he doesn't know that you have to check them out officially. If she is using the last draconequus backstory, the closest thing that discord got to a library was the castle library where he didn't have to check them out, he could just take them.

Even if it wasn't alarajrogers writing this story, the clues would still point me to discord


Admittedly that's decent argument. Still, it doesn't fit alarjrogers' usual MO for writing Discord. The way she writes Discord, it seems more likely that Discord would pop in in a Mariachi outfit, sing a musical number about how he needed the books, turn Twilight's tail green, and then abscond with them. This feels like a red herring to me.

Still, I suppose we'll find out.

4846952 the mariachi band and the musical number would be funny

And certainly Pinkie wouldn't have taken out books on recent discoveries in physics and advanced mathematical theorems.

Now, the latest engineering and food science journals would be a different matter, to say nothing of Party Cannons & Ammo.

In any case, I have a guess about the perpetrator, but I'm keeping mum for now. I'm looking forward to more, and am very thankful that Twilight has yet to ascend to alicornhood. Otherwise, this would be how Nightmare Omnibus got her start. :twilightangry2:


Now, the latest engineering and food science journals would be a different matter, to say nothing of Party Cannons & Ammo.

I would even have been potentially suspicious of the latest studies in geology. You can take the mare off the rock farm, but it's certainly plausible that you might have difficulty taking the rock farm out of the mare; Pinkie might keep up with that stuff because it pertains to her family's livelihood, even though personally she's not that interested.

And had there been a lot of foal's books missing, I might have suspected Cheerilee, just from the sheer quantity; either someone's doing a lot of reading or someone's supplying reading material to a lot of ponies. But the closest to foal's literature that went missing were some of the classics and most of the graphic novels (Equestria has not yet invented grim'n'gritty comic books.)

4846339 you've left enough clues in your general state of being for us to know who it is. In fact, it'd be a bigger shock if it managed NOT to be You Know Who

And I ain't talking about voldemort either

Fun fact: my autocorrect wanted to turn voldemort into "cold empty"

The book covered in cotton candy was a DEAD giveaway. :trollestia: I hope you write a continuation of this someday, maybe? I would very much love to read what happens next. Celestia will probably just face-hoof. XD! :trollestia: I, for one, would very much like to know how the books ended up in their "new" improved condition. :scootangel:


4849232 Your auto-correct was frighteningly correct. XD! Lol

:pinkiecrazy: her mind is going to be blown when she finds out he is actually reading them

Well, this is peculiar. Twilight's found her way into a pocket universe, and now she's stuck. Good going, Purplesmart.

As for Discord, there is one possibility Twilight neglected to consider: He may be embarrassed. Why and by what, I'm not sure, but he may not want others to know about his binge reading. That, or Twilight played directly into his assorted manipulating appendages. Or this could be an entirely different entity, though the character tag makes that unlikely. I'll have to wait and see.

I'm pretty sure Discord is just reading the books to catch up on Equestrian history and scientific advances (and learn how to make friends), but I'm also sure he will never admit that to Twilight, so I can't wait to see her confront him. (Nobody makes better BS excuses than Discord, not even a drunken Trixie).

It's nice to have a comedy from you, what with everything else being incredibly dark.

Well, this is a fascinating romp thus far. Though it seems that Twilight left her books in the pudding room or the gallery. Can't say I blame her; it must be awkward carrying all of them.

Also, Pinkie's understanding of chaos magic pleases me on numerous levels.

Eagerly looking forward to further explanation of Toroidal Meatball Discord's wondrous home.

This is brilliant! Very Terry Pratchett in its execution.

Also, is Ziffy a giant woodlouse?

Yes, she is. :-) Aka pillbug or roly-poly, or at least she looks like one ( don't actually know if pillbugs are the same thing as wood lice.)


They are. I know depending where you are in America they are called roly poly bugs or pill bugs but we do indeed call them wood lice in the UK. The oddest thing is wood lice aren't lice or bugs- they are actually crustaceans, so more closely related to lobsters!

Good to see something from you again. I was starting to wonder of something untoward had happened.

And what a something it is! You really do have quite the imagination. Your descriptions of Imploding Sprocket Discord's realm of carefully disorganized chaos are fantastic in the oldest use of the word.

I'm glad to see you back! This was 100% worth the wait.

Glad to see more of this. Discord's hidden gallery of chaos art is awesome. I like the idea that a certain segment of the population was so inspired by Discord's chaos that they felt compelled to create their own. I wonder if someday Rarity will have a bizarre dress hanging there, or one of Fluttershy's more fantastical knitting creations?

This is going to be quite interesting.

On a side note, Shakespeare being covered in bloodstains kind of makes sense. I know that I always want to go have a swordfight to the death after reading something of his!

