• Published 26th May 2014
  • 1,159 Views, 137 Comments

The Mailbox: Reloaded - bats

The Mane Six have left Ponyville for the summer, each traveling to a different part of Equestria for different reasons. But a few months and a little distance can't stop their friendship!

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Week Three

June 2nd

Dearest Fluttershy,

Truly you are as kind with words as you are with hospitality and hugs, darling! I don’t deserve all your praise, really. I suppose even with compliments it’s as proper to receive graciously as to give generously, so I’ll accept them, albeit reluctantly. I need not remind you of all ponies that I’d be a frazzled mess without you and our friends.

I didn’t mean to alarm you, dear. Drama is as drama does – ignore me if I become a bit excessive. I’m just restless and perhaps a tad jealous that I’m here and everypony else isn’t. I realize some of it was by choice and some was necessity; this doesn’t make it any less… Well, I’m not quite sure what it is. Am I feeling wistful? Lonely, perhaps? Certainly not. It’s merely a momentary bout of creative malaise. Restlessness of spirit and a yearning for answers last year’s Cabernet can’t provide. That’s it, really. Nothing to worry about.

And if I shan’t worry about moi, then I may surely worry about you. What sort of characters have you fallen in with, Fluttershy? Why, predators! They don’t sound particularly savory. No pun intended, of course. I admit my only contact with Griffons has been with the delightful Gustave le Grande, and that detestable wretch Gilda. Monsieur le Grand is a chef well-versed in all manner of cuisine, Equine-suitable and otherwise, as you well know, and quite a charmer. You know how I and the others feel about Gilda. I hesitate to say more about that buzzard lest I sully my speech with distinctly un-Ladylike words. Do be careful, please? Stick close to this Sir Dusty or whomever else you feel you can trust. I know there’s quite sufficient steel under your silk, darling. You can handle yourself but that doesn’t mean I won’t worry over you.

Many thanks for the tips on Griffabellan fashions. You have an eye for it as much as I do, so anything you can note - patterns, colors, styles, preferences - will be greatly appreciated. I’m thrilled you’re about to be snout-to-muzzle with all manner of creatures - you sound like you’re in your element, and your smile rings through your words loud and clear. I’ll hold you to that spa date, darling.

Enjoy yourself, stay safe, and don’t worry about me. Your expedition has inspired me! I do believe a change of scenery may be in order.


June 3rd

OOC: Flour will burst out of the envelope as soon as it is opened.

Heya Rares,

Great to see that you’re gonna mail Coco! I visited her, and even though she was kinda weirded out at first, she opened up to me. She’s super nice. Reminds me of Fluttershy in a few ways, but in others she’s different. She really wants to improve her clothing skills and I think she feels a li’l lost without you. I didn’t really know what advice to give her though, ‘cause I only know about crazy costumes and stuff. Not stuff that other ponies think is fashionable.

Don’t worry about my float though. I eventually did it! I made a musical float with all kinds of instruments, like the time I led those parasprites out of time. Except this time, my trumpets and stuff blew bubbles too! Everypony loved it, especially the kids, so my day was made right there. I think some of the ponies on the other floats were a bit jealous, buuuuut I didn’t care that much. Ponies were having fun so why did it matter?
All your talk about the fashion business just reminds me why I stay waaaaay clear from it. Apart from you and Coco, I don’t think many ponies are actually in it to make ponies look and feel good about themselves, which is what it should be about. For a lot of ponies, it just seems to be a popularity contest. And the best way to be popular is to be nice to everypony! Why doesn’t nopony get that?

Maybe you should give Coco a visit too, huh? That’d be something to do. Or go to Baltimare and look at all the nice boats! I’m there right now, by the by. I tried to get into a boat race, but they didn’t let me join, which sucked more than the barnacles on their ships. So I’m kinda just stuck here, wondering what to do. It’s a nice city though. Less crowded than Manehattan is. And the sun looks amazing on the horizon. It makes the sea all glittery and stuff!

So while I’m in my hotel room, thinking of stuff I could do, I’m just gonna list things you could do, okay? Great!

1. Make chocolate pudding.
2. Learn a martial art!
3. Go galloping in the woods.
4. Go camping with somepony.
5. Write some stories about things and stuff.
6. Make more chocolate pudding.
7. Designs some new dresses that are really out there.
8. Put on a play in Ponyville. (I dunno why, I just think you’d be a great director for some reason.)
9. Learn a new instrument!
10. Go on an epic adventure!

