• Member Since 1st Apr, 2012
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I'm a brony and a Pinkie Pie fan but I like all of the mane six, as well as Spike. I hope to provide some entertaining and interesting fanfics for the Brony community.


(Originally published by Matt11, rewritten with permission.)

WARNING!: This fic will contain: Age regression, diaper useage, breast feeding, and cuteness! Do not read if you are allergic to adorableness and feels! Thank you.

Scootaloo isn't a bad filly, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy know that better than anyone. But when Scootaloo starts acting up in school, they find themselves wondering what could possibly be causing their adopted daughter to misbehave.

When Scootaloo's behavior continues to get worse, the young couple turn to the help of their friend Twilight, in the hopes of pinning down the problem.

As it turns out, Twilight has a solution. But it's one that will change the life of Scootaloo forever.

Chapters (13)
Comments ( 398 )

I loved it, fantastic job :raritystarry::raritystarry:

5181569 Stick around, there's more to come.

i like it and SuperPinkBrony12 are you going to mark this story to incomplete now

5181631 Not quite, seeing as while I do plan to include another chapter soon. Once November roles around I'll be working on another fic. Once that's completed, I'll come back to this fic. I plan to have 13 chapters total, but we'll see how things go.

5181634 13 total ohhh what a good number

5181733 Glad you think so. A lot's going to happen. And at the end, there'll even be a decision about a character that will come into the story later on.

5181745 another character I wonder who it could be

5181824 You'll just have to wait and find out.

not bad I bet Scoots will be a tad pissed or maybe she will enjoy it :twilightblush:


5181897 A little of both. You'll see in time.

5182132 Don't worry, I will. I've got a lot planned for it.

Uh, interesting.
*sees the "On Hiatus" tag*
Well, this is akward

5182272 Don't worry, within a month it'll be off hiatus. I'm just leaving it like that for now seeing as, after a second chapter, I'll be focusing on another fic. Once it's completed, I'll take this off hiatus and work on it. Hopefully I'll have it done before Christmas.

Plucking up courage, Fluttershy decided to ask the important question. "Scootaloo? Would you um, like to have a second foalhood?"
Scootaloo was surprised, but suspected nothing "Yes, of course." she replied, somewhat nervously.
"Are you sure about that kid?" Rainbow Dash asked. Scootaloo nodded.

I get that the point of these is "Aww Scoots is in a diaper, and I'm not one to criticize people's fetishes, whatever gets you off, but they offer to turn Scoots into a baby, she says yes, and that's it. They could talk about it, and maybe a bit about why she want's to be a baby and what it might be like.


5186932 I already explained earlier that Scootaloo is too embarassed to ask directly for what she wants. Also, there'll be some talk about their decision in the next chapter. Scootaloo will be a bit cross with them for what they did.

hmmm. it felt a little forced to me.
*shrugs* but that's just me

5190047 Well, do you like it, hate it, or are you somewhere in the middle?

somewhere in the middle.
you need to slow down a little.

5190060 I'll try. Compared to the original version of this fic, this is an improvement. Once the next chapter is finished, this fic will more or less be right back where it was when I originally took over.

52/34 thumps up to down? Damn people, how could some of you hate this?

Anyway. I bet scootaloo is gonna throw a fit and demand an explanation.
And Applebloom and Sweetie Belle are gonna be like "WTF DID YOU DO TO HER?!?!"

5190063 I don't know what this looked like before, I guess it's been transferred from one author to another, but since it's yours now, you own it. Which means that when you've got people telling you it's a little rushed, it's probably a little rushed. Or we're all just trolls.

To be clear my problem is that changing somepony back into a baby perminetnly (at least as far as the potion is irreversible) seems like a big deal and Rainbow and Fluttershy seem to present that option to Scootaloo like "Hey Squirt, want to go to the park?"

5190937 5190760 Yeah, the like/dislike ratio doesn't reset when you take over someone else's fic. Even if you delete the old chapter and publish a new one. The next chapter will address the issue of the sudden regression. Scootaloo's not going to be completely furious, but she'll still be upset at the fact that her parents regressed her with only a vague question.

Um, slight correction.

Scootaloo slowly put her mouth up to one of Fluttershy's boobs, and almost as if she'd done it before, she began to slowly suck. Soon, she was rewarded with the taste of sweet milk. And her mother wrapped her wings around her to give her some privacy, while Scootaloo continued to nurse.

It should be teats, not boobs

"Hold still Scootaloo, mommy will get you all and nice clean."

