• Published 5th Jul 2014
  • 8,884 Views, 27 Comments

My Name is Harmonic - CrackedInkWell

A violinist comes into Canterlot looking for work. While playing at a charity auction for Fancy Pants, it is discovered he's is an alicorn. Yet several questions arise from him. Among them, why is he hiding the fact he's an Alicorn?

  • ...

3rd Movement

“Spell the word, violin,” said Twilight.

“V-I-O-L-... E-N?” Harmonic said, not too sure about the last two letters.

“You were off by one letter,” Twilight told him as she spelled the word on the chalkboard. “It’s V-I-O-L-I-N. But very good, you've been improving over the past few months. Just don't be discouraged though, you are getting better at this. Now, before we end our session, it's time for you to write your name on the board.”

She levitated the piece of chalk over to him. Ever since he learned about the entire alphabet, Twilight had him practice writing out his name. Out of all the lessons that his three teachers have taught him so far, this one was his least favorite. It's not that he struggles with spelling out his name, it was writing it down that he didn't like.

His teacher said over and over that he should commit it to memory. Not only how to write his first name, but his last too.

With a resentful sigh, he took the piece of chalk into his own aura. "And try not to say it out loud this time," his teacher added. This added up to his annoyance, now it was made much it more difficult.

The piece of chalk levitated to the board. And there, he started writing out his name in capital letters.

H. A. R. M. O. N. I. C.

“Very good,” his teacher approved with a smile. “Now the last.”

T. R. O. T. I. V. A. R...

He asked himself if the last letter was an “E” or an “I”. But he chose the latter and wrote “I” on the board.

“Well done Harmonic!” Twilight shouted with glee. Harmonic had seen her happy before whenever he got something right, but for some reason, Harmonic thought that she seemed a little too happy.

“Thanks for the lesson,” Harmonic said, as he puts on his cloak and scarf. “Out of curiosity,” he added as they made their way down the stairs, “What are you planning to do on Hearths Warming?”

“I’m bringing my friends to Canterlot for one thing,” his teacher replied. “Except for having the family getting together, we’re invited by the Princesses to their private Hearths Warming party. Will you be there?”

“I’m not sure if I can to be honest,” the Violinist told her as he neared the door. “Octavia has gotten me into playing in a quintet to play carols at that Ball. Besides, with Rainbow canceling our flying lessons since she’s tied up for the next several days, it means that I have some time to perfect my playing. I’m about to go to have lunch with her now.”

As Harmonic opened the door, he said “Goodbye” to his teacher and headed towards Canterlot. After grabbing his violin from the castle, he went to Octavia’s apartment earlier than usual.

He found that his teacher was already expecting him, and so was her wife. Harmonic found them exiting the front door of the apartment.

“Afternoon,” Octavia greeted him.

“Ready for lunch dude?” Vinyl asked, wrapping the lavender scarf around her neck.

“I think so,” he told them, “But can I drop this off before we go?” Harmonic asked, craning his neck to the violin case.

After they dropped the violin off at the apartment, the three of them made their way through the streets of Canterlot. During a time, where nearly every street for miles on end is covered in festive decorations of green and red with lights. Any kind of light at all, candlelight, electric lights, lights that are in colors, on trees, on houses, in the windows, everywhere.

As they pass by, every now and then, Harmonic would see a foal or two with their parents. Not to say this isn't the first time that he felt jealous of them. Jealous of their carefree happiness to have a-

“Here it is,” Octavia announced, snapping him out of his thoughts.

“What is this?” he asked, looking up to what the couple were looking at.

“It's called the Copper Pot Cafe. Vinyl and I usually come here for coffee or the occasional bite to eat. But that's not why we brought you here.”

“It isn't?”

"Let me ask ya this," Vinyl said, putting a foreleg around the alicorn. “Have you ever had a hot chocolate?” she asked with a teasing smile.

Harmonic blinked. “A what?”

Both mare's jaws dropped. “Wait! So you really never had, a hot chocolate?” Vinyl asked, who couldn't believe that she heard such a question coming from him.

He shook his head. “I don't even know what it is.”

“Well kid,” Vinyl grinned. “You’re in for a real treat today.”

“Why's that?”

“This particular cafe,” said Octavia, “Has perfected the art of making the perfect cup of hot chocolate. Let's go inside, shall we?”

As the warmth hit them as they entered, Harmonic saw that in the back was a huge machine made out of copper where ponies put in ingredients into the machine. A machine of pressure and temperature gadgets and levers that pour out hot liquids from coffee to tea and everything in between.

