• Published 5th Nov 2019
  • 599 Views, 62 Comments

Elements: Beautiful Stories for Ugly Children - Nightmare_0mega

Beings accustomed to strife and spite adjust to a new life of harmony, and try not to ruin it for themselves. Temptations and opportunities for a little fun will hinder their resolve, though. Hopefully the damage won't be too great.

  • ...

Dying Land

The profoundly frozen tundra winds whipped across the snowy lands, pushing the loose piles and shaping the dunes as the gale forces saw fit. The clouds were grey, but not too dark, as a blizzard had yet to be scheduled for the deep, cold north, and the air was as brisk as ever. A typical day in the vast, open lands of ice and snow. It was as calm as a frigid climate could be.

Despite the peace, a foreboding rumble could be felt, even through the natural insulation of the churning snow in the air. It was low, as if something strong enough was pushing against something, exerting great effort to move it. Then, a swirling mass of black began to manifest from the frozen ground, slowly churning and forming some strange hole. Once it came to its complete shape, strange energies bubbled out of it like a cauldron overfilled and rolling with a boil. Not a moment after, something shot out of the inky black shape and landed in the snow with a soft crunch of the gathered tiny flakes of ice water breaking beneath the creature's clawed toes.

Standing upright, the creature seemed to be as tall as a minotaur, but its build was much more svelte and alien, almost lizard like, with notable oddities. Its left arm, ended with a set of ice like claws, with its knuckles extending backward like spikes. Its right forearm seemed to be a massive log of ice. Strange growths, which had bright blue bio-luminescent spots evenly spaced along the length, starting at either side of its head lead backwards and surrounded more icicles acting like spines. A tail, normally attached to creatures at the bottom of the back, instead started at the top from the back of the head, and ran downwards smooth like a snake. The head was angular and thin, topped with an ice like helm that fitted against the thinly form, with two wing like spikes flanking either side of the creature's face, just above the glowing growths. Pauldrons made of ice, encasing the shoulders, brandished more ice-like spikes, adding to the intimidating form. Featuring a thin waist that supported an armored, angular chest, and sitting upon thick, ribbed, ice covered legs that had two spikes starting at the front of the knees and growing beside the thighs, the creature straightened itself out and gazed about its surroundings,

This creature, unsurprisingly, was not native to the Equestrian magical wilds. It wasn't even a native of Tartarus. No, it was an inhabitant of "The Underworld", the vast kingdom of demons that once was commanded over by a demon king of seemingly god-like strength and ability, along with a variety of devils that boasted incredible power in their own right. Ever since the expulsion of the king, however, the normally organized chaos of the Underworld had become a total warzone due to the power vacuum left behind, which wasn't helped with the disappearance of other minor rulers and lords, and in some cases entire lineages of them.

The demonic being that now stood on the tundra of Equestria's north was one that hailed from the part of the Underworld known only as the Frozen Soil, and it had come here on a mission of desperation. Lord Bael, the target of this demon's search, had disappeared, leaving a peculiar energy trail that led far and away from both the charted mortal realm and the Underworld. So far that such tunnels were both unstable and unknown. No other demon had attempted such an excursion so far away from the realm of humanity, and for good reason. Any wayward traveler using these paths may never be able to get back, especially with how difficult it was to even pass through the mortal barrier so far away. However, deep in the thoughts of the demon that now stood in Equestria's arctic snow, the risk was worth it, as Lord Bael must found at any cost.

Picking up the energy signature of the demon lord the creature sought, it turned its attention to the north east and followed the trail. The demon could see a faint light in the distance, as if there was some sort of aqua colored dome just out of eyesight. Whatever strange location Bael was trapped in, it would find the answers and murder anyone that would get in the way.


At the heart of the Crystal Empire, the city was animated with activity. A decent portion of crystal ponies, the denizens of the Empire, cantered to and fro as they made their preparations for an important, upcoming event. In honor of the city's return and the re-integration to the land of Equestria, the Crystal Empire was chosen to be the host of this year's Equestria Games, as recommended by the Solar and Lunar Princesses, and officially undertaken by Shining Armor and Mi Amore Cadenza, the current Rulers of the Crystal Empire. The citizens, brimming with pride of such an honor, and desperately wanting to distance themselves from the dark memories of their captivity under King Sombra's rule, delighted in giving their all for the occasion. It was going to be a grand celebration for all of Equestria, and a chance for athletes far and wide across the land to test themselves among the best of the best, in flight, might, and magic.

