• Published 5th Apr 2012
  • 23,146 Views, 1,678 Comments

My Little Pirates: Luffy's Adventures in Equestria - Fullmetal Pony

A One Piece MLP Crossover. Luffy finds himself sent to Equestria and must find a way back.

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Set Adrift: I NEED A LADY!

“Hmm hmmm hm hm hmmm,” Rarity hummed. In front of her rested multiple needles, multi-hued threads, and large rolls of cloth. Dozens of gems glinted with magic above her, listing in her telekinetic bubble. She bent down and stitched a ruby onto the dress she was designing. “Ooh, this will look fabulous!”

She looked up from the dress and at the jewels floating around her. “Now what will compliment the ruby?” A green stone zoomed over to her. “Emerald? No.” A black stone replaced the emerald. “Obsidian? Dreadful!” A blue stone now rested in front of Rarity. “Sapphire? No, no, no!” All the stones lost their glimmer and fell to the worktable.

“This is horrible!” Rarity melodramatically screeched. “Why can’t I just get some proper diamonds to... to...” Rarity’s eyes widened and lit up with delight and she happily clopped her hooves together. “Of course! Diamonds!” Her horn lit up and all the stones floated into the air again. “They’ll go pe—” Rarity’s mouth became taught, her pupils became pinpricks, and her whole body shuddered. “Where are my diamonds!?”

The stones fell again, this time clattering to the floor. Rarity ignored the mess she’d just made and rushed over to the chest where she kept her reserves of stones. She flung it open and started haphazardly chucking stones out of it. “It’s got to be in here somewhere! One! Just one diamond!”

She raked her hooves around the now-empty bottom of the chest before raising the chest with her hooves and shaking it and then throwing it in vain. “This is unacceptable! It is the worst possible th—”

“Rarity?” came a voice from the stairs. Sweetie Belle looked down at the scene in front of her. Jewels were scattered all across the bottom floor of the Boutique, the chest had knocked over a line of mannequins, and Rarity herself looked liked she’d just fought a manticore. “Um... so is this what it’s like when I make a mess?”

“Sweetie, you must understand,” Rarity said, attempting to cover up the flurry she’d unleashed. “This is not just a mess, this is a disaster brought about by a tragedy!”

Sweetie slowly walked down the steps, knocking down a few stray gems as she did. “What kind of tragedy?” Her eyes widened with fear and sadness. “Did something bad happen? Are you sick? Is there another threat to Equestria?”

“Yes Sweetie,” Rarity replied. She grabbed a brush with her magic and floated it over to her mane to straighten it out. “There is a grave threat and I have an incredibly important task for you.”

The worry in Sweetie’s eyes turned to excitement. “Really?”

“Yes, I need you to watch the store and help clean up some of this mess. I have an emergency diamond run to go on.” Rarity turned to leave, but added, “Maybe you’ll earn you cutie mark.”

Before Sweetie could say anything to her sister, Rarity galloped out the door. Sweetie looked down at the mess and yelled, “I don’t want a cutie mark for cleaning!”

I’ll just run over to the jewel fields... hopefully those ruffian dogs won’t be there this time, Rarity thought. Ponyville blurred around her, ponies and building melded together into a pallet of color.

Suddenly, out of the blur emerged a cyan pegasus. Rainbow Dash’s prismatic mane trailed along with the wind while she drew closer to Rarity. “Whoa Rarity, never thought I’d see you galloping this fast. You finally realize running is fun?”

“Not now Rainbow,” Rarity huffed, “I’m on an emergency mission right now!”

“An emergency?” Dash’ brow furrowed in slight worry. “Do you need me to get everypony else?”

“Do we need to fight a monster?” The worry on Dash's face turned to excitement as a grin appeared on her lips. Dash playfully punched the air in front of her. “We can take it!”

“No Rainbow,” Rarity replied between heavy breaths. “It’s even worse than that! I ran out of diamonds!”

Dash’s wings stopped in shock and she rolled into the dirt. She picked herself up and coughed some dust out of her mouth. Rarity was still running away from her. “Rarity! You crazy mare!”

Dash took off in a fit towards some nearby clouds. “I’m taking a darn nap!”


“Finally,” Rarity huffed. In front of her were the jewel fields. Small common gems poked out of the earth here and there,but Rarity knew the greatest spoils of the fields were tucked underground. She paused a moment to catch her breath and a strand of her purple mane fell in front of her face. “Oh, now I’ll need to redo my mane as well.”