I belive it should be like this "Hold still Scootaloo, mommy will get you all nice and clean."

anyway I loved it Scootaloo having the other mane 6 as her aunts Awesome can't wait for more :rainbowkiss:

5197513 Sorry. I'm new to writing beast feeding, wasn't sure what the proper term was.

5197532 I know you can't, but you'll have to anyway. Next chapter is when the rest of the mane six (minus Twilight who already kind of knew) find out, as do the CMC, and Cheerilee. And the ending will set up for a scene I know you're looking forward to.

5197563 not a problem. adorable cover art BTW.

5197567 Thanks. When you're not looking for anything really specific, Deviant Art is a good place to find cover art.

5197550 I do hope its out within a mouth though it will have 13 chapters it will be worth a re read once finished hehe though I am surprised Scoots wasn't like turn me back NOW! and her parents would tell her she must stay that way until she grows up again

5197576 Well, seeing as she wanted a second foalhood, she's not entirely unhappy. Yes, growing up again and having to be re-potty trained will suck. But it's better than being taken from you adopted family, where one of your mothers is your mentor/idol/big sister.

5197593 And of course, she'll soon get to finally get her revenege on a certain bratty filly.

5197948 To me, 'Boobs' tends to refer more to human breasts in a slang termionlogy

5197948 Well, I figured I should go with the more accurate term. Like I said, it's my first time writing a breast feeding scene. It's not exactly something I'm comfortable with.

5197982 I wouldn't of minded if she was givin a bottle but hay its your story now, do what you thank is right

5198002 Well, it would still be breast milk seeing as she has to grow up again, and until babies can digest certain foods they can only get nutrition through their mother's milk.

Yeah, the Cake Twins could eat mashed up food at a month old, but for all we know that could be the exception and not the rule. I mean, from what we've seen, they're still in diapers despite two whole seasons having passed since their introduction.

Perhaps they're potty trained but still wear diapers, but we don't know for certain.

Love it and you are good with the foal talk

5198786 Thanks. This time it really makes sense.

Sorry, I'm going to have to make you and everyone else wait a long time for the next chapter. But you can't rush art.

I'm willing to accept for the sake of the story that apparently Scootaloo is physically a baby, but mentally she is still 8 (or whatever age you think she is), yet she can't talk normally or control her bladder. Fine. Whatever.

You answered why Scootaloo shrugged off the question well enough, but you didn't answer why Rainbow and Fluttershy hid what they were doing. They were worried that she would be taken away, well shouldn't they have talked to her about that?

"Hey Scootaloo we know you're having a tough time, but if you keep acting up child protective services is going to take you away. Here is one way that we think we can avoid that?" :rainbowderp:

What is it?:scootangel:

If we turn you into a foal, then you can act up all you want because you'd just be a baby, also it's what you want:fluttershysad:

Just because you know where you want this to go, (Scootaloo in a diaper doing baby things), doesn't mean you don't need to explain how you get there.

5200087 Well, thank you for your criticism. I hope that it's not a big detriement to the story as a whole.

Well, it got updated.
Time for a review, I guess

5200973 Be honest with me. Tell what how I'm doing, and what could use some improvement.

It wasn't easy raising an orphaned filly, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash knew that.

It's the same difficulty as raising a normal foal. The difficulty doesn't increases deppending on if the foal is an orphaned one or a mother-born one.
Also, orphaned.
Also, this fic includes the first clue about FlutterDash
Also, FlutterDash

the Ponyville Orphange wasn't all bad

Say no orphanage ever

adopt Scootaloo soon after getting married

Mare marriage, which is not bad, but just worth of pointing out. No, it's not a sin.
Also, Scootaloo, and that's a sin.

thought marriage could only be between a stallion and a mare

Then you haven't seen FimFiction Shipping folder
Also, 3 quotes in less than a minute, that's a sin.

But once she'd gotten use to having two mothers

*friends theme*

It had all started when Scootaloo punched Diamond Tiara after the rich filly had made fun of her potential inability to fly


Before long, Scootaloo was picking fights with several classmates. Many of whom were her friends, or at the very least had never teased her.

The slowly process of becoming a bully.
Also, violence

"Thank goodness that didn't happen." Fluttershy replied "I just don't know what gotten into our little angel. She use to be a lot nicer."

Fluttershy talks a lot more than canon.
Yes, that's a sin.

what gotten into our little angel

Angels fly, and Scootaloo doesn't
Also, Angel

This made Fluttershy very sad.