However, this wasn't the only reason for such jubilation. While grateful for the new and just rule under Shining Armor and Cadence, every citizen would be remiss to not admit their gratitude lies with another. So much so that the crystal ponies of the Empire had commissioned a statue featuring two individuals. One of which was a very familiar looking baby dragon, and the other...

"This..." grumbled the great demon toad, who sat before the statue of Spike standing atop the statue of himself, the former holding the Crystal Heart, "Is a bit much."

"Bael, be nice," Fluttershy had tutted, standing beside her charge. "I think it's sweet they see you in such a positive light."

The former demon lord scoffed in irritation. Reverence was not a behavior he, admittedly, cared much for. Fear and obedience were more his forte, honestly. Considering his circumstances, however, he didn't have the luxury. "How were they even aware of my involvement against that mad tyrant?"

"Someone must have told them," another, albeit scratchy, voice piped up from behind the two.

While Bael didn't bother to try and look for the source, Fluttershy instantly whirled around to make pleasantries. "Oh, Rainbow Dash! When did you get here?"

"A little while ago. Been a bit busy as part of the reserve unit and I'm actually here to fill in as a Wonderbolts rep," the rainbow maned pegasus exclaimed with a puff of pride. "Just had a few things to check out as a kind of inspection before the Wonderbolts make their decision to collaborate with the Games. I mean, they're probably going to join anyway, but rules are rules. Just finished going through the list, actually."

"Oh, that sounds lovely," Fluttershy beamed with a soft smile, "What are your plans afterwards?"

"Actually, I brought Adna along, hoping to give him a tour of this place. I mean, the Crystal Empire is ALL kinds of awesome!"

"The pigeon is here?" Bael suddenly grunted indignantly.

Rainbow Dash frowned from the comment, "Hey, not too cool there, dude. Adna's a chill guy."

"Bael, I thought we talked about this," Fluttershy chastised once again. The great demon toad gave a sigh, but relinquished no apology. Fluttershy gave her own sigh, turning back to her dear friend, "Please, don't mind him, Rainbow. He's been grumpy for a little while now. It was quite the difficult morning, keeping ponies from crowding around him."

Rainbow gazed back at the toad for a moment, and then towards the statue. She noted that, while it was clear the point of interest was Spike's likeness whom was shown balancing upon one of the higher spines of ice with a single foot, holding aloft the crystal heart, there was no denying that Bael took up quite a bit of space just below the little drake, He looked somewhat scary, but at the same time dignified. The Element of Loyalty was kind of impressed to say the least.

"I mean," Rainbow started, "If I had a statue in my honor, I'd be playing it up for the crowd as much as they'd want. Keep 'em entertained and wanting more!"

"I am not some side-show," the toad said in exasperation.

"Clearly," another voice piped up from behind Rainbow Dash, "Though it puzzles me why these good creatures would even WANT to carve such an image of reverie for an abominable beast as thou."

"Oh, hey Adna!" Rainbow exclaimed as she turned to face the angel.

Fluttershy pursed her lips. While she had long since forgiven and appreciated Adna for its actions, services, and apologies up to now, she couldn't help but feel somewhat irked every time the angel decided to act petty towards beings like Bael. She held out hope that they'd one day get along, but until then she had more or less resigned herself to act as referee.

"I had quite the bothersome day," Bael explained with a hint of irritation, "So, I'd greatly appreciate if you refrain from adding to it."

Before the angel was able to interject to indulge in its petty behavior, Fluttershy cut Adna off with her own statement, "I'd actually like to second that request, Mister Adna," she said as sweetly as she normally would, "No one wants any unneeded trouble right now, and I'm sure you'd be better off having that tour with Rainbow."

The angel fell silent for a moment, before giving a small shrug. Rainbow Dash kicked off the ground and floated up towards the creature's shoulder, giving it a light bump with her hoof. "Hey, come on," she teased, "Fluttershy's right. You'd be better off pallin' with me. There's gotta be something cool that caught your eye around here that I could take you to."

Adna thought for a moment, before finally giving a short nod. With a quick wave, Rainbow Dash took to the skies as the angel followed, hoping to discuss with her the point of interest. Fluttershy watched them leave for a moment with a smile, before she turned back to the great toad with somewhat of an annoyed look. However, unlike other times that the demon had picked a verbal fight with others where he would gloat or mock the other party afterwards, this time he sat silent and clearly thinking about something more important.