Had she not been so focussed on obtaining her diamonds, Rarity would have noticed that aside from her mane going off in multiple directions, her coat was covered in dust, her hooves were encrusted by mud, and her neck was drenched in sweat. She looked more like she belonged at Sweet Apple Acres than the Boutique.

However, her attention was on the field in front of her. She trotted forward, her horn alight with her gem-finding spell. “Oh, why do diamonds always have to be so—”

Rarity froze when she saw a large hole ahead of her. Acting on instinct, she jumped and hid in a nearby bush. Oh no! It’s those dreadful dogs again! Maybe I should have gotten Rainbow to come along.

Thus, Rarity sat in silence in the bush, waiting for the dogs to either come out of the hole or back to it. Slowly, the sun dragged across the sky. “Where are they?” Rarity wondered. Surely they’d have...

Something sparkled over near the hole. Rarity squinted her eyes and saw a nice bright diamond on the edge of the hole. With her trained eyes, Rarity could clearly make out that the diamond was one of exquisite quality. Although still rough, it had already been molded almost perfectly by the earth. As the sun’s rays reflected off it, the white diamond created a dazzling array of light.

“It’s perfect!” Rarity swooned. Her left leg stepped out of the bush, but she stopped her other legs from following. “Okay Rarity, you just need to rush over, grab the diamond, and get out of here. It’ll just be like those spy novels.”

Images of a streamlined stallion in tight camouflage flashed through Rarity’s mind. However, she thumped herself on the head to knock the images away. “Focus Rarity!”

She took a deep breath and darted out of the bushes straight at the diamond. She latched onto it with her magic and held it aloft in victory. “Oh, it’s even better up—”

“Ugh,” came a voice from within the hole. Close up now, Rarity could see she wasn’t standing on the edge of a hole, but rather a crater. Right in the center of it was a powder blue unicorn with a light blond mane split by his horn so that part of it covered his left eye. He was dressed in a suit that, had it not been dirtied, would have looked quite nice.

“Good heavens!” Rarity cried, dropping the diamond and rushing down to the pony. Up close she now saw he was covered in various bruises, cuts, and dried blood. She also took note of the rather odd swirly eyebrow he had.

The pony’s right eye inched open for a second before shutting again. His whole form went limp.

Without saying a word, Rarity picked the pony up with her magic and laid him on her back. She kept him secure with his magic and then took off back to Ponyville at even faster speeds than she’d left it.


The first thing he realized was that the hard earth he’d crashed into had been replaced with an incredibly soft fabric. He slowly opened his eye and saw his head was on a pillow and his body was covered with a quilt of some sort. Where am I?

His eye moved away from the bed and to the walls of the room, which were a light purple color with the bottom half covered in a darker purple criss-cross pattern. Various sketches of dresses dotted the wall. A clothing store?

His eye wandered away from the sketches and to an odd figure in the room. It was a mannequin of some kind, but it looked like it was designed for a horse rather than a human. Odd... but given the daintiness of this place...

A thin smile crept across his face. I’ve been rescued by a lady of sophistication!

He moved to get up, but winced when his leg bent differently than he wanted it too. “Ow! Damn, that fight must have taken a lot out of me.”

He fell back on the bed as the pain abated and looked at the canopy above him. If I lived, then maybe everyone else is okay too.

Relieved that his friends were probably okay but scattered, he decided to see if whoever had saved him was still here. “Hello? Is anyone here?”


Downstairs, Rarity stirred some soup around with an enchanted ladle. She also floated a knife above some greens and quickly chopped them up. She took note that the water in a pot by the soup was boiling. She placed the knife on the cutting board before lifting up the boiling water and putting it in a cup with a tea bag in it. Tea steeping, she went back to work on the salad. She collected all the chopped greens, placed them in a bowl, added some vinaigrette, and mixed it with her magic.

Well, it’s not exactly proper medicine, but I’m sure he’ll be hungry when he gets up, thought Rarity. Thank goodness they teach basic first aid to everypony in magic kindergarten.

She disengaged her magic and went back to stirring the soup.Twilight said she’d come as soon as she got back from Canterlot. Thank the stars Spike was able to send that letter.

Her mind went back to the unconscious stallion upstairs. What in Equestria could have happened to him? Was he attacked by the dogs?

Rarity used the ladle to pour some of the soup into a bowl. That doesn’t explain the crater though... or his cutie mark. Why woul

“Hello? Is anyone there?” came a voice from upstairs.