The three ponies were taken to a table by a waiter, Harmonic took off his cloak, in which he predictably got a cafe full of stares.

“Uh... C-Can I get you anything?” the waiter stuttered. No doubt he was nervous now that there's a real alicorn in the cafe.

“We'll start off with three hot chocolates if you don't mind," Octavia said. A bow and three eye rolls later, the three were given their cups of hot chocolate with menus within less than a minute.

"Whoa, that was fast," said Vinyl, taking off her sunglasses in surprise.

“I'll give you a moment to choose your meal," the waiter said, backing away with a smile.

Harmonic looked at the drink he was presented. It was light brown with a little bit of fresh whip cream on top of it. Putting a spoon in and out of it, the liquid flowed like a thick, creamy soup.

He was about to take a sip of this mysterious liquid until his teacher warned: “Don't drink it right now.”


“It's a little too hot, give it a moment to cool.”

He put down his cup and asked about their food.

After they came up with suggestions on what to eat and the waiter treating the alicorn as a demigod; the couple changed the subject other than food.

“So Harmonic,” his teacher asked: “Do you celebrate Hearths Warming? Or have you even heard of it?”

“I've heard of it a few years ago, yes. But when you’re traveling with a caravan that isn't quite your family or really your friends, you don't really see much reason to celebrate it. ”

“Really? What were they to you then?”

“They were superstitious ponies who just felt sorry for me. Which meant that I had to be very careful around them, they still saw alicorns as tricksters or that...” Harmonic trilled off.

“Or what?” Vinyl asked. Harmonic looked from all over the room, checking to see if there was anyone was listening. He did see a few brief glances from other ponies, but he figured that they weren't listening. Harmonic lowered his voice.

“Can you two keep a secret?” they nodded. “Sometime back, about... Three? Four years ago? I think, I uh, um... I begin to, notice, some ponies. One pony in-particular-”

“Awe! Was this your first crush!” Vinyl said giving an amused smirk.

Harmonic paused for a moment, “Something like that. You see, this pony from the caravan... wasn't, uh, (how do I say this?) a um... filly.” He said the last word quiet enough so that no one listening could hear but loud enough for the couple to.

The couple blinked. Then looked at each other, then back at Harmonic again. “So...” Vinyl ventured, “Does this mean that you like colts or something?”

Ears folded, eyes down with a blush, he silently nodded. In that simple action, both of them could see him masking years upon years of hidden sadness. Both of them offered a hoof and a half smile. At the touch, he quickly looked up and saw their expression.

“So, go on, what happened?” Octavia questioned.

“It was a crush really. Somepony I got jealous every time he had a fillyfriend. Even though I never told him myself, he figured it out. And when he did, he turned from a crush, into my worst nightmare.”

“What happened?” both mares asked.

“Looking back, I realized that he could have told the caravan and kicked me out. But no, he did something far worse than that. For years, now and then he would go into a village or town, find out what troubles they're suffering and not only blame it on me, but tell them that I'm- you know.” Harmonic's voice got shaky, but still kept going. “And then, when I'm away from the caravan, there would be a mob waiting for me. And then they...”

Now both of the mares are really concern. “What? What did they do to you?” Octavia asked carefully.

“They... I've been tortured so many times in so many ways. They chopped my wings, sawed off my horn, I-I've suffered so much, that I doubt that even the demons in Tartarus would ever take it that far. And yet, no matter what they ever did to me, no matter what way they tried to kill me, I can't die.”

“How?” Vinyl asked.

“I don't know. Just when I couldn't take it anymore, when I think that death has at last come to me, I wake up. I never know how or why, but after I die, I always wake up somewhere nearby from where I died. It's always somewhere random though, I still have no idea how I've even got there. But what's weirder still, is every time I wake up, I found myself as if nothing happened to me, my wings and horn are fine, no broken bones, no burnt coat, no scalped head, nothing. And yet… I still remember. I still remembered getting burned, drowned, choked, pulled apart... You get the idea. And the worst part is, I can't tell the caravan what happened nor prove that he did this to me because, I'm not dead. Only to go through it again somewhere else.”

“And here's your food,” said the waiter putting a tray of food on the table. He looked over to the mares as he set their food down. “Is something wrong?”

Octavia forced a smile on her face: “It's nothing, thank you.”

After the waiter left, Octavia dropped her facade. “Harmonic, I don't know what to say.”