I saved the best for last.

Hope ya think of something,

P.S. It’s funny how you said you wanted a prank in your letter, huh?

OOC: The back of the letter has been stuck to the envelope.

Hiya Fluttershy,

Just gonna get the bad stuff out of the way first: I’m not allowed to race. Apparently I need a boating licence or something. I told all the official-y race ponies that I can fly a candycopter, but they just looked at me funny. So now I’ve got nothing to do until the race starts in a few days time. I’m kinda just wandering about, looking at shops and stuff. Baltimare’s nicer than Manehattan, but it’s smaller than Canterlot and not as pretty. It’s just… average.

Sorry. I just wanted to race so badly, y’know? Stupid rules.

But I better check out some of those handsome sailors. Sure, they’re not the same as the ones you saw, but they can’t be that different. Heehee! You better tell me what they really said about ya. ‘Cause it definitely sounds like I’d agree with them! Don’t worry though. I’m not Dash, so I won’t tease ya (much). I wonder what they’ll think of me? I think they’d totally get down with a fun mare like me.

Yus! That is what I shall do: drink rum with the sailors! Pretend we’re pirates or something. That’ll be fun.

Right! Let’s go through your safari friends, girl. I can totally give you advice on how to deal with them. I talk to loads of different ponies on a day-to-day basis, so I know what it’s like. Like, with Rainbow Dash I’ll prank a bunch of ponies, but with you I like the animal tea parties.

So, Sir Dusty might have some kids, right? And you like kids, so that’s something you got in common! Also, try asking what he did to become a ‘sir’. Unless Dusty is actually his middle name… that’d be funny. I wonder if pony sirs are different from griffon sirs… huh.

Candis sounds like a li’l bit of a grump. Okay, so I didn’t like Manehattan so much, but I still think Canterlot is really good fun! I’d just keep your distance. But you’re quiet, which is a pretty good skill to have around poni griffons like him. I’m sure he won’t go after ya all grump like.

Broch is… hiding something. He’s gotta be, right? It might not be a bad thing he’s hiding, but all that kinda stuff sounds suspicious. Unless he, like, had all his safari stuff stolen by animals once. But if that happens you could tell the animals not to do it, right? Maybe he just really likes his stuff.

Fabian sounds swell though! Not much I can say about him!

And if they think they’re good hunters, they’ve obviously never seen me when I’m hungry. You know I could totally tear down a house if it meant I’d get one cupcake. But luckily, I’m almost never hungry! Just hang in there, Fluttershy. I mean, do griffons eat grass off the ground like we can (in desperate times, at least)? They probably think veggies are totally yuck! You’re just two different things and that’s okay, ‘cause differences make life exciting.

Oh! And can you tell me if all Zebras rhyme? ‘Cause if they don’t, then Zecora is totally awesome-er. But even if they do, she’s still really cool and nice. She’s gone from evil enchantress to enlightened enchantress. Since she knows so much stuff.

Seriously though, if there’s one thing you do, make sure to find common ground with everypony else. Then you’ll mesh together a lot better, like a really good sandwich.

Talk to ya later!
Pinkie Pie

P.S. Hoped you liked my surprise! Teehee!

June 4th

Dear Pinkie,

It’s been kind of exhausting, I’m not gonna lie.

Manehattan was a bust, and Las Pegasus isn’t doing any much better. These oncologists... they told me the same stuff my dad told me, but I just can’t believe them. I don’t wanna believe them.

I’m sitting here in my hotel, drinking and writing, and I’m just drained beyond belief. I somehow feel lower than when Blaze first told me about the cancer. It’s not helping that he’s been fighting me this whole time. He didn’t want to leave Luna Pier, and we’ve done nothing but fight about this trip. When we’re not fighting about that, I’m yelling at him about my mom or Fluttershy or something that, as I’m writing this, seems like just the stupidest waste of time to fight about.

What am I gonna do, Pinkie? I don’t know, I just don’t.

Blaze is getting worse by the day, and really, after visiting these oncologists, and just all this fighting... I’m getting done with all this running and yelling. I just... wanna cry, Pinkie.