He’s up! Rarity instantly lit up her horn and gathered all parts of the meal onto a serving tray. She quickly rushed up the stairs with the food levitating behind her. However, once on the second floor, she paused in front of her bedroom door. Mustn’t rush, don’t want to frighten him. Best to talk to him before I go in.

“Sir? Are you up?” she asked.

On the other side of the door, the pony nearly jumped with joy. The voice of a muse... oh crap, maybe I did die. “Yes, I’m up. I’m assuming you’re the one that found me?”

“Oh yes,” Rarity replied outside, “you looked absolutely dreadful. I rushed you back here and gave you some first aid.” Rarity paused for a second before nervously asking, “if you don’t mind, what exactly happened to you?”

“That? Well...” The pony looked to the canopy again. Probably shouldn’t tell her I’m a pirate. “It's a long story but basically I was fighting a cheeky bear monster.”

“What?” Rarity practically screamed. “Why in Equestria would a chef be fighting a bear?”

“Well it—” The pony’s eye widened a little. “How did you know I was a chef?”

“Oh...” Rarity looked down at the ground in embarrassment. “Forgive me for prying, I just assumed your mark meant you were a chef.”

Mark? Ohhh, I get it. The pony chuckled a little. Of course such an elegant mademoiselle would be able to tell I’m a chef. “I’m impressed, usually I have to introduce myself before someone figures out I’m a chef. By the way, may I ask my savior’s name?”

“Rarity,” she replied, smiling a little. There’s so much respect in his voice. Oooh, maybe he works at a fancy restaurant!

The pony’s eye was starting to turn into a comedic heart. “I’m Sanji, the pleasure is all mine lady Rarity,” he exclaimed.

Rarity blushed a little. “Why thank you... I’ve got some food here for you. Given your talent, it probably won’t be much, just something to pick you up. I’ve also called a friend of mine to come over, but given what a well-built stallion you seem to be, I’m sure she’ll just be here as a formality.”

She thinks I’m like a stallion! A small dribble of blood fell out of the Sanji’’s nose. Nami, Robin, I’m sorry! I’ve died and gone to heaven!

He was broken out of his revery by Rarity’s voice. “May I come in?”

“Of course!” Sanji happily replied. Rarity turned the doorknob with her magic. “I’d love to finally put a face to your beautiful vo—”

Rarity trotted into the room. However, the smile on her face quickly fell away when she noticed that Sanji was staring at her like she was Nightmare Moon. “Is something wrong?”

“What?” Sanji rasped.

Rarity set the food down and rushed over to her bed. “Are you hurt? Ooh, I’m so sorry! I’ve never been good at first aid. Just tell me what’s wrong and I’ll try to help you until Twilight gets here.”

“W-what?” Sanji repeated. His eye went even wider than it had been when he saw the strange unicorn’s horn light up. “S-stay away!”

“Now don’t worry,” Rarity replied. “This is just a simple pain relief spell. It’s very short term, but it will help a little.”

“No!” Sanji screamed. He jabbed a hoof at Rarity. “What have you done with Rarity?”

Rarity raised an eyebrow at this. “I beg your pardon?”

“The girl I was just talking to! The one whose voice you st—” His pupils turned to pinpricks when he saw his hoof. “Ahh!”

“What?” Rarity asked with alarm.

“My hands! What did you do with them?!”

It was Rarity’s turn to say, “What?”

Sanji backed away and tumbled out of bed. He scampered to his hooves, causing color to drain from his face. “What the hell?! My legs too? What did that bear bastard do to me?!”

“Language sir,” Rarity chided. “Honestly, I’m glad I sent my sister off. What if she’d heard you?”

“Not important right now,” Sanji snapped, completely losing the charming act. He reflexively jabbed out a hoof at Rarity. “First off, where’s Rarity? Second, why do I have hooves?”

Instead of being offended, Rarity nervously bit her lip. “Oh dear, you must have hit your head. Look, my friend will be here soon and she knows a memory restoration spell that’ll fix you right up. So just calm down and we’ll sort this all out.”

At the mention of spells, Sanji backed further away. You’re not pulling any demonic spells on me! Now what have you done with Rarity?”

He’s delirious, and he seemed so nice before. Rarity frowned a little. “Sir Sanji, I am Rarity and I assure neither my nor my friend’s spells are ‘demonic’ at all.”