The male alicorn shook his head, “I can't blame you. Even I find it hard to talk about it. Can we change the subject?”

Octavia nodded, she took a sip from her cup. “Anyway, you can drink your hot chocolate now.”

Taking the cup into his magic, he took a sip of his cup. “It's good... I like it.”

“Whoa dude,” said Vinyl, “I guess that pretty much explains a lot about ya.”

“At least you two are lucky.” Harmonic commented, taking another sip.


“Lucky that you two can, well, be with each other with nopony caring about it.”

“I'm sure you'll find somepony special soon enough.” Octavia ensured him with a smile. Harmonic shook his head.

“Forgive me for saying this, but after what I've been though, I find that highly unlikely.”


On Hearths Warming Day, Harmonic performed carols with his music teacher in a quintet before Canterlot's public Hearths Warming Ball. For the Violinist, playing without having his cloak on in front of so many strangers was a bit nerve-racking at first. And while he didn’t have to come, his teacher (along with Celestia) thought it would be a good idea to play for him to get comfortable without covering up his wings for once.

After all, as far as those who saw the alicorn were concerned. They were both curious and even enjoyed the music that he and the quintet were performing.

“He’s really good,” said one passer by.

“Agreed,” nodded another, “For simple carols, it sounds quite divine.” It was from comments like these that the Violinist found it easier to play. If anything, it gave him little reason to worry about his wings over the music.

But eventually, Harmonic decided to take a break from playing for a moment to step outside. While he was looking down on the city in the bitter wind, he saw the ponies going about their business when he spotted something familiar in the crowds.

Before he put on his cloak and went outside, he asked Princess Luna for a large amount of bits and a few guards to accommodate him. Harmonic also had one of the servants, a butler, to have the violin in safe keeping while he was out.

To which, Steel Plated and Cross Bow were summoned, and they walked with him through the streets of Canterlot. Not to say that both of the guards were rather confused as to why Harmonic was out here for, until in the public square, Harmonic called out.

“Hey! Compass! Over here!”

The said pony turned to the source of the sound.

“Trotivari!” The gray pegasus with a brown mane said as he approached them, several other ponies followed him as well. At a closer look, he seemed to be much older than the alicorn. “Harmonic Trotivari! Is that you?”

Harmonic nodded.

“Where have you been this whole time?” Compass asked. “We haven't seen you in months, what happened to you?”

“Don't worry, I'm fine. How's the caravan doing?”

“We're alright. But we haven't gotten enough money to move on just yet.”

“I think I can help with that,” Harmonic levitated the large bag of bits over to the stallion. “I thought I might bring a few gifts for the caravan.”

The stallion looked inside the bag. “My my! I knew you were a good violinist, but I didn't imagine this good! This is generous of you, but where have you been anyway?”

“I'll take you there. This is my second gift actually, there's a party over at the palace, and all of you are invited. There's music, food, drink, warmth, and perhaps I can pull a few strings to get all of you moving.”

“Ha ha! Did you hear that?!” Compass turned to the crowed with excitement in his voice. By now, the two guards assumed that this must be the gypsies that Harmonic grew up with. “Harmonic is taking us to the palace! Please, lead the way.”

Harmonic nodded, as they turned to walk back to the palace with the caravan following, Harmonic leaned over to Steel and whispered: “Let's take them through the back entrance.”

“Why? Shouldn't we take them to the front for the Princesses to meet them?”

Harmonic shook his head. “I know these ponies, trust me, we shouldn't show them to the Princesses right away. They think that all alicorns are tricksters and something to be feared.”

“I understand.”

“So, who is he?” Cross Bow asked pointing towards the stallion leading the caravan.

“That's Compass, he's the one who leads the caravan.”

The Gypsies followed them to the back entrance of the palace, once inside after getting themselves warm, they went into the Ballroom. Harmonic didn't take off his cloak as they dove right into the refreshments.

Both of the guards noticed, that out of all of the whole group that came in, two of them gave the covered alicorn an evil eye. One was an old gryphon, with a golden earring and a bandana that covered her head. The other was a pegasus stallion with a mare and two foals.

Then the leader of the caravan came up to them: “Harmonic, since you're here, why not play something for us, for this is a cause for celebration after all.”