You have to believe me when I tell you how hard that is to just swallow my pride and admit that to you, Pinkie. Even you, somepony I know would never judge me, but it’s still hard all the same.

But even when things get harder, I can’t help but feel like you’re still a bright spot. I really can’t thank you enough, and I know I take our friendship for granted, but I appreciate you, Pinkie. I really do. I’ll hug and hold the crap outta you the next time I see you...

I remember when you threw that anniversary/birthday party thing for me, and I just kinda snubbed you for Cheese Sandwich. Looking back on it now, I was really a total jerk. You were being kooky yourself, but I gave you the wrong idea. I was wrong, Pinkie. And you ultimately (just because I’m sad, doesn’t mean I still can’t use my word-a-day calendar) made it about making me happy even when I stomped on your dream of throwing me an epic party.

I dunno why I brought that up, though. Maybe I’m just throwing myself a self-pity party. Well, at least there’s no shortage of booze. That’s a problem plenty of parties have.

So as I sit here in this hotel room while my dad sleeps for twelve hours out of weakness, I have to wonder just what I’ll do next. I think we might stay in Las Pegasus for just a while longer. traveling’s doing a number on Blaze, and he doesn’t need that. We’ll stay in this hotel, and heck, maybe I can find a little apartment or something closer to a clinic so I can really get my dad some help.

Las Pegasus was the place where my mom and dad hooked up and had me... maybe it means something to Blaze, and he and I can have that bonding I’ve been depriving myself (I’ve built up a few days on that word-a-day).

I’m sad, Pinkie. Really sad. But I’m also kinda... hopeful?

I dunno, there’s still so many feelings tearing me up, and it’s not help I’m kinda sauced. But now I think that there’s some hope I can make things right with my dad before he... before he dies.

And maybe I can find the strength to tell Fluttershy.

Wish me luck, Pinkie. I miss the everloving crap out of you,
Rainbow Dash.

June 6th


I wish I could be there with you right now. I miss you enough already, but knowing that you’re in pain makes it feel even worse ‘cause I can’t be there for you to make things feel better. Hug a pillow and pretend it’s me. (I won’t tell anypony, Pinkie Promise.) (If my writing looks kinda scruffy it’s cause I just stuck a cupcake in my eye.)

Please drink super carefully. Hangovers aren’t fun, just ask Berry Punch. I guess I shouldn’t be telling you this, but… I’m really worried, Dashie. And don’t start worrying about me worrying ‘cause then I’ll start worrying about you worrying about me worrying. The Pink is still as perky as ever, okay?

It’s just… I know you’ll get through this, ‘cause you’re Rainbow Dash, but… there’s a big difference between going through things alone, and going through them with good friends by your side, y’know? Next time we see each other, I’ll hug and hold the crap outta you too. I’ll tell you that everything’s gonna be okay, and then I’ll give you some cake and some cider. The Sweet Apple Acres kind. I can do that ‘cause I’m an Apple, but don’t tell AJ!

And if we see Fluttershy too, I’ll be there for her as well. If Angel lets me.

I know you said you appreciate me, but I appreciate you too! I love all the girls, but none of them really like the sorta things we do. Pranking with any of them is just a recipe for failure. They’re great gals, and I miss them real bad too, but pranking is our thing. You’re inspirational too! Everytime I see you flying in the air, I can’t help but smile because it’s just so… so… so fantastic! I dunno how to describe it, it just makes me really happy.

Maybe it’s because of your first Sonic Rainboom? I saw the world completely differently that day. It was like, er, like a big ol’ rock was blocking out the sun and you just nudged out of the way, and then all the flowers and animals came out to say hello, and everything looked so much better.

You get me, right? I hope so. ‘Cause sometimes not even I do. All I know is that if you weren’t you, then I wouldn’t be me. That’s kinda funny, right?

There’s a point to this, but I’m never that good at getting to them. My bad! But yeah, the point is that you’re amazing and you shouldn’t feel bad just for feeling sad. You’ll get over this, I just know it. And if these letters help you do it, then that’s A-OK with me!

Back to you and your Dad. Make his time with you the best times ever. I don’t think any of this fighting is helping any of you, but it’ll only take one conversation to patch things up again. That’s what’s so special about family. That’s why you feel a li’l hopeful: you want to bring on the good times again and you know they’ll happen.