I came down here to squee about all the things I noticed you inserting this story (especally the Edgar Allan Poe reference and JDL's dyslexia) but it's all in the notes! (I recognized that line as well! :trollestia:)

So other than that, I have to say this was AWESOME. Your imagination is brilliant and I loved the descriptions of the chaos dimension. Watching Twilight lose her shit then be apologetic when she realizes Discord knows a lot more than she thinks was great character development and as always, you write a Discord in a way that still makes him annoying to be around but sympathetic at the same time. Loved it.

Edit: And I think I read somewhere that JDL needs to memorize lines by speaking them out rather than reading them off the page, so yeah, perfect!

"Chaos magic isn't dark magic, but they share similarities," he said, floating behind her so she had to pivot to follow him. "Dark magic feeds on negative emotion. The more negative emotion you pour into it, the stronger it gets. The stronger it gets, the more it heightens your negative emotions. Chaos doesn't care whether your emotions are positive or negative; all it cares about is that they're strong. But it'll do the same thing. The more emotion you pour in, the more chaos magic you can channel. The more chaos magic you're channeling, the more intense and irrational your emotions become."

I think we've just ascertained why Discord absolutely lost his shit when he thought Celestia and Luna were dead, and then discovered they were alive, and suddenly decided they had abandoned him.

If you don't know something is affecting your mind, you have no reason to try to keep it under control

That right there, explains the undiagnosed years of my condition so well...

I couldn't help but think of the nightmarish boat ride from the first Willy Wonka movie when Twilight was going down the slide, though this was more terrifying than traumatizing. A fine distinction, but an important one.

Heh. I like the destiny-sensing wing spell.

When your special talent is magic, you adapt to the magic of your environment. Makes sense to me. Also, that was a magnificent chaos battle.

In all, that resolved itself quite nicely. Thank you for a wonderful tale of Twilight in Chaosland, where she befriended the local jabberwock with a little help from the Cheshire Pie. :twilightsmile:

I am impressed by thy knowledge and usage of Middle English. 'Tis something many people on this website struggle with, and thou art likely the first author I have seen who is able to use it correctly. Though I cannot claim to be an expert, misuse of this language/dialect is very annoying. Thou hast no idea how many stories I have seen where people cannot differentiate betwixt "thou" and "thee", or even "thou" and "thy"! I greatly appreciate thine explanation of the proper usage of "you" vs. "thou", as 'twas not something I had fully understood before. As thou can'st see, I agree with the Keeper of Names' statement that no-one is inferior, and therefore 'tis easier to use the "thou" form unless addressing multiple people. I thank thee for this!

Spear Shaker's Romareo and Julienne

You called him "Shakespony" in the first chapter.

Thought I edited that everywhere. I'll fix it sometime tonight.

There's no Tree of Harmony,

You said Twilight had to make wings with magic. That would put this as taking place between Discord's reformation and Twilight's ascension. Twilight does not learn about the Tree until after ascension.

You're correct. Discord knows about it though, and Discord is always saying cryptic things Twilight doesn't understand. But I should lampshade that by having her wonder why he said Tree and not Elements.

Great, now I ship Discord and Lex Luthor.

Seriously though, a nice finish to a cute story. Congrats on keeping your publishing statistics up, I know how challenging that can be with your ambitious goals.

To get the -ia in there, it might have to be a threesome with Celestia. I'm not sure how Lex would feel about romance with a horse, even one with wings and a unicorn horn, let alone a whatever Discord is. That being said, most versions of Lex I like to read would not rule out romance with an alien.

6970486 Didn't Lex date Supergirl once? And didn't he also steal and eat 40 cakes at a time? I could see those two making it work.

When no one was looking, Lex Luthor stole 40 cakes to give to his horse girlfriend.

That's as many as four tens. And that's... unusual. Especially the part about having a horse girlfriend.

6970712 You made a reference to a snack cakes ad, and that's terrible.
But I forgive Lex Luthor, because he was stealing to feed the pregnancy cravings of Celestia, who was giving birth to Comet

That was a fun little adventure. I liked that bit at the end when Twilight came across Discord, where I recognised what he was doing from Not the Hero and we heard again about his dyslexia. I felt something similar when the second chapter of Awkward Conversations brought back Something Different. It's interesting to be introduced to the same concept again in different ways across the timelines, and to see how the differing nature of those timelines casts those concepts in new lights. It makes all your stories feel so cohesive with eachother, even when they diverge.

Must say, though, until I read the comments, I completely blanked on that Lex Luthor reference.

You know, I was having a hard time grasping the attraction Discord felt towards Twilight in "Love, Friendship and Chaos" but now...I can totally see it. I can also see the feeling being mutual. This is giving me lots of ideas and material, so thanks :twilightsmile:

"Yes, but I want you to feed me. Isn't that what friends do when their friends come to visit?"

Hahaha. That is exactly something I could imagine Discord saying.

That was an amusing and bewildering adventure! Good work.

And so concludes another Alara J. Rogers masterpiece. Tell me, do you ever tire of being such an incredible writer?

While Twilight goes a bit far she's right to be angry.

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