Harmonic asked for his violin, and within a few minutes the butler returned with his cherished instrument. When this was done, he began to improvise for old time’s sakes. Thanks to the music spell he learned from Twilight, he made his violin sound like he was playing two or three violins at once... along with a few other instruments. The gypsies joined in with their instruments. With their strings, tambourines, woodwinds, and even a few drums. Some of them sang as they began to dance in front of a gathering crowd.

The music went on for several minutes, when it was done, the gypsies received thunderous applause.

“Wonderful!” Compass said with a smile on his face. “Harmonic, that was so much better than the last time I heard you play. You'll do well in the Crystal Empire.”

Harmonic blinked, he asked what he was talking about.

“That's where we're headed. You're coming with us right?”

“Uh, yeah, about that,” Harmonic said as he levitated his instrument over to a maid. “I'm not coming with you this time.”

“What!? Why not?”

“I'm leaving the caravan Compass. I'm sorry, but I think I've found a home here.”

“Oh,” the leader of the gypsies said in disappointment.

“But before you go though,” Harmonic said nervously. “I think there's something, all of you need to know before hoof.”

“And what's that?”

Harmonic didn't answer him, instead, he turned towards the rest of the room. “Everypony, unless you’re with the caravan, I ask of you, try not to get involved. Just let me handle this.”

“What are you even talking about?” Compass asked.

“This,” he used his aura to undo his cloak, leaving him to expose his wings. The gypsies gasped, even stepped back in fear.

“C-Compass, I-” The leader of the gypsies slapped him. Hard. Hard enough to knock him to the marble floor. The room went dead silent.

“You! You lied to us!” Compass spitted out his anger. “You have been causing us trouble this whole time?!” Harmonic crawled backwards and he went towards him. “We should had left in the snow where we found you, you pitiful excuse of a cockroach! So the rumors were true this whole time?! An Alicorn! Listen freak, you are no longer one of us you monster! Ha! A cloak! How could I not see that?! How could I not see though you’re monstrous tricks?! So as a monster, you should be treated as such!” He raised a hoof in the air, ready to strike. Cross Bow was about to pounce on him.

Well, he was about to, until all went still at the booming of six words:THOU SHALT DO NO SUCH THING!!!

It was from the Queen of the Royal Canterlot Voice. A voice that came from an enraged alicorn in blue. Her eyes were sharper than razors, wings open in anger and with a rage that the last time anyone seen it, was before her banishment.


Out of fear, Compass ran out of the room.

WHO IS- Luna stopped herself to clear her throat, looking at the group of gypsies, she asked them with her inside voice: “Who is it that leads you?”

“You just yelled at him, your Majesty,” Cross Bow said, bowing respectively.

“It looks like you need to find yourselves a new leader.” Luna said to the gypsies: “Consider yourselves fortunate that at least I will allow all of you to still be in the same room as We are. But if there is anything else like that from any of you, not even your children's children will ever set hoof in Equestria again. Do I make myself clear?” In fear, they quickly nodded their heads.

Luna made her way over to Harmonic. “Are you alright?” she asked. He shook his head 'no'. “Come then,” she said spreading a wing over him. “Let us go someplace else.”

She led him out of the room and into another part of the castle for him to calm down. The reason why Luna was there, was that after they at last got done greeting the ponies coming in, her sister had asked her to go fetch him, so that she can take him to their private party in another part of the castle.

The private party was made up with the entire royal family along with a few others who were given the privilege to be there such as the Elements of Harmony and one or two of the most influential ponies.

This year, it was Fancy Pants with his Prench wife, Fleur De Lis Pants. Not to mention the newborn foal that Cadence had given birth to a few months ago. The foal has been crying for a few minutes because Princess Luna woke her up.

The doors opened to Luna with Harmonic, choking on his tears that no matter what, just kept flowing.

“Harmonic! What happened?” Celestia said with concern. Noticing the red imprint of a hoof on Harmonic's cheeks.

“Go sit by the fire.” Luna told the sobbing alicorn, “I shall tell your story.”

As Luna told the party about how she saw the leader of the Gypsies not only reject him for being an alicorn but even slapped and verbally abused him in front of everypony, Harmonic sat in a comfortable chair by the fire. Across from him, was Cadence holding her crying foal while listening to Luna's story.

Harmonic, despite being in shock and sorrow, gestured a servant over and asked to bring his violin. A few minutes later, everypony in the room was asking questions to Luna. Each had a look on their faces that ranged from shocked to anger, to sympathy. Even the well-known cynical Prince Blueblood had a look of disgust.