Sanji’s face drained of any remaining color. His whole frame violently shook. Finally, a broken smile appeared on his face. “N-no,” he quivered, speaking more to himself rather than Rarity. “I... I was talking to a girl. She had a nice voice that could have only belonged to fine mademoiselle.”

“Well...” Rarity nervously eyed Sanji. “That’s a nice complement?”

“No!” Sanji screamed. “Rarity was a girl! You are a horse! Girls have nice voices! Girls have curves! You. Do. Not!”

Rarity stood frozen for a second, before tears started streaming down her face. “I... I try to keep my looks good. Maybe I’m not like those model ponies in Canterlot, but I try! This is what I get for being generous!” Rarity broke down into sobs and darted out the door, leaving a completely befuddled pony behind.

Sanji stood still for a moment taking in the scene he’d just caused. He instinctively reached for the spot where he kept his cigarettes but only found blue fur and a strange mark of a knife and a fork crossed over each other. He turned up to the sky and screamed, “What the hell is going on?!”

Meanwhile, Rarity rushed down the stairs. She had no goal in mind, she just want to get away from the horrible pony upstairs. How could he? I was just taking care of him and— Rarity smacked right into a purple unicorn, causing them both crashing to the ground.

“Rarity! Oh my goodness!” exclaimed Twilight. Picking herself up, she rushed over and help Rarity to her hooves as well. “I came as soon as I landed... have you been crying?”

Rarity fell into her friend’s shoulder and let out a string of sniffles and cries. “Twilight, it’s terrible! He seemed so nice and sophisticated and then he... he...” She devolved back into sobs.

Twilight patted Rarity on the back. “What happened? He didn’t hurt you, did he?”

“He might as well have,” replied Rarity. “He said I had no curves!”

Twilight stopped patting Rarity’s back and gave her friend a deadpan look. “What?”

“I couldn’t believe it either,” Rarity continued to sob. “But those were the words right out of his mouth!”

Twilight pushed Rarity off and shook her head to make sure this conversation was actually happening. “Okay, you’re gonna need to start from the beginning. What happened after you sent that letter?”

Rarity sniffled and took a deep breath before speaking again. “After I sent the letter, I grabbed some food supplies at the market. I thought he’d need some food after waking up. I came back, made his food, and while I was cooking, he woke up. I talked to him a little before walking into the room. He sounded like such a gentlecolt.”

“And then what happened?”

“Well, I walked in and he turned white as a sheet. He ranted that I’d stolen my own voice and then started screaming about his hooves. I tried to calm him down but he just...” Rarity scowled. “He just acted like a big brute!”

“Anything else?”

“Well, he did mention fighting some horrible monster.”

Twilight closed her eyes in satisfaction. “Ah, that explains things.”

“It does?”

“Yes,” Twilight replied. She trotted over to the stairs and started walking up them. “Most likely he got hit in the head, causing severe trauma to his brain. It probably messed up the part of the brain that controls his eyesight.” Twilight paused on her accent and tapped her chin. “I’m not leaving memory loss out either. I’m sure anything he said was just due to shock.”

“Really?” Rarity asked from behind Twilight.

“Why don’t we find out?” Twilight finished climbing the stairs and proceeded over to the bedroom. However, she stopped short of it and stayed away from the door. She turned and looked back at Rarity. “Okay, we don’t want to upset him, so lets talk with him first.”

Back in the bedroom, Sanji and stumbled over to a mirror. He was taking in his form and gawking at it. Okay... why am I a horse too? He raised up a hoof and smacked his muzzle with it. “It’s not an illusion, otherwise I’d have hit nothing.”

The image of a hand with a paw on it flashed in his head. “Don’t tell me that bear bastard had another ability or maybe it was that horse thing.” He sighed, reached for his pocket again, and lamented that he no longer had any. “Man, I really need a sm—”

“Hello?” came a voice from the hall outside of the bedroom. It wasn’t Rarity’s voice, but to Sanji it was still quite lyrical.

Oh thank the heavens, a woman to console me in this time! He then looked down at his form. Crap, what sort of woman likes a horse?

“Are you okay in there?” asked the voice.

“I’m deeply sorry, my dear,” Sanji eloquently replied, “but unfortunately, no.”

Hmm, Rarity was right, he does seem quite refined, thought Twilight.

“Some cheeky monster has transformed me into some horrible horse beast and worse yet, it stole fair Rarity’s voice!” Sanji cried a few comedic tears at the last clause of his sentence. “It even threatened me with spells!”

Twilight sighed. And there goes my previous thought.