You no make Fluttershy sad.

she knew she was a good parent


It was still odd to think that she use to just be a unicorn,

Everypony thinks that.
Also, Twilicorn

Twilight who had managed to cut through the red tape and allow them to adopt Scootaloo in the first place.

Discount Obama

grow up prematurely because of the orphange

Discount almost every girl of a Video Game

"Nothing at all."

"I think I know what the problem is."

Because all you need to create a theory of what the problem is, are some little pieces of evidence that has nothing to do with each other.

"You do?"

I don't know Fluttershy, maybe if you let her finish she'll tell you

"What is that?" Rainbow Dash asked "That's not gonna harm Scootaloo, is it?"

That sounds more like something Fluttershy will say

she'll have to grow up again like a real foal

And I'm ok with that, and I'm totally not ok with that

a significant blush

Wha-- Why? Is there something that turns you on in Scootaloo going back to a filly? Or does it make you feel embarassed? Or what? Tell me, because I don't get it.

"How are we suppose to 'you know what'?"

Also, Fic thinks that I'm following everything that has just happened, but truthfuly, I just don't know what just RD said.

and Rainbow Dash's work at the weather factory

*rainbow factory sound*

They decided to set it up in Fluttershy's room

They are married and they sleep in different rooms? What the hay!

"I don't wanna talk about it."

Said no child ever.

why her two mothers

I've understood that in the first lines of the fic, there's no need to say "Two Mothers" again, as we know who do the Stallion role and who does the Mare role, and in case that the roles are mixed up and aren't what the fandom always tought, we already know that Scootaloo has two mothers.

"Yes, of course."

Said a foal who never before had tell anything of her personal toughts to neither RD or Fluttershy. This is cheap exposition, and deserves a sin.

The fic has a lot of cheap exposition and scalates rather quickly, there's no need for a fast-paced fic, that tries to get the more attention possible in the less time, starts getting less attention for the same thing, not everybody likes fast-paced things. About the cheap exposition, it just feel cheap, is not that you can't include exposition in a fic, it just didn't feel good in this special ocassion. It's hard to find somepony who has good grammar in his fics, and this wasn't an exception. Problems with the commas and other stuff, like poor writting and misplaced words.

Overall is not a good fic, but it somehow manages to enter in my Tracking folder, which means that is readeable and atleast understandeable. Not a great piece of work, like some really greats fic in this site, but it has pottential, it just need polishing.


Then you haven't seen FimFiction Shipping folder

That's in Scootaloo's head, not mine. I know for a fact that at least when I was growing up, I certainly never thought two males or two females could be together in a romantic relationship.

Angels fly, and Scootaloo doesn't

The term has nothing to do with Scootaloo's supposed inability to fly. Fluttershy called the CMC "Sweet little angels" back in Season 1. It's a term of endearment.

Wha-- Why? Is there something that turns you on in Scootaloo going back to a filly? Or does it make you feel embarassed? Or what? Tell me, because I don't get it.

She's blushing at the thought of breast feeding. I would think a sensitive pony like Fluttershy would find that subject rather "touchy".


Also, Fic thinks that I'm following everything that has just happened, but truthfuly, I just don't know what just RD said.

I thought the mentioning of mothering pills would be a dead giveaway to breast feeding.

They are married and they sleep in different rooms? What the hay!

Well, their relationship is somewhat long distance at times. Besides, just because it's Fluttershy's room does not mean Fluttershy is the only one who sleeps in it. I'll probably change it just to clear up confusion.

Said no child ever.

I'm no child pyschologist, but children often have things they don't like to talk about without their parents.

(Edit: To whoever downvoted the criticism, do keep in mind that I asked for it. If it bothers you, then do not read it. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, thank you.)

5200941 It's not, though as your reviewer noted, the whole thing could use some polish. But characters doing things for no reason is kinda my pet peeve. I'm okay if your characters act a little ooc, and I have no problem with magical plot devices, (mothering pills for instance, I mean does formula not exist in equestria? Where else is the demand for ponies who didn't just give birth to produce breast milk?) and like I said I'm okay with whatever machinations you want to use to explain why Scootaloo is physically and sort of mentally a foal but also sort of isn't.

But I hate in when authors have character driven actions happen and then don't provide a reason. It wouldn't necessarily have to be a good reason if you can show that your character is acting on misinformation or faulty assumptions, but I feel like you owe it to the reader to explore your characters motivations, especially on the big decisions.
Something to think about for next time I guess.

5203539 Well in any case, thanks for the honest criticism. I'll try to keep it in mind for future chapters.

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