In coming through the doors was the servant who had fetched for Harmonic's violin and bow. After getting an incoherent “Thank you” from Harmonic, he took the instrument into his hooves once more, closed his eyes, and this time, he began to play the very lullaby that he played every single night.

The foal in Cadence's forelegs got quieter as the music played on. By the time he was finished, the foal was not asleep nor was she crying.

"Thank you," Cadence said, giving him a half smile. To which, he only nodded.

“Harmonic,” Celestia said. “I can understand what you’re feeling right now. That you feel as if the whole world has officially rejected you. But believe me when I say that that's not the case. I think, that right now more than ever, we should give you your present.”

She levitated pieces of paper over to him. “You know I can't read half of what it says right?” he said.

Celestia levitated over to Cadence: “Would you do us the honor of reading this out to him?” she asked.

Cadence read aloud: “'This contract hereby gives Celestia Everfree and Luna Everfree legal guardianship over Harmonic Trotivari-' Wait! Auntie, are these-”

“Adoption papers?” Celestia interrupted. “Why yes. Yes they are.” Then she turned her attention towards the violinist. “Harmonic, for this to be made legal, we need you to sign your name onto it. Which means, if you decide to sign this, not only will you have a real family, you will be adopted into royalty. In other words, you will soon be made Prince. A prince over what exactly, is up to you. And by law, I should inform you that you have every right to reject as well as to accept this.”

Harmonic stared at her, “You mean – You want... me? To be in your family?”

“Of course,” said Celestia with a smile. “You may not see it, but I see in you something that even I like myself would gladly call you a son.”

“The same likewise,” Luna commented. “I too was once in such a predicament like yourself. To feel as if no one ever cared for you or your art is a dark road to travel alone. But if you let us adopt you, you shall never know loneliness.”

“I would gladly like to have another pony that I would call brother,” said Twilight.

“Awe Twilie. What about me?” Shining Armor whined.

“Don't worry, you'll always be my BBBFF.” This only confused Harmonic. Twilight explained that it stands for “Big Brother Best Friend Forever.”

“Wait, he's your brother?” Harmonic questioned, pointing towards Shining. Twilight nodded.

“To tell you the truth,” Cadence leaned in towards Harmonic whispering: “No offense to Blueblood, but I can see you as a better half-brother then he.” Blueblood did hear it and harrumphed.

“And partner,” Applejack said as she approached the alicorn. “Two things here, even if you decide not letting the Princesses adopting ya, you will always be considered family to me.”

“Me too,” said Rainbow. “You’ll have us at one-hundred and twen- No! I can do better than that! You’ll have us a million percent of the way.”

“Me too- no, me three!” Pinkie leaped in the air.

"Four," Fluttershy whispered.

"Myself as well, of course," said Rarity.

“And what's the other thing?” Harmonic asked Applejack.

“What happened back at the orchard months ago. When you were even a… certain somepony shall we say, and the way ah kept pressen' at ya about it. Ah wanna say, Ah'm sorry about that. Ah can get rather-”


“Curious. But yes, that too. So anyways, Ah'm sorry. And so's my brother.”

Harmonic looked around the room, his eyes landed on the baby that was looking at him. “Who's that?”

“This is my baby, Flurry Heart,” Cadence said with a smile. She used her magic to unwrap her child to show to Harmonic something that's really surprising. The foal, is an alicorn. “As of now, she's one of six alicorns in the world. My dear daughter can be your niece you know. And I think you'll make yourself a fantastic uncle to her.”

He looked around at the room, a room that was now filled with anticipation. (Except for Blueblood, who had his snout in the air.) They were waiting on him now.

“Twilight," he finally said. “Could you help me sign my name here?”

There was a cheer for joy that was heard in that room. Twilight did help him sign his name in the right places. When that was done, Celestia and Luna put a hoof on his shoulders: “Welcome to the family Harmonic,” Celestia said with pride.

Luna nodded, “Now we have gotten that piece of business done, let's move on to something quite amusing.”

“Like what?” Harmonic asked.

“I believe zhat is vhere I come in.” He turned to the mare who spoke in a Prench accent; it was the one who's always next to Fancy Pants.

“Who are you?”

“You may call me, Madame Fleur De Lis Pants. Or Fleur if you may, your Majesty.” She took a bow to him.

“Now now, he's not exactly a prince yet dear.” Fancy Pants told to his wife.

“But vhat does it matter? He is is now part of zhe family is he not? But no matter, I shall put my little hobby into good use.”

“Sorry but, what hobby?” Harmonic asked.