"Bael?" Fluttershy addressed, transforming the annoyance to concern. "What's wrong?"

The great demon sat, staring at the statue that depicted himself just below the little drake that balanced upon a shard of ice jutting from his back. Paying more attention, the visage of the giant toad was of as he is now, rather than what he was. Of course they didn't know, for how could they? It was still a sorry state of affairs, regardless of current circumstances. He gave a disgruntled huff of disapproval, before he spoke again, "Undeserving."


Rainbow Dash and Adna stood at the west edge of the Crystal Empire's boarders, where the Crystal Heart's defensive shield exists, stretching both north and southward, and continued to encircle the whole of the territory. It was quite possibly one of the more magnificent displays of magic that any individual could easily approach. It had the property of being able to screen all who cross the threshold, locking out those that have come to harm or subjugate the citizens within its limits. At least, that's how it was perceived.

However ever since the incident with Bael many moons ago, it had been called into question just exactly how it did this. Scholars came from all over Equestria not only to rediscover this land once lost for a millennium, but also to help figure out why the shield, and subsequently the Crystal Heart, behaved in such a way. After learning of the incident itself, Adna vowed to pay the Empire a visit to investigate.

Ever since it had that talk with Twilight about how magic in the world worked, it had taken the time to research the topic on its own terms to discover just how close magic relates to miracles, and vice versa. It didn't consume its thoughts, but it was also not going to let opportunities to discover the answers it sought simply slip away. Which is why the angel now, slowly walking a small length parallel to the magical forcefield, stared at it intensely.

"Uh, dude, are you sure you wanna look at this all day? I mean, there are other, cooler things to go and check out here, like the coliseum, or the jousting tracks," Rainbow Dash suggested.

"In due time, Lady Dash," the angel answered, "I wish to fathom this peculiarity."

"What's there to know? It lets good stuff in, keeps bad stuff out."

"What of the demon toad?"

"Well, he's not BAD per se, but-"

"But that creature was once possessed by a malicious phantasm, and still managed to pierce this wall," Adna finished for the little pegasus, "Further, from what Maiden Sparkle hath told me, said malicious entity crossed the threshold from a physical form it robbed from the demon."

"So, Sombra basically piggy-backed off of Bael?"

"But the how and why remain confounded." Adna opened its wings, and jumped through the shield, easily passing through, before jumping back in. It lightly shook off the snow that managed to catch to its body and feathers.

"What was that?"

"Attempted to be locked out. I imagined myself committing the sin of murder unjustified, and was still let in. This is troubling and perplexing."

"Yeah, uh, I don't want something that wants to mess me up THAT bad waltzing right in."

"So, is it ineffectual, or dost there be more to the puzzle? What pieces are missing?" Adna then reached out its hand to the barrier and phased it partially through, trying to feel it as if it were water from a waterfall. Now that the angel was paying close attention, the magic from the shield felt more like wisps of fire, but warm rather than burning hot, and a tingling sensation accompanied the feeling. Furthermore, it had a strange weight to it. It somewhat made some sense to the angel, as a plane of magic specifically erected to keep individuals out needed to have some force behind it. The same principle could be applied to how hard light worked, albeit with a much more solid density compared to this shield's more liquid like form.

Before it could continue to ponder the query, something exploded through the shield directly overhead of them and landed upon the grass nearby. It was a strange, lizard-like bipedal creature that wore ice upon its form as if it were armor and weapons. It slowly stood up fully and surveyed it surroundings, as the grass below it began to freeze over. Adna summoned its staff and took flight, dropping back down a few paces in front of it, brandishing the weapon in defense.

"Halt, demon," Adna stated.

The creature took one step back, raising the right arm, which appeared to be a giant log of ice, and hissed. "An angel?!" the demon seethed in a harsh, scratchy feminine voice.

"Whoa, hey, what's going on!?" Rainbow Dash called out, speeding to Adna's side. The demon in question glanced at her, which gave the pegasus a slight chill.

"How did thou get through? What is thine intention!?" Adna demanded, reaffirming the strength of its staff.

"It's none of your concern, creature!" The demon barked before bitterly mumbling, "Damned luck, after everything else."