If you can get back on nice terms, then maaaaaaybe I’ll tell you about my Granny Pie. She’s… not around anymore, but yeah, she was great. I love her so much, just like I love my parents, my sisters, my friends and you.

Hang in there, Dashie. Or maybe I should say ‘fly up there’? I think that fits better for you, don’tcha think? I think so. Now go out there and keep being awesome, but please take care too. And write back soon.

Here for you,
Pinkie Pie

P.S. Oh! Before I forget! Did you do some pranks? ‘Cause I stuck Fluttershy’s letter to the enveleope and I stuffed Rarity’s letter full of flour! I can’t wait to see their replies, heehee!

June 7th

Dear Pinkie,

Yeah, I wrote a fake letter in exploding ink and sent it to Fluttershy. She hasn’t written back, but hey, I imagine she looks doofy as hell (and there I go laughing at it again).

I’ve been too depressing lately, Pinkie. I’m gonna use this letter to talk about the good things going on for me right now. Sure, things with my dad are still tough, but I gotta try to stay positive, right?

Anyway, Las Pegasus is pretty cool. It was pretty easy finding a motel we can stay a while, although it’s nearer to these suburbs to the actual strip that ponies know about, but hey, it’s probably best that my dad’s not around all the city noise.

That said however, Las Pegasus is totally freaking holy crap imma crap myself awesome! There’s booze, girls, and gambling everywhere I look! If I could, I would just retire here and live in mindless hedonism rest of my life (thank you, word-a-day calendar, for bringing Rainbow ‘Hedonism’ Dash unto the world).

Listen, I know you’ve got places to go and ponies to meet, but don’t shy away from Las Pegasus. I wanna have fun with you because I agree with you. There’s something about us that’s different from the rest of the girls. I mean, I’ve got my thing with AJ, but she and I like to get rough with our competitions, and I’ll be the first to admit she kind of hurts every now and then.

Plus, she’s been all wrapped up in Twilight ever since they started going out. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy for them, and I hope they do well, but it really cramps mine and AJ’s style to have her nuzzle up to Twilight while we’re trying to gear up for a hoof-wrestling tournament. Although, maybe it’s been the motivation of sex that’s prompted AJ to beat me the last six times I am the undisputed champ of hoof-wrestling, and any statement to the contrary is a bold-faced lie.

Speaking of which, have Twilight and AJ talked to you at all? I wrote to the both of them weeks ago, and didn’t get any responses. My guess is that Twilight’s busy with trying to get the griffons and pegasi make peace (not an easy job, lemme tell you), and AJ’s whacked out on the best painkillers imaginable (mmm, I could go for some of those right about now).

But anyway, you’re a pony I can just hang out with to have fun. You don’t judge me or make me feel like I gotta make some bold statement or nothin’. You’re just all breezy and silly, and I love it. I wanna see you soon. If you, the life of the party, are in the city that is nothing but a party... epic is a bad word to describe how epic it would be (and now, suddenly, the word-a-day decides not to help me out. Life is stupid like that).

I’d want you to see my dad, too. He’s still getting bad, health-wise, but his mood has actually improved the last day or so. I think being here has kind of brought back some kind of spark from when he met my mom in this city. I dunno, maybe it’s just because I’m not dragging him around trying to find a doctor who will tell me he’s not gonna die. But yeah, this morning, we were at this Box-Mart out in the suburbs, and he got in one of those little scooter things (what’re those called, this is gonna bug me) and did donuts right in the store. It was the randomest damn thing, but it’s more life than I’ve seen in him for weeks.

We’re talking better, too. For the first time in a long time, Blaze actually feels like he’s my dad.

...And that’s just making it all the harder for me to tell Fluttershy.

Ugh, what am I gonna do about that, Pinkie? I know I promised to not depress you, but I know this is something I gotta face up to. The next time Fluttershy writes me a letter, I know I’m gonna have to respond, but I don’t know how much longer I can keep up the charade. Do I keep up the charade? Can she take the news?

Again, I’m just left in a funk of not knowing what to do. Man, I suck at this whole honesty thing.

Okay, I’ll stop being a downer. I’m sure you’ve got too much fun stuff going down to have the vibe killed.

Keep in touch, Pinkbooty.

Your comrade,