“Has zhey not told you? Zhat I am a matchmaker?”

“Matching what exactly?” Harmonic asked, still confused about what she was talking of.

“I match ponies. For the purpose zhat zhe ponies may fall in love.”

Harmonic's eyes widened, “I-I-I-I ah...” he said nervously. “T-That's kind of y-you and a-all, b-but-”

“Do not worry your Grace. I was made avare by zhe Princesses’ zhemselves zhat you lean towards zhe males no?”

Harmonic was trembling. “Y-you mean – you knew!” He looked at the Princesses in a frantic panic.

“Not at first,” Celestia said trying to sound as soothing as possible. “But when we noticed how you've acted towards Shining Armor, we tried to find out why.”


“After Twilight wrote about what happened that afternoon at Sweet Apple Acres, I had to set up a few… experiments.”

“E-e-experiments?” Harmonic asked, his pupils shrinking to pinpricks.

“Tell me, did you think that Octavia's wife coming home early or playing cards with a certain couple of Guards was an accident?”

“That was you!”

“Please forgive me, but we were all curious. And before you start running or teleport out of this room, we want you to know that not only we don't mind at all, but some of us here completely understand.”

Harmonic blinked. “Huh?”

“To tell you the truth,” Luna interjected. “Both my sister and I have been married several times over the course of our long lifetimes. We both, every now and then would take a husband or wife-”

“Wait what!?”

Both the celestial sisters giggled: “You see dear Harmonic,” Luna continued. “When you get to be as old as we are, you realize that love itself is blind towards who your special somepony looks like, or their gender. So the best advice we can give you is looking for someone of character that you admire, you shall go a long way with that philosophy.”

“So vith zhat,” Fleur stepped in: “I shall let you know, zhat I have done arrangements vhere both zhe couples are zhat of zhe same gender. Most of vhich are still committed and have reported vith positive results.”

“Most?” Harmonic questioned with a raised eyebrow: “You mean that some of those didn't turn out so well?”

“I can't get every paring right every time. Not unlike Princess Cadence, she vas known to be a master at matchmaking.”

“Why thank you,” Cadence said, blushing a-little at the compliment.

“Since ve are here, perhaps I could have some tips from you as vell?”

“It's been a while.”

“But your pairing skills are known to be legendary. Not one complaint from anyone who turn to you vhen zhey wished to have a somepony special.”

“Well...” Cadence trailed off in thought for a moment. “.... For old time's’ sake.”

“Ah perfect! Now Monsieur, shall ve get started?”

“I... I don't know. I doubt it.” Now this time, it was Fleur and Cadence turn to look confused.

“Why is that?” Cadence questioned, now rocking her foal with her magic.

“Look, no offense to either of you here, but after all I've gone though, I find that either of you would find somepony to love me back as highly unlikely.”

“But vhat if ve can prove you vrong?”


“Vhat if ve make a deal vith you? If neither of us can come up vith one stallion out there bevore your coronation vhich is... Vhen is it exactly?” The last sentence was towards the princesses. In which Celestia answered this question.

“A week after the New Year so... Three weeks.”

“If neither of us can find you a stallion vithin three veeks, zhen ve shall admit defeat and never again attempt to match you vith anypony else ever again.”

To Harmonic, this seemed ridiculous, absurd, even down right laughable. To him, such a task like this was impossible. Which was why he agreed.

“Excellent!” Fleur exclaimed with a grin. “Now monsieur, ve shall ask you a few questions.”

“Don't worry though,” said Cadence, grinning as well. “I promise we won't ask you anything too embarrassing.”

"Well," Harmonic said, doubting the last statement. "What do you want to know?"


There were only four days until his coronation, and so far, he hadn’t heard a single word from the matchmakers. Then again, he wasn't too surprised since it seemed as if everyone in Equestria was preparing for his coronation, that it seemed rather unlikely that either Fleur or Cadence could find someone on time.

It was during all these weeks since those two had questioned him about his likes, dislikes and what he wants from another pony; along with that revelation from Celestia did make him a little… paranoid. Anytime anypony did a kind gesture to him, he got suspicions. Even from the servants, guards and nobles that he bumped into every day just made him all the more unsure who it could be.

Then, four days before his coronation, after his music lessons with Octavia, he heard a knock on the door. With a raised eyebrow, he opened the double doors with his magic. There in the doorway was a unicorn with a bag, as well as a canvas on a stand. He was wearing an apron with streaks and blotches of paint that covered over his light brown coat. His mane and tail was a ghostly gray. And to top it all off, all of his legs were shaking.