"Hey, hey, listen," Rainbow Dash interjected, "If you tell us what's up-"

"STAY OUT OF THIS, MORTAL!" The demon screamed, slashing with her claws. Rainbow Dash shifted back, barely avoiding the attack. Adna then swiped its staff up to meet the claws and effectively parry it. The lizard-like monster jumped back on reflex and raised her right arm again, letting the chunk of ice act like a shield.

"Alright, that does it, buddy," Rainbow Dash growled. "You're cruisin' for a brusin'!"

"No, Allow me to handle the situation," Adna interjected.

"Yeah, well, someone's gotta make sure you don't go to far against her. So, I ain't leaving you behind!"

The angel sighed, "Very well. Non-lethal it is."

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. Not what I meant, you birdbrain, but sure, that too.

The demonic foe rushed forward, swiping with extended claws again, only to be blocked by Adna's staff. Rainbow Dash swiftly circled to the left side of the opponent and lunged, tackling her with as much force as she could muster. It was enough to put the demon off balance, but recovery was swift as she hopped back and regained a sense of balance, once again presenting the thick chunk of ice on the right arm as a shield. Irritated, she channeled magic down into her claws, leaped into the air, and aimed at the two interlopers.

Sensing danger, Adna blocked Rainbow Dash with its body and pulled up a hard light force field. It was all in the nick of time, as the demon fired off her claws, spreading magic infused ice like a blast from a blunderbuss. The shot that hit the shield shattered and disappeared from view, but the portion that missed the target and hit the ground suddenly sprouted large shards of ice crystals.

"Whoa, thanks, dude." Rainbow stated in appreciation.

"Hark and stay focused," Adna replied, adjusting its stance.

"Don't have to tell me twice."

The icy devil landed on the ground and kept low in a crouch, eyeing the strange flying horse and the angel with annoyance. Honestly, the angel itself was perhaps the most jarring encounter out of the two, as for all intents and purposes, angels had long been kept away from the affairs of the Underworld, gated off from the mortal realms they had access to. At least, that's what was believed. In reality, only devils of a higher standing that have lived much, MUCH longer than her, such as Bael, would even know the full story as to why angels, while known of, were never seen while dealing with realms such as the Human world.

It was honestly a bit much to consider, but the train of thought was derailed when she picked up the energy signature of the one she sought in the first place. Bael was very close by, which was a thankfully lucky turn of events. Gazing back to her two opponents, there was a bit of a begrudging understanding that they had the upper hand in this situation, and combat was looking less and less viable.

There was one thing she could do, but it would be a risk that could backfire in a number of ways. Though, standing at odds with an angel and a surprisingly capable mortal was not exactly a great position to be in; no matter how one would look at it. So, the risk needed to be taken if there was to be any chance in reaching Lord Bael. The fight was a lost cause anyway.

So, with a moment of concentration, she felt her body begin to transform and separate, until she turned into streams of ice, which shot past the two that stood in her path, and recombined behind them. The two whirled around as quickly as they could upon realizing what had happened, but by the time they could move, the demon shot off like a bullet, heading straight for the empire's city limits. She didn't realize, however, that the gamble for a head start would be easily thwarted by the peculiar multicolored pegasus, whom not only outpaced the attempt at escape, but doubled back to land a back pedaling shove. This was enough for the angel to catch up and deliver a running overhead swing, forcing the demon to block it.

Damnit! she thought bitterly, how could this have happened to me! Pushing off the angel's staff, she swiped again with her claws, only to get quickly parried before the messenger of god stepped back to set up for another assault. Oh no, I'm not letting you breathe this time, she thought as she pointed her claws at her opponent, and began firing them off like crossbow bolts. The angel parried and stuck each bolt that came towards it, expertly defending itself while it took steps to inch closer. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash shot back towards the demonic foe, only to grab onto the very unprotected tail and yanked back. The effect was immediate, as the opponent was swiftly taken off balance. Seeing the opportunity, Adna performed a few false swipes from the left and the right, before delivering a swift smack with the flat of the staff's head to knock over the demon. She went down like a collapsing ice sculpture, and was soon quickly pinned by both the Element of Loyalty, whom held down her clawed left arm, and her charge, whom brandished its staff against her neck while stepping on the defensive ice on her right arm.

"Alright, have you finally chillaxed?" Rainbow Dash asked, panting from the sudden work-out.

The creature struggled, somewhat surprised at the strength of the mortal, not to mention the speed the pegasus displayed. "Either kill me or let me go!" she demanded angrily.

"Give us thine intention," Adna stated.

"Never to you, you hideous, holy boot licker," she spat.