“I was trying to help!” Rarity shouted at him.

“You’re still here?!” Sanji galloped, with quite a few tumbles, over to the door. He rushed out of the bedroom and locked onto Rarity. “Alright you horse monster! I’m gonna kick your ass for threatening another fine...” He noticed Twilight standing next to her. “... lady.”

“Now lets just all stay calm,” said Twilight. “Nopony wants to get hurt here.”

“W-what?” Sanji deadpanned.

“Look, you’re hurt and we just want to help,” Twilight explained. “We think you have some brain trauma, so I’m gonna need to give you a quick scan.”

“Where... where’s the girl?” Sanji stuttered.

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “What girl?”

Sanji pointed a hoof at her. “The girl whose voice you stole!” He shifted his hoof over to Rarity. “You too! Where are the fair maidens you’ve captured?”

“Sir,” Twilight said in the calmest voice she could muster. “I assure you, we’ve done nothing to anypony else. Rarity here has been taking care of you and I came to provide assistance.”

Sanji stood frozen as he took the information in. Then he spoke in a small shaking voice that reminded the two mares of Fluttershy a little. “W-what am I?”

“A pony,” Twilight nervously answered.

“Is... is everyone on this island a pony?” Sweat started dripping from Sanji’s face.

“Well, Equestria isn’t an island, but yes, everypony is, well, a pony,” Twilight explained.

The sweat was now rapidly pouring down Sanji’s face and his eye was twitching. “E-even the girls?”

“Yes,” Twilight replied, taking note of Sanji’s declining demeanor. “If this is causing you distress we ca—”

Twilight was interrupted by Sanji breaking down into tears and bawling like a foal. He flailed his hooves at the ground and wailed in sorrow. Watching a grown stallion have a complete breakdown, all Twilight could say was, “Um...”

Rarity, however, trotted forward and placed a hoof and Sanji’s back. “Surely whatever happened to you can’t be this bad?”

“It is!” Sanji sobbed. Then he noticed who was comforting him. “Oh, Rarity, forgive me! I didn’t know you’d been cursed!”

Rarity stopped comforting him. “What?”

“This island,” Sanji cried, “it must be cursed to turn whoever enters it into a horse.” His eye went over to Twilight. “What a cruel fate for such innocent girls to suffer!” He then buried himself in Rarity’s shoulder.

Rarity gave Sanji another pat on the back before looking over to Twilight. “Twilight dear, I think he’s gone into shock.”

In response, Twilight lit up her horn. “I hear ya.”

A purple aura encased Sanji’s head for a moment. His eye drooped heavily. “Huh?” He then collapsed onto Rarity.


With one skillful flick of his wrist, Sanji sent the jambalaya he’d been cooking onto nine separate plates. He ensured that two of the plates he was using were of a much higher quality than the others.

He quickly picked up eight of plates, leaving one for himself in the kitchen. Meal in tow, he balanced all of them out onto the deck of the Sunny. “Lunch time!”

Out of nowhere, a monkey in a straw hat jumped onto Sanji’s shoulder and snatched up one of the nicer plates. “Thanks Sanji! This looks great! Shishishi!”

Sanji’s eye went wide in shock. “Luffy?! What the hell? Why are you a monkey?!”

An owl with a rather long beak then landed on Sanji’s other shoulder. “Geez man, what’s wrong with you?”

“Ussop?! Why are you a bird?” Sanji screamed.

A tiger with green and black stripes walked over and bared its fangs at Sanji. “Oi, stop screaming like woman.”

“Shut up moss-head!” Sanji replied. “Now will somebody tell me why you’re all animals?”

“We’ve always been!” A large blue gorilla jumped up from the side of the ship and onto the deck. It flipped its sunglasses up and gave Sanji a confused look. “You okay bro? You’re not looking super.”

Sanji raised a hand, causing the food to crash to ground. “Hey, I was gonna eat that,” complained the monkey-Luffy.

“Okay,” Sanji huffed, “Luffy and Franky I can understand, by why are the rest of you like this?”

“Like what?” said a skeletal dog with a large afro. “Sanji, I think you need to calm down or you’ll die of fright! Yo ho ho!”

“Not now Brook!” Sanji hissed. “Something is wrong! You’ve all become animals and you don’t even realize it!”

A teenage boy wearing a pink top hat excitedly ran over. “I’m not an animal!”

“Chopper?” Sanji’s eye went wide in fear again. “Oh no, if you’re all switched around then...” He dropped the remaining plates he had and sprinted across the ship. “Nami! Robin!”