“I-Is this Harmonic?” he asked.

“Who are you?”

“C-Color S-S-Spectrum, y-your Grace.” The unicorn said giving a bow, “I'm here t-to paint your p-portrait.”

“Portrait? What portrait?”

“It's uh, for your c-coronation.”


“And before we get started, uh, what is it that you, uh, like to do?”

“Playing the violin. Why?”

“My uh, portraits work best i-if I see somepony d-doing something they like t-to do ya see.”

“Um, okay?” still not letting down his suspicions, he took out his violin and bow out from its case. Then, a question popped into his head: “Were you sent here by someone?”

"Y-yes," the painter answered, starting to sweat a little.

“Let me guess, Princess Cadence or that Prench mare.”

“Uh. I-It's both actually. And the 'Prench mare' i-is Fleur De Lis Pants.”

“Yep, that's her,” Harmonic said then giving a sigh: “I guess you’re here for other reasons than to paint me right?”

“W-well not quite! I-I mean, y-your portrait is the most imp-portant p-part, yes, b-b-but u-uh...” Color stuttered because the look that Harmonic was giving him. His eyes narrowed, making the unicorn very uncomfortable.

“But, what?” Harmonic asked in a tone that easily darkens the room.

“Canyougooutwithme?” Color said very quickly, nearly shouting.

Harmonic blinked… And blinked again, trying to register what he just heard. “What?”

“Can. Um, would you, uh, just this once... go, on a date, with me?” Color asked ending with an uneasy smile.

Harmonic again raised his eyebrow, “Why?”

Color blinked, “Why what?”

“Why with me? Seriously why? I don't even know you.”

Color blushed, he looked at the floor where one of his hooves pawed at. “Well... From what Fleur told me, I think we have a lot more in common than you think.”

“Like what?”

“Well, can I, uh, tell you about myself while I'm painting you? Besides, I-I have to anyway, and the princesses are expecting for you to have your portrait before the coronation.”

With a defeated sigh, Harmonic didn't see any point to argue and asked: “Where?” To which, he saw the artist's ears perked up, and looked at him with hope.

“Oh, uh, I-I was thinking over in the ballroom, i-if you don't mind.”

“Why there?”

“There's plenty of windows for sunlight to seep in, also great acoustics to play your violin.”

A few minutes later, they arrived in the ballroom. The very place where Harmonic wanted to avoid, as it was a reminder of his rejection from the ones who took care of him for years. Color Spectrum noticed that Harmonic wouldn't follow him through the doorway.

“Is something wrong? We can find someplace else-”

“No,” Harmonic interrupted. “No, it’s – it's fine. Really, it's nothing.” The alicorn walked into the room. “So, where do you want me to stand?”

“Over there,” he pointed to the end of the room. Even though it had some frost and snow on the window panes, the sky was somewhat clear enough for the sun to shine through. Harmonic walked over to the spot while he watched the artist getting set up. He put the easel with the canvas down, and opened his bag to reveal what Harmonic assumed to be the tools of the painter's trade. Color starts pulling out plastic tubes of a variety of colored paints, along with small plastic bottle of somewhat murky water, and what appeared to be different sizes of a tool that had long wooden handle and a dull flat metal blade. Next the artist pulled out some rags and a flat stained board of which Harmonic assumed to be his paint pallet. Taking the pallet in his light blue magic, along with some of the paint tubes, Color starts to squirt some of the paint onto various spots. He picks up one of the wooden tools and expertly scoops up some of the paint and begins mixing different colors together to make even more and ever complex colors. When Color was satisfied with the new elements, he takes out a stick of hard charcoal and sets up the canvas and easel. Putting the charcoal to canvas lightly he asks Harmonic to start playing for him.

Harmonic improvised since the artist didn't say what to play exactly. At first, he started to play a simple tune on one string. But minutes later, he was beginning to get lost as his improvised piece that slowly grew complex, almost to the point that he nearly forgotten who was watching. Every now and then, Color would periodically ask questions like: “How old did you say you were?”

“I didn't. I'm seventeen... You?”

“I'll be turning eighteen in April.” He paused for a moment to glimpse between him and the portrait in progress. “So... Have you ever been on a date before this one?”

Harmonic stopped playing, “This is a date?”