Suddenly, the three started to feel a rumble in the distance that approached closer and closer. Soon, they heard a familiar, albeit irritated voice. "What in the blasted seven circles is going on out here!?"

"Lord Bael!" the demon exclaimed.

"Lord Bael?" Rainbow Dash questioned.

Adna, however, said nothing, and simply glanced towards his warden, whom caught his gaze. Then the angel lowered his weapon, as if it were a signal to the Lady Dash. With a nod, the two let the icy, reptilian demon go, feeling safer in the current situation now. She didn't quite understand why the angel and the mortal let her free, but she wasn't going to waste the moment. She scrambled back to her feet, only to rush up and drop to one knee in a deep bow before the great demon toad.

"Lord Bael!" she exclaimed again, now in a more professional tone, "This humble Frost from your fourth battalion is now before you to report."

Bael then had a concerned look on his face for a moment. "The fourth battalion? Then..."

"The Kingdom of the Frozen Soil has fallen."

"What?!" he replied in shock.

"After you disappeared and the gate was closed, your brother Dagon gathered the rest of your kin to re-occupy the human location you captured and send a search party to look for you, believing you were still alive."

"If you are here then-?"

"I'm afraid my arrival here is not under Lord Dagon's orders. After they reoccupied the area, the Son of Sparda, Nemesis of the fallen Lord Mundus, had suddenly appeared, and dispatched your brother. While fighting, the rest of your siblings returned to the occupation point, only to be obliterated by the foul half-breed, with the gate taking colossal damage to the point of total destruction. Most of us retreated back to the Kingdom of Frozen Soil to defend the territory until your possible safe return, while few of our ranks attempted to intercept the crimson beast to halt its progress, but those that departed never returned."

"This does not explain you and your current standing, Frost," Bael finally interjected.

"We held onto the Kingdom as long as we could, but our forces were wiped out by the King of the Cerberus tribe, driving survivors out from the land."

"That blasted pup," the ex-Demon Lord growled.

"I am the only one that held onto hope, your Lordship," the Frost confessed, voice shaking a little, "You had to have been out there, somewhere. Your presence didn't end like your brothers. We need you!"

Bael sat in silence, somewhat touched by the little Frost's devotion. However, a question remained. "How have you been able to gain access to this realm?"

"It was no easy task, Lord Bael," the Frost stated, "It took a good amount of my strength to breach the barrier between the mortal realm from the demon realm, let alone find the correct location to perform this act. However, I'm sure with your immense power that you'll be able to pass through with no trouble!"

Bael sighed at the declaration, realizing a fatal flaw. "Frost of the Fourth Battalion, do you not ask why I haven't left of my own accord?"

Somewhat befuddled by such a simple question, the Frost then asked exactly that, "Why haven't you left, my Lord?"

"It seems you do not know how the barriers work," the great toad began, "Strength is the exact reason why I cannot leave. Only gates or strong enough conduits allow demons of my caliber to cross over without a ritual or medium for summoning. Whatever that brought me here through the tunnel, whatever crossing of magic that has occurred from the gate I once guarded, it had sent me here. My strength now keeps me locked to this land, as all barriers will prevent me from leaving. You, however, are just weak enough to pass through, though not without some effort it appears."

The little demon's head hung low, not only from the news that her lord was trapped, but that she's considered "weak" enough to be let through. It was all some kind of a sick joke she believed.

"Never the less," Bael continued, "Due to a contract, I may yet have a way to leave."

"A contract?" The Frost questioned, "With who?"

"Th-that would be me," said Fluttershy, who peaked out from behind one of the larger ice crystals along Bael's back. Apparently she had accompanied him just in case.

"What?! Another of those strange horse mortals!?" exclaimed the incredulous demon, "How dare you stand upon the glorious form of Lord Bael, and why would he EVER strike such a deal with you?!"

Rainbow Dash snorted, stifling a laugh, barely able to contain the offending word, "G-glorious?" before she full on broke down into a fit of guffaws. The angel gave a light chuckle following Rainbow's inability to stay quiet, which caused the Frost to shoot a rather venomous glare at the two, thinking evil thoughts and wishing evil actions on them for the audacity.

Bael cleared its throat, bringing the other demon's attention back to him and getting Adna and Rainbow to silence themselves. "She, and her kind, have assisted me and have promised to help in researching a method for my safe return home."

"You'd stoop to accepting their help?!" the Frost hissed.