“What are you yelling about?” came Nami’s voice. Sanji froze and turned around. Behind him were two reclining chairs. He could make out Nami’s orange hair in one and Robin’s in the other.

Sanji joyfully rushed over to the two women. He placed a hand on Nami’s “Oh thank god, when I saw the others I...” He was looking down at a peach colored horse with an orange mane. “N-no...”

“Sanji, you okay?” asked the horse-Nami. “You don’t look well.”

“Perhaps he caught something at the last island,” said Robin.

Sanji spun around and was met with another horse. This one was purple with a black mane and a horn. “No, oh god no!”

“Chopper!” Nami called out. “Can you get over here? I think Sanji’s sick.”

“No!” Sanji screamed. “I’m not sick! You are!” He jabbed a hoof at them. He gasped in horror,tumbled back, and somehow managed to fall off the boat and into the sea. He flailed around, but he couldn’t swim with hooves. Above him,, the animals the rest of his crew had become looked down with crooked grins. Just before the waves washed over him, he screamed.


“Waaaahhh!” Sanji yelled. He sat up from the bed he’d been sleeping up and breathed heavily. “Oh, it was just a...” He realized Rarity was giving him a concerned look. He fell back on the bed with a fwump. “Crap.”

“I knew Twilight shouldn’t have used that sleeping spell on you,” said Rarity. Sanji’s mouth dropped when he saw her horn light up with a blue aura and a wet cloth floated over to his head. “You sounded like you were having a terrible nightmare. I tried to wake you up, but when you started kicking, well...” Her eyes drifted over to a corner of the bed.

Sanji looked over at the corner and saw that one of the beams holding up the canopy had been obliterated. The beam in question was now on the other side of the room, resting under a large dent in the wall. “Oh.”

“It’s quite fine,” replied Rarity. “I wanted to redo the room soon anyway. Right now though, we’re more concerned about you. You sound like you’ve been through something horrible... does it have something to do with a ‘Nami’ or a ‘Robin’? You kept muttering them in your sleep.”

“They’re friends,” Sanji explained. He pushed himself up. “I need to be going.”

“Going where?” Rarity wondered.

“Back to my ship.” Sanji’s eye traced over Rarity. “This place if far too cruel.”

Rarity corked her head a little. “I don’t quite follow.”

Sanji comically sniffled a little. “Oh fair Rarity, to not even know you’ve been cursed! Such a fine and sophisticated woman trapped in the body of a horse. It’s too tragic,” Sanji whimpered.

“Pony,” Rarity corrected. “And I still don’t quite follow. I’m not ‘trapped’ in this body, I was born a pony like, well, everypony. Still, thank you for the complement.” Rarity leaned a little closer. “Aside from the delirium, you seem like a nice stallion.”

“Oh,” Sanji smiled a little. “So everypony is born this way. Well, I’m glad that got cleared up.” Before Rarity could even sigh in relief, Sanji bolted out of the bed and ran straight out of the room. Unfortunately, this meant running into the rest of Rarity’s friends.

“Whoa!” yelled Dash.

“Eep!” squeaked Fluttershy.

“What in tarnation?” said Applejack

“Rarity!” said Twilight. “I thought we were going to take this slowly!”

"Oooh!” said Pinkie Pie with a smile. “Are we playing a game?

Sanji stared at the mares he’d run into for a second before running even faster away from them. In seconds, he was out the door and speeding down Ponyville’s streets.

“Stop him!” Rarity called out. “He’ll hurt himself!”

Outside, Sanji’s heart was racing faster and faster. All around him, ponies with sweet girl voices stared at him and asked what he was doing. He ran faster. Behind him, he heard the voices of the ponies he’d seen in Rarity’s house.

“Geez, he’s fast,” said Dash.

“So we’re playing tag then?” asked Pinkie.

“Knew Ah should’a brought ma rope,” said Applejack.

“Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear,” exclaimed Fluttershy.

“Sir Sanji, please wait!” yelled Rarity at the head of the group with Twilight following close behind. “We just want to help you!”

“Ahhhh!” Sanji gasped for breath as he heard the words of a concerned maiden coming from the muzzle of an animal. Running from them, he thought back to Nami and Robin again.

Dear Nami and Robin, I hope you’re safe. As for me, fate has thrust me into the darkest pits of despair!

A/N: There was a part of me that really debated saving this one for last. Then I thought, "Too funny."

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