"Well," Color's ears folded back and he blushed a little. “To be honest, I have never been on one with somepony else before. I guess there are no rules that are set in stone about how to date. So yeah, in a way, this is a date. But, have you ever been on one yourself?”

“Uh, no. I never could believe that I would ever go on one.”

Color stopped painting for a moment. “Why's that?”

“Well... to put a very long and very difficult story short, the last time that another colt had so much had figured out that I had a crush on him, I ended up getting hanged, drawn and quartered while the children played jump-rope with my entrails.” As expected, the painter showed nothing but shock. Harmonic continued: “So for my safety, I learned how to just accept that nopony will really love me back.”

“Holy dear sweet Celestia! And here I thought I had problems.”

This got Harmonic's curiosity. “What do you mean?”

“Okay grant it, yours is rather... Extreme, compared to mine. But it's somewhat the reason why I'm even here.”

“Hmm. Okay, you have my attention,” Harmonic said with a raised eyebrow.

“Uh, well. To be honest, I never really ever been asked out by anypony. Ever. I never got noticed, not even once have I even been asked out to even a school dance in my life. So I turned to my paintings to hopefully get noticed. This only backfired, they'd only tend to notice the art over the artist.”

“Should I play something sad?” Harmonic said with thoughtless sarcasm. At first, he was both horrified and embarrassed for saying something like that, then it turned to confusion when Color started laughing.

“Why are you laughing? That was mean of me to even say that.”

“Ha-ha, no no, I'm not offended. It's-ha-ha-ha, it's just that I found it funny. Besides, I could tell you didn't mean it. But anyway, (phew) I uh, well… I did fall into a cycle of depression several times at least.”

“But you don't even look sad.”

“Well, not right now of course. I have fallen into the thought nopony would really love me for me. But that didn't mean that I can't keep trying though.”


“Because I have hope that there's somepony out there for me. Which was why I turned to Fleur in hopes that she might help. Ha! Imagine my surprise when she told me to meet you. Not only her but even the Princess from the Crystal Empire as well.”

“You have hope?... Isn't it weird that I envy somepony that I've just met?”

Color raised an eyebrow, “You envy me?”

“That you even have hope that no matter what happens, somepony will find you in the end. After what happened to me, I gave up that hope a very long time ago.”

Harmonic saw the painter pause to register what he said. Then to his surprise, he put down his art supplies and looked at him with not just a look of worry, but he saw sympathy.

Then he took a few steps forward, “Are you alright, I mean, are you really alright? Like the kind of alright where you don't have to pretend everything is fine so that ponies can leave you alone; because it's something so personal that you don't even know how to share it for out of fear, or knowing that no one would understand? So, let me ask again, are you alright Harmonic?”

The soon-to-be Prince didn't respond. Color took a few steps closer. “Look, I remember my mom saying before she died, was that ‘the greatest gift in life is to be able to care for another pony, no matter what issues they have. But the first step to show that you love them, is, well, to show that you do care.’ And you know what? You're right, I've just met you. But from what I can tell, I think you need me more because in a way, I have fallen into thinking that nopony will ever really care for me before. I want to help. But I can't do that unless you let me.”

“So you’re saying that you want to help me because you feel sorry for me?”

“In a way. But we also have something in common as well.”

“And what's that?”

“From what I was told, we both have the same reasoning when it comes to searching for that special somepony. That we both have to work hard to win each other’s hearts. I confess, even I have doubts your Highness. But that doesn't mean that it couldn't work either. I mean, so what if it doesn't work out? Who knows, we might become good friends in the end or something. But for the first time in my life, I'm taking the first step to even try.” He stepped closer to Harmonic but stopped when he was about a foreleg's length away. He offered up a hoof up to him. “So, at least for your part, can you at least show me, that you’re willing to even try, that is, with me.”

Part of Harmonic wanted to say “no”. A side that doubted that something like this can't end in betrayal like so many times before. Where he would as gently as possible decline the offer. But, (and this was a big but) what he heard from this painter was sincere, asking himself if he was serious and not acting to be. For as Color was talking, Harmonic saw that never once, had his blue eyes ever moved away for even a second. He looked at him in the eye as he said his monologue.

So, perhaps...

Slowly, ever so slowly, he raised his right foreleg. It still shook, reflecting his whole history of uncertainty as he lifted it up and moved it towards the painter's outstretched hoof. But it took every amount of courage though, to even decide that maybe, he should take this gamble, and placed his hoof into Color's.

“Well,” Color said with a half-smile. “It's a start.”