"I would have been trapped, lost, or dead if it weren't for their intervention," Bael angrily replied with a stomp of his mighty foot. The Frost flinched, but remained bowing.

"I-I apologize. I have spoken out of line," she stated calmly and contritely. Curiosity, however, returned to the demon, as it made it known to her patriarch, "Permit me to ask, my Lord."

"Ask of what?"

"What have happened to your feelers?"

"Oh," the great demon toad sighed in annoyance, "My involuntary travel to this realm was not a painless one. Allow me to leave it at that."

"And you can't grow them back?"

"I can not. i must return to my home to have the possibility of doing so."

The Frost nodded her head, accepting the answer.

"This is a command from your Lord, Frost," Bael then stated with an air of authority, "Return to the Underworld, and seek out any that remain loyal to me. Bestow upon them the knowledge of my safety, and the promise of my return. Gather in secret, and sure up the numbers. When I am able to return, we will march back to our home, and retake the Kingdom of Frozen Soil. If I am, for whatever reason unable to return, then I cast you, my most devout of servants as leader in my stead." He then adjusted his gaze towards where Fluttershy sat. "Detach a crystal for me, and hand it to the Frost before us."

Fluttershy silently nodded, and did exactly as she was asked, gently fluttering down to the now agitated reptilian demon. Fluttershy steeled her resolve trying not to be intimidated, and placed the crystal down before the demon, before returning to Bael's side.

"Take this shard as proof of my survival, Frost, and go with my blessing to lead in my place if I am unable to come back."

"My Lord," the Frost had started, retrieving the shard from Bael, holding it close, "I am too taxed to return as of now."

"Stand," Bael commanded, and the Frost obeyed. He then slowly approached the demon, before raising one leg and extending a finger towards the dutiful soldier before him. Upon touching the Frost, she suddenly began to glow for the briefest of moments. The demon suddenly felt rejuvenated, and gazed up towards her master.

"Do not squander my blessings. Now go," Bael ordered.

With a quick, final bow, the Frost did as ordered. With a summon of dark magic that surrounded her through immense concentration, an inky black pool soon opened up below her feet, before she sunk into the darkness and disappeared. The small portal swiftly closed and vanished, leaving no trace, almost as if the Frost was never there in the first place.

"That could have been messy," Rainbow Dash quipped.

Bael then turned his attention to the two, and gave a slight bow. This surprised not only Rainbow Dash and Adna, but Fluttershy as well, knowing how difficult it was for him to behave contrite.

"I must thank you for the mercy you have shown my subordinate," Bael stated, "I fear that she would have effectively slaughtered anyone that would have gotten to me if you hadn't intervened."

"Aww, look, he does care," Rainbow cooed jokingly.

"Do not mistake me, mortal," Bael growled, "A death of any of your kind, intentional or not, from me or my extensions would result in a detriment to my desires to return home. I am simply thanking you for showing mercy regardless of the danger."

"How was something that dangerous able to get through the Empire's barrier?" Fluttershy asked.

"I suspect," Adna answered, "it may have to do with the type of magic, not the intention as one would think." It then looked back towards the limits of the force-field. "Miss Sparkle once informed me that demonic beings carry chaos energies in their magic, and thus are less bound by the rules of the mortal realm."

"Maybe that's how Sombra was able to get through last time," Fluttershy reasoned. "We should probably tell Princess Cadance and Shining Armor about this."

"Verily," Adna agreed, "Let us do so, then."

With that said, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Adna all began their trek back through the city. However, Fluttershy stopped for a moment and turned back to Bael. "Bael?"

"I will return soon," The great toad replied, "Do not mind me."

Fluttershy frowned slightly. She didn't want to leave the little frog alone in such a dour state, having been thrust a bunch of tragic information before him, but she felt that coddling him like she would other animals would just upset the demon more. She had learned today that he was far, FAR more than just some lost creature. To be fair, she kind of knew that already, but the events of today solidified the fact and made it indisputable. Perhaps this was why he was so against praise from others and believed himself "undeserving" of it.

She sighed, wished him well, and followed the other two back to the city, leaving Bael to stare out across the grassy planes that ended abruptly at the edge of the magical barrier. It was calm and quiet, but now there was an air of assurance. As terrible as the news he got was, and knowing he was now the sole member of his clan, the soul of the Kingdom still stood as long as his followers lived. He was still Lord of the Frozen Soil.

Author's Note:
